College Park Auto Parts

New Auto Part


To assist employees in managing the company's business activities, CPAP provides a computer application named College Park Auto-Parts:

College Park Auto-Parts

The CPAP company regularly receives automative parts and vehicles accessories. When a new item arrives in the store, an employee must create a new record for that item. To do that, the College Park Auto-Parts application includes a dialog box named New Auto Part. The New Auto Part dialog box includes various Windows controls such as text boxes, labels, list views, group boxes, tree views, buttons, etc:

College Park Auto-Parts - New Auto Part

To create a new auto part, the user must provide a part number in the Part # text tox. The user must also select a year in the top combo box.

Vehicles Manufacturers

The Make combo box must be filled with a list of cars manufacturers. To create a manufacturer name, the user can click the New Make button. This would open the Vehicle Make dialog box:

College Park Auto-Parts - Make

The user can then type the name of cars manufacturer and click OK.

Vehicles Models

The Model combo box must be filled with a list of vehicles models. To create a model name, the user can click the New Model button. This would open the New Model dialog box:

College Park Auto-Parts - Model

The user can type the name of a model associated with the previously selected vehicle and click OK.

Parts Categories

The Category combo box holds a list of parts types. To create a category name, the user can click the New Category button. This would open the New Category dialog box:

College Park Auto-Parts - Category

The user should a common name for a category of vehicles part and click OK.

A Part Photo

Every part should be represented with a picture. To specify the picture of a part, the user can click the Select Picture button. This would display the Open dialog box:

College Park Auto-Parts - Open Dialog Box

From the Open dialog box, the user can select a picture and click Open.

An Auto Part Record

The user should also provide other pieces of information such as the part name and the price:

College Park Auto-Parts - Category

When all the information has been provided, the user can save the record.