
Classes and Indexed Properties


Fundamentals of Indexed Properties and Classes



We learned to create and use indexed properties that were taking parameters of primitive types. Just as we did with primitive types, you can create an indexed property that is of a class type. For example, you can create a class so that one of the its member variables declared as an array can be accessed with an index directly applied to an instance of the class.

Practical Learning: Introducing Indexers and Classes

  1. Start Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 or Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition
  2. To start a new project, on the main menu, click File -> New -> Project...
  3. In the Project Types, make sure Visual C++ is selected.
    In the Templates list, click CLR Empty Project
  4. Set the name to PropertyRental2 and click OK
  5. To create a new class, on the main menu, click Project -> Add Class...
  6. In the Templates list, click C++ Class and click Acc
  7. Set the Name to CRentalProperty and click Finish
  8. Change the header file as follows:
    #pragma once
    using namespace System;
    public ref class CRentalProperty
        long propCode;
        String ^ cond;
        short beds;
        double baths;
        double val;
        property long PropertyCode
            long get() { return propCode; }
            void set(long value) { propCode = value; }
        property String ^ PropertyCondition
            String ^ get() { return cond; }
            void set(String ^ value) { cond = value; }
        property short Bedrooms
            short get() { return beds; }
            void set(short value) { beds = value; }
        property double Bathrooms
            double get() { return (baths <= 0) ? 0.00 : baths; }
            void set(double value) { baths = value; }
        property double MonthlyRent
            double get() { return (val <= 0) ? 0.00 : val; }
            void set(double value) { val = value; }
    	virtual String ^ ToString() override;
  9. Open the RentalProperty.cpp file and change it as follows:
    #include "RentalProperty.h"
        Random ^ rnd = gcnew Random();
        propCode = rnd->Next(100000, 999999);
        cond = L"Unknown";
        beds = 0;
        baths = 0.0;
        val = 0.00;
    String ^ CRentalProperty::ToString()
        return L"Property #:   " + PropertyCode +
               L"\nCondition:    " + PropertyCondition +
               L"\nBedrooms:     " + Bedrooms +
               L"\nBathrooms:    " + Bathrooms +
               L"\nMonthly Rent: " + MonthlyRent.ToString("C");
  10. To create a new class, on the main menu, click Project -> Add Class...
  11. In the Templates list, make sure C++ Class is selected and click Add
  12. Set the Name to CPropertyListing and press Enter
  13. Change the header file as follows:
    #pragma once
    #include "RentalProperty.h"
    public ref class CPropertyListing
        array<CRentalProperty ^> ^ props;
        property String ^ default[long]
            String ^ get(long code)
                for (int i = 0; i < props->Length; i++)
                    if (code == props[i]->PropertyCode)
                        return L"Property #:   " + 
    				props[i]->PropertyCode +
                               L"\nCondition:    " + 
    				props[i]->PropertyCondition +
                               L"\nBedrooms:     " + 
    				props[i]->Bedrooms +
                               L"\nBathrooms:    " + 
    				props[i]->Bathrooms +
                               L"\nMonthly Rent: " + 
                return L"Unidentifiable Property";
  14. Access the PropertyListing.cpp source file and change it as follows:
    #include "PropertyListing.h"
        Random ^ rnd = gcnew Random;
        props = gcnew array<CRentalProperty ^>(40);
        // Create a few properties ready to be rented
        props[0] = gcnew CRentalProperty;
        props[0]->PropertyCode = rnd->Next(100000, 999999);
        props[0]->PropertyCondition = L"Excellent";
        props[0]->Bedrooms = 5;
        props[0]->Bathrooms = 3.5;
        props[0]->MonthlyRent = 2650;
        props[1] = gcnew CRentalProperty;
        props[1]->PropertyCode = rnd->Next(100000, 999999);
        props[1]->PropertyCondition = L"Excellent";
        props[1]->Bedrooms = 3;
        props[1]->Bathrooms = 2.5;
        props[1]->MonthlyRent = 1750;
        props[2] = gcnew CRentalProperty;
        props[2]->PropertyCode = rnd->Next(100000, 999999);
        props[2]->PropertyCondition = L"Good";
        props[2]->Bedrooms = 4;
        props[2]->Bathrooms = 2.5;
        props[2]->MonthlyRent = 2450;
        props[3] = gcnew CRentalProperty;
        props[3]->PropertyCode = rnd->Next(100000, 999999);
        props[3]->PropertyCondition = L"Excellent";
        props[3]->Bedrooms = 1;
        props[3]->Bathrooms = 1.0;
        props[3]->MonthlyRent = 880;
        props[4] = gcnew CRentalProperty;
        props[4]->PropertyCode = rnd->Next(100000, 999999);
        props[4]->PropertyCondition = L"Excellent";
        props[4]->Bedrooms = 3;
        props[4]->Bathrooms = 2.5;
        props[4]->MonthlyRent = 1880;
        props[5] = gcnew CRentalProperty;
        props[5]->PropertyCode = rnd->Next(100000, 999999);
        props[5]->PropertyCondition = L"Good";
        props[5]->Bedrooms = 2;
        props[5]->Bathrooms = 1.0;
        props[5]->MonthlyRent = 1050;
        // Since we don't yet have a complete list of properties
        // Create some empty ones
        for (int i = 6; i < 40; i++)
            props[i] = gcnew CRentalProperty;
  15. To create a new file, on the main menu, click Project -> Add New Item...
  16. In the Templates list, click C++ File (.cpp)
  17. Set the name to Exercise and click OK
  18. Implement the file as follows:
    using namespace System;
    #include "PropertyListing.h"
    int main()
        CPropertyListing ^ properties = gcnew CPropertyListing;
        long lngCode;
        Console::WriteLine(L"Here is a list of our properties by code");
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            Console::WriteLine(L"Property Code: {0}",
    	Console::Write("Enter Property Code: ");
    	lngCode = long::Parse(Console::ReadLine());
            Console::WriteLine(L"Property Information");
        catch(FormatException ^)
            Console::WriteLine(L"=- Invalid Property Code -=");
        return 0;
  19. Press Ctrl + F5 to execute the application. Here is an example:
    Here is a list of our properties by code
    Property Code: 355443
    Property Code: 653004
    Property Code: 800118
    Property Code: 839375
    Property Code: 148561
    Property Code: 697001
    Enter Property Code: 697001
    Property Information
    Property #:   697001
    Condition:    Good
    Bedrooms:     2
    Bathrooms:    1
    Monthly Rent: $1,050.00
    Press any key to continue . . .
  20. Close the DOS window

