Classes and their Methods
Classes and their Methods
Methods and Parameters
Methods Arguments
Like regular functions, the methods of a class can use some arguments to carry their assignments. To pass an argument to a method, simply type it in the parentheses. By design, the member variables of an object are accessible to the methods of the same object. This means that you do not have to pass their equivalents to your methods.
Practical Learning: Introducing Data Reading
#pragma once using namespace System; namespace ElectronicsStore { public ref class CStoreItem { private: long nbr; __wchar_t ^ cat; String ^ mk; String ^ mdl; double discount; double price; public: inline long GetItemNumber(); inline __wchar_t ^ GetCategory(); inline String ^ GetMake(); inline String ^ GetModel(); inline double GetDiscountRate(); inline double GetUnitPrice(); }; }
#include "StoreItem.h" using namespace System; namespace ElectronicsStore { inline long CStoreItem::GetItemNumber() { return nbr; } inline __wchar_t ^ CStoreItem::GetCategory() { return cat; } inline String ^ CStoreItem::GetMake() { return mk; } inline String ^ CStoreItem::GetModel() { return mdl; } inline double CStoreItem::GetDiscountRate() { return discount / 100; } inline double CStoreItem::GetUnitPrice() { return price; } }
#include "StoreItem.h" using namespace System; using namespace ElectronicsStore; int main() { String ^ strTitle = L"=-= Nearson Electonics =-=\n" L"******* Store Items ******"; CStoreItem ^ sItem = gcnew CStoreItem; Console::WriteLine(); return 0; }
Constant Arguments |
In previous lessons, we learned that when a function received an argument that it
didn't modify, the argument should be declared as constant. This allows the compiler to make sure
that the argument would not be modified. The same technique applies to an argument used by a method of
a class.
To declare an argument of an object’s method as constant, type the const keyword on the left of the argument’s data type.
Consider a box object as follows:
We would like to know the area of each side because different things will be displayed on each side and we need to know how much space is available. If we were dealing with a rectangle, we would just declare an area method as follows:
double FaceArea();
On a box (rectangular parallelepiped), we have three rectangle types that represent the six faces. We can declare one method that takes any two sides and calculates their area. Such a method would be declared as follows:
double FaceArea(double side1, double side2);
We can define it as follows:
public value struct CBox { double FaceArea(double length, double height) { double area = length * height; return area; } };
Notice that the method doesn't modify the values of the arguments it uses. Therefore, they should be declared as constants. To declare each as constant, you would change the declaration of the method as follows:
double Area(const double side1, const double side2);
Here is an example of a class with methods that take constant arguments:
using namespace System; public value class CBox { public: double FaceArea(const double length, const double height) { double area = length * height; return area; } double TopArea(const double length, const double width) { return length * width; } double RightArea(const double height, const double width) { return height * width; } }; int main() { CBox ^ box = gcnew CBox; const double L = 35.85; const double H = 28.46; const double W = 22.08; Console::WriteLine(" -=- Box Areas -=-"); Console::WriteLine("Top: {0}", box->TopArea(L, W)); Console::WriteLine("Face: {0}", box->FaceArea(L, H)); Console::WriteLine("Right: {0}", box->RightArea(H, W)); return 0; }
This would produce: |
-=- Box Areas -=- Top: 791.568 Face: 1020.29 Right: 628.397 Press any key to continue... |
#pragma once using namespace System; namespace ElectronicsStore { public ref class CStoreItem { private: long nbr; __wchar_t ^ cat; String ^ mk; String ^ mdl; double discount; double price; public: inline long GetItemNumber(); inline void SetItemNumber(const long number); inline __wchar_t ^ GetCategory(); inline void SetCategory(__wchar_t ^ category); inline String ^ GetMake(); inline void SetMake(String ^ make); inline String ^ GetModel(); inline void SetModel(String ^ model); inline double GetDiscountRate(); inline void SetDiscountRate(const double discountRate); inline double GetUnitPrice(); inline void SetUnitPrice(const double unitPrice); }; }
