Microsoft Access Examples:
Georgetown Cleaning Services


In some sections of our Microsoft Access, we referred to a database application called Georgetown Cleaning Services. It was created simply to introduce or perform calculations. To make it more useful, we will expand it with some options.

Some times if you are asked to create an application for a store that sells a specific number of items based on a fixed list, you may ask for the list of items so you can create its elements in the application. Here is an example:

For such an application, when the list of items changes, you may have to modify the application and redistribute (or re-install it). One solution to this problem would consist of providing placeholders for an employee to fill out and process the order with them. Another problem that can be common with this type of application is that, while the form may be crowded with too many objects, most of the time, some items are rarely ordered.

In this exercise, to make this type of application a little more flexible, we will use a few combo boxes that allow the user to simply select the items that are valid for the order.

Practical Learning: Creating the Application

  1. Start Microsoft Access and create a blank database named GCS1
  2. To create a new table, on the main menu, click Insert -> Table
  3. In the New Table dialog box, double-click Design View
  4. In the first Item Name, type CleaningOrderID
  5. Set its Data Type to AutoNumber and make it a Primary Key
  6. Create the other fields as follows:
    Field Name Data Type Properties
    CustomerName Text  
    CustomerPhone Text  
    DateLeft Text Default Value: =Date()
    TimeLeft Text Default Value: =Time()
    DateExpected Text  
    TimeExpected Text  
    ShirtsUnitPrice Currency Default Value: 1.25
    ShirtsQuantity Number Field Size: Byte
    PantsUnitPrice Currency Default Value: 2.75
    PantsQuantity Number Field Size: Byte
  7. Under PantsQuantity, create a new item named Item1 and set its Data Type to Lookup Wizard
  8. In the first page of the Lookup Wizard, select the second radio button and click Next
  9. Under Col1, type None and press the down arrow key
  10. Complete the list with the following items:
    Women Suit
    Regular Skirt
    Skirt With Hook
    Men's Suit 2Pc
    Men's Suit 3Pc
    Silk Shirt
  11. Click Next and click Finish
  12. Click the Col1 label and press Delete to remove it
  13. Create the next two fields as follows:
    Field Name Data Type Properties
    Item1UnitPrice Currency  
    Item1Quantity Number Field Size: Byte
  14. Select the previous three fields. Copy and paste in the first empty field
  15. Using the same copy and paste, complete the table as follows:
    Field Name Data Type Properties
    CustomerName Text  
    CustomerPhone Text  
    DateLeft Text Default Value: =Date()
    TimeLeft Text Default Value: =Time()
    DateExpected Text  
    TimeExpected Text  
    ShirtsUnitPrice Currency Default Value: 1.25
    ShirtsQuantity Number Field Size: Byte
    PantsUnitPrice Currency Default Value: 2.75
    PantsQuantity Number Field Size: Byte
    Item1 Lookup Wizard Default Value: "None"
    Item1UnitPrice Currency  
    Item1Quantity Number Field Size: Byte
    Item2 Lookup Wizard Default Value: "None"
    Item2UnitPrice Currency  
    Item2Quantity Number Field Size: Byte
    Item3 Lookup Wizard Default Value: "None"
    Item3UnitPrice Currency  
    Item3Quantity Number Field Size: Byte
    Item4 Lookup Wizard Default Value: "None"
    Item4UnitPrice Currency  
    Item4Quantity Number Field Size: Byte
    TaxRate Number Field Size: Double
    Format: Percent
    Default Value: 0.0575
  16. Save the table and close it

Application's Related Calculations

Most of the theories we use in this application have already been reviewed in our lessons. The main purpose of this exercise is to take advantage of the DateTimePicker control. This control is not part of the Toolbox. If you want to use it, you must add it from the More Control option.

DateTimePicker is an ActiveX control created by Microsoft and that is available on most other programming environments that run on Microsoft Windows (Microsoft Visual Studio, Visual Studio .NET, Borland C++ Builder, Borland Delphi, Win32, etc). This control allows the user to conveniently select a date or a time instead of typing them. This tremendously reduces the likelihood of making mistakes. Furthermore, it allows the user to "visually" set a date or a time.