An Integer-Based Indexed Property

Before designing an indexed property that is class-based, first create the class that will be used as the data type. The class can be simple or complex as you judge it necessary. Here is an example of a simple class:

public ref class CStudent
    String ^ FirstName;
    String ^ LastName;
    int      Gender;

When creating the class that will host the indexed property, declare an array member variable for the class. Then, create the default property with the desired accessor(s). Here is an example:

public ref class CStudent
    String ^ FirstName;
    String ^ LastName;
    int      Gender;

public ref class CSchoolRegistration
    array<CStudent ^> ^ std;

    property CStudent ^ default[int]
        CStudent ^ get(int i) { return std[i]; }

	std = gcnew array<CStudent ^>(5);

After creating the indexing class, you can use it and access the indexed property; for example, you can retrieve its value(s). Here is an example:

using namespace System;

public ref class CStudent
    String ^ FirstName;
    String ^ LastName;
    int      Gender;

public ref class CSchoolRegistration
    array<CStudent ^> ^ std;

    property CStudent ^ default[int]
        CStudent ^ get(int i) { return std[i]; }

	std = gcnew array<CStudent ^>(5);
        std[0] = gcnew CStudent;
        std[0]->FirstName = L"Alfredo";
        std[0]->LastName = L"Olmos";
        std[0]->Gender = 2;

        std[1] = gcnew CStudent;
        std[1]->FirstName = L"Patricia";
        std[1]->LastName = L"Katts";
        std[1]->Gender = 1;

        std[2] = gcnew CStudent;
        std[2]->FirstName = L"Josiane";
        std[2]->LastName = L"Euler";
        std[2]->Gender = 1;

        std[3] = gcnew CStudent;
        std[3]->FirstName = L"Joan";
        std[3]->LastName = L"Jones";
        std[3]->Gender = 3;

        std[4] = gcnew CStudent;
        std[4]->FirstName = L"George";
        std[4]->LastName = L"Paulson";
        std[4]->Gender = 2;

int main()
    CSchoolRegistration ^ pupils = gcnew CSchoolRegistration;

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        CStudent ^ pupil = pupils[i];

        Console::WriteLine(L"Student Information");
        Console::WriteLine(L"First Name: {0}", pupil->FirstName);
        Console::WriteLine(L"Last Name:  {0}", pupil->LastName);
        Console::WriteLine(L"Gender:     {0}\n",
                             (pupil->Gender == 1 ? "Female" :
                             (pupil->Gender == 2 ? "Male" : "Unknown")));

    return 0;

This would produce:

Student Information
First Name: Alfredo
Last Name:  Olmos
Gender:     Male

Student Information
First Name: Patricia
Last Name:  Katts
Gender:     Female

Student Information
First Name: Josiane
Last Name:  Euler
Gender:     Female

Student Information
First Name: Joan
Last Name:  Jones
Gender:     Unknown

Student Information
First Name: George
Last Name:  Paulson
Gender:     Male

Press any key to continue . . .

