
In this introductory lesson on C#, we will use a conditional statement to validate a condition and perform some simple calculations.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating the Application

  1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio
  2. In the Visual Studio 2022 dialog box, click Create a New Project
  3. In the Create a New Project dialog box, in the Languages combo box, select C#.
    In the list of projects templates, select Console App (it should be selected already)
  4. Click Next
  5. In the Configure Your New Project dialog box, change the Project Name to PayrollEvaluation and set the Location of your choice
  6. Click Next
  7. In the Additional Information dialog box, in the Framework combo box, select the highest version (.NET 9.0 (Standard Term Support).
    Click Create
  8. Change the document as follows:
    using static System.Console;
    WriteLine("Payroll Evaluation");
    WriteLine("Enter the following pieces of information");
    WriteLine("Employee Information");
    Write("First Name:        ");
    string firstName  = ReadLine()!;
    Write("Last Name:         ");
    string lastName   = ReadLine()!;
    Write("Hourly Salary:     ");
    double hSalary    = double.Parse(ReadLine()!);
    WriteLine("Time worked");
    Write("Monday:            ");
    double monday     = double.Parse(ReadLine()!);
    Write("Tuesday:           ");
    double tuesday    = double.Parse(ReadLine()!);
    Write("Wednesday:         ");
    double wednesday  = double.Parse(ReadLine()!);
    Write("Thursday:          ");
    double thursday   = double.Parse(ReadLine()!);
    Write("Friday:            ");
    double friday     = double.Parse(ReadLine()!);
    double timeWorked = monday + tuesday + wednesday + thursday + friday;
    double regTime    = timeWorked;
    double overtime   = 0.00;
    double regPay     = hSalary * timeWorked;
    double overPay    = 0.00;
    if(timeWorked is > 40.00)
        regTime       = 40.00;
        overtime      = timeWorked - 40.00;
        regPay        = hSalary * 40.00;
        overPay       = hSalary * 1.50 * overtime;
    double netPay     = regPay + overPay;
    WriteLine("Payroll Evaluation");
    WriteLine("Employee Information");
    WriteLine($"Full Name:         {firstName} {lastName}");
    WriteLine($"Hourly Salary:     {hSalary:f}");
    WriteLine("Time Worked Summary");
    WriteLine(" Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday");
    WriteLine("{0,6:f}  | {1,6:f}  | {2,7:f}   | {3,7:f}  | {4,5:f}",
              monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday);
    WriteLine("                              Pay Summary");
    WriteLine("                              Time      Pay");
    WriteLine("                  Regular:{0,9:f}{1,12:f}", regTime, regPay);
    WriteLine("                  Overtime:{0,8:f}{1,12:f}", overtime, overPay);
    WriteLine("                  Net Pay:{0,21:f}", netPay);
  9. To execute the project, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  10. When requested, type each of the following values and press Enter each time:
    First Name: Michael
    Last Name: Carlock
    Hourly Salary: 28.46
    Monday 7
    Tuesday: 8
    Wednesday: 6.5
    Thursday: 8.5
    Friday: 7.5
    Payroll Evaluation
    Enter the following pieces of information
    Employee Information
    First Name:        Michael
    Last Name:         Carlock
    Hourly Salary:     28.46
    Time worked
    Monday:            7
    Tuesday:           8
    Wednesday:         6.5
    Thursday:          8.5
    Friday:            7.5
    Payroll Evaluation
    Employee Information
    Full Name:         Michael Carlock
    Hourly Salary:     28.46
    Time Worked Summary
     Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday
      7.00  |   8.00  |    6.50   |    8.50  |  7.50
                                  Pay Summary
                                  Time      Pay
                      Regular:    37.50     1067.25
                      Overtime:    0.00        0.00
                      Net Pay:              1067.25
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  11. Press C to close the window and return to your programming environment

Using an Opposite Conditional Statement

In the previous section, we use a Greater Than operator to check a condition. That operator has an opposite, which is the Less Than Or Equal operator. We will uase apply as an example.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Using an Opposite Conditional Statement

  1. Change the document as follows:
    using static System.Console;
    WriteLine("Payroll Evaluation");
    WriteLine("Enter the following pieces of information");
    WriteLine("Employee Information");
    Write("First Name:        ");
    string firstName  = ReadLine()!;
    Write("Last Name:         ");
    string lastName   = ReadLine()!;
    Write("Hourly Salary:     ");
    double hSalary    = double.Parse(ReadLine()!);
    WriteLine("Time worked");
    Write("Monday:            ");
    double monday     = double.Parse(ReadLine()!);
    Write("Tuesday:           ");
    double tuesday    = double.Parse(ReadLine()!);
    Write("Wednesday:         ");
    double wednesday  = double.Parse(ReadLine()!);
    Write("Thursday:          ");
    double thursday   = double.Parse(ReadLine()!);
    Write("Friday:            ");
    double friday     = double.Parse(ReadLine()!);
    double timeWorked = monday + tuesday + wednesday + thursday + friday;
    double regTime    = 40.00;
    double overtime   = timeWorked - 40.00;
    double regPay     = hSalary * 40.00;
    double overPay    = hSalary * 1.50 * overtime;
    if(timeWorked is <= 40.00)
        regTime       = timeWorked;
        overtime      = 0.00;
        regPay        = hSalary * timeWorked;
        overPay       = 0.00;
    double netPay     = regPay + overPay;
    WriteLine("Payroll Evaluation");
    WriteLine("Employee Information");
    WriteLine($"Full Name:         {firstName} {lastName}");
    WriteLine($"Hourly Salary:     {hSalary:f}");
    WriteLine("Time Worked Summary");
    WriteLine(" Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday");
    WriteLine("{0,6:f}  | {1,6:f}  | {2,7:f}   | {3,7:f}  | {4,5:f}",
              monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday);
    WriteLine("                              Pay Summary");
    WriteLine("                              Time      Pay");
    WriteLine("                  Regular:{0,9:f}{1,12:f}", regTime, regPay);
    WriteLine("                  Overtime:{0,8:f}{1,12:f}", overtime, overPay);
    WriteLine("                  Net Pay:{0,21:f}", netPay);
  2. To execute the project again, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  3. When requested, type each of the following values and press Enter each time:
    First Name: Catherine
    Last Name: Busbey
    Hourly Salary: 24.37
    Monday 9.5
    Tuesday: 8
    Wednesday: 10.5
    Thursday: 9
    Friday: 10.5
    Payroll Evaluation
    Enter the following pieces of information
    Employee Information
    First Name:        Catherine
    Last Name:         Busbey
    Hourly Salary:     24.37
    Time worked
    Monday:            9.5
    Tuesday:           8
    Wednesday:         10.5
    Thursday:          9
    Friday:            10.5
    Payroll Evaluation
    Employee Information
    Full Name:         Catherine Busbey
    Hourly Salary:     24.37
    Time Worked Summary
     Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday
      9.50  |   8.00  |   10.50   |    9.00  | 10.50
                                  Pay Summary
                                  Time      Pay
                      Regular:    40.00      974.80
                      Overtime:    7.50      274.16
                      Net Pay:              1248.96
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  4. Press T to close the window and return to your programming environment

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