
Microsoft SQL Server is an application used to create enterprise databases. In this exercise, we will use that application to create a project used to manage the rental contract of an apartment building. The application is named Apartments Rental Management.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing the Application

  1. Start Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
  2. Log in
  3. In the Object Explorer, right-click the top node and click New Query
  4. In the empty Query window, type the following code:
    USE master;
    IF DB_ID (N'ApartmentsRentalManagement1') IS NOT NULL
    	DROP DATABASE ApartmentsRentalManagement1;
    CREATE DATABASE ApartmentsRentalManagement1;
    USE ApartmentsRentalManagement1;
    CREATE TABLE Employees
    	EmployeeId	    INT IDENTITY(1, 1),
    	EmployeeNumber  NVARCHAR(10),
    	FirstName       NVARCHAR(20),
    	LastName        NVARCHAR(20),
    	EmploymentTitle	NVARCHAR(50), 
    	CONSTRAINT PK_Employees PRIMARY KEY(EmployeeId)
    CREATE TABLE OccupanciesStatus 
    	OccupancyStatusId	    INT IDENTITY(1, 1),
    	OccupancyStatus NVARCHAR(25),
    	CONSTRAINT PK_OccupanciesStatus PRIMARY KEY(OccupancyStatusId)
    CREATE TABLE Apartments
    	ApartmentId	    INT IDENTITY(1, 1),
    	UnitNumber	    NVARCHAR(5),
    	Bedrooms	    INT,
    	Bathrooms	    INT,
    	MonthlyRate	    INT,
    	SecurityDeposit	INT,
    	OccupancyStatusId INT,
    	CONSTRAINT FK_OccupanciesStatus FOREIGN KEY(OccupancyStatusId) REFERENCES OccupanciesStatus(OccupancyStatusId),
    	CONSTRAINT PK_Apartments PRIMARY KEY(ApartmentId)
    CREATE TABLE RentalContracts
    	RentalContractId INT IDENTITY(1, 1),
    	ContractNumber	 NVARCHAR(10),
    	EmployeeId       INT,
    	ContractDate	 NVARCHAR(50),
    	FirstName		 NVARCHAR(20),
    	LastName		 NVARCHAR(20),
    	MaritalStatus    NVARCHAR(25),
    	NumberOfChildren INT,
    	ApartmentId	     INT,
    	RentStartDate	 NVARCHAR(50),
    	CONSTRAINT FK_ContractsProcessors FOREIGN KEY(EmployeeId) REFERENCES Employees(EmployeeId),
    	CONSTRAINT FK_Apartments FOREIGN KEY(ApartmentId) REFERENCES Apartments(ApartmentId),
    	CONSTRAINT PK_RentalContracts  PRIMARY KEY(RentalContractId)
    CREATE TABLE Payments
    	PaymentId	     INT IDENTITY(1, 1),
    	ReceiptNumber    INT,
    	EmployeeId		 INT,
    	RentalContractId INT,
    	PaymentDate      DATE,
    	Amount	         INT,
    	PaymentForMonth  NVARCHAR(20),
    	PaymentForYear   INT,
    	CONSTRAINT FK_PaymentsProcessors FOREIGN KEY(EmployeeId) REFERENCES Employees(EmployeeId),
    	CONSTRAINT FK_RentalContracts FOREIGN KEY(RentalContractId) REFERENCES RentalContracts(RentalContractId),
    	CONSTRAINT PK_Payments PRIMARY KEY(PaymentId)
    -- ==========================================================================================================
    CREATE PROCEDURE LocateResidence 
    	@apartCode int = 101
    	SELECT Bedrooms, Bathrooms,	MonthlyRate 
    	FROM Apartments
    	WHERE UnitNumber = @apartCode;
    CREATE PROCEDURE SummarizeContract 
    	@contracNbr int
    	SELECT contracts.ContractNumber,
    	   staff.EmployeeNumber + N' - ' + staff.FirstName + N' ' + staff.LastName + N' (' + staff.EmploymentTitle + N')' AS Processor, 
    	   contracts.FirstName + N' ' + contracts.LastName + N' (' + contracts.MaritalStatus + N' with ' + STR(contracts.NumberOfChildren, 1) + N' child(ren); started on ' + contracts.RentStartDate AS Tenant, 
    FROM RentalContracts contracts
    	   INNER JOIN Employees staff ON staff.EmployeeId = contracts.EmployeeId
    	   WHERE contracts.ContractNumber = @contracNbr;
    -- ================================================================================================================
    -- This section is used to create records for the tables.
    -- Obviously data entry is performed using the INSERT statement.