Practical Learning: Using an Integer-Based Indexer

  1. To create an indexed property that takes an integer and returns an object, access the PropertyListing.h header file and change it as follows:
    #pragma once
    #include "RentalProperty.h"
    public ref class CPropertyListing
        array<CRentalProperty ^> ^ props;
        property CRentalProperty ^ default[int]
            CRentalProperty ^ get(int i) { return props[i]; }
        property String ^ default[long]
            String ^ get(long code)
                . . . No Change
  2. Access the Exercise.cpp source file and change it as follows:
    using namespace System;
    #include "PropertyListing.h"
    int main()
        CPropertyListing ^ properties = gcnew CPropertyListing;
        Console::WriteLine(L"Here is a list of our properties");
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            CRentalProperty ^ prop = properties[i];
            Console::WriteLine(L"Property Information");
            Console::WriteLine(L"Property #:   {0}", prop->PropertyCode);
            Console::WriteLine(L"Condition:    {0}", prop->PropertyCondition);
            Console::WriteLine(L"Bedrooms:     {0}", prop->Bedrooms);
            Console::WriteLine(L"Bathrooms:    {0}", prop->Bathrooms);
            Console::WriteLine(L"Monthly Rent: {0}", prop->MonthlyRent.ToString("C"));
        return 0;
  3. Press Ctrl + F5 to execute the application
  4. Close the DOS window

An Indexed Property Using Another Primitive Type

The above implementation of the CSchoolRegistration class easily allowed us to locate an element of the array by specifying its integer-based index. As done for primitive types, an indexed property can take a parameter other than an integer. In some cases, you may use your class or a class created by someone else and need to access an element of the array without information other than its index. Consider the following program:

public ref class CStudent

public ref class CSchoolRegistration
    array<CStudent ^> ^ students;

    property CStudent ^ default[...]

	students = gcnew array<CStudent ^>(50);

Previously, we saw that you could create an indexed property that took a type other than an integer. For example, we saw that a string could be used as an index.

By now, we know that a basic indexed property produces (or all the indexed properties we have studied so far produce) only one value. If you have a class that has only one member variable, this would be enough. In reality, most of the time, a class has many member variables. In such a case, when you create an indexed property , you need to be able to refer to one exact element of the array. To make this possible, you must define a way to point to the particular element you want. One way you can do this is to use one member variable of the class as a reference. This is better if that member variable holds unique values among the other elements of the array. For our CStudent class, we could use the StudentID member variable (because we will make sure that each student has a unique ID). You can start the property as follows:

public ref class CSchoolRegistration
    property CStudent ^ default[long]

When a user uses this property, he or she must provide a value that uniquely identifies an element of the array. You in turn, when you get this value, you can search for it in the array. If you find it and the array has a get accessor, you can then return the desired but appropriate value. Here is how this can be done:

public ref class CSchoolRegistration
    array<CStudent ^> ^ students;

    property CStudent ^ default[long]
        CStudent ^ get(long id)
            for (int i = 0; i < students->Length; i++)
                if (students[i]->StudentID == id)
                    return students[i];
            // Unknown student or the number was not found
            return nullptr;

	students = gcnew array<CStudent ^>(50);

After creating the indexed property, you can use it. Once again, you must follow the rules of a method that takes an argument and returns a value other than void. In this case, the indexed property must take a string and it must return a CStudent object. Here is an example:

using namespace System;

public enum Classification

public ref class CStudent
    long StudentID;
    String ^ FirstName;
    String ^ LastName;
    Classification Gender;

    virtual String ^ ToString() override
		String ^ str = String::Concat(L"Student ID: ", StudentID.ToString(),
                       L"\nFirst Name: ", FirstName,
                       L"\nLast Name:  ", LastName,
                       L"\nGender:     ", Gender);
        return str;

public ref class CSchoolRegistration
    array<CStudent ^> ^ students;

