
File Processing


Creating a File



In Microsoft Excel, instead of a worksheet, you could create a form-based application that your users would use. If (since) you have already used Windows-based applications, you are surely familiar with data entry on a form, in which case you use Windows controls.

File processing is the ability to store the values of a document in the computer so you can retrieve such values another time.

File processing is the ability to save values from an application and be able to get those values back when needed. The VBA language supports file processing.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing File Processing

  1. Start Microsoft Excel
  2. Double-click Sheet1, type Switchboard
  3. Double-click Sheet2 and type Employees
  4. Double-click Sheet3 and type Customers
  5. Click the next sheet tab (the Insert Worksheet)
  6. Double-click the new sheet tab and type Cars
  7. Click the next sheet tab (the Insert Worksheet)
  8. Double-click the new sheet tab and type Rental Rates
  9. Click the Switchboard tab
  10. Press and hold Shift
  11. Click the Rental Rates tab
  12. Release Shift
    Selecting Tab Sheets
  13. Click Cell B2 and type Bethesda Car Rental
  14. Click the Enter button Enter
  15. Format it as you see fit:
    Bethesda Car Rental
  16. Click the Employees sheet tab
  17. To save the workbook, press Ctrl + S
  18. In the top combo box, select the C drive (or any drive you want)
  19. Click the Create New Folder (Windows XP) or New Folder (Windows Vista) button
  20. Type Bethesda Car Rental as the name of the new folder and press Enter
  21. Make sure the new folder is selected.
    Change the file name to Business Records
  22. In the Save As Type combo box, select Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook
    Save As
  23. Click Save
  24. In the Employees sheet tab, click Cell B6 and type Employee #
  25. Create a list of employees
  26. Click Cell E7, type =D7 & ", " & C7 and click the Enter button Enter
  27. Drag its AutoFill down to Cell E13
  28. Click the Customers sheet tab
  29. Click Cell B6 and type Driver's Lic. #
  30. Create a list of customers
  31. Click the Cars sheet tab
  32. Click Cell B6 and type Tag Number
  33. Create a list of cars
  34. Click the Rental Rates sheet tab
  35. Click Cell B6 and type Category
  36. Complete the table with the following values:
    Category Daily Weekly Monthly Weekend
    Economy 35.95 32.75 28.95 24.95
    Compact 39.95 35.75 32.95 28.95
    Standard 45.95 39.75 35.95 32.95
    Full Size 49.95 42.75 38.95 35.95
    Mini Van 55.95 50.75 45.95 42.95
    SUV 55.95 50.75 45.95 42.95
    Truck 42.75 38.75 35.95 32.95
    Van 69.95 62.75 55.95 52.95
  37. To save the workbook, press Ctrl + S
  38. On the Ribbon, click Developer
  39. In the Code section of the Ribbon, click Visual Basic Visual Basic
  40. On the main menu of Microsoft Visual Basic, click Insert -> UserForm
  41. If the Properties window is not available, right-click the form and click Properties.
    In the Properties window, click (Name) and type frmNewRentalOrder
  42. Click Caption and type Bethesda Car Rental - Order Processing - New Rental Order
  43. Design the form as follows:
    Bethesda Car Rental
    Control (Name) Caption/Text Other Properties
    Label   Processed By BackColor: &H00808080&
    BorderColor: &H00000000&
    ForeColor: &H00FFFFFF&
    Label   Car Selected BackColor: &H00808080&
    BorderColor: &H00000000&
    ForeColor: &H00FFFFFF&
    Label   Employee #:  
    Text Box txtEmployeeNumber    
    Text Box txtEmployeeName    
    Label   Tag Number:  
    Text Box txtTagNumber    
    Label   Condition:  
    Combo Box cbxCarConditions    
    Label   Processed For BackColor: &H00808080&
    BorderColor: &H00000000&
    ForeColor: &H00FFFFFF&
    Label   Make:  
    Text Box txtMake    
    Label   Driver's Lic. #:  
    Text Box txtDrvLicenseNbr    
    Label   Model:  
    Text Box txtModel    
    Label   Name:  
    Text Box txtCustomerName    
    Label   Year:  
    Text Box txtCarYear   TextAlign: 3 - fmTextAlignRight
    Label   Tank Level:  
    Combo Box cbxTankLevels    
    Label   Address:  
    Text Box txtAddress    
    Label   Mileage Start:  
    Text Box txtMileageStart   TextAlign: 3 - fmTextAlignRight
    Label   Mileage End:  
    Text Box txtMileageEnd   TextAlign: 3 - fmTextAlignRight
    Label   City:  
    Text Box txtCity    
    Label   Order Evaluation BackColor: &H00808080&
    BorderColor: &H00000000&
    ForeColor: &H00FFFFFF&
    Label   State:  
    Text Box txtState    
    Label   ZIP Code:  
    Text Box txtZIPCode    
    Label   Rate Applied:  
    Text Box txtRateApplied 24.95 TextAlign: 3 - fmTextAlignRight
    Label   Tax Rate:  
    Text Box txtTaxRate 5.75 TextAlign: 3 - fmTextAlignRight
    Label     BackColor: &H00808080&
    BorderColor: &H00000000&
    ForeColor: &H00FFFFFF&
    Label   Days:  
    Text Box txtDays 0 TextAlign: 3 - fmTextAlignRight
    Label   Tax Amount:  
    Text Box txtTaxAmount 0.00 TextAlign: 3 - fmTextAlignRight
    Label   Start Date:  
    Text Box txtStartDate    
    Label   End Date:  
    Text Box txtEndDate    
    Label   Sub-Total:  
    Text Box txtSubTotal 0.00 TextAlign: 3 - fmTextAlignRight
    Label   Order Total:  
    Text Box txtOrderTotal 0.00 TextAlign: 3 - fmTextAlignRight
    Label   Receipt #:  
    Text Box txtReceiptNumber    
    Command Button cmdSave Save  
    Command Button cmdReset Reset / New Rental Order  
  44. Right-click the Employee Number text box and click View Code
  45. In the Procedure combo box, select Enter
  46. Implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub txtEmployeeNumber_Enter()
        REM When the Employee # has focus, activate the Employees worksheet
    End Sub
  47. In the Procedure combo box, select Exit
  48. Implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub txtEmployeeNumber_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    On Error GoTo txtEmployeeNumber_Error
        ' Check if the user left the Employee Number empty
        If txtEmployeeNumber.Text = "" Then
            ' If so, put leave the Employee Name empty
            txtEmployeeName.Text = ""
            ' If the user entered a valid employee #, use the Microsoft Excel's
            ' VLOOKUP() function to get the corresponding employee name
    	' We are using the range of cells from B7 to E13 but you can use a
    	' range of your choice as long as it contains the employees records
            txtEmployeeName.Text = _
                Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(txtEmployeeNumber.Text, _
                                    Worksheets(2).Range("B7:E13"), 4, False)
        End If
        Exit Sub
        ' If the user entered an invalid employee #, put Unknown in the name
        If Err.Number = 1004 Then
            txtEmployeeNumber.Text = ""
            txtEmployeeName.Text = "Unknown clerk"
        End If
    End Sub
  49. In the Object combo box, select txtTagNumber
