Georgetown Dry Cleaning Services is a fictitious business that takes care of cleaning all types of items for customers. Customers bring their items to the store. Depending on the time they leave them, they can get them back the same day or the day after.
We will create a (very) simple application to give us
an idea of how to manage such a business.
Learning: Introducing GDCS
- Start Microsoft Access
- To create a new database, click File Name and type Georgetown Dry Cleaning Services
- Click Create
- Close the default table without saving it
The Customers
A cleaning order starts with a customer bringing some clothes for cleaning. To prepare and deliver cleaning orders, we will create a table for customers.
Learning: Creating Customers
- On the Ribbon, click Create and, in the Tables section, click Table Design
- Click the empty box under Field Name and create the following fields:
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Size |
Caption |
CustomerID |
AutoNumber |
Customer ID |
PhoneNumber |
Text |
30 |
Phone # |
FirstName |
Text |
25 |
First Name |
LastName |
Text |
25 |
Last Name |
- Right-click CustomerID and click Primary Key
- Right-click the Table1 tab and click Save
- Set the Table Name to Customers
- Click OK
- Click the first empty box under Field Name and type
- Set its Data Type to Calculated
- In the Expression Builder, type LastName + ', ' +
- Click OK
- Click the first empty box under Field Name and type Notes
- Set its Data Type to Memo
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Size |
Caption |
PhoneNumber |
Text |
20 |
Phone # |
FirstName |
Text |
25 |
First Name |
LastName |
Text |
25 |
Last Name |
CustomerName |
Text |
Customer Name |
Notes |
Memo |
- Save and close the table
- On the Ribbon, click Create and, in the Forms section, click Form
- Using the Properties window, set its Record Source to Customers
- Save the form as Customers
- Complete the design as follows:

- Save and close the Customers form

- In the Navigation Pane, right-click the Customers form and click
- Right-click any area of the Navigation Pane and click Paste
- Set the name to NewCustomer
- Click OK
- In the Navigation Pane, right-click NewCustomer and click Design
- Using the Properties window, change the following characteristics:
Navigation Buttons: No
Data Entry: Yes

- Save and close the NewCustomer form
The Current Status of an Order
After a customer has droppped some clothes, employees start processing them. At one time, the items will have been cleaned and
wait for the customer. At another time, the customer will come to pick the
clothes up. This means that, throughout this process, the status of a
cleaning order changes. To keep track of these, we will create a small
Learning: Creating Order Status
- On the Ribbon, click Create and, in the Tables section, click
Table Design
- Click the empty box under Field Name and create the following
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Size |
Caption |
OrderStatus |
Text |
40 |
Order Status |
Notes |
Memo |
- Right-click OrderStatus and click Primary Key
- Right-click Table1 and click Datasheet View
- When asked to save the table, click Yes
- Set the Name to OrdersStatus
- Click OK
The Cleaning Items
Our company cleans various types of items. We could provide empty text boxes in a form and let the clerk type the name of an item that is being cleaned but this solution would require too much typing. Another option is to provide a fixed list of items. The problem with this solution is that the list of items may increase. The most logical option is to create a table of items so that, when necessary, a new item can be added to the list.
Learning: Creating Cleaning Items
- On the Ribbon, click Create and, in the Tables section, click Table Design
- Click the empty box under Field Name and create the following fields:
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Size |
Format |
Caption |
ItemID |
AutoNumber |
Item ID |
ItemName |
Text |
40 |
Item Name |
DefaultPrice |
Number |
Double |
Fixed |
Default Price |
- Right-click ItemID and click Primary Key
- Right-click Table1 and click Datasheet View
- When asked whether you want to save the table, click Yes
- Set the Name to Items
- Click OK
- Close the table
- On the Ribbon, click Create and, in the Forms section, click Form
- Using the Properties window, set its Record Source to Items
- Save the form as CleaningItems
- Complete the design as follows:

