
The essence of a relational database is to have tables with primary and foreign keys. Normally, a table may have a foreign key that represents the records of another table. In some rare cases, you may want to have a table that provides various values to another table. One way to solve this problem to create more than one foreign key in a table with those foreign keys tied to the same table.

This is the Bethesda Car Rental. It is for a fictitious company that rents cars. The database contains an Employee table that has a one-column primary key named EmployeeId. When a customer wants to rent a car, an employee of the company must process the rental order. After using a car, when a customer brings it back, an employee must process the rental return. In some cases, the employee who processes the rental returns may be different from the employee who processed the start rental. The company wants to keep track of who created (or processed) the rental contract and who processed the rental return. For this reason, in a Rental Orders table, we will create two foreign keys from the same Employees table.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing the Application

  1. Start Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
  2. Log in
  3. In the Object Explorer, right-click the top node and click New Query
  4. In the empty Query window, type the following code:
    USE master;
    IF DB_ID (N'BethesdaCarRental2') IS NOT NULL
    	DROP DATABASE BethesdaCarRental2;
    CREATE DATABASE BethesdaCarRental2;
    USE BethesdaCarRental2;
    CREATE TABLE Employees
    	EmployeeId		INT IDENTITY(1, 1),
    	EmployeeNumber  NVARCHAR(10)	NOT NULL,
    	FirstName		NVARCHAR(20),
    	LastName		NVARCHAR(20)	NOT NULL,
    	EmployeeTitle	NVARCHAR(100),
    	CONSTRAINT PK_Employees PRIMARY KEY(EmployeeId)
    CREATE TABLE Categories
    	CategoryId	INT IDENTITY(1, 1),
    	Category	NVARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
    	Daily		DECIMAL(6, 2),
    	Weekly		DECIMAL(6, 2),
    	Monthly		DECIMAL(6, 2),
    	Weekend		DECIMAL(6, 2),	
    	CONSTRAINT PK_Categoris PRIMARY KEY(CategoryId)
    	CarId			INT IDENTITY(1, 1),
    	TagNumber		NVARCHAR(10)	NOT NULL,
    	Make			NVARCHAR(20)	NOT NULL,
    	Model			NVARCHAR(50),
    	Color			NVARCHAR(20),
    	Passengers		INT				NOT NULL,
    	CategoryId		INT				NOT NULL,
    	Condition		NVARCHAR(20),
    	[Availability]	NVARCHAR(100),
    	CONSTRAINT FK_Categories FOREIGN KEY(CategoryId) REFERENCES Categories(CategoryId),
    /* When a customer wants to rent a car, an employee of the company must process the rental order.
       After using a car, when a customer brings it back, an employee must process the rental return.
       In some cases, the employee who processes the rental returns may be different from the employee
       who processed the start rental. For this reason, we will create two foreign keys from the same 
       Employees table. */
    CREATE TABLE RentalOrders
    	RentalOrderId			INT IDENTITY(1, 1),
    	ReceiptNumber			INT				NOT NULL,
    	RentalStartEmployeeId	INT				NOT NULL,
    	RentalReturnEmployeeId	INT,
    	CustomerDrvLicNumber	NVARCHAR(20)	NOT NULL,
    	CustomerName			NVARCHAR(50)	NOT NULL,
    	CustomerAddress			NVARCHAR(120),
    	CustomerCity			NVARCHAR(50),