  50. In the Procedure combo box, select Enter
  51. Implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub txtTagNumber_Enter()
    End Sub
  52. In the Procedure combo box, select Exit
  53. Implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub txtTagNumber_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    On Error GoTo txtTagNumber_Error
        ' Check if the user left the Tag Number text box empty
        If txtTagNumber.Text = "" Then
            ' If so, leave the car information empty
            txtTagNumber.Text = ""
            txtMake.Text = ""
            txtModel.Text = ""
            txtCarYear.Text = ""
            ' If the user entered a valid Tag Number, use the Microsoft Excel's
            ' VLOOKUP() function to get the corresponding car information
            txtMake.Text = _
                Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(txtTagNumber.Text, _
                                    Worksheets(4).Range("B6:I26"), 2, False)
            txtModel.Text = _
                Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(txtTagNumber.Text, _
                                    Worksheets(4).Range("B6:I26"), 3, False)
            txtCarYear.Text = _
                Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(txtTagNumber.Text, _
                                    Worksheets(4).Range("B6:I26"), 4, False)
        End If
        Exit Sub
        ' If the user entered an invalid tag #, leave the Tag Number empty
        If Err.Number = 1004 Then
            txtTagNumber.Text = ""
            txtMake.Text = ""
            txtModel.Text = ""
            txtCarYear.Text = ""
        End If
    End Sub
  54. In the Object combo box, select txtDrvLicenseNbr
  55. In the Procedure combo box, select Enter
  56. Implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub txtDrvLicenseNbr_Enter()
    End Sub
  57. In the Procedure combo box, select Exit
  58. Implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub txtDrvLicenseNbr_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    On Error GoTo txtDrvLicenseNbr_Error
        If txtDrvLicenseNbr.Text = "" Then
            txtCustomerName.Text = ""
            txtAddress.Text = ""
            txtCity.Text = ""
            txtState.Text = ""
            txtZIPCode.Text = ""
            txtCustomerName.Text = _
                Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(txtDrvLicenseNbr.Text, _
                                    Worksheets(3).Range("B6:I26"), 2, False)
            txtAddress.Text = _
                Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(txtDrvLicenseNbr.Text, _
                                    Worksheets(3).Range("B6:I26"), 3, False)
            txtCity.Text = _
                Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(txtDrvLicenseNbr.Text, _
                                    Worksheets(3).Range("B6:I26"), 4, False)
            txtState.Text = _
                Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(txtDrvLicenseNbr.Text, _
                                    Worksheets(3).Range("B6:I26"), 5, False)
            txtZIPCode.Text = _
                Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(txtDrvLicenseNbr.Text, _
                                    Worksheets(3).Range("B6:I26"), 6, False)
        End If
        Exit Sub
        If Err.Number = 1004 Then
            txtDrvLicenseNbr.Text = ""
            txtCustomerName.Text = ""
            txtAddress.Text = ""
            txtCity.Text = ""
            txtState.Text = ""
            txtZIPCode.Text = ""
        End If
    End Sub
  59. In the Object combo box, select txtRateApplied
  60. In the Procedure combo box, select Enter
  61. Implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub txtRateApplied_Enter()
    End Sub
  62. In the Object combo box, select UserForm
  63. In the Procedure combo box, select Activate
  64. Implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub ResetRentalOrder()
        Dim strRandomNumber As String
        ' Fill the Conditions combo box
        cbxCarConditions.AddItem "Needs Repair"
        cbxCarConditions.AddItem "Drivable"
        cbxCarConditions.AddItem "Excellent"
        ' Fill the Tank Level combo box
        cbxTankLevels.AddItem "Empty"
        cbxTankLevels.AddItem "1/4 Empty"
        cbxTankLevels.AddItem "1/2 Full"
        cbxTankLevels.AddItem "3/4 Full"
        cbxTankLevels.AddItem "Full"
        ' For a receipt number, we will create a random number
        strRandomNumber = CStr(CInt(Rnd * 9))
        strRandomNumber = strRandomNumber & CStr(CInt(Rnd * 9))
        strRandomNumber = strRandomNumber & CStr(CInt(Rnd * 9))
        strRandomNumber = strRandomNumber & CStr(CInt(Rnd * 9))
        strRandomNumber = strRandomNumber & CStr(CInt(Rnd * 9))
        strRandomNumber = strRandomNumber & CStr(CInt(Rnd * 9))
        txtReceiptNumber = strRandomNumber
        ' In the real world, you would check the list of files
        ' in the Bethesda Car Rental folder. You would then get the
        ' name of the last file, or the highest receipt number. You
        ' would then increase this number by 1, and use that as the
        ' new receipt number
        txtEmployeeNumber.Text = ""
        txtEmployeeName.Text = ""
        txtDrvLicenseNbr.Text = ""
        txtCustomerName.Text = ""
        txtAddress.Text = ""
        txtCity.Text = ""
        txtState.Text = ""
        txtZIPCode.Text = ""
        txtStartDate.Text = ""
        txtEndDate.Text = ""
        txtTagNumber.Text = ""
        cbxCarConditions.Text = "Excellent"
        txtMake.Text = ""
        txtModel.Text = ""
        txtCarYear.Text = ""
        cbxTankLevels.Text = ""
        txtMileageStart.Text = "0"
        txtMileageEnd.Text = "0"
        txtRateApplied.Text = "24.95"
        txtTaxRate.Text = "5.75"
        txtDays.Text = "0"
        txtTaxAmount.Text = "0.00"
        txtSubTotal.Text = "0.00"
        txtOrderTotal.Text = "0.00"
        txtNotes.Text = ""
        ' Display today's date in the date text boxes
        txtStartDate = Date
        txtEndDate = Date
    End Sub
    Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
        Call ResetRentalOrder
    End Sub
  65. In the Object combo box, select cmdReset
  66. Implement the Click event as follows:
    Private Sub cmdReset_Click()
        Call ResetRentalOrder
    End Sub
  67. On the Standard toolbar, click the Save button
  68. Return to Microsoft Excel and click the Switchboard tab sheet
  69. In the Developer tab of the Ribbon, in the Controls section, click Insert
  70. In the ActiveX Controls section, click Command Button
  71. Click the worksheet
  72. Right-click the new button and click Properties
  73. In the properties window, change the following characteristics
    (Name): cmdCreateRentalOrder
    Caption: Create New Rental Order
  74. Right-click the button and click View Code
  75. Implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub cmdCreateRentalOrder_Click()
    End Sub
  76. Press Ctrl + S to save