	property CStudent ^ default[long]
        CStudent ^ get(long id)
            for (int i = 0; i < students->Length; i++)
                if (students[i]->StudentID == id)
                    return students[i];
            // Unknown student or the number was not found
            return nullptr;

	students = gcnew array<CStudent ^>(50);

        students[0] = gcnew CStudent;
        students[0]->StudentID = 917294;
        students[0]->FirstName = L"Helene";
        students[0]->LastName = L"Mukoko";
	students[0]->Gender = Female;

        students[1] = gcnew CStudent;
        students[1]->StudentID = 283764;
        students[1]->FirstName = L"Patrice";
        students[1]->LastName = L"Katts";
        students[1]->Gender = Unknown;

        students[2] = gcnew CStudent;
        students[2]->StudentID = 192046;
        students[2]->FirstName = L"Armand";
        students[2]->LastName = L"Essono";
        students[2]->Gender = Male;

        students[3] = gcnew CStudent;
        students[3]->StudentID = 618268;
        students[3]->FirstName = L"Bertrand";
        students[3]->LastName = L"Yamaguchi";
        students[3]->Gender = Male;

        students[4] = gcnew CStudent;
        students[4]->StudentID = 820648;
        students[4]->FirstName = L"Hortense";
        students[4]->LastName = L"McNeal";
        students[4]->Gender = Female;

int main()
    CSchoolRegistration ^ pupils = gcnew CSchoolRegistration;

    CStudent ^ pupil = pupils[820648];

    Console::WriteLine(L"Student Information");
    Console::WriteLine(L"First Name: {0}", pupil->FirstName);
    Console::WriteLine(L"Last Name:  {0}", pupil->LastName);
    Console::Write(L"Gender:     ");

    pupil = pupils[192046];

    Console::WriteLine(L"Student Information");
    Console::WriteLine(L"First Name: {0}", pupil->FirstName);
    Console::WriteLine(L"Last Name:  {0}", pupil->LastName);
    Console::Write(L"Gender:     ");

    return 0;

This would produce:

Student Information
First Name: Hortense
Last Name:  McNeal
Gender:     Female

Student Information
First Name: Armand
Last Name:  Essono
Gender:     Male

Press any key to continue . . .

Topics on Indexed Properties and Classes


A Class as Index

As opposed to returning a class, an indexed property can use a class as its index. When creating such a property, the primary action you must take is to include a class and its name as a parameter to the default property. You can start such a class as follows:

public ref class CStudent

public ref class CSchoolRegistration
    array<CStudent ^> ^ students;

    property String ^ default[CStudent ^]

        students = gcnew array<CStudent ^>(50);

When implementing the class, you should proceed the same way we have done so far following the rules of a method that takes an argument and returns a value other than void. Here is an example:

public ref class CSchoolRegistration
    array<CStudent ^> ^ students;

    property String ^ default[CStudent ^]
        String ^ get(CStudent ^ std)
            for (int i = 0; i < students->Length; i++)
		String ^ strGender =
			(students[i]->Gender == Female ? L"Female" :
			(students[i]->Gender == Male ? L"Male" : L"Unknown"));
                if (std->StudentID == students[i]->StudentID)
			return L"Student ID: " + students[i]->StudentID.ToString() +
 		 	       L"\nFirst Name: " + students[i]->FirstName +
                               L"\nLast Name:  " + students[i]->LastName +
                               L"\nGender:     " + strGender;

            // Unknown student or the number was not found
            return L"Unknown";

        students = gcnew array<CStudent ^>(50);

After creating the property, you can use it. To do this, you must pass an object that is the type of the index. You can then use the returned value as you see fit. Here is an example:

using namespace System;

public enum Classification

public ref class CStudent
	long StudentID;
    String ^ FirstName;
    String ^ LastName;
    Classification Gender;

public ref class CSchoolRegistration
    array<CStudent ^> ^ students;

    property String ^ default[CStudent ^]
        String ^ get(CStudent ^ std)
            for (int i = 0; i < students->Length; i++)
		String ^ strGender =
			(students[i]->Gender == Female ? L"Female" :
				(students[i]->Gender == Male ? L"Male" : L"Unknown"));
                if (std->StudentID == students[i]->StudentID)
			return L"Student ID: " + students[i]->StudentID.ToString() +
	 	 	       L"\nFirst Name: " + students[i]->FirstName +
                               L"\nLast Name:  " + students[i]->LastName +
                               L"\nGender:     " + strGender;