    	CustomerState			NVARCHAR(40),
    	CustomerZIPCode			NVARCHAR(20),
    	CarId					INT				NOT NULL,
    	VehicleCondition		NVARCHAR(40)	NOT NULL,
    	TankLevel				NVARCHAR(20)	NOT NULL,
    	MileageStart			INT				NOT NULL,
    	MileageEnd				INT,
    	TotalMileage			INT,
    	RentStartDate			DATE			NOT NULL,
    	RentReturnDate			DATE,
    	TotalDays				INT,
    	RateApplied				DECIMAL(8, 2)	NOT NULL,
    	SubTotal				DECIMAL(8, 2),
    	TaxRate					DECIMAL(6, 2),
    	TaxAmount				DECIMAL(6, 2),
    	OrderTotal				DECIMAL(8, 2),
    	OrderStatus				NVARCHAR(50)	NOT NULL,
    	CONSTRAINT FK_RentalStartEmployees FOREIGN KEY(RentalStartEmployeeId) REFERENCES Employees(EmployeeId),
    	CONSTRAINT FK_RentalReturnEmployees FOREIGN KEY(RentalReturnEmployeeId) REFERENCES Employees(EmployeeId),
    	CONSTRAINT PK_RentalOrders PRIMARY KEY(RentalOrderId)
    CREATE VIEW RentStarts 
    	SELECT ro.ReceiptNumber, 
    		   staff.EmployeeNumber + N' - ' + staff.FirstName + N' ' + staff.LastName + N' (' + staff.EmployeeTitle + N')' AS N'Rent Processor',
    		   ro.CustomerDrvLicNumber, ro.CustomerName, ro.CustomerAddress, ro.CustomerCity, ro.CustomerState,
    		   ro.CustomerZIPCode, ro.CarId, ro.VehicleCondition, ro.TankLevel, ro.MileageStart, ro.RentStartDate, ro.RateApplied, ro.OrderStatus
    	FROM RentalOrders ro
    		   INNER JOIN Employees staff ON staff.EmployeeId = ro.RentalStartEmployeeId;
    CREATE VIEW RentalsCompleted
    	SELECT ro.ReceiptNumber AS N'Receipt #', 
    		   rentStart.EmployeeNumber + N' - ' + rentStart.FirstName + N' ' + rentStart.LastName + N' (' + rentStart.EmployeeTitle + N')' AS N'Rent Start Processor',
    		   rentEnd.EmployeeNumber + N' - ' + rentEnd.FirstName + N' ' + rentEnd.LastName + N' (' + rentEnd.EmployeeTitle + N')' AS N'Rent Return Processed By',
    		   ro.CustomerDrvLicNumber AS N'Customer Drv. Lic. #', ro.CustomerName AS N'Full Name', 
    		   ro.CustomerAddress AS N'Address', ro.CustomerCity AS N'City', ro.CustomerState AS N'State', ro.CustomerZIPCode AS N'ZIP Code',
    		   car.TagNumber + N' - ' + Make + N' ' + Model AS N'Vehicle Rented', ro.VehicleCondition AS N'Condition', ro.TankLevel AS N'Tank',
    		   ro.MileageStart AS N'Mileage Start', ro.MileageEnd AS N'End Mileage', ro.TotalMileage AS N'Total',
    		   ro.RentStartDate AS N'Started On', ro.RentReturnDate AS N'Ended On', ro.TotalDays AS N'Days',
    		   ro.RateApplied AS N'Rate', ro.SubTotal AS N'Sub-Total', ro.TaxRate AS N'Tax Rate', ro.TaxAmount AS N'Tax Amt',
    		   ro.OrderTotal AS N'Order Total',	ro.OrderStatus AS N'Order Status'
    	FROM RentalOrders ro
    		   INNER JOIN Employees rentStart ON rentStart.EmployeeId = ro.RentalStartEmployeeId
    		   INNER JOIN Employees rentEnd ON rentEnd.EmployeeId = ro.RentalReturnEmployeeId
    		   INNER JOIN Cars car ON ro.CarId = car.CarId;
    CREATE PROCEDURE GetRentalProcessor
    	@emplNbr NVARCHAR(10)
    	SELECT FirstName + N' ' + LastName + N' (' + EmployeeTitle + N')' 
    	FROM Employees
    	WHERE EmployeeNumber = @emplNbr;
    CREATE PROCEDURE UpdateRentalOrder
    	@emplId INT, @condition NVARCHAR(40), @tank NVARCHAR(20), @mileEnd INT, @allMiles INT, 
    	@returnDate DATE, @days INT, @rentRate DECIMAL(8, 2), @subTotal DECIMAL(8, 2), @taxRate DECIMAL(6, 2),