File Creation

Before performing file processing, the first action you must perform consists of creating a file. To support file creation, the VBA provides a procedure named Open. Its syntax is:

Open pathname For Output [Access access] [lock] As [#]filenumber [Len=reclength]

The Open statement takes many factors, some are required and others are not. The Open (the name of the procedure) word, the For Output expression, and the As # expression are required.

The first argument, pathname, is required. This is a string that can be the name of the file. The file can have an extension or not. Here is an example:

Open "example.dat"

If you specify only the name of the file, it would be considered in the same folder where the current workbook is (the workbook that was opened when you called this statement). If you want, you can provide a complete path for the file. This would include the drive, the (optional) folder(s), up to the name of the file, with or without extension.

Besides the name of the file or its path, the mode factor is required. This factor specifies the actual action you want to perform, such as creating a new file or only opening an existing one. This factor can be one of the following keywords:

  • Output: The file will be created and ready to receive (normal) values
  • Binary: The file will be created and ready to receive values in binary format (as combinations of 1s and 0s)
  • Append: If the file exists already, it will be opened and new values can be added to the end

Here is an example of creating a file:

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
    Open "example.dat" For Output As #1
End Sub

The access factor is optional. It specifies what types of actions will be performed in the file, such as writing values to it or only reading existing values. This factor can have one of the following values:

  • Write: After a new file has been created, new values will be written to it
  • Read Write: When a new file has been created or an existing file has been opened, values can be read from it or written to it

If you decide to specify the access factor, precede its value with the Access keyword.