    -- There are errors made on purpose in some records. Examples are bad names (such as 'Willlkinson'),
    -- bad titles (such as 'International' instead of 'Intern'), wrong amounts of payments such as 4850 instead of 850,
    -- wrong year such as 3118 instead of 2018, etc.
    -- You will have to create UPDATE statements to make the corrections
    INSERT INTO Employees(EmployeeNumber, FirstName, LastName, EmploymentTitle)
    VALUES(N'93947', N'Catherine', N'Watts',       N'Owner - General Manager'),
    	  (N'40685', N'Justine',   N'Sandt',       N'Rent Manager'),                                           
    	  (N'17205', N'Laura',     N'Garner',      N'Rent Associate'),
    	  (N'73048', N'Raymond',   N'Willlkinson', N'International'),			-- The last name of the employee is Wilkinson. Change it.
    	  (N'60949', N'Mark',      N'Reason',	   N'Maintenance Technician'),
    	  (N'38408', N'Marc',      N'Knights',     N'Rent Associate'),
    	  (N'20448', N'Yanciette', N'Longhorn',    N'Rent Associate'),			-- The first name of the employee is Nancy. Change it.
    	  (N'70007', N'Laura',     N'Vine',        N'Unknown'),					-- Delete this record
    	  (N'57359', N'Victor',    N'Greens',      N'Technical Associate');
    INSERT INTO OccupanciesStatus(OccupancyStatus)
    VALUES(N'Unknown'), (N'Available'), (N'Not Ready'), (N'Needs Maintenance');
    INSERT INTO Apartments(UnitNumber, Bedrooms, Bathrooms, MonthlyRate, SecurityDeposit, OccupancyStatusId)
    VALUES(N'101', 2, 2, 1350, 1100, 2),
          (N'102', 1, 1, 1150,  850, 4),
          (N'103', 1, 1, 1150,  850, 2),
          (N'104', 3, 2, 1500, 1250, 2),
          (N'105', 2, 1, 1250, 1000, 3),
          (N'106', 3, 2, 1550, 1250, 2),
          (N'107', 3, 2, 1450, 1250, 4),
          (N'108', 1, 1, 1100, 4850, 2), -- Check the amount of the security deposit of the apartment of this rental contract
          (N'109', 2, 2, 1350, 1100, 2),
          (N'110', 1, 1, 1050,  850, 1),
          (N'111', 2, 2, 1350, 1100, 4),
          (N'112', 2, 1, 1285, 1000, 2),
          (N'201', 2, 1, 1185, 1000, 1),
          (N'202', 1, 1, 1150,  850, 2),
          (N'203', 1, 1, 1150,  850, 2),
          (N'204', 3, 2, 1600, 1250, 2),
          (N'205', 2, 1, 1100, 1000, 4),
          (N'206', 3, 2, 1500, 5250, 2), -- Check the value of the payment that is supposed to be made for this record
          (N'207', 3, 2, 1550, 1250, 2),
          (N'208', 1, 1,  985,  850, 2),
          (N'209', 2, 2, 1350, 1100, 2),
          (N'210', 1, 1, 1150,  850, 1),
          (N'211', 2, 2, 1350, 1100, 2),
          (N'212', 2, 1, 1075, 1000, 2),
          (N'301', 2, 2, 1175, 1000, 2),
          (N'302', 1, 1, 1150,  850, 4),
          (N'303', 1, 1, 1100,  850, 2),
          (N'304', 3, 2, 1250, 1100, 2),
          (N'305', 2, 1, 1100, 1000, 4),
          (N'306', 3, 2, 1250, 1100, 2),
          (N'307', 3, 2, 1100, 1250, 2),
          (N'308', 1, 1, 1100,  850, 2),
          (N'309', 2, 2, 1100,  950, 2),
          (N'310', 1, 1, 1100,  850, 2),
          (N'311', 2, 2, 1100, 32000, 1), -- Check the monthly payment of the apartment of this rental contract
          (N'312', 2, 1, 1100, 1000, 2),
          (N'110', 1, 1, 1100,  850, 2); -- Delete this record
    INSERT INTO RentalContracts(ContractNumber,	EmployeeId,	ContractDate, FirstName, LastName, MaritalStatus, NumberOfChildren, ApartmentId, RentStartDate)
    VALUES(1001,	6,	N'6/12/2018',	N'Ann',			N'Sanders',		N'Married',		1,	9,	N'7/1/2018'),