            // Unknown student or the number was not found
            return L"Unknown";

        students = gcnew array<CStudent ^>(50);

        students[0] = gcnew CStudent();
        students[0]->StudentID = 917294;
        students[0]->FirstName = L"Helene";
        students[0]->LastName = L"Mukoko";
        students[0]->Gender = Female;

        students[1] = gcnew CStudent();
        students[1]->StudentID = 283764;
        students[1]->FirstName = L"Patrice";
        students[1]->LastName = L"Katts";
        students[1]->Gender = Unknown;

        students[2] = gcnew CStudent();
        students[2]->StudentID = 192046;
        students[2]->FirstName = L"Armand";
        students[2]->LastName = L"Essono";
        students[2]->Gender = Male;

        students[3] = gcnew CStudent();
        students[3]->StudentID = 618268;
        students[3]->FirstName = L"Bertrand";
        students[3]->LastName = L"Yamaguchi";
        students[3]->Gender = Male;

        students[4] = gcnew CStudent();
        students[4]->StudentID = 820648;
        students[4]->FirstName = L"Hortense";
        students[4]->LastName = L"McNeal";
        students[4]->Gender = Female;

        students[5] = gcnew CStudent();
        students[5]->StudentID  = 917394;
        students[5]->FirstName = L"Alfredo";
        students[5]->LastName = L"Olmos";
        students[5]->Gender = Unknown;

        students[6] = gcnew CStudent();
        students[6]->StudentID  = 163864;
        students[6]->FirstName = L"Josiane";
        students[6]->LastName = L"Euler";
        students[6]->Gender = Female;

        students[7] = gcnew CStudent();
        students[7]->StudentID  = 826384;
        students[7]->FirstName = L"Joan";
        students[7]->LastName = L"Jones";
        students[7]->Gender =  Female ;

int main()
    CSchoolRegistration ^ pupils = gcnew CSchoolRegistration;

    CStudent ^ pupil = gcnew CStudent;
    pupil->StudentID = 820648;

    String ^ strStudent = pupils[pupil];

    Console::WriteLine(L"Student Information");

    pupil->StudentID = 192046;
    strStudent = pupils[pupil];

    Console::WriteLine(L"Student Information");

    return 0;

This would produce:

Student Information
Student ID: 820648
First Name: Hortense
Last Name:  McNeal
Gender:     Female
Student Information
Student ID: 192046
First Name: Armand
Last Name:  Essono
Gender:     Male

Press any key to continue . . .

You can also directly pass an instance of the class in the square brackets of the object that holds the indexed property, as long as you specify the object. Here is an example:

public ref class CStudent
    ... No Change

    CStudent(long id)
        this->StudentID = id;

public ref class CSchoolRegistration
    array<CStudent ^> ^ students;

    property String ^ default[CStudent ^]
        ... No Change

        students = gcnew array<CStudent ^>(50);

        ... No Change

int main()
    CSchoolRegistration ^ pupils = gcnew CSchoolRegistration;

    String ^ strStudent = pupils[gcnew CStudent(826384)];
    Console::WriteLine(L"Student Information");

    strStudent = pupils[gcnew CStudent(917394)];

    Console::WriteLine(L"Student Information");

    return 0;

This would produce:

Student Information
Student ID: 826384
First Name: Joan
Last Name:  Jones
Gender:     Female
Student Information
Student ID: 917394
First Name: Alfredo
Last Name:  Olmos
Gender:     Unknown

Press any key to continue . . .

Overloading a Class-Based Indexed Property

As mentioned for indexed properties that return primitive types, you can overload an indexed property that produces a class. You do this following the same rules applied to method overloading and arrays:

Practical Learning: Overloading an Indexed Property

  1. To overload the indexed property, access the PropertyListing.h header file and change it as follows:
    #pragma once
    #include "RentalProperty.h"
    public ref class CPropertyListing
        array<CRentalProperty ^> ^ props;
        property CRentalProperty ^ default[int]
            CRentalProperty ^ get(int i)
                    if ((i >= 0) && (i < 40))
                        return props[i];
                    else return nullptr;
        property CRentalProperty ^ default[long]
            CRentalProperty ^ get(long code)
                for (int i = 0; i < props->Length; i++)
                        if (code == props[i]->PropertyCode)
                        return props[i];
                return nullptr;
  2. Access the Exercise.cpp source file and change it as follows:
    using namespace System;
    #include "PropertyListing.h"
    int main()
        CPropertyListing ^ properties = gcnew CPropertyListing();
        long lngCode;
        Console::WriteLine(L"Here is a list of our properties by code");
        for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            Console::WriteLine(L"Property Code: {0}",
        try {
    	Console::Write("Enter Property Code: ");
    	lngCode = long::Parse(Console::ReadLine());
            Console::WriteLine(L"Property Information");
        catch(FormatException ^)
            Console::WriteLine(L"=- Invalid Property Code -=");
        return 0;
  3. Press Ctrl + F5 to execute the application 
  4. Close the DOS window

