
Introduction to Arrays


Objects as Arrays



Like a primitive array, a class can be declared as an array member variable. There is nothing significant to do when declaring the field. Make sure you give it an appropriate name and add its square brackets. The approach is the same used for a primitive data type.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing Arrays and Classes

  1. Start Notepad and, in the empty file, type the following:
    using System;
    namespace Business
    	interface IStockItem
    		string  PartNumber { get; set; }
    		string  PartName   { get; set; }
    		decimal UnitPrice  { get; set; }
    namespace AutoParts
    	public class Part : Business.IStockItem
    		private string    ID;
    		protected string  name;
    		protected decimal price;
    		private int       qty;
    		public string PartNumber
    			get	{ return ID;}
    			set	{ ID = value; }
    		public string PartName
    			get	{ return name; }
    			set	{ name = value; }  
    		public decimal UnitPrice
    			get	{ return (price < 0) ? 0.00M : price; }
    			set	{ price = value; }
    		public int Quantity
    			get { return (qty < 1) ? 1 : qty; }
    			set { qty = value; }
    		public Part()
    			this.ID = null;
    			this.name   = "Unknown";
    			this.price  = 0.00M;
    		public Part(string Nbr, string nm, decimal pr)
    			this.ID    = Nbr;
    			this.name  = nm;
    			this.price = pr;
  2. On the main menu of Notepad, click File -> New
  3. When asked whether you want to save the changes, click Yes
  4. Inside of the CSharp Lessons folder, locate the Libraries1 folder and display it in the Save In combo box
  5. Change the Save As Type to All Files
  6. Set the file name to Parts.cs and click Save
  7. Open the Command Prompt and change to the above Libraries1 folder
  8. To create the DLL, type csc /target:library /out:PartCreator.dll Parts.cs and press Enter
  9. In the new empty file of Notepad, type the following:
    using System;
    namespace AutoParts
    	struct PartsList
    		public static string[] ItemNumber = new string[]{
    			"GD646", "EU473", "AH325", "KS745", "KE374", "GD943",
    			"GH386", "WD394", "TR944", "GD844", "GD933", "GW478",
    			"LA943", "RU688", "PP797", "RA292", "AG778", "KQ820",
    			"GT722", "WA502", "AL848", "RU382", "HJ624", "RL555",
    			"PQ273", "ER162", "EY275", "LM357", "RU473", "QW374",
    			"QR374", "PQ902", "QT847", "PY784", "TQ483", "EQ173",
    			"UG376", "PI489", "BT389", "CQ274", "QX202", "GN780",
    			"XZ485", "BD199"};
    		public static string[] Description = new string[]{
    			"Bearing Clutch Pilot  ", "Belt Accessory Drive  ",
    			"Break Drum            ", "Right Mirror          ",
    			"Break Shoe            ", "Signal Lamp Assembly  ",
    			"Bearing Input Shaft   ", "Brake Disc            ",
    			"Front Wheel Lug Nut   ", "Front Pump Gasket     ",
    			"Filter Steering       ", "Air Control Valve     ",
    			"Clutch Master Clndr   ", "Tie Rod               ",
    			"Ball Joint            ", "Drive Belt            ",
    			"Oil Filter            ", "Timing Belt           ",