          (1002,	7,	N'6/15/2018',	N'Mahty',		N'Shaoul',		N'Unknown',		2,	4,	N'9/1/2018'),
          (1003,	3,	N'6/22/2018',	N'Frank',		N'Ulm',			N'Single',		0,	34,	N'7/1/2018'),
          (1004,	1,	N'6/22/2018',	N'Elise',		N'Provowski',	N'Separated',	1,	29,	N'8/1/2018');
    INSERT INTO RentalContracts(ContractNumber,	EmployeeId,	ContractDate, FirstName, LastName, NumberOfChildren, ApartmentId, RentStartDate)
          (1005,	1,	N'7/23/3118',	N'Grace',		N'Curryan',	1,	4,	N'9/1/2018');
    INSERT INTO RentalContracts(ContractNumber,	EmployeeId,	ContractDate,	FirstName,	LastName,	MaritalStatus,	NumberOfChildren, ApartmentId, RentStartDate)
    VALUES(1006,	6,	N'7/25/2018',	N'Tracy',		N'Warrens',		N'Divorced',	2,	19,	N'8/1/2018'),
          (1007,	6,	N'8/01/2018',	N'Paul',		N'Yaomoik',		N'Married',		3,	16,	N'10/1/2118'), -- The last name of the future tenant is Yamo
          (1008,	2,	N'8/10/2018',	N'Nancy',		N'Shermann',	N'Single',		1,	 8,	N'9/1/2022'),
          (1009,	7,	N'9/12/2019',	N'Michael',		N'Tiernan',		N'Unknown',		0,	21,	N'11/1/2019'),
          (1010,	6,	N'10/05/2019',	N'Phillippe',	N'Anderson',	N'Single',		0,	14,	N'11/1/2019'),
          (1011,	7,	N'9/12/2012',	N'Michael',		N'Tiernan',		N'Married',		8,   8,	N'12/1/2020'), -- Delete this record
          (1012,	7,	N'9/12/2014',	N'Roger',		N'Robertson',	N'Single',		2,	11,	N'11/1/2020');
    INSERT Payments(ReceiptNumber, EmployeeId, PaymentDate, RentalContractId, Amount, PaymentForMonth, PaymentForYear)
    VALUES(418881, 7, N'1/25/2018', 5, 1435, N'January', 2021),
    	  (604158, 4, N'2/24/2018', 5, 1435, N'February', 2021),
    	  (824635, 6, N'3/23/2018', 5, 1435, N'March', 2041),		-- This payment was for the year 2021. Update the record
    	  (479557, 6, N'4/22/2018', 5, 1435, N'April', 2021),
    	  (504796, 2, N'5/26/2018', 5, 1435, N'May', 2021);
    INSERT Payments(ReceiptNumber, EmployeeId, PaymentDate, RentalContractId, Amount)
    VALUES(158071, 7, N'6/15/2018', 2, 1250),
    	  (138869, 6, N'6/17/2018', 1, 1100),
    	  (807937, 2, N'6/22/2018', 4, 1000);
    INSERT Payments(ReceiptNumber, EmployeeId, PaymentDate, RentalContractId, Amount, PaymentForMonth, PaymentForYear)
    VALUES(427391, 1, N'6/25/2018', 5, 12435, N'June', 2021);	-- The payment was in the amount of 1435. Correct it.
    INSERT Payments(ReceiptNumber, EmployeeId, PaymentDate, RentalContractId, Amount)
    VALUES(790342, 1, N'6/25/2018', 3, 850),
    	  (219495, 4, N'7/23/2018', 5, 1100);
    INSERT Payments(ReceiptNumber, EmployeeId, PaymentDate, RentalContractId, Amount, PaymentForMonth, PaymentForYear)
    VALUES(361499, 7, N'07/24/2018', 5, 1435, N'July' ,    2021),
    	  (988006, 2, N'07/26/2018', 3, 1100, N'July',     2018),
    	  (431426, 1, N'07/27/2218', 6, 1250, N'December', 2128),
    	  (253088, 6, N'07/31/2018', 1, 1350, N'July',     2018), -- This payment was actually made on the 21st
    	  (288181, 1, N'08/01/2018', 6, 1735, N'August',   2022);
    INSERT Payments(ReceiptNumber, EmployeeId, PaymentDate, RentalContractId, Amount)
    VALUES(537824, 7, N'8/1/2018', 7, 1240);
    INSERT Payments(ReceiptNumber, EmployeeId, PaymentDate, RentalContractId, Amount, PaymentForMonth, PaymentForYear)
    VALUES(993583, 1, N'08/29/2018', 5, 1435, N'August',     2021),
    	  (404837, 7, N'08/30/2018', 3, 1100, N'August',     2018),
    	  (752808, 7, N'08/31/2018', 1, 1350, N'August',     2018),
    	  (313504, 1, N'09/26/2018', 2, 1500, N'September',  2018),
    	  (274668, 2, N'09/27/2018', 5, 1435, N'September',  2021),	--	This payment was the year 2018. Correct it.