- Save and close the CleaningItems form
- In the Navigation Pane, right-click the CleaningItems form and
click Copy
- Right-click any area of the Navigation Pane and click Paste
- Set the name to NewCleaningItem
- Click OK
- In the Navigation Pane, right-click NewCleaningItem
and click Design View
- Using the Properties window, change the following properties:
Navigation Buttons: No
Data Entry: Yes

- Save and close the NewCleaningItem form
Cleaning Orders
A cleaning order is the central activity of our database. It will keep its information as
- A (unique) receipt number
- A way to identity the customer whose cleaning will be processed or has been done
- Date and time information about the order such as when the customer brought the items to be cleaned, the date/time the items are/were expected
- The item or list of items to clean
We also need to keep a status of each cleaning order to specify if the items have been dropped, are being cleaning, or have
been picked up.
Learning: Creating Cleaning Orders
- On the Ribbon, click Create and, in the Queries section, click Query Design
- On the Show Table dialog box, click Close
- Right-click the Query1 window and click SQL View
- Replace the code in the Query1 window with the following:
CREATE TABLE CleaningOrders
ReceiptNumber Counter(100001, 1),
Constraint PK_CleaningOrders Primary Key(ReceiptNumber)
- To execute the code, on the Ribbon, click the Run button

- Close the Query1 window
- When asked whether you want to save, click No
- In the Navigation Pane, right-click CleaningOrders and click
Design View
- Complete the table with the following fields:
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Size |
Format |
Caption |
Default Value |
ReceiptNumber |
AutoNumber |
Receipt # |
CustomerPhone |
20 |
Customer Phone |
DateDeposited |
Date/Time |
Long Date |
Date Deposited |
=Date() |
TimeDeposited |
Date/Time |
Medium Time |
Time Deposited |
=Time() |
DateExpected |
Date/Time |
Long Date |
Date Expected |
TimeExpected |
Date/Time |
Medium Time |
Time Expected |
UnitPriceShirts |
Number |
Double |
Fixed |
Unit Price Shirts |
1.25 |
QuantityShirts |
Number |
Integer |
Quantity Shirts |
UnitPricePants |
Number |
Double |
Fixed |
Unit Price Pants |
1.95 |
QuantityPants |
Number |
Integer |
Quantity Pants |
Item1 |
UnitPriceItem1 |
Number |
Double |
Fixed |
QuantityItem1 |
Number |
Integer |
- In the top section of the table, set the Data Type of the Item1
field to Lookup Wizard...
- In the first page of the wizard, make sure the first radio button
is selected and click Next
- In the second page of the wizard, click Table: Items
- Click Next
- In the Available Fields list, double-click ItemName and
- Click Next
- Click Next
- Click Next
- Accept the column label as Item1 and click Finish
- Click Yes to save the table
- Click the box on the left side of Item1
- Press and hold Shift
- Click the box on the left side of QuantityItem1
- Press Ctrl + C to copy
- Click the first empty box under QuantityItem1
- Press Ctrl + V to paste
- Change the field names to Item2, UnitPriceItem2, and QuantityItem2
- Click the first empty box under QuantityItem2
- Press Ctrl + V to paste
- Change the new field names to Item3, UnitPriceItem3, and
QuantityItem3 respectively
- Click the first empty box under QuantityItem3
- Press Ctrl + V to paste
- Change the new field names to Item4, UnitPriceItem4, and
QuantityItem4 respectively
- Complete the table with the following fields:
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Size |
Format |
Caption |
Default Value |
ReceiptNumber |
AutoNumber |
Receipt # |
CustomerPhone |
CustomerName |
DateDeposited |
TimeDeposited |
DateExpected |
TimeExpected |
UnitPriceShirts |
QuantityShirts |
UnitPricePants |
QuantityPants |
Item1 |
UnitPriceItem1 |
QuantityItem1 |
Item2 |
UnitPriceItem2 |
QuantityItem2 |
Item3 |
UnitPriceItem3 |
QuantityItem3 |
Item4 |
UnitPriceItem4 |
QuantityItem4 |
OrderStatus |
TaxRate |
Number |
Double |
Percent |
Tax Rate |
0.0750 |
DatePickedUp |
Date/Time |
Long Date |
Date Picked Up |