The lock factor is optional. It indicates how the processor should behave while the file is being used. Its possible values are:

  • Shared: Other applications (actually called processes) can access this file while the current application is accessing it
  • Lock Write: Do not allow other applications (processes) to access this file while the current application (process) is writing to it
  • Lock Read Write: Do not allow other applications (processes) to access this file while the current application (process) is using it

On the right side of #, type a number, for the filenumber factor, between 1 and 511. If you are working on one file, use the number 1. If you are working on many files, you should use an incremental number. If you have not been keeping track of the number or you get confused at one time, to know the next number you can use, call the FreeFile() function, which returns the next available number in the sequence.

The reclength factor is optional. If the file was opened, this factor specifies the length of the record that was read.

Closing a File

When you create a file and start using it, or after opening a file and while you are using it, it uses memory and consumes (or can be consuming) memory (which could be significant). When you have finished using the file, you should free the memory it was using and release the resources it was consuming. To assist you with this, the VBA provides a procedure named Close. Its syntax is:

Close [filenumberlist]

The filenumberlist factor is the filenumber you would have previously used to create or open the file.

Here is an example of closing a file:

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
    Open "example.dat" For Output As #1
    Close #1
End Sub

Printing to a File

After creating a file, you may want to write values to it. To support this, the VBA provides two procedures. One of them is called Print and its syntax is:

Print #filenumber, [outputlist]

The Print statement takes two factors but only the first is required.

The filenumber factor is the filenumber you would have used to create the file. The filenumber is followed by a comma.

The outputlist factor can be made of 0, 1 or more parts. Because it is optional, if you do not want to write a value to the file, leave this part empty. If you want to write a value, type a comma after the filenumber factor and follow these rules:

  • If you want to start the value with empty spaces, use the Spc() function and pass an integer (in the parentheses) that represents the number of empty spaces. For example Spc(4) would include 4 empty spaces.
    This factor is optional, which means you can omit it
  • Instead of a specific number of empty spaces, you can let the operating system specify a built-in number of empty spaces. To do this, call the Tab() function as part of your outputlist factor. The Tab() function specifies the number of columns to include before the value. The Tab() function can be more useful if you are concerned with the alignment of the value(s) you will write in the file.
    This factor is optional, which means you can omit it
  • To write a string, include it in double-quotes
  • To write a number, whether an integer, a float, or a double, simply include the number normally
  • To write a Boolean value, type it as True or False
  • To write a date or time value, type it between # and # and follow the rules of dates or times of your language such as US English
  • To write a null value, type Null

Here is an example of writing some values:

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
    Open "Employee.txt" For Output As #1
    Print #1, "James"
    Print #1, "Larenz"
    Print #1, True
    Print #1, #12/08/2008#
    Close #1
End Sub

Instead of writing one value per line, you can write more than one value with one statement. To do this, separate them with either a semi-colon or an empty space. Here is an example:

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
    Open "Employee.txt" For Output As #1
    REM The values are separated by a semi-colon
    Print #1, "James"; "Larenz"
    REM The values are separated by an empty space
    Print #1, True #12/08/2008#
    Close #1
End Sub

Writing to a File

Besides the Print procedure, the VBA also provides a procedure named Write that can be used to write one or more values to a file. The syntax of the Write statement is the same as that of Print:

Write #filenumber, [outputlist]

The filenumber factor is required. It must be the filenumber specified when creating the file.

The outputlist factor is optional. If you want to skip it, type a comma after the filenumber and end the Write statement. In this case, an empty line would be written to the file. To write the values to the file, follow these rules:

  • To start the value with empty spaces, call the Spc() function and pass a number that represents the number of empty spaces.
    This factor is optional, which means you can omit it
  • To start the value with a specific number of columns, call the Tab() function and pass the number of columns as argument.
    This factor is optional, which means you can omit it
  • To write a string, include it in double-quotes
  • To write a number, include it normally
  • To write a Boolean value, type it as #TRUE# or #FALSE#
  • To write a null value, type #NULL#
  • To write a date or time value, type it between # and #

Here is an example of writing some values:

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
    Open "Employee.txt" For Output As #1
    Write #1, "James"
    Write #1, "M"
    Write #1, "Larenz"
    Write #1, #12/08/2008#
    Write #1, 24.50
    Write #1, True
    Close #1
End Sub

You can also write values on the same line. To do this, separate them with an empty space, a comma, or a semi-colon. Here is an example:

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
    Open "Employee.txt" For Output As #1

    REM The values are separated by a semi-colon
    Write #1, "James"; "M"; "Larenz"
    REM The values are separated by a comma
    Write #1, #12/08/2008#, 24.50
    Write #1, True