#include "StoreItem.h" using namespace System; namespace ElectronicsStore { inline long CStoreItem::GetItemNumber() { return nbr; } inline void CStoreItem::SetItemNumber(const long number) { this->nbr = number; } inline __wchar_t ^ CStoreItem::GetCategory() { return cat; } inline void CStoreItem::SetCategory(__wchar_t ^ category) { this->cat = category; } inline String ^ CStoreItem::GetMake() { return mk; } inline void CStoreItem::SetMake(String ^ make) { this->mk = make; } inline String ^ CStoreItem::GetModel() { return mdl; } inline void CStoreItem::SetModel(String ^ model) { this->mdl = model; } inline double CStoreItem::GetDiscountRate() { return discount / 100; } inline void CStoreItem::SetDiscountRate(const double discountRate) { this->discount = discountRate; } inline double CStoreItem::GetUnitPrice() { return price; } inline void CStoreItem::SetUnitPrice(const double unitPrice) { this->price = unitPrice; } }
#include "StoreItem.h" using namespace System; using namespace ElectronicsStore; CStoreItem ^ CreateStoreItem(); void DescribeStoreItem(CStoreItem ^ %); int main() { String ^ strTitle = L"=-= Nearson Electonics =-=\n" L"******* Store Items ******"; CStoreItem ^ storeItem = CreateStoreItem(); Console::WriteLine(); Console::WriteLine(strTitle); DescribeStoreItem(storeItem); Console::WriteLine(); return 0; } CStoreItem ^ CreateStoreItem() { long number; __wchar_t ^ category; String ^ make; String ^ model; double discount; double price; Console::WriteLine(L"To create a store item, enter its information"); Console::Write(L"Item Number: "); number = long::Parse(Console::ReadLine()); Console::WriteLine(L"Category"); Console::WriteLine(L"A - Audio Cables"); Console::WriteLine(L"B - Batteries"); Console::WriteLine(L"C - Cell Phones and Accessories"); Console::WriteLine(L"D - Bags and Cases"); Console::WriteLine(L"H - Headphones"); Console::WriteLine(L"M - Digital Cameras"); Console::WriteLine(L"O - Cables and Connectors"); Console::WriteLine(L"P - PDAs and Accessories"); Console::WriteLine(L"T - Telephones and Accessories"); Console::WriteLine(L"S - Surge Protector"); Console::Write(L"Your Choice? "); category = __wchar_t::Parse(Console::ReadLine()); Console::Write(L"Make "); make = Console::ReadLine(); Console::Write(L"Model: "); model = Console::ReadLine(); Console::Write(L"Discount Applied (Enter 0 to 100, 0 if no discount): "); discount = double::Parse(Console::ReadLine()); Console::Write(L"Unit Price: "); price = double::Parse(Console::ReadLine()); CStoreItem ^ sItem = gcnew CStoreItem; sItem->SetItemNumber(number); sItem->SetCategory(category); sItem->SetMake(make); sItem->SetModel(model); sItem->SetDiscountRate(discount); sItem->SetUnitPrice(price); return sItem; } void DescribeStoreItem(CStoreItem ^ %item) { Console::WriteLine(L"Store Item Description"); Console::WriteLine(L"Item Number: {0}", item->GetItemNumber()); Console::WriteLine(L"Category: {0}", item->GetCategory()); Console::WriteLine(L"Make {0}", item->GetMake()); Console::WriteLine(L"Model: {0}", item->GetModel()); Console::WriteLine(L"Discount Rate: {0:P}", item->GetDiscountRate()); Console::WriteLine(L"Unit Price: {0:C}", item->GetUnitPrice()); }
To create a store item, enter its information Item Number: 204066 Category A - Audio Cables B - Batteries C - Cellphones and Accessories D - Bags and Cases H - Headphones M - Digital Cameras O - Cables and Connectors P - PDAs and Accessories T - Telephones and Accessories S - Surge Protector Your Choice? P Make HP Model: iPAQ hw6510 Mobile Messenger Discount Applied (Enter 0 to 100, 0 if no discount): 15 Unit Price: 585.95 =-= Nearson Electonics =-= ******* Store Items ****** Store Item Description Item Number: 204066 Category: P Make HP Model: iPAQ hw6510 Mobile Messenger Discount Rate: 15.00 % Unit Price: $585.95 Press any key to continue . . . |
![]() |
Private Methods |
As you might have found out, some of the methods of a class are exclusively used to carry assignments. The external functions or other objects don't call such methods and don't communicate with them. If you create a class and know that a particular method is not used to transfer data to the client functions, you can declare such a method as private, just like you would do with a member variable.