    	  (537299, 6, N'09/27/2008', 3, 1100, N'September',  2018),	--	This payment was made in the year 2018. Correct it.
    	  (837405, 1, N'09/28/2018', 1, 1350, N'September',  2018),
    	  (456722, 4, N'10/26/2018', 5, 1435, N'October',    2018),
    	  (969921, 1, N'10/28/2018', 3, 1100, N'October',    2018),
    	  (295751, 7, N'10/29/2018', 2, 1500, N'October',    2018),
    	  (942592, 1, N'10/30/2018', 1, 1350, N'October',    2018),
    	  (518414, 7, N'11/25/2018', 5, 1435, N'November',   2018),
    	  (815386, 2, N'11/25/2018', 4, 1100, N'November',   2018),
    	  (118374, 7, N'11/26/2018', 1, 1350, N'November',   2018),
    	  (723049, 2, N'11/29/2018', 3, 1100, N'November',   2018),
    	  (680538, 7, N'11/30/2018', 2, 1500, N'November',   2018),
    	  (308337, 4, N'12/21/2018', 5, 1435, N'December',   2018),
    	  (772997, 1, N'12/27/2018', 2, 1500, N'December',   2018),
    	  (255738, 7, N'12/29/2018', 4, 1100, N'December',   2018),
    	  (499231, 6, N'12/31/2018', 3, 1100, N'December',   2018),
    	  (830426, 6, N'01/04/2009', 1, 1350, N'December',   2018),	--	This payment was made in the year 2018. Correct it.
    	  (152367, 6, N'01/22/2019', 5, 1490, N'January',    2019),
    	  (726837, 6, N'01/26/2019', 3, 1100, N'January',    2019),
    	  (960358, 6, N'01/27/2019', 4, 1155, N'January',    2019),
    	  (139633, 6, N'01/28/2019', 2, 1500, N'January',    2019),
    	  (841914, 2, N'01/31/2019', 7, 1450, N'January',    2019),
    	  (681159, 7, N'02/02/2019', 1, 1350, N'January',    2019),
    	  (604859, 2, N'02/23/2019', 4, 1155, N'February',   2019),
    	  (100726, 2, N'02/26/2019', 5, 1490, N'February',   2022),	--	This payment was the year 2019. Correct it.
    	  (306318, 7, N'02/26/2019', 3, 1100, N'February',   2019),
    	  (493631, 7, N'02/27/2019', 2, 1500, N'February',   2019),
    	  (326524, 4, N'02/28/2019', 7, 1450, N'February',   2019),
    	  (140668, 6, N'03/01/2019', 1, 1350, N'February',   2019),
    	  (219682, 1, N'03/22/2019', 7, 1450, N'March',      2019),
    	  (888268, 1, N'03/23/2019', 5, 1490, N'March',      2022),	--	This payment was the year 2019. Correct it.
    	  (963608, 7, N'03/24/2019', 4, 1155, N'March',      2019),
    	  (462296, 2, N'03/27/2019', 3, 1100, N'March',      2019),
    	  (174973, 6, N'03/30/2019', 2, 1500, N'March',      2019),
    	  (801418, 6, N'03/31/2019', 1, 1350, N'March',      2019),
    	  (608535, 2, N'04/20/2019', 7, 1450, N'April',      2019),
    	  (403006, 1, N'04/23/2019', 3, 1100, N'April',      2019),
    	  (966283, 2, N'04/24/2119', 4, 1155, N'April',      2219),
    	  (129972, 4, N'04/25/2019', 5, 1490, N'April',      2022),	--	This payment was the year 2019. Correct it.
    	  (946440, 7, N'04/27/2019', 2, 1500, N'April',      2019),
    	  (973515, 2, N'04/28/2019', 1, 1350, N'April',      2119),
    	  (158100, 4, N'05/20/2019', 5, 1490, N'May',        2019),
    	  (857058, 7, N'05/25/2019', 1, 1350, N'May',        2019),
    	  (280829, 1, N'05/27/2019', 7, 1450, N'May',        2019),
    	  (136955, 6, N'05/29/2019', 2, 1500, N'May',        2019),
    	  (944443, 6, N'05/30/2019', 3, 1100, N'May',        2019),
    	  (814635, 6, N'05/31/2019', 4, 1155, N'May',        2019),
    	  (513421, 6, N'06/21/2019', 7, 1450, N'June',       2026),	--	This payment was the year 2019. Correct it.