    Close #1
End Sub

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Saving a File

  1. Display the form
  2. Double-click the Save button
  3. Implement its Click event as follows:
    Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
    On Error GoTo cmdSave_Error
        Rem Make sure the user enters a valid employee number
        If txtEmployeeNumber.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox "You must enter a valid employee number."
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Rem Make sure the user enters a valid car tag number
        If txtTagNumber.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox "You must enter a valid tag number."
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Rem Make sure the user enters a valid customer
        If txtDrvLicenseNbr.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox "You must specify a valid car."
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Open "C:\Bethesda Car Rental\" & txtReceiptNumber.Text & _
             ".bcr" For Output As #1
        Write #1, txtEmployeeNumber.Text
        Rem Some people would not include the Employee Name in
        Rem the file because it is already stored in the workbook.
        Rem But we will include it in our file
        Write #1, txtEmployeeName.Text
        Write #1, txtDrvLicenseNbr.Text
        Rem Some people would not include the customer name, address,
        Rem city, state, and ZIP code in the file because they are
        Rem already part of a workbook.
        Rem But we will include them in our file
        Write #1, txtCustomerName.Text
        Write #1, txtAddress.Text
        Write #1, txtCity.Text
        Write #1, txtState.Text
        Write #1, txtZIPCode.Text
        Write #1, txtStartDate.Text
        Write #1, txtEndDate.Text
        Write #1, txtTagNumber.Text
        Write #1, cbxCarConditions.Text
        Rem Some people would not include the car make, model,
        Rem and year in the file because they are
        Rem already stored in a workbook.
        Rem But we will include them here
        Write #1, txtMake.Text
        Write #1, txtModel.Text
        Write #1, txtCarYear.Text
        Write #1, cbxTankLevels.Text
        Write #1, txtMileageStart.Text
        Write #1, txtMileageEnd.Text
        Write #1, txtRateApplied.Text
        Write #1, txtTaxRate.Text
        Write #1, txtDays.Text
        Write #1, txtTaxAmount.Text
        Write #1, txtSubTotal.Text
        Write #1, txtOrderTotal.Text
        Write #1, "Car Rented"
        Write #1, txtNotes.Text
        Close #1
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "There is a problem with the form. It cannot be saved."
        Resume Next
    End Sub
  4. On the Standard toolbar, click the Save button
  5. Return to Microsoft Excel and click the Switchboard tab sheet if necessary
  6. In the Developer tab of the Ribbon, in the Controls section, click Insert
  7. In the ActiveX Controls section, click Command Button
  8. Click the worksheet
  9. Right-click the new button and click Properties
  10. In the properties window, change the following characteristics
    (Name): cmdCreateRentalOrder
    Caption: Create New Rental Order
  11. Right-click the button and click View Code
  12. Implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub cmdCreateRentalOrder_Click()
    End Sub
  13. Press Ctrl + S to save
  14. Return to Microsoft Excel
  15. In the Controls section of the Ribbon, click the Design Mode button to uncheck it
  16. Click the button to display the form
  17. Enter some values for a rental order
    Rental Order
  18. Write down the receipt number on a piece of paper
  19. Click the Save button
  20. Click the Reset button
  21. Enter some values for another rental order
    Rental Order
  22. Click the Save button
  23. Close the form and return to Microsoft Visual Basic

Opening a File


Opening a File

Instead of creating a new file, you may want to open an existing file. To support this operation, the VBA provides a procedure named Open. Its syntax is:

Open pathname For Input [Access access] [lock] As [#]filenumber [Len=reclength]

The Open procedure takes many arguments, some are required and others are not. The Open word, For Input expression, and the As # expression are required.


The first argument, pathname, is required. This is a string that can be the name of the file. The file can have an extension or not. Here is an example:

Open "example.dat"

If you specify only the name of the file, the interpreter would look for the file in the same folder where the current workbook is. If you want, you can provide a complete path for the file. This would include the drive, the (optional) folder(s), up to the name of the file, with or without extension.

Besides the name of the file or its path, the mode factor is required. To open a file, the mode factor can be:

  • Binary: The file will be opened and its value(s) would be read as (a) binary value(s)
  • Append: The file will be opened and new values can be added to the end of the existing values
  • Input: The file will be opened normally
  • Random: The will be opened for random access

Here is an example of opening a file:

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
    Open "example.dat" For Input As #1
End Sub

The access factor is optional. This factor can have one of the following values:

  • Read: After the file has been opened, values will be read from it
  • Read Write: Whether the file was created or opened, values can be read from it and/or written to it

If you decide to specify the access factor, precede its value with the Access keyword.

The lock factor is optional and its possible values can be:

  • Shared: Other applications can access this file while the current application is accessing it
  • Lock Read: Other applications are not allowed to access this file while the current application is reading from it
  • Lock Read Write: Other applications are not allowed to access this file while the current application is using it

On the right side of #, type a number, for the filenumber factor, between 1 and 511. Use the same rules/description we saw for creating a file.