    	@taxAmount DECIMAL(6, 2), @orderTotal DECIMAL(8, 2), @orderStatus NVARCHAR(50),
    	@rentNbr NVARCHAR(10)
    	UPDATE RentalOrders	
    	SET RentalReturnEmployeeId = @emplId,
    		VehicleCondition       = @condition,
    		TankLevel              = @tank,
    		MileageEnd             = @mileEnd,
    		TotalMileage           = @allMiles,
    		RentReturnDate         = @returnDate,
    		TotalDays              = @days,
    		RateApplied			   = @rentRate,
    		SubTotal               = @subTotal,
    		TaxRate                = @taxRate,
    		TaxAmount			   = @taxAmount,
    		OrderTotal             = @orderTotal,
    		OrderStatus			   = @orderStatus
    		WHERE ReceiptNumber    = @rentNbr;
    INSERT INTO Employees(EmployeeNumber, FirstName, LastName, EmployeeTitle)
    VALUES(N'92735', N'Jeffrey',  N'Leucart',   N'General Manager'),
    	  (N'29268', N'Kathleen', N'Rawley',    N'Technician'),
    	  (N'73948', N'Allison',  N'Garlow',    N'Accounts Associates'),
    	  (N'40508', N'David',    N'Stillson',  N'Accounts Manager'),
    	  (N'24793', N'Michelle', N'Taylor',    N'Accounts Associates'),
    	  (N'20480', N'Peter',    N'Futterman', N'Accounts Associates'),
    	  (N'72084', N'Georgia',  N'Rosen',     N'Customer Service Representative'),
    	  (N'38240', N'Karen',    N'Blakney',   N'Accounts Associates');
    INSERT INTO Categories(Category, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Weekend)
    VALUES(N'Economy',       34.95, 28.75, 24.95, 24.95),
    	  (N'Compact',       38.95, 32.75, 28.95, 28.95),
    	  (N'Standard',      45.95, 39.75, 35.95, 34.95),
    	  (N'Full Size',     50.00, 45.00, 42.55, 38.95),
    	  (N'Mini Van',      55.00, 50.00, 44.95, 42.95),
    	  (N'SUV',           56.95, 52.95, 44.95, 42.95),
    	  (N'Pickup Truck',  62.95, 52.75, 46.95, 44.95),
    	  (N'Passenger Van', 69.95, 64.75, 52.75, 49.95);
    INSERT INTO Cars(TagNumber, Make, Model, Color, Passengers, CategoryId, Condition, [Availability])
    VALUES(N'8AL8033', N'Toyota',    N'Corolla LE',           N'White',            5, 2, N'Excellent',    N'Available'),	--  1
          (N'4AF9284', N'Ford',      N'F-150 Reg Cap 4X4',    N'Dark Green',       4, 7, N'Other',        N'Available'),	--  2
          (N'6AP2749', N'Toyota',    N'Corolla LE',           N'Metallic Brown',   5, 2, N'Excellent',    N'Rented'),	--  3
          (N'2MD8382', N'Toyota',    N'4Runner',              N'Red Metallic',     5, 6, N'Needs Repair', N'Available'),	--  4
          (N'VGT927',  N'GMC',       N'Sierra 1500',          N'Dark Gray',        5, 7, N'Excellent',    N'Available'),	--  5
          (N'3AD9283', N'Toyota',    N'Yaris',                N'Gray',             5, 1, N'Good',         N'Rented'),	--  6
          (N'8AE9294', N'Lincoln',   N'MKT 3.5L',             N'Red',              5, 4, N'Excellent',    N'Available'),	--  7
          (N'KLT840',  N'Ford',      N'E-350 XL',             N'Black',           15, 8, N'Excellent',    N'Available'),	--  8
          (N'2AM9952', N'Ford',      N'Fiesta SE',            N'Blue',             5, 1, N'Good',         N'Available'),	--  9
          (N'2AT9274', N'Ford',	     N'Focus SF',			  N'Black',		       5, 2, N'Excellent',    N'Available'),	-- 10