To declare a method as private, include it in a private: section of the object. To implement it, follow the same rules we have learned about implementing the methods of an object. You must keep in mind (which will also be very important when we learn about inheritance) is that this method is not available to the outside world. Here is an example:
using namespace System; public value class CBox { private: double Length; double Height; double Width; public: CBox ^ Create(); void Show(); private: double FaceArea() { return Length * Height; } double TopArea() { return Length * Width; } double RightArea() { return Height * Width; } }; CBox ^ CBox::Create() { this->Length = 35.85; this->Height = 28.46; this->Width = 22.08; return *this; } void CBox::Show() { Console::WriteLine(" -=- Box Areas -=-"); Console::WriteLine("Top: {0}", this->TopArea()); Console::WriteLine("Face: {0}", this->FaceArea()); Console::WriteLine("Right: {0}", this->RightArea()); } int main() { CBox ^ box = gcnew CBox; CBox ^ one = box->Create(); one->Show(); Console::WriteLine(); return 0; }
Protected Methods |
A public method is one that can be accessed outside of its class. A private method is one that cannot be accessed outside of its class. When using inheritance, if you want to create a method that only derived classes can access, put that method in a protected section that is preceded with protected:.
Static Member Variables |
A class can have static member variables. To declare such a variable, precede it with the static keyword. Here is an example:
public value class CCar { private: String ^ Make; String ^ Model; int Doors; int Year; double Price; public: void Build(); void Show(); static int Count; };
When you declare a member variable as static and when the application starts, the compiler creates a copy of that member. This member would be maintained by the compiler while the program is running. If you declare an instance of a class, like the above vehicle variable, the static member is not part of the object: the compiler creates and maintains the static member, whether you use it or not, whether you declare a class variable or not.
In a program, if you use a class that has a static member variable, that member variable is initialize with the minimum value of its type. For example, if the member variable is of an integer type, the static member variable is initialized with 0.
As mentioned already, when a class has a static member variable, you don't need to declare an instance of that class in order to access the static member variable. When the application starts, the member variable is automatically available and you can access it when necessary. You can access it either to retrieve its value or to modify it.
To access a static member of the class outside of that class, enter its data type, followed by the name of the class, followed by the :: operator, followed by the name of the member variable. You can then, for example, retrieve the value of the static member variable. Here is an example:
using namespace System; public value class CCar { private: String ^ Make; String ^ Model; int Doors; int Year; double Price; public: void Build(); void Show(); static int Count; }; void CCar::Build() { Console::WriteLine(L"Enter Car Information"); Console::Write(L"Enter Make: "); Make = Console::ReadLine(); Console::Write(L"Enter Model: "); Model = Console::ReadLine(); Console::Write(L"# of Doors: "); Doors = int::Parse(Console::ReadLine()); Console::Write(L"Year Made: "); Year = int::Parse(Console::ReadLine()); Console::Write(L"Enter Price: "); Price = double::Parse(Console::ReadLine()); } void CCar::Show() { Console::WriteLine(L"\nCar Characteristics"); Console::WriteLine(L"Make: {0}", Make); Console::WriteLine(L"Model: {0}", Model); Console::WriteLine(L"Doors: {0}", Doors); Console::WriteLine(L"Year: {0}", Year); Console::WriteLine(L"Value: {0:C}", Price); } int main() { Console::Write("Number of Cars: "); Console::WriteLine(CCar::Count); Console::WriteLine(); return 0; }
Notice that you don't need to declare a variable of a class in order to access a static member variable. The above program produces:
Number of Cars: 0 Press any key to continue . . .
Like the other member variables of a class, you can initialize a static member variable as you see fit. Just remember the rule to access it.
When creating a class, you will decide what member(s) you want to make static and which one(s) will stay regular.