Read/Write Indexed Properties

As done for a primitive type, you can allow the clients of your indexed property to assign values to the array's elements. Once again, when defining the property, you should include a set accessor to it. You must pass two parameters to the set accessor. The first parameter is used to identify the index of the array element that will receive the value. The second parameter holds the value that will be assigned to the element of the indexed property. Here is an example:

public ref class CSchoolRegistration
    array<CStudent ^> ^  std;

    property CStudent ^ default[int]
        CStudent ^ get(int i) { return std[i]; }
        void set(int i, CStudent ^ value) { std[i] = value; }

	std = gcnew array<CStudent ^>(5);

After doing this, you can create an element of the array by applying the square brackets to the instance of the class and assigning the desired value to it. The problem with the class is that, since it may have many member variables (or properties), to completely define each element, you must provide a value to the member variables of the class itself. Here is an example:

using namespace System;

public ref class CStudent
    long StudentID;
    String ^ FirstName;
    String ^ LastName;
    String ^ Gender;

    virtual String ^ ToString() override
        String ^ str = L"Student ID: " + StudentID +
                       L"\nFirst Name: " + FirstName +
                       L"\nLast Name:  " + LastName +
                       L"\nGender:     " + Gender;
        return str;

public ref class CSchoolRegistration
    array<CStudent ^> ^ std;

    property CStudent ^ default[int]
        CStudent ^ get(int i) { return std[i]; }
        void set(int i, CStudent ^ value)
	    std[i] = value;

	std = gcnew array<CStudent ^>(5);

int main()
    CSchoolRegistration ^ registration = gcnew CSchoolRegistration;

    CStudent ^ stud = gcnew CStudent;
    stud->StudentID = 604057;
    stud->FirstName = L"Gertrude";
    stud->LastName  = L"Monayong";
    stud->Gender    = L"Female";
    registration[2] = stud;

    Console::WriteLine(L"Student Information");
    Console::WriteLine(L"First Name: {0}", registration[2]->FirstName);
    Console::WriteLine(L"Last Name:  {0}", registration[2]->LastName);
    Console::WriteLine(L"Gender:     {0}\n", registration[2]->Gender);
    return 0;

This would produce:

Student Information
First Name: Gertrude
Last Name:  Monayong
Gender:     Female

Press any key to continue . . .