    			"Intake Manifold Gask  ", "Spark Plug Seal       ",
    			"Air Filter            ", "Fuel Injector Clip    ",
    			"Brk Caliper w/o Pads  ", "Crankshaft Seal       ",
    			"Oil Pump              ", "Timing Belt Tensioner ",
    			"Camshaft Seal         ", "Valve Cover Gasket    ",
    			"Valve Stem Seal       ", "Starter               ",
    			"Radiator Cap          ", "Thermostat Gasket     ",
    			"Water Pump            ", "Spark Plug Platinum   ",
    			"Tie Rod Assembly      ", "Oil Pump              ",
    			"Piston Ring Set       ", "Distributor Cap       ",
    			"Oil Seal Front Pump   ", "Transmitter Filter Kit",
    			"Tail Lamp Assembly    ", "Bearing Wheel         ",
    			"Left Mirror           ", "Caliper Bolt/Pin      " };
    	public static decimal[] Price = new decimal[]{
    	9.75M,   6.75M, 20.55M,   9.35M,  20.25M,  74.55M,  45.25M, 85.50M,
    	  1.75M,   0.72M,  1.55M,  35.25M, 124.55M,  32.55M,  25.75M, 10.65M,
    	  6.25M,  45.95M, 18.55M,   4.15M,  15.65M,  17.05M, 190.50M, 10.55M,
    	218.75M, 264.55M,  8.95M,  22.75M,   3.95M, 320.65M,  12.75M,  4.20M,
    	 12.95M, 145.85M,  3.95M, 155.75M, 218.75M, 275.55M,   7.05M,  9.25M,
    			  5.05M,  40.15M,  7.25M,   3.55M };
  10. On the main menu of Notepad, click File -> New
  11. When asked whether you want to save the changes, click Yes
  12. Inside of the CSharp Lessons folder, create a folder named AutoParts1 and display it in the Save In combo box
  13. Change the Save As Type to All Files
  14. Set the file name to PartsList.cs and press Enter
  15. In the new and empty file of Notepad, type the following:
    using System;
    namespace AutoParts
    	// This class is used to create and manage a list of auto parts
    	// The list will be created as array-based
    	class ListOfParts
    		// Because we are going to create an array-based list, 
    		// we will use this constant as its dimension
    		const int MaxItems = 100;
    	// This will help us keep track on the number of items in the list
    		int SizeOfList;
    	// This method is used to add a new item to the list of auto parts
    		public void Add(Part P)
    			// Increase the count of items of the list
    		// This method simply returns an item from the array,
    		// using a specified index
    		public Part Retrieve(int n)
    	// This method returns the current number of items in the list
    		public int Count()
    			return SizeOfList;
    		// Default Constructor: Used to initialize an object
    		public ListOfParts()
    	// When this class is primarily accessed, we want to indicate that
    			// its list is empty
    			SizeOfList = 0;
  16. Save the new file as ListCreator.cs in the same AutoParts1 folder
  17. Open Windows Explorer or My Computer
  18. From the CSharp Lessons\Libraries1 folder, copy PartCreator.dll and paste it in the AutoParts1 folder
  19. Open a new instance of Notepad and type the following in it:
    using System;
    namespace AutoParts
    	class OrderProcessing
    	class Exercise
    		static void Main()
  20. Save the new file as Exercise.cs in the same AutoParts1 folder