TimePickedUp |
Date/Time |
Medium Time |
Time Picked Up |
Notes |
Memo |
- In the top section of the table, set the Data Type of the
OrderStatus field to Lookup Wizard...
- In the first page of the wizard, make sure the first radio button
is selected and click Next
- In the second page of the wizard, click Table: OrderStatus
- Click Next
- In the Available Fields list, double-click OrderStatus
- Click Next
- Click Next
- Click Next
- Accept the label as OrderStatus and click Finish
- Click Yes to save the table
- Close the table
- On the Ribbon, click Create
- In the Forms section, click Form Design
- Right-click the form and click Form Header/Footer
- Right-click the form's tab and click Save
- Set the name to CleaningOrders and press Enter
- Double-click the button at the intersection of rullers
- In the Property Sheet, click All and change the following
Record Source: CleaningOrders
Georgetown Dry Cleaning Services - Cleaning Orders
Dividing Lines:
- In the Tools section, click Add Existing Fields
- Design the form as follows:
Control |
Name |
Caption |
Control Sourcce |
Format |
Label |
Customer Phone #: |
Text Box |
CustomerPhone |
CustomerPhone |
Label |
Customer Name: |
Text Box |
CustomerName |
=IIf(IsNull([CustomerPhone]), "",
DLookUp("CustomerName", "Customers", "PhoneNumber = '"
& [CustomerPhone] & "'")) |
Label |
Date Deposited: |
Text Box |
DateDeposited |
DateDeposited |
Label |
Time Deposited: |
Text Box |
TimeDeposited |
TimeDeposited |
Label |
Date Expected: |
Text Box |
DateExpected |
DateExpected |
Label |
Time Expected: |
Text Box |
TimeExpected |
TimeExpected |
Line |
Label |
Item Type |
Label |
Unit Price |
Label |
Qty |
Label |
Sub-Total |
Label |
Cleaning Order Summary |
Label |
Shirts |
Text Box |
UnitPriceShirts |
UnitPriceShirts |
Text Box |
QuantityShirts |
QuantityShirts |
Text Box |
txtSubTotalShirts |
=IIf(IsNull([QuantityShirts]), "",
Nz([UnitPriceShirts]) * Nz([QuantityShirts])) |
Fixed |
Label |
Receipt #: |
Text Box |
ReceiptNumber |
ReceiptNumber |
Label |
Pants |
Text Box |
UnitPricePants |
UnitPricePants |
Text Box |
QuantityPants |
QuantityPants |
Text Box |
txtSubTotalPants |
=IIf(IsNull([QuantityItem1]), "",
Nz([UnitPricePants]) * Nz([QuantityPants])) |
Fixed |
Combo Box |
Item1 |
Item1 |
Text Box |
UnitPriceItem1 |
UnitPriceItem1 |
Text Box |
QuantityItem1 |
QuantityItem1 |
Text Box |
txtSubTotalItem1 |
=IIf(IsNull([QuantityItem1]), "",
Nz([UnitPriceItem1]) * Nz([QuantityItem1])) |
Fixed |
Label |
Cleaning Total: |
Text Box |
txtCleaningTotal |
=IIf(IsNull([QuantityShirts]), 0,
Nz([txtSubTotalShirts])) +
IIf(IsNull([QuantityPants]), 0,
0, Nz([txtSubTotalItem1])) +
IIf(IsNull([QuantityItem2]), 0,
0, Nz([txtSubTotalItem3])) +
IIf(IsNull([QuantityItem4]), 0,
Nz([txtSubTotalItem4])) |
Fixed |
Combo Box |
Item2 |
Item2 |
Text Box |
UnitPriceItem2 |
UnitPriceItem2 |
Text Box |
QuantityItem2 |
QuantityItem2 |
Text Box |
txtSubTotalItem2 |
=IIf(IsNull([QuantityItem2]), "",
Nz([UnitPriceItem2]) * Nz([QuantityItem2])) |
Fixed |
Label |
Tax Rate: |
Text Box |
TaxRate |
TaxRate |
Combo Box |
Item3 |
Item3 |
Text Box |
UnitPriceItem3 |
UnitPriceItem3 |
Text Box |
QuantityItem3 |
QuantityItem3 |
Text Box |
txtSubTotalItem3 |
=IIf(IsNull([QuantityItem3]), "",
Nz([txtUnitPriceItem3]) * Nz([QuantityItem3])) |
Fixed |
Label |
Tax Amount: |
Text Box |
txtTaxAmount |
=CLng(CDbl(Nz([txtCleaningTotal])) *
CDbl(Nz([TaxRate])) * 100) / 100 |
Fixed |
Combo Box |
Item4 |
Item4 |
Text Box |
UnitPriceItem4 |
UnitPriceItem4 |
Text Box |
QuantityItem4 |
QuantityItem4 |
Text Box |
txtSubTotalItem4 |
=IIf(IsNull([QuantityItem4]), "",
Nz([UnitPriceItem4]) * Nz([QuantityItem4])) |
Fixed |
Label |
Net Price: |
Text Box |
txtNetPrice |
=Nz([txtCleaningTotal]) + Nz([txtTaxAmount]) |
Fixed |
Line |
Label |
Order Status: |
Combo Box |
OrderStatus |
OrderStatus |
Label |
Date Picked: |
Text Box |
DatePickedUp |
DatePickedUp |
Label |
Time Picked: |
Text Box |
TimePickedUp |
TimePickedUp |
Label |
Notes: |
Text Box |
txtNotes |
Button |
cmdClose |
Close |
- Preview the form