Static Methods |
Besides regular member functions, a class can also have static methods. To create a static method, type the static keyword to its left. Here is an example:
public value class CCar { private: String ^ Make; String ^ Model; int Doors; int Year; double Price; public: void Build(); static int Count; static void Display(); };
As mentioned for static member variables, a static method doesn't belong to a particular instance of the class. This means that you don't need to declare a handle of a class in order to access a static method. A static method stands on its own so much that, if you want to access another member of the class, you must declare an instance of that class inside the static method. In other words, the other members of the same class are not automatically accessible from within the static method. As done with the other methods, you can implement a static method outside of the class. If you decide to do this, you must omit the static keyword. Here are examples of static methods:
using namespace System; public value class CCar { private: String ^ Make; String ^ Model; int Doors; int Year; double Price; public: static int Count; static void Build(CCar ^ vehicle); static void Display(const CCar ^ car); }; void CCar::Build(CCar ^ mobile) { Console::WriteLine(L"Enter Car Information"); Console::Write(L"Enter Make: "); mobile->Make = Console::ReadLine(); Console::Write(L"Enter Model: "); mobile->Model = Console::ReadLine(); Console::Write(L"# of Doors: "); mobile->Doors = int::Parse(Console::ReadLine()); Console::Write(L"Year Made: "); mobile->Year = int::Parse(Console::ReadLine()); Console::Write(L"Enter Price: "); mobile->Price = double::Parse(Console::ReadLine()); } void CCar::Display(const CCar ^ car) { Console::WriteLine(L"\nCar Characteristics"); Console::WriteLine(L"Make: {0}", car->Make); Console::WriteLine(L"Model: {0}", car->Model); Console::WriteLine(L"Doors: {0}", car->Doors); Console::WriteLine(L"Year: {0}", car->Year); Console::WriteLine(L"Value: {0:C}", car->Price); } int main() { CCar ^ vehicle = gcnew CCar; CCar::Build(vehicle); CCar::Display(vehicle); Console::Write("Number of Cars: "); Console::WriteLine(CCar::Count); Console::WriteLine(); return 0; }
Here is an example of running the program:
Enter Car Information Enter Make: Audi Enter Model: A4 Quattro 3.0 Litre # of Doors: 4 Year Made: 2003 Enter Price: 25.950 Car Characteristics Make: Audi Model: A4 Quattro 3.0 Litre Doors: 4 Year: 2003 Value: $25.95 Number of Cars: 0 Press any key to continue . . .
Notice that, inside of main(), you don't need a CCar object (an instance of the CCar class) in order to access the static methods. Also, as mentioned already, you cannot implicitly access the non-static regular members of the class inside of the static method. To access a static member from a static method, you can qualify it. Here is an example:
void CCar::Build(CCar ^ mobile) { Console::WriteLine(L"Enter Car Information"); Console::Write(L"Enter Make: "); mobile->Make = Console::ReadLine(); Console::Write(L"Enter Model: "); mobile->Model = Console::ReadLine(); Console::Write(L"# of Doors: "); mobile->Doors = int::Parse(Console::ReadLine()); Console::Write(L"Year Made: "); mobile->Year = int::Parse(Console::ReadLine()); Console::Write(L"Enter Price: "); mobile->Price = double::Parse(Console::ReadLine()); CCar::Count++; }
But you don't have to qualify it: its name would be enough. Here is an example:
using namespace System; public value class CCar { private: String ^ Make; String ^ Model; int Doors; int Year; double Price; public: static int Count; static void Build(CCar ^ vehicle); static void Display(const CCar ^ car); }; void CCar::Build(CCar ^ mobile) { Console::WriteLine(L"Enter Car Information"); Console::Write(L"Enter Make: "); mobile->Make = Console::ReadLine(); Console::Write(L"Enter Model: "); mobile->Model = Console::ReadLine(); Console::Write(L"# of Doors: "); mobile->Doors = int::Parse(Console::ReadLine()); Console::Write(L"Year Made: "); mobile->Year = int::Parse(Console::ReadLine()); Console::Write(L"Enter Price: "); mobile->Price = double::Parse(Console::ReadLine()); CCar::Count++; } void CCar::Display(const CCar ^ car) { Console::WriteLine(L"\nCar Characteristics"); Console::WriteLine(L"Make: {0}", car->Make); Console::WriteLine(L"Model: {0}", car->Model); Console::WriteLine(L"Doors: {0}", car->Doors); Console::WriteLine(L"Year: {0}", car->Year); Console::WriteLine(L"Value: {0:C}", car->Price); Console::Write("Number of Cars: {0}", Count++); } int main() { CCar ^ vehicle = gcnew CCar; CCar::Build(vehicle); CCar::Display(vehicle); Console::WriteLine(); return 0; }
Here is an example of running the program:
Enter Car Information Enter Make: Jeep Enter Model: Wrangler Sport # of Doors: 3 Year Made: 2000 Enter Price: 15500 Car Characteristics Make: Jeep Model: Wrangler Sport Doors: 3 Year: 2000 Value: $15,500.00 Number of Cars: 1 Press any key to continue . . .