    	  (488909, 7, N'06/22/2019', 5, 1490, N'June',       2019),
    	  (953022, 1, N'06/23/2019', 2, 1500, N'June',       2019),
    	  (935368, 7, N'06/29/2019', 3, 1100, N'June',       2019),
    	  (602415, 7, N'06/29/2019', 4, 1155, N'June',       2019),
    	  (661840, 4, N'06/30/2019', 1, 1350, N'June',       2019),
    	  (704135, 2, N'07/21/2019', 5, 1490, N'July',       2022),	--	This payment was the year 2019. Correct it.
    	  (796225, 2, N'07/24/2019', 1, 1415, N'July',       2019),
    	  (246041, 4, N'07/25/2019', 2, 1500, N'July',       2029),	--	This payment was the year 2019. Correct it.
    	  (630575, 4, N'07/30/2019', 3, 1150, N'July',       2019),
    	  (460707, 1, N'07/31/2019', 4, 1155, N'July',       2019),
    	  (482391, 2, N'08/03/2019', 7, 1450, N'July',       2019),
    	  (693971, 4, N'08/23/2019', 5, 1490, N'August',     2022),	--	This payment was the year 2019. Correct it.
    	  (140662, 2, N'08/26/2019', 2, 1500, N'August',     2019),
    	  (529968, 1, N'08/29/2019', 1, 1415, N'August',     2019),
    	  (685860, 2, N'08/30/2019', 4, 1155, N'August',     2019),
    	  (727132, 4, N'08/31/2019', 7, 1450, N'August',     2019),
    	  (158065, 1, N'08/31/2019', 3, 1150, N'August',     2019),
    	  (880551, 4, N'09/25/2019', 5, 1490, N'September',  2022),	--	This payment was the year 2019. Correct it.
    	  (705049, 7, N'09/29/2019', 4, 1155, N'September',  2019),
    	  (970473, 6, N'09/30/2019', 1, 1415, N'September',  2019),
    	  (761864, 4, N'09/30/2019', 2, 1565, N'September',  2019),
    	  (392029, 4, N'09/30/2019', 3, 1150, N'September',  2019),
    	  (269136, 1, N'10/02/2019', 7, 1450, N'September',  2019),
    	  (503131, 4, N'10/20/2019', 1, 1415, N'October',    2019),
    	  (627053, 2, N'10/27/2019', 5, 1490, N'October',    2022),	--	This payment was the year 2019. Correct it.
    	  (852152, 4, N'10/29/2019', 2, 1565, N'October',    2019),
    	  (135880, 6, N'10/31/2019', 3, 1150, N'October',    2019),
    	  (355188, 2, N'10/31/2009', 4, 1155, N'October',    2019),	--	This payment was made in the year 2019. Correct it.
    	  (369335, 6, N'11/04/2019', 7, 1450, N'October',    2019);
    INSERT Payments(ReceiptNumber, EmployeeId, PaymentDate, RentalContractId, Amount)
    VALUES(485506, 6, N'11/21/2019', 5, 1490);
    INSERT Payments(ReceiptNumber, EmployeeId, PaymentDate, RentalContractId, Amount, PaymentForMonth, PaymentForYear)
    VALUES(596883, 2, N'11/27/2019', 2, 1565, N'November',   2019),
    	  (959997, 4, N'11/28/2019', 1, 1415, N'November',   2019),
    	  (480751, 1, N'11/28/2019', 4, 1155, N'November',   2019),
    	  (275961, 2, N'11/30/2019', 3, 1150, N'November',   2019),
    	  (258268, 4, N'12/01/2019', 7, 1450, N'November',   2019),
    	  (952797, 6, N'12/26/2019', 2, 1565, N'December',   2019),
    	  (951797, 6, N'12/26/2019', 2, 1565, N'December',   2019), --
    	  (260394, 6, N'12/26/2019', 4, 1155, N'December',   2019), -- This and the previous records are for the same payment; delete this one
    	  (914057, 1, N'12/27/2019', 1, 1415, N'December',   2019),
    	  (458724, 2, N'12/27/2019', 5, 1490, N'December',   2021),
    	  (539352, 2, N'12/31/2019', 7, 1450, N'December',   2019),
    	  (279425, 4, N'12/31/2019', 3, 1150, N'December',   2019),
    	  (138529, 7, N'01/19/2020', 7, 1555, N'January',    2020),
    	  (469685, 2, N'01/20/2020', 1, 1415, N'January',    2020),
    	  (202415, 1, N'01/26/2020', 2, 1565, N'January',    2020),
    	  (949402, 7, N'01/29/2020', 4, 1205, N'January',    2020),
    	  (699975, 7, N'01/31/2020', 3, 1150, N'January',    2020),
    	  (702197, 1, N'02/22/2020', 7, 1555, N'February',   2020),
    	  (526147, 4, N'02/26/2020', 2, 1565, N'February',   2020),
    	  (286148, 6, N'02/28/2020', 1, 1415, N'February',   2020),
    	  (588395, 4, N'02/28/2020', 4, 1205, N'February',   2020),
    	  (158075, 6, N'02/29/2020', 3, 1150, N'February',   2020),
    	  (313745, 2, N'03/21/2010', 7, 1555, N'March',      2020),	--	This payment was made in the year 2020. Correct it.