A Class as an Array Field

To declare a class as a member array of another class, you use the same technique as for primitive types. This means that you can declare the array somewhere in the body of the class. Before the variable can be used, make sure you have allocated memory for it, which is done using the new operator. In C# (unlike C++), you can allocate memory either when declaring the array or in a method that would precede its use. A constructor is a prime candidate for this operation.

After allocating memory for the variable, you can use as you see fit. If its values would only be made available to the users, you should make sure the variable has been initialized prior to being used. You can also initialize an array using values requested from the user. You can easily apply the techniques we have used so far on arrays.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Declaring a Class as an Array Field

  1. To declare a class as an array member variable and apply what we have learned so far, change the ListCreator.cs file as follows:
    using System;
    namespace AutoParts
    	// This class is used to create and manage a list of auto parts
    	// The list will be created as array-based
    	class ListOfParts
    		// Because we are going to create an array-based list, 
    		// we will use this constant as its dimension
    		const int MaxItems = 100;
    		// An object declared as array
    		Part[] Item = new Part[MaxItems];
    		// This will help us keep track on the number of items in the list
    		int SizeOfList;
    		// This method is used to add a new item to the list of auto parts
    		public void Add(Part P)
    			// Before adding a new item, first make sure that we still have room
    			if( SizeOfList < MaxItems )
    				// If we still have room, add the new item to the array
    				Item[SizeOfList] = P;
    				// Increase the count of items of the list
    		// This method simply return an item from the array, using a specified index
    		public Part Retrieve(int n)
    			return Item[n];
    		// This method returns the current number of items in the list
    		public int Count()
    			return SizeOfList;
    		// Default Constructor: Used to initialize an object
    		public ListOfParts()
    			// When this class is primarily accessed, we want to indicate that
    			// its list is empty
    			SizeOfList = 0;
  2. Save the file
  3. Access the Exercise.cs file and change it as follows:
    using System;
    namespace AutoParts
    	// This class is used to perform a customer's order
    	class OrderProcessing
    		static void Main()
    			ListOfParts lstParts = new ListOfParts();
    		// This method is used to request a part number from the user
    		// Check if that part number exists in the database
    		// If it does, the method adds that part to the list
    		static void ProcessAnItem(ListOfParts LOP)
    			Part AnItem;
    			string PartID;
    			int    Qty;
    			// Ask the user to enter a part number
    				Console.Write("Enter the part number (q to stop): ");
    				PartID = Console.ReadLine();
    				// Scan the list
    				for(int i = 0; i < PartsList.Description.Length; i++)
    					AnItem = new Part();
    					// If the part number exists in our database	
    					if( PartID == PartsList.ItemNumber[i] )
    						// Create a Part object from it
    						AnItem.PartNumber = PartsList.ItemNumber[i];
    						AnItem.PartName   = PartsList.Description[i];
    						AnItem.UnitPrice  = PartsList.Price[i];
    						// Request the quantity from the user
    							Console.Write("How many? ");
    							Qty = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
    							AnItem.Quantity = Qty;
    						Console.WriteLine("Invalid Quantity!!!");
    					// Once the part has been "built", add it to the order
    						// Check no further
    			} while( PartID != "q" && PartID != "Q" );
    		// This method is used to display a receipt
    		// It uses a list, Receipt, passed as argument
    		// It also calculates the price of each item and the total price of the order
    		// They are also part of the receipt
    		static void DisplayReceipt(ListOfParts Receipt)
    			decimal SubTotal   = 0.00M,
    				TotalOrder = 0.00M;
    		Console.WriteLine("    =-= Four-Corner Auto-Parts =-=");
    		Console.WriteLine("Part#  Qty  Description               Price   SubTotal");
    			for(int i = 0; i < Receipt.Count(); i++)
    				//TPart Item = Receipt.Retrieve(i);
    				SubTotal = Receipt.Retrieve(i).UnitPrice *
    				TotalOrder += SubTotal;
    				Console.WriteLine("{0}   {1}   {2}    {3,6}    {4,6}",
    			Console.WriteLine("Total Order: {0:C}", TotalOrder);
  4. Save the file
  5. Access the Command Prompt and change to the above AutoParts1 folder
  6. To compile it, type csc /reference:PartCreator.dll /out:"Four-Corner Auto-Parts".exe ListCreator.cs PartsList.cs Exercise.cs and press Enter
  7. To execute it, type "Four-Corner Auto-Parts" and press Enter. Here is an example of processing an order:
    C:\>CD CSharp Lessons\Libraries1
    C:\CSharp Lessons\Libraries1>csc /target:library /out:PartCreator.dll Parts.cs
    Microsoft (R) Visual C# .NET Compiler version 7.10.3052.4
    for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.1.4322
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2002. All rights reserved.
    C:\CSharp Lessons\Libraries1>CD\
    C:\>CD CSharp Lessons\AutoParts1
    C:\CSharp Lessons\AutoParts1>csc /reference:PartCreator.dll /out:"Four-Corner Au
    to-Parts".exe ListCreator.cs PartsList.cs Exercise.cs
    Microsoft (R) Visual C# .NET Compiler version 7.10.3052.4
    for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.1.4322
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2002. All rights reserved.
    C:\CSharp Lessons\AutoParts1>"Four-Corner Auto-Parts"
    Enter the part number (q to stop): LA943
    How many? 1
    Enter the part number (q to stop): TR944
    How many? 2
    Enter the part number (q to stop): EQ173
    How many? 1
    Enter the part number (q to stop): QT847
    How many? 1
    Enter the part number (q to stop): q
        =-= Four-Corner Auto-Parts =-=
    Part#  Qty  Description               Price   SubTotal
    LA943   1   Clutch Master Clndr       124.55    124.55
    TR944   2   Front Wheel Lug Nut         1.75      3.50
    EQ173   1   Oil Pump                  155.75    155.75
    QT847   1   Water Pump                 12.95     12.95
                    Total Order: $296.75
  8. Return to Notepad

Introduction to Collections

Like an array, a collection is a series of items of the same type. The problem with an array is that you must know in advance the number of items that will make up the list. There are cases you don't know, you can't know, or you can't predict the number of items of the list. The solution is to create a linked list. A linked list is a list in which you don't specify the maximum number of items but you allow the user of the list to add, locate, or remove items at will. Traditionally, it has never been easy to create a linked list, especially for beginning programmers. Aware of this, many programming languages ship with one or more libraries that can be used directly to create a list of almost any kind.