The reclength factor is optional. If the file was opened, this factor specifies the length of the record that was read.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing File Opening

  1. Click the body of the form.
    From the properties window, write down the values of the Height and the Width properties
  2. Click the body of the form
  3. Press Ctrl + A to select all controls on the form
  4. To add a new form, on the main menu, click Insert -> UserForm
  5. In the Properties window, change the following characteristics:
    (Name): frmRentalOrderReview
    Caption: Car Rental - Order Processing - Rental Order Review
  6. Enlarge the form using the height and width of the first form
  7. Complete the design of the form as follows:  
    Bethesda Car Rental
    Control (Name) Caption/Text Other Properties
    Label   Receipt #:  
    Text Box txtReceiptNumber    
    Command Button cmdOpen Open  
    Label   Order Status:  
    Text Box cbxOrderStatus    
    Label   Processed By BackColor: &H00808080&
    BorderColor: &H00000000&
    ForeColor: &H00FFFFFF&
    Label   Car Selected BackColor: &H00808080&
    BorderColor: &H00000000&
    ForeColor: &H00FFFFFF&
    Label   Employee #:  
    Text Box txtEmployeeNumber    
    Text Box txtEmployeeName    
    Label   Tag Number:  
    Text Box txtTagNumber    
    Label   Condition:  
    Combo Box cbxCarConditions    
    Label   Processed For BackColor: &H00808080&
    BorderColor: &H00000000&
    ForeColor: &H00FFFFFF&
    Label   Make:  
    Text Box txtMake    
    Label   Driver's Lic. #:  
    Text Box txtDrvLicenseNbr    
    Label   Model:  
    Text Box txtModel    
    Label   Name:  
    Text Box txtCustomerName    
    Label   Year:  
    Text Box txtCarYear   TextAlign: 3 - fmTextAlignRight
    Label   Tank Level:  
    Combo Box cbxTankLevels    
    Label   Address:  
    Text Box txtAddress    
    Label   Mileage Start:  
    Text Box txtMileageStart   TextAlign: 3 - fmTextAlignRight
    Label   Mileage End:  
    Text Box txtMileageEnd   TextAlign: 3 - fmTextAlignRight
    Label   City:  
    Text Box txtCity    
    Label   Order Evaluation BackColor: &H00808080&
    BorderColor: &H00000000&
    ForeColor: &H00FFFFFF&
    Label   State:  
    Text Box txtState    
    Label   ZIP Code:  
    Text Box txtZIPCode    
    Label   Rate Applied:  
    Text Box txtRateApplied 24.95 TextAlign: 3 - fmTextAlignRight
    Label   Tax Rate:  
    Text Box txtTaxRate 5.75 TextAlign: 3 - fmTextAlignRight
    Label     BackColor: &H00808080&
    BorderColor: &H00000000&
    ForeColor: &H00FFFFFF&
    Label   Days:  
    Text Box txtDays 0 TextAlign: 3 - fmTextAlignRight
    Label   Tax Amount:  
    Text Box txtTaxAmount 0.00 TextAlign: 3 - fmTextAlignRight
    Label   Start Date:  
    Text Box txtStartDate    
    Label   End Date:  
    Text Box txtEndDate    
    Label   Sub-Total:  
    Text Box txtSubTotal 0.00 TextAlign: 3 - fmTextAlignRight
    Label   Order Total:  
    Text Box txtOrderTotal 0.00 TextAlign: 3 - fmTextAlignRight
    Command Button cmdUpdateFile Update and Save the File  
  8. Right-click the form and click View Code
  9. In the Procedure combo box, select Activate
  10. Implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
        Dim strRandomNumber As String
        cbxOrderStatus.AddItem "Car Rented"
        cbxOrderStatus.AddItem "Order Finalized"
        cbxOrderStatus.AddItem "Order Reserved"
        cbxCarConditions.AddItem "Needs Repair"
        cbxCarConditions.AddItem "Drivable"
        cbxCarConditions.AddItem "Excellent"
        cbxTankLevels.AddItem "Empty"
        cbxTankLevels.AddItem "1/4 Empty"
        cbxTankLevels.AddItem "1/2 Full"
        cbxTankLevels.AddItem "3/4 Full"
        cbxTankLevels.AddItem "Full"
    End Sub
  11. In the Object combo box, select txtRateApplied
  12. In the Procedure combo box, select Exit
  13. Implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub CalculateRentalOrder()
        Dim RateApplied As Double
        Dim Days As Integer
        Dim SubTotal As Double
        Dim TaxRate As Double
        Dim TaxAmount As Double
        Dim OrderTotal As Double
        ' Check the value in the Rate Applied text box
        ' If there is no valid value, set the Rate Applied to 0
        If txtRateApplied.Text = "" Then
            RateApplied = 0
        ElseIf Not IsNumeric(txtRateApplied.Text) Then
            RateApplied = 0
            ' Otherwise, get the rate applied
            RateApplied = CDbl(txtRateApplied.Text)
        End If
        ' We will let the employee enter the number of days the car was rented
        ' Check whether the employee entered a valid number
        ' If the number is not good, set the number of days to 0
        If txtDays.Text = "" Then
            Days = 0
        ElseIf Not IsNumeric(txtDays.Text) Then
            Days = 0
            ' Otherwise, get the number of days
            Days = CInt(txtDays.Text)
        End If
        If txtTaxRate.Text = "" Then
            TaxRate = 0
        ElseIf Not IsNumeric(txtTaxRate.Text) Then
            TaxRate = 0
           TaxRate = CDbl(txtTaxRate.Text)
        End If
        ' Calculate the things
        SubTotal = RateApplied * Days
        TaxAmount = SubTotal * TaxRate / 100
        OrderTotal = SubTotal + TaxAmount
        txtSubTotal.Text = FormatNumber(SubTotal)
        txtTaxAmount.Text = FormatNumber(TaxAmount)
        txtOrderTotal.Text = FormatNumber(OrderTotal)
    End Sub
    Private Sub txtRateApplied_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    On Error GoTo txtRateApplied_Error
        Call CalculateRentalOrder
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "There is something wrong with the " & _
    	   "value you entered for the rate applied"
    End Sub
  14. In the Object combo box, select txtDays
  15. In the Procedure combo box, select Exit
  16. Implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub txtDays_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    On Error GoTo txtDays_Error
        Call CalculateRentalOrder
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "There is something wrong with the number " & _
               "of days you entered."
    End Sub
  17. In the Object combo box, select txtTaxRate
  18. In the Procedure combo box, select Exit
  19. Implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub txtTaxRate_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    On Error GoTo txtTaxRate_Error
        Call CalculateRentalOrder
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "There is something wrong with the tax rate you specified."
    End Sub
  20. On the Standard toolbar, click the Save button

