A splitter is a bar that divides a window area in two sections. These sections are referred to as panes or frames.. The splitter bar is used to create independent sections holding various controls. The splitter can divide the sections horizontally or vertically, depending on how you create it. Among other things, the design and implementation allows to display related data.
To create a splitter bar, click the Splitter control from the Additional tab of the Component Palette. The
Splitter must be added to a control that has the Align property set to a value other than
alNone. If the splitter is embedded to a control that has the alLeft or
alRight Align property, it will create two vertical sections. If the
Align property of a control is set to
alTop or alBottom when receiving the splitter, this creates two horizontal sections. By using a combination of panels and other controls, you can divide the window in as many sections as necessary and in any way.