    	  (425531, 4, N'03/25/2020', 2, 1565, N'March',      2020),
    	  (283768, 1, N'03/29/2020', 4, 1205, N'March',      2020),
    	  (977902, 7, N'03/31/2020', 1, 1415, N'March',      2020),
    	  (401473, 2, N'03/31/2020', 3, 1150, N'March',      2020),
    	  (327277, 4, N'04/21/2020', 1, 1415, N'April',      2020),
    	  (740029, 2, N'04/24/2020', 2, 1565, N'April',      2020),
    	  (122996, 6, N'04/30/2020', 7, 1555, N'April',      2020),
    	  (447531, 1, N'04/30/2020', 3, 1150, N'April',      2020),
    	  (595037, 2, N'04/30/2020', 4, 1205, N'April',      2020),
    	  (411293, 4, N'05/27/2020', 7, 1555, N'May',        2020),
    	  (693539, 4, N'05/27/2020', 4, 1205, N'May',        2020),
    	  (446355, 6, N'05/29/2020', 2, 1565, N'May',        2020),
    	  (388533, 4, N'05/30/2020', 1, 1415, N'May',        2020),
    	  (682073, 4, N'05/31/2020', 3, 1150, N'May',        2020),
    	  (422275, 2, N'06/27/2020', 2, 1565, N'June',       2020),
    	  (584121, 1, N'06/28/2020', 7, 1555, N'June',       2020),
    	  (528693, 1, N'06/28/2020', 4, 1205, N'June',       2020),
    	  (147179, 4, N'06/30/2020', 3, 1150, N'June',       2020),
    	  (248131, 6, N'07/04/2020', 1, 1415, N'June',       2020),
    	  (976049, 7, N'07/28/2020', 2, 1565, N'July',       2020),
    	  (419192, 7, N'07/31/2020', 7, 1555, N'July',       2020),
    	  (962251, 1, N'07/31/2020', 3, 1205, N'July',       2020),
    	  (465715, 2, N'08/02/2020', 1, 1480, N'July',       2020),
    	  (755369, 7, N'08/02/2020', 4, 1205, N'July',       2020),
    	  (579503, 1, N'08/29/2020', 2, 1565, N'August',     2020),
    	  (944794, 4, N'08/31/2020', 1, 1480, N'August',     2020),
    	  (163842, 2, N'08/31/2020', 7, 1555, N'August',     2020),
    	  (933597, 6, N'08/31/2020', 3, 1205, N'August',     2020),
    	  (530573, 6, N'08/31/2020', 4, 1205, N'August',     2020),
    	  (461882, 2, N'09/20/2020', 2, 1630, N'September',  2020),
    	  (536224, 4, N'09/25/2040', 7, 1555, N'September',  2020),	--	This payment was made in the year 2020. Correct it.
    	  (518396, 4, N'09/30/2020', 1, 1480, N'September',  2020),
    	  (333077, 2, N'09/30/2020', 3, 1205, N'September',  2020),
    	  (603885, 2, N'10/01/2020', 4, 1205, N'September',  2020),
    	  (499727, 7, N'10/31/2020', 3, 1205, N'October',    2020),
    	  (311829, 2, N'11/01/2020', 1, 1480, N'October',    2020),
    	  (940035, 4, N'11/05/2020', 4, 1205, N'October',    2020),
    	  (168051, 7, N'11/30/2020', 1, 1480, N'November',   2020),
    	  (926469, 4, N'11/30/2020', 3, 1205, N'November',   2020),
    	  (739597, 1, N'11/30/2020', 4, 1205, N'November',   2020),
    	  (440700, 2, N'12/31/2020', 1, 1480, N'December',   2020),
    	  (992725, 2, N'12/31/2020', 3, 1205, N'December',   2020),
    	  (511188, 4, N'01/03/2021', 4, 1205, N'December',   2020),
    	  (107222, 4, N'01/24/2021', 6, 1735, N'September',  2023),	--	This payment was the year 2021. Correct it.