The Microsoft .NET Framework provides various classes that can be used to create different types of lists. Most of the classes are easy to use once you get used to them. The idea is to know what classes are available, what a class does, and what class to use for a particular assignment.

The ArrayList Class



To support arrays of any kind, the Microsoft .NET Framework provides the ArrayList class. This class can be used to add, locate, or remove an item from a list. The class provides many other valuable operations routinely done on a list. Because of its flexibility, ArrayList is the most used class to create lists of items of any kind in a .NET application.

The ArrayList class is defined in the System.Collections namespace. Therefore, in order to use the ArrayList class in your application, you must first include the System.Collections namespace in the file that would perform ArrayList operations.


Practical Learning Practical Learning: Introducing the ArrayList Class

  1. Access the ListCreator.cs file. On the main menu, click File -> New
  2. Type the following:
    using System;
    namespace Business
    	interface IStockItem
    		string  PartNumber { get; set; }
    		string  PartName   { get; set; }
    		decimal UnitPrice  { get; set; }
    namespace AutoParts
    	public class Part : Business.IStockItem
    		private string    ID;
    		protected string  name;
    		protected decimal price;
    		private int       qty;
    		public string PartNumber
    			get	{ return ID;}
    			set	{ ID = value; }
    		public string PartName
    			get	{ return name; }
    			set	{ name = value; }  
    		public decimal UnitPrice
    			get	{ return (price < 0) ? 0.00M : price; }
    			set	{ price = value; }
    		public int Quantity
    			get { return (qty < 0) ? 0 : qty; }
    			set { qty = value; }
    		public Part()
    			this.ID     = null;
    			this.name   = "Unknown";
    			this.qty    = 0;
    			this.price  = 0.00M;
    		public Part(string Nbr, string nm, int q, decimal pr)
    			this.ID    = Nbr;
    			this.name  = nm;
    			this.qty   = q;
    			this.price = pr;
  3. On the main menu, click File -> New
  4. When asked whether you want to save the changes, click Yes
  5. Inside of the CSharp Lessons folder, locate the Libraries1 folder and display it in the Save In combo box
  6. Change the Save As Type to All Files
  7. Set the file name to Parts2.cs and click Save
  8. Open the Command Prompt and change to the above Libraries1 folder
  9. To create the DLL, type csc /target:library /out:PartCreatorR2.dll Parts2.cs and press Enter
  10. In the new empty file of Notepad, type the following:
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    namespace AutoParts
    	class OrderProcessing
    		ArrayList ListOfParts;
    		public OrderProcessing()
    			ListOfParts = new ArrayList();
    		public void CreateInventory()
    		public void AddNewItem()
    		public void ShowInventory()
    		public void ProcessOrder()
    		public void DisplayReceipt()
  11. To save the file, on the main menu, click File -> Save
  12. Locate the CSharp Lessons folder and display it in the Save In combo box
  13. Create a new folder named AutoParts2 and display it in the Save In combo box
  14. Change the Save As Type to All Files. Set the File Name to WorkOrder.cs  and press Enter
  15. Access the Exercise.cs file in the other instance of Notepad. On the main menu, click File -> New and type the following in it:
    using System;
    namespace AutoParts
    	class Exercise
    		static void Main()
    			OrderProcessing Order = new OrderProcessing();
  16. Save the new file as Exercise.cs in the same AutoParts2 folder
  17. Open Windows Explorer or My Computer
  18. From the CSharp Lessons\Libraries1 folder, copy ItemManagerR2.dll and paste it in the AutoParts2 folder

The Capacity of a List

After declaring an ArrayList variable, it is empty. As objects are added to it, the list grows. The list can grow tremendously as you wish. The number of items of the list is managed through the memory it occupies and this memory grows as needed. The number of items that the memory allocated is currently using is represented by the ArrayList.Capacity property. This will usually be the least of your concerns.

