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Functions |
Package |
To start a package, create a project as seen in the first lesson. Add a file and write code to it. The code must specify a package. Here is an example: package FunctionX is type Employee is record EmployeeNumber : Integer; FirstName : String(1 .. 8); LastName : String(1 .. 6); HourlySalary : Float; end record; end FunctionX; |
In the main file of the project, access the package. Here is an example: with Ada.Text_IO; with FunctionX; use Ada.Text_IO; use FunctionX; procedure Exercise is StaffMember : Employee; begin StaffMember.EmployeeNumber := 704702; StaffMember.FirstName := "Jonathan"; StaffMember.LastName := "Jensen"; StaffMember.HourlySalary := 22.84; Put_Line("Employee Record"); Put_Line("Employee #: " & Integer'Image(StaffMember.EmployeeNumber)); Put_Line("First Name: " & StaffMember.FirstName); Put_Line("Last Name: " & StaffMember.LastName); Put_Line("Hourly Salary: " & Float'Image(StaffMember.HourlySalary)); end Exercise; |
This would produce: Employee Record Employee #: 704702 First Name: Jonathan Last Name: Jensen Hourly Salary: 2.28400E+01 Start a project. Add a file with the desired contents. Here is an example: package Example1 is procedure SayWelcome(x : in Integer); end Example1; Save the file the file with a .ads extension. In this case, that would be example.ads Add another file. Here is an example: with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Example1 is procedure SayWelcome(x : in Integer) is begin put_line("We say welcome to you!!!"); end SayWelcome; end Example1; Save the file with a .adb extension. In this case, that would be example.adb To access the procedure in the main file, here is an example: with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Example1; use Example1; procedure Exercise is begin SayWelcome(1); end Exercise; This would produce: We say welcome to you!!! Start a project. Add a file with the desired contents. Here is an example: package Example1 is function Doubles(x : in Float) return Float; end Example1; Save the file the file with a .ads extension. In this case, that would be example.ads Add another file. Here is an example: package body Example1 is function Doubles(x : in Float) return Float is begin return x * 2.00; end Doubles; end Example1; Save the file with a .adb extension. In this case, that would be example.adb To access the function in the main file, here is an example: with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Example1; use Example1; procedure Exercise is number : Float; result : Float; begin number := 48.36; result := Doubles(number); put_line(Float'Image(number) & " * 2 = " & Float'Image(result)); end Exercise; This would produce: 4.83600E+01 * 2 = 9.67200E+01
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