    	  (731844, 1, N'01/25/2021', 1, 1480, N'January',    2021),
    	  (296079, 1, N'01/30/2021', 3, 1205, N'January',    2021),
    	  (616470, 2, N'01/30/2021', 4, 1260, N'January',    2021),
    	  (702285, 7, N'02/26/2021', 3, 1205, N'February',   2021),
    	  (335058, 7, N'02/27/2021', 6, 1735, N'October',    2021),
    	  (411752, 6, N'02/28/2021', 1, 1480, N'February',   2021),
    	  (929739, 7, N'03/01/2021', 4, 1260, N'February',   2021),
    	  (973155, 4, N'03/26/2021', 1, 1480, N'March',      2021),
    	  (158548, 4, N'03/30/2021', 6, 1735, N'November',   2021),
    	  (629271, 2, N'03/30/2021', 3, 1205, N'March',      2021),
    	  (740799, 4, N'03/31/2021', 4, 1260, N'March',      2021),
    	  (703620, 2, N'04/21/2021', 6, 1735, N'December',   2223),	--	This payment was the year 2019. Correct it.
    	  (692475, 1, N'04/28/2021', 3, 1205, N'April',      2021),
    	  (406951, 2, N'04/30/2021', 1, 1480, N'April',      2021),
    	  (505068, 1, N'04/30/2021', 4, 1260, N'April',      2021),
    	  (963941, 2, N'05/22/2021', 4, 1260, N'May',        2021),
    	  (635244, 6, N'05/23/2021', 6, 1735, N'January',    2021),
    	  (617050, 2, N'05/27/2001', 1, 1480, N'May',        2011), --	This payment was made in the year 2021 for a month in 2021. Correct it.
    	  (843975, 4, N'05/27/2021', 3, 1205, N'May',        2021),
    	  (747468, 4, N'06/29/2021', 3, 1205, N'June',       2021),
    	  (269266, 7, N'06/30/2021', 1, 1480, N'June',       2021),
    	  (205188, 7, N'06/30/2021', 4, 1260, N'June',       2021),
    	  (402795, 2, N'07/27/2021', 4, 1260, N'July',       2021),
    	  (261597, 2, N'07/31/2021', 1, 1480, N'July',       2021),
    	  (851782, 7, N'07/31/2021', 3, 1255, N'July',       2021),
    	  (216973, 6, N'08/27/2021', 3, 1255, N'August',     2021),
    	  (835506, 1, N'08/31/2021', 1, 1555, N'August',     2021),
    	  (859727, 4, N'08/31/2021', 4, 1260, N'August',     2021),
    	  (993614, 1, N'09/28/2021', 3, 1255, N'September',  2021),
    	  (551614, 6, N'09/29/2021', 4, 1260, N'September',  2021),
    	  (374185, 2, N'10/01/2021', 1, 1555, N'September',  2021),
    	  (111393, 4, N'10/20/2021', 4, 1260, N'October',    2021),
    	  (714151, 4, N'10/26/2021', 3, 1255, N'October',    2021),
    	  (622997, 7, N'10/30/2021', 1, 1555, N'October',    2021),
    	  (286385, 2, N'11/30/2021', 3, 1255, N'November',   2021),
    	  (572427, 2, N'11/30/2021', 4, 1260, N'November',   2021),
    	  (300083, 4, N'12/05/2021', 1, 1555, N'November',   2021),
    	  (418410, 2, N'12/24/2021', 4, 1260, N'December',   2021),
    	  (705536, 1, N'12/28/2021', 3, 1255, N'December',   2021),
    	  (976696, 6, N'01/05/2022', 1, 1555, N'December',   2021),
    	  (259942, 1, N'01/29/2022', 4, 1305, N'January',    2022),
    	  (473305, 1, N'01/31/2022', 1, 1555, N'January',    2022),
    	  (464493, 2, N'01/31/2022', 3, 1255, N'January',    2022),
    	  (944885, 7, N'02/26/2022', 3, 1255, N'February',   2022),
    	  (884606, 4, N'02/27/2022', 4, 1305, N'February',   2022),
    	  (229949, 4, N'03/03/2022', 1, 1555, N'February',   2022),
    	  (952533, 7, N'03/30/2022', 4, 1305, N'March',      2022),
    	  (746063, 2, N'03/31/2022', 1, 1555, N'March',      2022),
    	  (796602, 4, N'03/31/2022', 3, 1255, N'March',      2022),
    	  (595880, 4, N'04/20/2022', 1, 1555, N'April',      2022),
    	  (462697, 2, N'04/21/2022', 4, 1305, N'April',      2022),
    	  (935008, 4, N'04/28/2022', 3, 1255, N'April',      2022),
    	  (853692, 2, N'05/29/2022', 1, 1555, N'May',        2022),
    	  (178607, 1, N'05/29/2022', 3, 1255, N'May',        2022),
    	  (583966, 1, N'05/31/2026', 4, 1305, N'May',        2022),	--	This payment was made in the year 2022. Correct it.