For our application, we will use one box for the date the customer left the items to be cleaned, another box for the time the items were left, a box for the date the customer is expected to pick up the cleaned items, and a box for the time the customer is expected pick up these items. The date and time left will be set automatically by the application but the user can change them. When processing a cleaning order, after the user sets the time the items were left, we will set the date and time expected. If a customer deposits his or her items before 9AM, the store will promise that the items would be ready the same day after 5PM. Any items deposited after 9AM would be ready only the following day after 8AM.

Practical Learning: Configuring the Application

  1. In the Database window, click Forms
  2. On the main menu, click Insert -> Form
  3. In the New Form dialog box, double-click Design View
  4. Set its Record Source to Cleaning Orders and save the form as Cleaning Orders
  5. To add a DateTimePicker control, on the Toolbox, click the More Controls button
  6. Scroll down in the list of controls, click Microsoft Date and Time Picker 6.0 (SP4), and click the form.
    If you don't see Microsoft Date and Time Picker 6.0 (SP4) (meaning if you don't have it), press Esc. When designing the form, you will use the TextBox control instead
  7. Click the new DateTimePicker control and, in the Properties window, change the following properties:
    Name: dtpDateLeft
    Control Source: DateLeft
    CheckBox: Yes
  8. Right-click the DateTimePicker control and click Copy
  9. Right-click the form and click Paste
  10. Change the properties of the second control as follows:
    Name: dtpDateExpected
    Control Source: DateExpected
    CheckBox: Yes
  11. Right-click the form and click Paste
  12. For the new control, in the Properties window, set its properties as follows:
    Name: dtpTimeLeft
    Control Source: TimeLeft
    CheckBox: Yes
    Format: 2 - dtpTime
  13. Right-click the form and click Paste
  14. For the new control, in the Properties window, set its properties as follows:
    Name: dtpTimeExpected
    Control Source: TimeExpected
    CheckBox: Yes
    Format: 2 - dtpTime
  15. Design the form as follows:
  16. Save the form
  17. Click the Time Left date time picker to select it
  18. In the Properties window, click Events and, in the Lost Focus field, select [Event Procedure]
  19. Click the ellipsis button and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub dtpTimeLeft_LostFocus()
        Dim DateLeft As Date
        Dim TimeLeft As Date
        Dim Time9AM As Date
        ' The time at 9AM
        Time9AM = TimeSerial(9, 0, 0)
        ' Retrieve the date and time the customer left the clothes
        DateLeft = Me.dtpDateLeft.Value
        TimeLeft = Me.dtpTimeLeft.Value
        ' If the customer left the clothes before 9AM
        ' the clothes are promised to be ready the same day
        If TimeLeft <= Time9AM Then
            Me.dtpDateExpected.Value = DateLeft
            Me.dtpTimeExpected.Value = TimeSerial(17, 0, 0)
        Else ' Otherwise, the clothes will be ready the following day
            Me.dtpDateExpected.Value = DateAdd("d", 1, DateLeft)
            Me.dtpTimeExpected.Value = TimeSerial(8, 0, 0)
        End If
    End Sub
  20. Return to MS Access
  21. Click each Unbound text box starting with those under the Sub-Total label and change their properties as follows:
    Name Control Source Format
    txtSubTotalShirts =Nz([ShirtsUnitPrice])*Nz([ShirtsQuantity]) Currency
    txtPantsSubTotal =Nz([PantsUnitPrice])*Nz([PantsQuantity]) Currency
    txtItem1SubTotal =Nz([Item1UnitPrice])*Nz([Item1Quantity]) Currency
    txtItem2SubTotal =Nz([Item2UnitPrice])*Nz([Item2Quantity]) Currency
    txtItem3SubTotal =Nz([Item3UnitPrice])*Nz([Item3Quantity]) Currency
    txtItem4SubTotal =Nz([Item4UnitPrice])*Nz([Item4Quantity]) Currency
    txtCleaningTotal =[txtSubTotalShirts]+[txtPantsSubTotal]+[txtItem1SubTotal]+[txtItem2SubTotal]+[txtItem3SubTotal]+[txtItem4SubTotal] Currency
    txtTaxAmount =CLng(Nz([txtCleaningTotal])*Nz([TaxRate])*100)/100 Currency
    txtOrderTotal =Nz([txtCleaningTotal])+Nz([txtTaxAmount]) Currency
  22. Save the form
  23. On the Toolbox, make sure the Control Wizards button is clicked.
    Click the Command Button control and click the form
  24. Follow the wizard to close the form. Name the control cmdClose
  25. Click Finish and save the form
  26. Perform a few cleaning orders

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