Reading From a File

After opening a file, you can read values from it. Before reading the value(s), you should declare one or more variables that would receive the values to be read. Remember that the idea of using a variable is to reserve a memory space where you can store a value. In the same way, when reading a value from a file, you would get the value from the file and then store that value in the computer memory. A variable would make it easy for you to refer to that value when necessary.

To support the ability to open a file, the VBA provides two procedures. If you wrote the values using the Print statement, to read the values, use the Input or the Line Input statement (using Input or Line Input is only a suggestion, not a rule). The syntax of the Input procedure is:

Input #filenumber, varlist

The Input statement takes two required factors but the second can be made of various parts.

The filenumber factor is the filenumber you would have used to open the file. The filenumber is followed by a comma.

The varlist factor can be made of 1 or more parts. To read only one value, after the comma of the filenumber factor, type the name of the variable that will receive the value. Here is an example:

Private Sub cmdOpen_Click()
    Dim FirstName As String

    Open "Employee.txt" For Input As #1

    Input #1, FirstName
    Close #1
End Sub

In the same way, you can read each value on its own line. One of the better uses of the Input statement is the ability to read many values using a single statement. To do this, type the variables on the same Input line but separate them with commas. Here is an example:

Private Sub cmdOpen_Click()
    Dim FirstName As String
    Dim LastName As String
    Dim IsFullTimeEmployee As Boolean

    Open "Employee.txt" For Input As #1

    Input #1, FirstName, LastName, IsFullTimeEmployee 
    Close #1
End Sub

If you have a file that contains many lines, to read one line at a time, you can use the Line Input statement. Its syntax is:

Line Input #filenumber, varname

This statement takes two factors and both are required. The filenumber is the number you would have used to open the file. When the Line Input statement is called, it reads a line of text until it gets to the end of the file. One of the limitations of the Line Input statement is that it has a hard time reading anything other than text because it may not be able to determine where the line ends.

When reviewing the ability to write values to a file, we saw that the Print statement writes a Boolean value as True or False. If you use the Input statement to read such a value, the interpreter may not be able to read the value. We saw that an alternative to the Print statement was Write. We saw that, among the differences between Print and Write, the latter writes Boolean values using the # symbol. This makes it possible for the interpreter to easily read such a value. For these reasons, in most cases, it may be a better idea to prefer using the Write statement when writing values other than strings to a file.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Reading From a File