    	  (226405, 4, N'06/21/2022', 4, 1305, N'June',       2022),
    	  (229944, 6, N'06/27/2022', 3, 1255, N'June',       2022),
    	  (959953, 4, N'06/28/2022', 1, 1555, N'June',       2022),
    	  (844807, 4, N'07/25/2022', 3, 1305, N'July',       2022),
    	  (455033, 4, N'07/26/2022', 1, 1555, N'July',       2022),
    	  (964673, 4, N'07/31/2022', 4, 1305, N'July',       2022),
    	  (244205, 6, N'08/29/2022', 4, 1305, N'August',     2022),
    	  (222929, 4, N'08/31/2022', 1, 1625, N'August',     2022),
    	  (635582, 4, N'08/31/2022', 3, 1305, N'August',     2022),
    	  (258533, 2, N'09/28/2022', 3, 1305, N'September',  2022),
    	  (440350, 7, N'09/28/2022', 4, 1305, N'September',  2022),
    	  (841492, 6, N'09/29/2022', 1, 1625, N'September',  2022),
    	  (463931, 1, N'10/20/2022', 4, 1305, N'October',    2022),
    	  (960499, 7, N'10/26/2022', 3, 1305, N'October',    2022),
    	  (693713, 4, N'11/03/2022', 1, 1625, N'October',    2022),
    	  (483777, 4, N'11/30/2022', 3, 1305, N'November',   2022),
    	  (662026, 2, N'11/30/2022', 4, 1305, N'November',   2022),
    	  (755511, 1, N'12/05/2022', 1, 1625, N'November',   2022),
    	  (774826, 2, N'12/30/2022', 3, 1305, N'December',   2022),
    	  (153947, 2, N'12/30/2022', 4, 1305, N'December',   2022),
    	  (470605, 2, N'10/03/2023', 1, 1625, N'October',    2022),	--	This payment was made in January 2023 for the rent payment of the month of December (of the previous year). Correct it.
    	  (979186, 2, N'01/31/2023', 1, 1625, N'January',    2023),
    	  (474157, 6, N'01/31/2023', 3, 1305, N'January',    2023),
    	  (961629, 4, N'02/27/2023', 1, 1625, N'February',   2023),
    	  (669705, 1, N'02/27/2023', 3, 1305, N'February',   2023),
    	  (300484, 4, N'03/28/2023', 3, 1305, N'March',      2023),
    	  (682497, 4, N'03/31/2023', 1, 1625, N'March',      2023),
    	  (620607, 4, N'04/30/2023', 1, 1625, N'April',      2023),
    	  (842995, 4, N'04/30/2023', 3, 1305, N'April',      2023),
    	  (338044, 6, N'05/29/2023', 3, 1305, N'May',        2023),
    	  (261607, 6, N'05/30/2023', 1, 1625, N'May',        2023),
    	  (429240, 6, N'06/27/2023', 1, 1625, N'June',       2023),
    	  (587944, 2, N'06/27/2023', 3, 1305, N'June',       2023),
    	  (397240, 4, N'07/25/2023', 3, 1360, N'July',       2023),
    	  (407229, 2, N'07/31/2023', 1, 1625, N'July',       2023),
    	  (516481, 1, N'08/26/2023', 3, 1360, N'August',     2023),
    	  (974942, 1, N'08/31/2023', 1, 1705, N'August',     2023),
    	  (226414, 2, N'09/29/2026', 1, 1705, N'September',  2023),
    	  (148226, 2, N'09/30/2023', 3, 1360, N'September',  2023),
    	  (418318, 7, N'10/29/2023', 3, 1360, N'October',    2023),
    	  (596197, 7, N'11/03/2023', 1, 1705, N'October',    2023),
    	  (746479, 4, N'11/19/2023', 1, 1705, N'November',   2023),
    	  (453520, 4, N'11/29/2023', 3, 1360, N'November',   2023),
    	  (983177, 4, N'11/30/2023', 1, 1705, N'December',   2023),
    	  (259959, 4, N'12/29/2023', 1, 1360, N'December',   2023);
    -- ================================================================
    UPDATE Employees 
    SET LastName = N'Wilkinson' 
    WHERE EmployeeNumber = N'73048';
    UPDATE Employees 
    SET FirstName = N'Nancy' 
    WHERE EmployeeNumber = N'20448';
    DELETE FROM Employees 
    WHERE EmployeeNumber = N'70007';
    -- ================================================================
    SELECT ALL * FROM Employees;
  5. To execute and create the database and its object, click the Execute button

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