Practical Learning: Using an Indexed Property

  1. To combine some of the topics we have studied so far, we will create a serializable list of rental properties in a file based database application.
    To create a new application, on the main menu, click File -> New -> Project...
  2. In the Templates list, click CLR Empty Project.
    Set the Name to SolasPropertRental1 and click OK
  3. To create a new class, in the Solution Explorer, right-click SolasPropertyRental1 -> Add -> Class...
  4. In the Templates list, click C++ Class and click Add
  5. Set the Name to CRentalProperty and click Finish
  6. Implement the header file as follows:
    #pragma once
    using namespace System;
    public ref class CRentalProperty
        // These are the characteristics of a property
        long     propCode;
        String ^ type;
        String ^ cond;
        short    beds;
        double   baths;
        double   val;
        property long PropertyCode
            long get() { return propCode; }
            void set(long value) { propCode = value; }
        property String ^ PropertyType
            String ^ get() { return type; }
            void set(String ^ value) { type = value; }
        property String ^ PropertyCondition
            String ^ get() { return cond; }
            void set(String ^ value) { cond = value; }
        property short Bedrooms
            short get() { return beds; }
            void set(short value) { beds = value; }
        property double Bathrooms
            double get() { return (baths <= 0) ? 0.00 : baths; }
            void set(double value) { baths = value; }
        property double MonthlyRent
            double get() { return (val <= 0) ? 0.00 : val; }
            void set(double value) { val = value; }
        // This flag is used to specify whether a property 
        // still holds the default values or it has 
        // previously been updated
        int CreationFlag;
        // This constructor is used to create 
        // default values for a property
        virtual String ^ ToString() override;
  7. Access the RentalProperty.cpp source file and change it as follows:
    #include "RentalProperty.h"
        Random ^ rnd = gcnew Random();
        propCode     = rnd->Next(100000, 999999);
    	type         = L"Unknown";
        cond         = L"Unknown";
        beds         = 0;
        baths        = 0.0;
        val          = 0.00;
    	CreationFlag = 0;
    // This method is used to create a string that
    // the characteristics of a property
    String ^ CRentalProperty::ToString()
        return L"Property #:   " + PropertyCode +
               L"\nType:         " + PropertyType +
               L"\nCondition:    " + PropertyCondition +
               L"\nBedrooms:     " + Bedrooms +
               L"\nBathrooms:    " + Bathrooms +
               L"\nMonthly Rent: " + MonthlyRent.ToString("C");
  8. To create a new class, in the Class View, right-click SolasPropertyRental1 -> Add -> Class...
  9. In the Templates list, click C++ Class and click Add
  10. Set the Name to CPropertyListing and click Finish
  11. Change the header file as follows:
    #pragma once
    #include "RentalProperty.h"
    using namespace System::IO;
    using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization;
    using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization::Formatters::Binary;
    public ref class CPropertyListing
        array<CRentalProperty ^> ^ props;
        property CRentalProperty ^ default[int]
            CRentalProperty ^ get(int i)
                if( (i >= 0) && (i < 100) )
                    return props[i];
    		return nullptr;
    	void set(int i, CRentalProperty ^ value)
    	    props[i] = value;
  12. In the Class View, right-click CPropertyListing -> Add -> Function...
  13. Set the Return Type to void
    Set the Function Name to SaveProperties
    Click Finish and implement the method as follows:
    void CPropertyListing::SaveProperties()
        String ^ strFilename = L"Properties.prp";
        FileStream ^ fstProperties = gcnew FileStream(strFilename, 
        BinaryFormatter ^ bfmProperties = gcnew BinaryFormatter;
        try {
    	bfmProperties->Serialize(fstProperties, this->props);
        catch(ArgumentNullException ^)
    	Console::WriteLine(L"The properties listing is not available");
        catch(SerializationException ^)
    	Console::WriteLine(L"The listing could not be saved");
        finally {
  14. In the Class View, right-click CPropertyListing -> Add -> Function...
  15. Set the Return Type to void
    Set the Function Name to CreateDefaultListing
    Click Finish and implement the method as follows:
    void CPropertyListing::CreateDefaultListing(void)
        Random ^ rndNumber = gcnew Random;
        for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    	CRentalProperty ^ rental = gcnew CRentalProperty;
    	rental->PropertyCode = rndNumber->Next(100000, 999999);
    	rental->PropertyType = L"Unknown";
    	rental->PropertyCondition = L"Unknown";
    	rental->Bedrooms = 0;
    	rental->Bathrooms = 0;
    	rental->MonthlyRent = 0.00;
    	rental->CreationFlag = 0;
    	props[i] = rental;
  16. In the Class View, right-click CPropertyListing -> Add -> Function...
  17. Set the Return Type to void
    Set the Function Name to OpenProperties
    Click Finish and implement the method as follows:
    void CPropertyListing::OpenProperties(void)
        String ^ strFilename = L"Properties.prp";
        FileStream ^ fstProperties = nullptr;
        BinaryFormatter ^ bfmProperties = nullptr;
        // If the list of properties had already been created
        // then open it