- Save and close the form
- In the Navigation Pane, right-click the CleaningOrders form and
click Copy
- Right-click any area of the Navigation Pane and click Paste
- Set the name to NewCleaningOrder
- Click OK
- In the Navigation Pane, right-click NewCleaningOrder and click
Design View
- Using the Properties window, change the following properties:
Navigation Buttons: No
Data Entry: Yes

- Save and close the NewCleaningItem form
Application Simulation
A simulation allows us to test the tables and form with possible or actual values.
Learning: Simulating the Application
- In the Navigation Pane, double-click the OrdersStatus table
- Create the following records:
Order Status |
Notes |
Processing Cleaning Order |
The order is being processed and the items are not yet ready |
Ready For Pick Up |
The items have been cleaned and the customer can pick them
up |
Processing (Problem With Order) |
This can signal any problem, such as a customer complaining
about something |
Finalized (Picked Up) |
The items have been cleaned and the customer has picked them
up |
- Close the table
- In the Navigation Pane, double-click the NewCleaningItem form
- Create the following items (most dry cleaning store use the same
price for shirts and another price for other types of items; they also
have a third different type for comforters; just for fun, we are using
different orices in our application):
Item Name |
Unit Price |
Tie |
1.25 |
Coat |
3.25 |
Dress |
2.45 |
Jacket |
3.15 |
Swede |
6.5 |
Sweater |
2.3 |
Silk Shirt |
2.25 |
Comforter |
19.95 |
Women Suit |
8.95 |
Regular Skirt |
2.35 |
Men's Suit 2Pc |
8.5 |
Men's Suit 3Pc |
9.95 |
Skirt With Hook |
2.4 |
- Close the NewCleaningItem form
- In the Navigation Pane, double the NewCustomer form

- Create the following records:
First Name |
Last Name |
Phone Number |
James |
Newfield |
240-210-2844 |
Ahmed |
Adama |
202-286-1117 |
Catherine |
Lopez |
301-840-0025 |
Elliott |
Wuah |
202-290-3740 |
Annette |
Belsam |
301-927-9475 |
Edith |
Nwabugo |
202-692-4079 |
- Close the NewCustomer form
- In the Navigation Pane, double-click the NewCleaningOrder form

- Create a record as follows:

- Create another record as follows:

- Create another record as follows:

- Close the NewCleaningOrder form