If for some reason, you want to intervene and control the number of items that your ArrayList list can contain, you can manipulate the Capacity property. For example, you can assign it a constant to set the maximum value that the list can contain. Once, you will hardly have any reason to use the Capacity property: the compiler knows what to do with it.

If you set a fixed size on an ArrayList list, you may not be able to add a new item beyond the limit. In fact, if you attempt to do this, you may receive an error. A safe way is to check whether the list is fixed before performing a related operation. To find out whether a list is fixed, you can check the ArrayList variable's IsFixedSize property.

The Number of Items in the List

When using a list, at any time, you should be able to know the number of items that the list contains. This information is provided by the ArrayList.Count property. The Capacity and the Count have this in common: the value of each increases as the list grows and the same value decreases if the list shrinks. It is important to know that, although they look alike, there are various differences between the capacity of a list and the number of items it contains. Capacity is a read/write property. This means that, as we saw above, you can assign a value to the capacity to fix the number of items that the list can contain. You can also retrieve the value of the Capacity. The Count is read-only because it is used by the compiler to count the current number of items of the items and this counting is performed without your intervention.

A Read-Only List

One of the reason for creating a list is to be able to add items to it, edit its items, retrieve an items, or delete items from it. These are the default operations. You can still limit these operations as you judge them unnecessary. For example, you may create a list and then initialize it with the items that you want the list to only have. If you don't intend to have the user adding items to it, you can create the list as read-only. To do this, you can call the ArrayList.ReadOnly() method. It is overloaded with two versions as follows:

public static ArrayList ReadOnly(ArrayList);
public static IList ReadOnly(IList);

This method is static. This means that you don't need to declare an instance of ArrayList to call them. Instead, to make the list read-only, call the ArrayList.ReadOnly() method and pass your ArrayList variable to it.

As we will see in the next sections, some operations cannot be performed on a read-only list. To perform such operations, you can first find out whether an ArrayList list is read-only. This is done by checking its IsReadOnly property.

Item Addition

The primary operation performed on a list is to create one. One of the biggest advantages of using a linked list is that you don't have to specify in advance the number of items of the list as done for an array. You can just start adding items. The ArrayList class makes this possible with the Add() method. Its syntax is:

public virtual int Add(object value);

The argument of this method is the value to add to the list. If the method succeeds with the addition, it returns the position where the value was added in the list. This is usually the last position in the list. If the method fails, the compiler would throw an error. One of the errors that could result from failure of this operation would be based on the fact that either a new item cannot be added to the list because the list is read-only, or the list was already full prior to adding the new item. Normally, a list can be full only if you had specified the maximum number of items it can contain using the ArrayList.Capacity property. As mentioned above, the list can be made read-only by passing its variable to the ArrayList.ReadOnly() method.