          (N'6AD8274', N'Mazda',     N'CX-9',                 N'Dark Gray',        5, 5, N'Driveable',    N'Available'),	-- 11
          (N'ADG279',  N'GMC',       N'Acadia SLE',           N'Black',            5, 6, N'Excellent',    N'Rented'),	-- 12
          (N'1AD8049', N'Dodge',     N'Charger',              N'Blue',             5, 3, N'Excellent',    N'Available'),	-- 13
          (N'9MD3974', N'Toyota',    N'Sienna LE FWD',        N'Red Metallic',     8, 8, N'Needs Repair', N'Rented'),	-- 14
          (N'5AJ9274', N'BMW',       N'528i',                 N'Black Metallic',   5, 4, N'Excellent',    N'Available'),	-- 15
          (N'GTH295',  N'Kia',       N'Rio EX',               N'Silver Metallic',  5, 1, N'Other',        N'Available'),	-- 16
          (N'8AT2408', N'Mazda',     N'Miata MX-5',           N'Red Metallic',     2, 2, N'Driveable',    N'Available'),	-- 17
          (N'6AP2486', N'Fiat',      N'500',                  N'Light Blue',       4, 1, N'Excellent',    N'Available'),	-- 18
          (N'2AL9485', N'Chrysler',  N'200',                  N'Silver Metallic',  2, 2, N'Excellent',    N'Available'),	-- 19
          (N'DFP924',  N'Honda',     N'Odyssey',              N'Gray',             8, 8, N'Needs Repair', N'Available'),	-- 20
          (N'KER204',  N'Ford',      N'Focus RS',             N'Silver Metallic',  5, 2, N'Good',         N'Needs Repair'),	-- 21
          (N'8AR9374', N'Honda',     N'Accord LX',            N'Blue',             5, 3, N'Other',        N'Rented'),	-- 22
          (N'5MD2084', N'Buick',     N'Enclave',              N'Cream',            5, 5, N'Excellent',    N'Available'),	-- 23
          (N'BND927',  N'Nissan',    N'Leaf',                 N'Red',              5, 1, N'Excellent',    N'Available'),	-- 24
          (N'8AG3584', N'Chrysler',  N'Pacifica',             N'Blue Pearl',       8, 8, N'Driveable',    N'Available'),	-- 25
          (N'8AL7394', N'Ford',      N'F-250 SD Reg Cab 4X4', N'Black',            5, 7, N'Good',         N'Available'),	-- 26
          (N'4MD2840', N'Chevrolet', N'2500 LS',              N'Silver Metallic', 15, 8, N'Excellent',    N'Rented'),	-- 27
          (N'G249580', N'Nissan',    N'Sentra SR',            N'Red Metallic',     5, 2, N'Excellent',    N'Available'),	-- 28
          (N'3AK7397', N'Chrysler',  N'200',                  N'Silver Metallic',  2, 2, N'Driveable',    N'Available');	-- 29
    INSERT INTO RentalOrders(ReceiptNumber, RentalStartEmployeeId, CustomerDrvLicNumber, CustomerName, CustomerAddress, CustomerCity, CustomerState,
    						 CustomerZIPCode, CarId, VehicleCondition, TankLevel, MileageStart, RentStartDate, RateApplied, OrderStatus)
    VALUES(374683, 6, N'820-358-492',   N'Marcel buhler',      N'6800 Haxell Court',        N'Alexandria',   N'VA', N'22314', 20, N'Excellent', N'Empty',    12728, N'12/12/2022', 69.95, N'Rented - Vehicle With Customer'),
    	  (648842, 5, N'592-837-597',   N'Joan Altman',        N'3725 South Dakota Ave NW', N'Washington',   N'DC', N'20012',  2, N'Good',      N'1/2 Tank', 24715, N'12/12/2022', 62.95, N'Rented - Vehicle With Customer'),
    	  (147930, 8, N'379-708-358',   N'Thomas Filder',      N'4905 Herrenden Street',    N'Arlington',    N'VA', N'22204', 23, N'Good',      N'Empty',     6064, N'12/14/2022', 34.95, N'Rented - Vehicle With Customer'),