  1. On the form, double-click the Open button
  2. Implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub cmdOpen_Click()
    On Error GoTo cmdOpen_Error
        Dim EmployeeNumber As String
        Dim EmployeeName As String, DrvLicenseNbr As String
        Dim CustomerName As String, Address As String
        Dim City As String, State As String
        Dim ZIPCode As String, StartDate As String
        Dim EndDate As String, TagNumber As String
        Dim CarConditions As String, Make As String
        Dim Model As String, CarYear As String
        Dim TankLevels As String, MileageStart As String
        Dim MileageEnd As String, RateApplied As String
        Dim TaxRate As String, Days As String
        Dim TaxAmount As String, SubTotal As String
        Dim OrderTotal As String, OrderStatus As String
        Dim Notes As String
        Rem We are not doing any validation here because there are
        '   issues we haven't explored yet. For example, we haven't yet
        '   learned how to check the list of files in a directory.
        '   We also haven't yet learned how to check whether a file
        '   exists in a directory.
        Open "C:\Bethesda Car Rental\" & _
    		txtReceiptNumber.Text & ".bcr" For Input As #1
        Input #1, EmployeeNumber
        Input #1, EmployeeName
        Input #1, DrvLicenseNbr
        Input #1, CustomerName
        Input #1, Address
        Input #1, City
        Input #1, State
        Input #1, ZIPCode
        Input #1, StartDate
        Input #1, EndDate
        Input #1, TagNumber
        Input #1, CarConditions
        Input #1, Make
        Input #1, Model
        Input #1, CarYear
        Input #1, TankLevels
        Input #1, MileageStart
        Input #1, MileageEnd
        Input #1, RateApplied
        Input #1, TaxRate
        Input #1, Days
        Input #1, TaxAmount
        Input #1, SubTotal
        Input #1, OrderTotal
        Input #1, OrderStatus
        Input #1, Notes
        txtEmployeeNumber.Text = EmployeeNumber
        txtEmployeeName.Text = EmployeeName
        txtDrvLicenseNbr.Text = DrvLicenseNbr
        txtCustomerName.Text = CustomerName
        txtAddress.Text = Address
        txtCity.Text = City
        txtState.Text = State
        txtZIPCode.Text = ZIPCode
        txtStartDate.Text = StartDate
        txtEndDate.Text = EndDate
        txtTagNumber.Text = TagNumber
        cbxCarConditions.Text = CarConditions
        txtMake.Text = Make
        txtModel.Text = Model
        txtCarYear.Text = CarYear
        cbxTankLevels.Text = TankLevels
        txtMileageStart.Text = MileageStart
        txtMileageEnd.Text = MileageEnd
        txtRateApplied.Text = RateApplied
        txtTaxRate.Text = TaxRate
        txtDays.Text = Days
        txtTaxAmount.Text = TaxAmount
        txtSubTotal.Text = SubTotal
        txtOrderTotal.Text = OrderTotal
        cbxOrderStatus.Text = OrderStatus
        txtNotes.Text = Notes
        Close #1
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "There was a problem when trying to open the file."
        Resume Next
    End Sub
  3. In the Object combo box, select cmdUpdateRentalOrder
  4. Implement the Click event as follows:
    Private Sub cmdUpdateRentalOrder_Click()
    On Error GoTo cmdSave_Error
        Open "C:\Bethesda Car Rental\" & txtReceiptNumber.Text & _
             ".bcr" For Output As #1
        Write #1, txtEmployeeNumber.Text
        Write #1, txtEmployeeName.Text
        Write #1, txtDrvLicenseNbr.Text
        Write #1, txtCustomerName.Text
        Write #1, txtAddress.Text
        Write #1, txtCity.Text
        Write #1, txtState.Text
        Write #1, txtZIPCode.Text
        Write #1, txtStartDate.Text
        Write #1, txtEndDate.Text
        Write #1, txtTagNumber.Text
        Write #1, cbxCarConditions.Text
        Write #1, txtMake.Text
        Write #1, txtModel.Text
        Write #1, txtCarYear.Text
        Write #1, cbxTankLevels.Text
        Write #1, txtMileageStart.Text
        Write #1, txtMileageEnd.Text
        Write #1, txtRateApplied.Text
        Write #1, txtTaxRate.Text
        Write #1, txtDays.Text
        Write #1, txtTaxAmount.Text
        Write #1, txtSubTotal.Text
        Write #1, txtOrderTotal.Text
        Write #1, cbxCarConditions.Text 
        Write #1, txtNotes.Text
        Close #1
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "There is a problem with the form. " & _
               "The rental order cannot be updated."
        Resume Next
    End Sub
  5. On the Standard toolbar, click the Save button
  6. Return to Microsoft Excel
  7. Click the Switchboard tab sheet
  8. In the Developer tab of the Ribbon, in the Controls section, click Insert
  9. In the ActiveX Controls section, click Command Button
  10. Click the worksheet
  11. Right-click the new button and click Properties
  12. In the properties window, change the following characteristics
    (Name): cmdOpenRentalOrder
    Caption: Open Existing Rental Order
    Bethesda Car Rental
  13. Right-click the open Existing Rental Order button and click View Code
  14. Implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub cmdOpenRentalOrder_Click()
    End Sub
  15. Press Ctrl + S to save
  16. Close Microsoft Visual Basic
  17. In the Controls section of the Ribbon, click the Design Mode button to uncheck it
  18. Click the button to display the form
  19. Click the Receipt # text box
  20. Type a receipt number of one of the rental orders you created earlier
  21. Click the Open button
  22. Select a different option in the order status combo box
  23. Change the value of mileage end, the end date and the days 
  24. Click the Update and Save rental Order button
  25. Select the number in the Receipt # text box
  26. Type another receipt number you saved previously
  27. Click the Open button
  28. Select different values on the rental order:
    Rental Order
  29. Click the Update and Save rental Order button
  30. Close the form and return to Microsoft Visual Basic

Other Techniques of Opening a File

Besides calling the Show() method of the FileDialog class, the Application class provides its own means of opening a file. To support it, the Application class provides the FindFile() method. Its syntax is:

Public Function Application.FindFile() As Boolean

If you call this method, the Open File dialog with its default settings would come up. The user can then select a file and click open. If the file is a workbook, it would be opened and its content displayed in Microsoft Excel. If the file is text-based, or XML, etc, Microsoft Excel would proceed to open or convert it.



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