Classes and Constants |
Static Constants |
In C++, you are not allowed to initialize a variable in the body of a class. Consider the following:
#pragma once namespace Geometry { public ref class CCircle { public: double Radius; double Area(); const double Pi = 3.14159; }; }
This class will not compile and you would receive the following error:
error C3845: 'Geometry::CCircle::Pi': only static data members can be initialized inside a ref class or value type
As an alternative, you can declare the variable as a static constant. When creating the constant, you can type the static keyword before or after the data type. Here is an example:
#pragma once namespace Geometry { public ref class CCircle { public: double Radius; double Area(); static const double Pi = 3.14159; }; }
After creating the constant, you can use it as you see fit. To access the constant, you can use it by its name:
#include "circle.h" namespace Geometry { double CCircle::Area() { return this->Radius * this->Radius * Pi; } }
You can also access it as you would a static member of a class, using the "::" operator. Here is an example:
Header File: Circle.h |
#pragma once namespace Geometry { public ref class CCircle { public: double Radius; double Area(); static const double Pi = 3.14159; }; } |
Source File: Circle.cpp |
#include "circle.h" namespace Geometry { double CCircle::Area() { return this->Radius * this->Radius * CCircle::Pi; } } |
Sourcce File: Exercise.cpp |
#include "Circle.h" using namespace System; using namespace Geometry; CCircle ^ CreateCircle() { Console::Write(L"Enter the radius of the circle: "); CCircle ^ circle = gcnew CCircle; circle->Radius = double::Parse(Console::ReadLine()); return circle; } void DescribeCircle(CCircle ^ %round) { Console::WriteLine(L"Circle Description"); Console::WriteLine(L"Radius: {0:F}", round->Radius); Console::WriteLine(L"Area: {0:F}", round->Area()); } int main() { CCircle ^ figure = CreateCircle(); Console::WriteLine(); DescribeCircle(figure); Console::WriteLine(); return 0; } |
Here is an example of running the program:
Enter the radius of the circle: 48.12 Circle Description Radius: 48.12 Area: 7274.46 Press any key to continue . . .
C++/CLI provides an additional way to create a constant in the body of a class. This is done using the literal keyword. Like the const keyword, the literal keyword is followed by the data type, a name for the constant, the assignment operator, the assigned value, and the semi-colon. Here is an example:
#pragma once namespace Geometry { public ref class CCircle { public: double Radius; double Area(); literal double Pi = 3.14159; }; }
After creating the literal constant, you can access it using its name. Here is an example:
#include "circle.h" namespace Geometry { double CCircle::Area() { return this->Radius * this->Radius * Pi; } }
You can also qualify its name using the :: operator. This would be done as follows:
#include "circle.h" namespace Geometry { double CCircle::Area() { return this->Radius * this->Radius * CCircle::Pi; } }
Like the other member variables, you can create a literal constant in either the public and private sections, and it would follow the rules of that section.
Class Nesting |
Introduction |
A class can be created inside of another class. A class created inside of another is referred to as nested:
To nest a class, simply create it as you would any other. Here is an example of a class called Inside that is nested in a class called Outside:
value class Outside { value class Inside { }; };
In the same way, you can nest as many classes as you wish in another class and you can nest as many classes inside of other nested classes if you judge it necessary. Just as you would manage any other class so can you exercise control on a nested class. For example, you can declare all necessary variables or methods in the nested class or in the nesting class. When you create one class inside of another, there is no special programmatic relationship between both classes: just because a class is nested doesn't mean that the nested class has immediate access to the members of the nesting class. They are two different classes and they can be used separately.
The name of a nested class is not "visible" outside of the nesting class. To access a nested class outside of the nesting class, you must qualify the name of the nested class anywhere you want to use it. This is done using the :: operator. For example, if you want to declare an Inside variable somewhere in the program but outside of Outside, you must qualify its name. Here is an example:
using namespace System; value class COutside { public: void ShowOutside() { Console::WriteLine(L"=-= Outside =-="); } value class CInside { public: void ShowInside() { Console::WriteLine(L"-=- Inside -=-"); } }; }; int main() { COutside ^ out = gcnew COutside; COutside::CInside ^ ins = gcnew COutside::CInside; out->ShowOutside(); ins->ShowInside(); Console::WriteLine(); return 0; }
This would produce:
=-= Outside =-= -=- Inside -=- Press any key to continue . . .