        if( File::Exists(strFilename) )
    	try {
    	    fstProperties = gcnew FileStream(strFilename,
    	    bfmProperties = gcnew BinaryFormatter;
    	    this->props = 
    		dynamic_cast<array<CRentalProperty ^>^>(
    	catch(ArgumentNullException ^)
    		L"The properties listing is not available");
    	catch(SerializationException ^)
    	    Console::WriteLine(L"The listing could not be opened");
  18. In the Class View, right-click CPropertyListing -> Add -> Function...
  19. Set the Return Type to void
    Set the Function Name to ShowProperties
    Click Finish and implement the method as follows:
    void CPropertyListing::ShowProperties(void)
        Console::WriteLine(L"Here is a list of our properties");
        for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
    			i + 1);
  20. In the Class View, right-click CPropertyListing -> Add -> Function...
  21. Set the Return Type to void
    Set the Function Name to CreateProperty
    Click Finish and implement the method as follows:
    void CPropertyListing::CreateProperty(void)
        CRentalProperty ^ prop = gcnew CRentalProperty;
        for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    	if( props[i]->CreationFlag == 0 )
    	    try {
    		Console::WriteLine(L"New Property Entry");
    		Console::WriteLine(L"Property Types");
    		Console::WriteLine(L"1 - Single Family");
    		Console::WriteLine(L"2 - Townhouse");
    		Console::WriteLine(L"3 - Apartment");
    		Console::Write(L"Enter your choice(1, 2, or 3): ");
    		int type = int::Parse(Console::ReadLine());
    		if( type == 1 )
    		    props[i]->PropertyType = L"Single Family";
    		else if( type == 2 )
    		    props[i]->PropertyType = L"Townhouse";
    		else if( type == 3 )
    		    props[i]->PropertyType = L"Apartment";
    		    props[i]->PropertyType = L"Unknown";
    	    catch(FormatException ^)
    		Console::WriteLine(L"Invalid Choice");
    	    try {
    		Console::WriteLine(L"Property Conditions");
    		Console::WriteLine(L"1 - Excellent");
    		Console::WriteLine(L"2 - Good");
    		Console::WriteLine(L"3 - Bad Shape");
    		Console::Write(L"Enter your choice(1, 2, or 3): ");
    		int cond = int::Parse(Console::ReadLine());
    		if( cond == 1 )
    		    props[i]->PropertyCondition = L"Excellent";
    		else if( cond == 2 )
    		    props[i]->PropertyCondition = L"Good";
    		else if( cond == 3 )
    		    props[i]->PropertyCondition = L"Bad Shape";
    		    props[i]->PropertyCondition = L"Unknown";
    	    catch(FormatException ^)
    		Console::WriteLine(L"Invalid Selection");
    	    try {
    		Console::Write(L"How many bedrooms? ");
    		props[i]->Bedrooms = 
    	    catch(FormatException ^)
    		Console::WriteLine("Invalid Value");
    	    try {
    		Console::Write(L"How many bathrooms? ");
    		props[i]->Bathrooms = 
    	    catch(FormatException ^)
    		Console::WriteLine("Invalid Value");
    	    try {
    		Console::Write(L"Monthly Rent: ");
    		props[i]->MonthlyRent = 
    	    catch(FormatException ^)
    		Console::WriteLine("Unrecognizable Value");
    	    props[i]->CreationFlag = 1;
        Console::WriteLine(L"You cannot create a new property."
    	        L"You can only modify or replace an existing one.");
  22. In the Class View, right-click CPropertyListing -> Add -> Function...
  23. Set the Return Type to void
    Set the Function Name to ShowProperty
    Click Finish and implement the method as follows:
    void CPropertyListing::ShowProperty(void)
        try {
    		L"Here is a list of our properties by code");
    	for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
    	    Console::WriteLine(L"Property Code: {0}",
    	Console::Write(L"Enter Property Code: ");
    	long code = long::Parse(Console::ReadLine());
    	for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    	    if( props[i]->PropertyCode == code )
    		Console::WriteLine(L"Property Information");
        catch(FormatException ^)
            Console::WriteLine(L"=- Invalid Property Code -=");
  24. Scroll up the PropertyListing.cpp source file and change the constructor as follows:
    #include "PropertyListing.h"
        props = gcnew array<CRentalProperty ^>(100);
        // Check if the default list of properties has never been created.
        // If there is no default list of properties,
        // Then create it and save the file
        if( !File::Exists(L"Properties.prp") )
        // Since we have a file that holds the list of properties
        // open it and store the properties in our array
  25. To create a new source file, on the main menu, click Project -> Add New Item...
  26. In the Templates list, click C++ File (.cpp)
  27. Set the Name to Exercise and press Enter
  28. Implement the file as follows:
    using namespace System;
    #include "PropertyListing.h"
    int main()
        CPropertyListing ^ properties = gcnew CPropertyListing();
        int choice = 0;
        do {
    	try {
    	    Console::WriteLine(L"What do you want to do?");
    	    Console::WriteLine(L"1. Create a new property");
    	    Console::WriteLine(L"2. See one particular property");
    	    Console::WriteLine(L"3. Show the properties");
    	    Console::WriteLine(L"0. Quit");
    	    Console::Write(L"Your Choice? ");
    	    choice = int::Parse(Console::ReadLine());
    	    if( choice == 1 )
    	    else if( choice == 2 )
    	    else if( choice == 3 )
    	catch(FormatException ^)
    	    Console::WriteLine(L"Invalide Choice");
        }while( (choice > 0) && (choice < 4) );
        return 0;
  29. Execute the application to test it

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