    	  (802808, 3, N'S-172-503-059', N'Gregory Strangeman', N'5530 Irving Street',       N'College Park', N'MD', N'20740', 10, N'Excellent', N'1/4 Tank',  8206, N'12/17/2022', 28.95, N'Rented - Vehicle With Customer'),
    	  (283649, 3, N'R-702-817-706', N'Michelle Russell',   N'10070 Weatherwood Drive',  N'Rockville',    N'MD', N'20853',  7, N'Excellent', N'Full',      3659, N'12/17/2022', 38.95, N'Rented - Vehicle With Customer');
    EXECUTE UpdateRentalOrder 5, N'Excellent',    N'1/2 Tank', 13022,	294, N'12/16/2022',	4,	69.95, 279.80,	7.75, 21.68, 301.48, N'Order Complete', 374683;
    EXECUTE UpdateRentalOrder 8, N'Good',         N'1/2 Tank', 25694,	979, N'12/17/2022',	5,	62.95, 314.75,	7.75, 24.39, 339.14, N'Order Complete', 648842;
    EXECUTE UpdateRentalOrder 4, N'Needs Repair', N'Full',      6229,	165, N'12/16/2022',	3,	34.95, 104.85,	7.70,  8.07, 112.92, N'Order Complete', 147930;
    EXECUTE UpdateRentalOrder 3, N'Excellent',    N'1/2 Tank',  8412,	206, N'12/19/2022',	2,	28.95,	57.90,	7.70,  4.46,  62.36, N'Order Complete', 802808;
    EXECUTE UpdateRentalOrder 5, N'Driveable',    N'Full',      3806,	147, N'12/19/2022',	2,	38.95, 	77.90,	7.70,  6.00,  83.90, N'Order Complete', 283649;
    /* INSERT INTO RentalOrders(ReceiptNumber, RentalStartEmployeeId, RentalReturnEmployeeId,
    						 CustomerDrvLicNumber, CustomerName, CustomerAddress, CustomerCity, CustomerState, CustomerZIPCode,
    						 CarId, VehicleCondition, TankLevel, MileageStart, MileageEnd, TotalMileage,
    						 RentStartDate, RentReturnDate, TotalDays, RateApplied, SubTotal, TaxRate, TaxAmount, OrderTotal, OrderStatus)
    VALUES(374683, 6, 5, N'820-358-492',   N'Marcel buhler',      N'6800 Haxell Court',        N'Alexandria',   N'VA', N'22314', 20, N'Excellent', N'Empty',    12728, 13022,	294, N'12/12/2022', N'12/16/2022',	4,	69.95, 279.80,	7.75, 21.68, 301.48, N'Order Complete'),
    	  (648842, 5, 8, N'592-837-597',   N'Joan Altman',        N'3725 South Dakota Ave NW', N'Washington',   N'DC', N'20012',  2, N'Good',      N'1/2 Tank', 24715, 25694,	979, N'12/12/2022', N'12/17/2022',	5,	62.95, 314.75,	7.75, 24.39, 339.14, N'Order Complete'),
    	  (147930, 8, 4, N'379-708-358',   N'Thomas Filder',      N'4905 Herrenden Street',    N'Arlington',    N'VA', N'22204', 23, N'Good',      N'Full',      6064,  6229,	165, N'12/14/2022', N'12/16/2022',	3,	34.95, 104.85,	7.70,  8.07, 112.92, N'Order Complete'),
    	  (802808, 3, 3, N'S-172-503-059', N'Gregory Strangeman', N'5530 Irving Street',       N'College Park', N'MD', N'20740', 10, N'Excellent', N'1/2 Tank',  8206,  8412,	206, N'12/17/2022', N'12/19/2022',	2,	28.95,	57.90,	7.70,  4.46,  62.36, N'Order Complete'),
    	  (283649, 3, 5, N'R-702-817-706', N'Michelle Russell',   N'10070 Weatherwood Drive',  N'Rockville',    N'MD', N'20853',  7, N'Excellent', N'Full',      3659,  3806,	147, N'12/17/2022', N'12/19/2022',	2,	38.95, 	77.90,	7.70,  6.00,  83.90, N'Order Complete');
    SELECT ALL * FROM Employees;
    SELECT ALL * FROM Categories;
    SELECT ALL * FROM RentalOrders;
    EXECUTE GetRentalProcessor N'29268';
    SELECT ALL * FROM RentStarts;
    SELECT ALL * FROM RentalsCompleted;
  5. To execute and create the database and its object, click the Execute button

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