Because there is no programmatically privileged relationship between a nested class and its "container" class, if you want to access the nested class in the nesting class, you can use its static members. In other words, if you want, you can declare static all members of the nested class that you want to access in the nesting class. Here is an example:
using namespace System; value class COutside { public: void ShowOutside() { Console::WriteLine(L" =-= Outside =-="); CInside::FromInside(); } value class CInside { public: static String ^ InMessage; void ShowInside() { Console::WriteLine(L" -=- Inside -=-"); } static void FromInside() { CInside::InMessage = L"This is inside"; Console::WriteLine(CInside::InMessage); } }; }; int main() { COutside ^ out = gcnew COutside; COutside::CInside ^ ins = gcnew COutside::CInside; out->ShowOutside(); ins->ShowInside(); Console::WriteLine(); return 0; }
This would produce:
=-= Outside =-= This is inside -=- Inside -=- Press any key to continue . . .
In the same way, if you want to access the nesting class in the nested class, you can go through the static members of the nesting class. To do this, you can declare static all members of the nesting class that you want to access in the nested class. Here is an example:
using namespace System; value class COutside { public: void ShowOutside() { Console::WriteLine(L"=-= Outside =-="); CInside::FromInside(); } static void FromOutside() { OutMessage = L"This is Outside"; Console::WriteLine(OutMessage); } static String ^ OutMessage; value class CInside { public: static String ^ InMessage; void ShowInside() { Console::WriteLine(L"-=- Inside -=-"); } static void FromInside() { CInside::InMessage = L"This is inside"; Console::WriteLine(CInside::InMessage); } void ShowOutside() { COutside::FromOutside(); } }; }; int main() { COutside ^ out = gcnew COutside; COutside::CInside ^ ins = gcnew COutside::CInside; out->ShowOutside(); ins->ShowInside(); out->FromOutside(); Console::WriteLine(); return 0; }
This would produce:
=-= Outside =-= This is inside -=- Inside -=- This is Outside Press any key to continue . . .
Instead of static members, if you want to access members of a nested class in the nesting class, you can first declare a variable of the nested class in the nesting class. In the same way, if you want to access members of a nesting class in the nested class, you can first declare a variable of the nesting class in the nested class.
Implementing Methods of a Nested Class |
In the previous lesson, we saw that C++ allows you to define a method outside of the class by qualifying its name. Here is an example:
value class COutside { public: void ShowOutside(); }; void COutside::ShowOutside() { Console::WriteLine(L"=-= Outside =-="); }
To define a method of a nested class outside of the nesting class, you must qualify its name from the parent class. To do this, type the name of the nesting class, followed by ::, followed by the name of the nested class, followed by ::, and followed by the name of the method of the nested class. Here is an example:
using namespace System; value class COutside { public: void ShowOutside(); static void FromOutside() { Console::WriteLine(L"This is Outside"); } value class CInside { public: void ShowInside(); static void FromInside() { Console::WriteLine(L"This is inside"); } void ShowOutside() { COutside::FromOutside(); } }; }; void COutside::ShowOutside() { Console::WriteLine(L"=-= Outside =-="); } void COutside::CInside::ShowInside() { Console::WriteLine(L"-=- Inside -=-"); } int main() { COutside ^ out = gcnew COutside; COutside::CInside ^ ins = gcnew COutside::CInside; out->ShowOutside(); out->FromOutside(); ins->ShowInside(); ins->FromInside(); Console::WriteLine(); return 0; }
When implementing a static method globally, remember that you must omit the static keyword:
using namespace System; value class COutside { public: void ShowOutside(); static void FromOutside(); value class CInside { public: void ShowInside(); static void FromInside(); }; }; void COutside::ShowOutside() { Console::WriteLine(L"=-= Outside =-="); } void COutside::FromOutside() { Console::WriteLine(L"This is Outside"); } void COutside::CInside::ShowInside() { Console::WriteLine(L"-=- Inside -=-"); } void COutside::CInside::FromInside() { Console::WriteLine(L"This is inside"); } int main() { COutside ^ out = gcnew COutside; COutside::CInside ^ ins = gcnew COutside::CInside; out->ShowOutside(); out->FromOutside(); ins->ShowInside(); ins->FromInside(); Console::WriteLine(); return 0; }
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