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Introduction to C++
Variable and Data Types
Operators and Operands
Introduction to Functions
Exploring Functions
C++ Projects and Linkage
Logical Comparisons
Conditional Statements
Constructing Expressions
Intermediate Operations
Introduction to Arrays
Introduction to Pointers
Arrays and Pointers
Pointers and Functions
Data Input/Output
Exception Handling
User-Defined Types
Introduction to Classes
Object Initialization and Tuning
Object Construction and Destruction
Arrays and Pointers of Classes
Operator Overloading
Combining Objects
Exceptions and Classes
Composition and Inheritance
Polymorphism and Abstraction

Linked Lists

C++ is a language used to communicate with the computer. It works by writing a series of instructions that another program, called a compiler, can analyze and "transmit" to the machine. This site provides lessons, topics, and links that teach how to use this computer language.

An electronic book (ebook) version of this site with updated material is available for purchase.


Reference Methods

When creating a C++ class, you can add a member function that returns a reference. This is  a review of how to proceed. This also includes a comparison of reference methods with set and get accessories.

File Processing (FILE)

This is a review of how to save values to a medium using the FILE structure of the C language.

File Processing (fstream)

The C++ language provides the fstream and its inherited classes used to perform file processing as we review them here

Array-Based Lists

Use a class to create a list that uses an array as the main object of the list.

Object Serialization

This is a brief description of how you can save a whole variable declared from a class, and how you can read or retrieve it from a stream.

Introduction to Templates by James Prasanna
     Keywords      References
bool break Project Creation Depending on Compiler
else for C++ Operators Precedence
inline static Clearing the screen
typedef Anonymous Classes
C/C++ Comments
Introduction to Templates
     Example Programs
These are usually small programs that implement a particular or more than one topic, showing how the C++ language is used.
General Concepts Functions Classes
The Simplest Program Passing Arguments A Simple Class
If-Else Condition Arguments By Value Constructor Initializer
Exception Handling Returning a Reference Array of Objects
String Data Entry Returning a Pointer A Class Member Variable
A Simple List Returning a double-Pointer An Class As Argument
Linear Search Returning a Reference to a Pointer Class Nesting
Linked List 1 An Array of Pointers to Class
     Math-Oriented Examples
Absolute Value Calculation Sum of a Range of Values Greatest Common Divisor 1
Square Root Calculation Minimum Value Greatest Common Divisor 2
Maximum Value
Car Rental Multiple Choice Question
     External References

You can find additional information on the following

Deakin University (Australia)

Normally, the lessons are for the C language but a couple of chapters make a transition to C++.


These are intermediate articles in C++, covering some areas you should move to once you know the fundamentals of C++.

A few (simple) examples of C++ programs

Many useful examples of programs, including linked lists

C++ in AP Computer Science

A listing of the programs used in the Advanced Placement exam.

Alex Russell's Dos Game Programming in C for Beginners

Tutorials on developing DOS screens using the C language.

Other Links
     Free Compilers

Dev-C++: This is a free compiler from Bloodshed. The registration costs $20 which is used to help develop the compiler. I think that this is good compiler for a beginner. If you register and pay $20, I will not receive a cent from it.

Borland C++ 5.5: This compiler is provided by Borland.
Installing the Borland C++ compiler
Other (Free) Compilers


C++ For C++ Builder Managed C++ C++/CLI Copyright © 2000-2016, FunctionX, Inc. Microsoft Access