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Conditional Statements and Functions |
Involving a Conditional Statement in a Function
When performing its assignment, a function can encounter different situations, some of which would need to be checked for a true value, a false value or a negation. Therefore, a conditional statement can assist a procedure or function to decide what action to take or what value to produce.
Conditional Returns
A function can return only one value but you can make it produce a result that depends on some condition.
Practical Learning:
Conditionnally Returning a Value
Function GetDiscountRate(ByVal price As Double, ByVal days As Integer) As Integer Dim discountRate As Double If days > 70 Then discountRate = 70 ElseIf days > 50 Then discountRate = 50 ElseIf days > 30 Then discountRate = 35 ElseIf days > 15 Then discountRate = 15 End If GetDiscountRate = discountRate End Function Function CalculateMarketPrice(ByVal price As Double, Optional ByVal rate As Integer = 0#) As Integer Dim markedPrice As Double If rate = 0# Then markedPrice = 0# Else markedPrice = price * rate / 100# End If CalculateMarketPrice = markedPrice End Function Private Sub cmdCreate_Click() Dim unitPrice As Double Dim markedPrice As Double Dim discountRate As Double Dim daysInStore As Integer Dim discountedAmount As Double markedPrice = 0# daysInStore = CInt(txtDaysInStore) unitPrice = CDbl(txtUnitPrice) discountRate = GetDiscountRate(unitPrice, daysInStore) If discountRate = 0# Then discountedAmount = CalculateMarketPrice(unitPrice) Else discountedAmount = CalculateMarketPrice(unitPrice, discountRate) End If markedPrice = unitPrice - discountedAmount txtItemNumberRecord = txtItemNumberIdentification txtItemNameRecord = txtItemNameIdentification txtDiscountAmount = FormatCurrency(discountedAmount) txtMarkedPrice = FormatCurrency(markedPrice) End Sub
Function GetDiscountRate(ByVal price As Double, ByVal days As Integer) As Integer If days > 70 Then GetDiscountRate = 70 ElseIf days > 50 Then GetDiscountRate = 50 ElseIf days > 30 Then GetDiscountRate = 35 ElseIf days > 15 Then GetDiscountRate = 15 End If End Function Function CalculateMarketPrice(ByVal price As Double, _ ByVal Optional ByVal rate As Integer = 0#) As Integer If rate = 0# Then CalculateMarketPrice = 0# Else CalculateMarketPrice = price * rate / 100# End If End Function
Dim nbr As Long Dim nm As String Dim cost As Double Public Property Get ItemNumber() As Long ItemNumber = nbr End Property Public Property Let ItemNumber(ByVal value As Long) ItemNumber = value End Property Public Property Get ItemName() As Long ItemName = nm End Property Public Property Let ItemName(ByVal value As Long) ItemName = value End Property Public Property Get UnitPrice() As Long UnitPrice = cost End Property Public Property Let UnitPrice(ByVal value As Long) UnitPrice = value End Property
Introduction to Built-In Boolean Functions
Checking Whether a Variable Has Been Initialized
After declaring a variable, at any time, to let you check whether the variable has been initialized or holds a valid value, the Visual Basic language provides a function named IsEmpty. Its syntax is:
Public Function IsEmpty(ByVal Expression As Variant) As Boolean
When calling this function, pass the name of a variable to it. If the variable was already initialized, the function would return True. Otherwise, it would return False.
Checking Whether a Variable is an Object
After declaring a variable, at any time, to let you find out whether the variable in an Object type, the Visual Basic language provides a function named IsObject(). Its syntax is:
Public Function IsObject(ByVal VariableName As String) As Boolean
This function takes as argument the name of a variable. If the argument represents an object type, the function returns True. Otherwise, it returns False.
Learning: Checking Whether a Variable is an Object
Private Sub Command0_Click() Dim item If IsObject(item) Then MsgBox "The item is an object." Else MsgBox "This item doesn't use a reference type." End If Set item = New StoreItem If IsObject(item) Then MsgBox "The item is an object." Else MsgBox "This item doesn't use a reference type." End If Set item = Nothing End Sub
Checking Whether Something is Null
To help you find whether something, such as a control or a variable, has no valid value, that is, whether a control or a value is null, the Visual Basic language provides a function named IsNull. Its syntax is:
Public Function IsNull(ByVal expression As Variant) As Boolean
This function check the state of the. If the argument holds a valid value, the function returns True. If the argument holds no value or its value is not clear, the function returns False.
Practical Learning: Conditionally
Stating an Else Statement
Function CalculatePerimeter(ByVal value As Double) As Double CalculatePerimeter = value * 5# End Function Function CalculateDiagonal(ByVal value As Double) As Double CalculateDiagonal = value * (1# + Sqr(5#)) / 2# End Function Function CalculateArea(ByVal value As Double) As Double CalculateArea = value * value * Sqr((5# * (5# + (2# * Sqr(5#))))) / 4# End Function Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click() Dim side, perimeter, diagonal, area If IsNull(txtSide) Then side = 0# Else side = CDbl(txtSide) End If perimeter = CalculatePerimeter(side) diagonal = CalculateDiagonal(side) area = CalculateArea(side) txtPerimeter = CStr(perimeter) txtDiagonal = CStr(diagonal) txtArea = CStr(area) End Sub
Checking for Non-Zero
To help you check the value of an expression or a control, the VBA language provides a function named Nz. Its syntax is:
Nz(Value, ByVal Optional ValueIfNull IS NULL) As Variant
The function checks the value of the (first) argument. If Value is null, the function returns 0 or an empty string. The second argument is optional. You can provide it as an alternative to 0 in case the Value argument is null. This means that, when the first argument is null, instead of returning 0 or an empty string, the Nz() function would return the value of the second argument.
Learning: Checking for Non-Zero
Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click() Dim pricePerCCF As Double Dim monthlyCharges As Double Dim consumption As Double pricePerCCF = 50# monthlyCharges = 0# consumption = CDbl(Nz(txtConsumption)) If consumption >= 0.5 Then pricePerCCF = 35# txtPricePerCCF = pricePerCCF pricePerCCF = CDbl(txtPricePerCCF) monthlyCharges = consumption * pricePerCCF txtMonthlyCharges = Format(monthlyCharges, "Fixed") End Sub
Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click() Dim cost Dim salvageValue Dim estimatedLife Dim depreciation cost = CDbl(Nz(txtCost)) salvageValue = CDbl(Nz(txtSalvageValue)) estimatedLife = CDbl(Nz(txtEstimatedLife)) depreciation = SLN(cost, salvageValue, estimatedLife) txtDepreciation = FormatCurrency(depreciation) End Sub
If a Value is Numeric
Remember that any value that a user types in a text box is primarily considered as text. Before using or converting a value that is supposed to be numeric, to let you check whether it is a number, the Visual Basic language provides a function named IsNumeric. This function takes one argument as the value to check. If the argument is an integer or a floating-point number, the function returns True. If not, it returns False. Its syntax is:
Public Function IsNumeric(ByVal Expression As Variant) As Boolean
This function takes as argument the value or expression to be evaluated. If the argument holds or can produce a valid integer or a decimal value, the function returns True. Here is an example:
Private Sub cmdFunction_Click()
Dim Value As Variant
Value = 258.08 * 9920.3479
msgbox "Is Numeric? " & IsNumeric(Value)
End Sub
If the argument is holding a value that cannot be identified as a number, the function produces False. Here is an example:
Private Sub cmdFunction_Click()
Dim Value As Variant
Value = #12/4/1770#
MsgBox "Is Numeric? " & IsNumeric(Value)
End Sub
Learning: Checking Whether a Value Is Numeric
Function GetDiscountRate(ByVal price As Double, ByVal days As Integer) As Integer If days > 70 Then GetDiscountRate = 70 ElseIf days > 50 Then GetDiscountRate = 50 ElseIf days > 30 Then GetDiscountRate = 35 ElseIf days > 15 Then GetDiscountRate = 15 End If End Function Function CalculateMarketPrice(ByVal price As Double, _ ByVal Optional ByVal rate As Integer = 0#) As Integer If rate = 0# Then CalculateMarketPrice = 0# Else CalculateMarketPrice = price * rate / 100# End If End Function Private Sub cmdCreate_Click() Dim unitPrice As Double Dim markedPrice As Double Dim discountRate As Double Dim daysInStore As Integer Dim discountedAmount As Double If IsNumeric(txtDaysInStore) Then daysInStore = CInt(txtDaysInStore) If IsNumeric(txtUnitPrice) Then unitPrice = CDbl(txtUnitPrice) discountRate = GetDiscountRate(unitPrice, daysInStore) If discountRate = 0# Then discountedAmount = CalculateMarketPrice(unitPrice) Else discountedAmount = CalculateMarketPrice(unitPrice, discountRate) End If markedPrice = unitPrice - discountedAmount txtItemNumberRecord = txtItemNumberIdentification txtItemNameRecord = txtItemNameIdentification txtDiscountAmount = FormatCurrency(discountedAmount) txtMarkedPrice = FormatCurrency(markedPrice) End Sub
The Condition-Based Function
To assist you with checking a condition and its alternative, the Visual Basic language provides a function named IIf. This function operates like an If...Then...Else conditional statement. It takes three required arguments and returns a result of a type of your choice (actually an Object). It can be presented as follows:
Public Function IIf(ByVal Expression As Boolean, ByVal TruePart As Object, ByVal FalsePart As Object) As Object
The condition to check, a Boolean expression, is passed as the first argument:
Learning: Introducing the Immediate If Function
Private Sub cmdDecide_Click() Dim decision As String Dim creditScore As Integer Dim hasGoodCredit As Boolean creditScore = CInt(Nz(txtCreditScore)) hasGoodCredit = (creditScore >= 680) decision = IIf(hasGoodCredit = True, "Approved", "Denied") txtDecision = decision End Sub
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