Practical Learning Practical Learning: Adding Items to an ArrayList List

  1. To create an inventory, access the WorkOrder.cs file and change it as follows:
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    namespace AutoParts
    	class OrderProcessing
    		ArrayList ListOfParts;
    		public OrderProcessing()
    			ListOfParts = new ArrayList();
    		// This method is used to create an inventory
    		public void CreateInventory()
    			Part One;
    			// Create a Part object using its properties
    			One = new Part();
    			One.PartNumber = "GD646";
    			One.PartName   = "Bearing Clutch Pilot  ";
    			One.UnitPrice  = 9.75M;
    			One.Quantity   = 4;
    			// Add the new part to the list
    			// Create a Part object using a constructor
    			One = new Part("EU473", "Belt Accessory Drive  ", 10, 6.75M);
    			// Add the new part to the list
    			// Do the same to complete the list
    			One = new Part("AH325", "Break Drum            ", 5, 20.55M);
    			One = new Part("KS745", "Right Mirror          ", 2, 9.35M);
    			One = new Part("KE374", "Break Shoe            ", 6, 20.25M);
    			One = new Part("GD943", "Signal Lamp Assembly  ", 4, 74.55M);
    			One = new Part("GH386", "Bearing Input Shaft   ", 3, 45.25M);
    			One = new Part("WD394", "Brake Disc            ", 14, 85.50M);
    			One = new Part("TR944", "Front Wheel Lug Nut   ", 7, 10.75M);
    			One = new Part("GD844", "Front Pump Gasket     ", 6, 10.72M);
    			One = new Part("GD933",	"Filter Steering       ", 4, 12.55M);
    			One = new Part("GW478", "Air Control Valve     ", 8, 35.25M);
    			One = new Part("LA943",	"Clutch Master Clndr   ", 5, 124.55M);
    			One = new Part("RU688", "Tie Rod               ", 12, 32.55M);
    			One = new Part("PP797",	"Ball Joint            ", 14, 25.75M);
    			One = new Part("RA292", "Drive Belt            ", 10, 10.65M);
    			One = new Part("AG778",	"Oil Filter            ", 8, 6.25M);
    			One = new Part("KQ820", "Timing Belt           ", 1, 45.95M);
    			One = new Part("GT722",	"Intake Manifold Gask  ", 4, 18.55M);
    			One = new Part("WA502", "Spark Plug Seal       ", 24, 4.15M);
    			One = new Part("AL848",	"Air Filter            ", 32, 15.65M);
    			One = new Part("RU382", "Fuel Injector Clip    ", 12, 17.05M);
    			One = new Part("HJ624",	"Brk Caliper w/o Pads  ", 3, 190.50M);
    			One = new Part("RL555", "Crankshaft Seal       ", 7, 10.55M);
    			One = new Part("PQ273",	"Oil Pump              ", 16, 218.75M);
    			One = new Part("ER162", "Timing Belt Tensioner ", 12, 264.55M);
    			One = new Part("EY275", "Camshaft Seal         ", 8, 8.95M);
    			One = new Part("LM357", "Valve Cover Gasket    ", 1, 22.75M);
    			One = new Part("RU473",	"Valve Stem Seal       ", 1, 3.95M);
    			One = new Part("QW374", "Starter               ", 1, 320.65M);
    			One = new Part("QR374",	"Radiator Cap          ", 14, 12.75M);
    			One = new Part("PQ902", "Thermostat Gasket     ", 9, 4.20M);
    			One = new Part("QT847",	"Water Pump            ", 5, 12.95M);
    			One = new Part("PY784", "Spark Plug Platinum   ", 14, 145.85M);
    			One = new Part("TQ483", "Tie Rod Assembly      ", 12, 3.95M);
    			One = new Part("EQ173", "Oil Pump              ", 20, 155.75M);
    			One = new Part("UG376",	"Piston Ring Set       ", 13, 218.75M);
    			One = new Part("PI489", "Distributor Cap       ", 1, 275.55M);
    			One = new Part("BT389",	"Oil Seal Front Pump   ", 18, 7.05M);
    			One = new Part("CQ274", "Transmitter Filter Kit", 22, 9.25M);
    			One = new Part("QX202", "Tail Lamp Assembly    ", 7, 5.05M);
    			One = new Part("GN780", "Bearing Wheel         ", 5, 40.15M);
    			One = new Part("XZ485", "Left Mirror           ", 8, 7.25M);
    			One = new Part("BD199", "Caliper Bolt/Pin      ", 8, 3.55M);
    		// This method is used to add a new part to the list
    		public void AddNewItem()
    			string ID;
    			string Name;
    			decimal Price;
    			int qty;
    			// Ask the user to type a number for the new part
    			Console.Write("Enter Item Number (Example: PD764): ");
    			ID = Console.ReadLine();
    			// Then ask the user to provide additional information about the part
    			Console.WriteLine("Enter the name or a short description: ");
    			Name = Console.ReadLine();
    			Console.Write("Enter Unit Price: ");
    			Price = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
    			Console.Write("How Many? ");
    			qty = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
    			// Using the new information that the user provided
    			// Create a new Part object using the second constructor
    			Part NewPart = new Part(ID, Name, qty, Price);
    			// Once the part is ready, add it to the database
    		public void ShowInventory()
    		public void ProcessOrder()
    		public void DisplayReceipt()
  2. Save the file
  3. To test the above code, access the Exercise.cs file and change it as follows:
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    namespace AutoParts
    	class Exercise
    		static void Main()
    			int Choice = 0;
    			OrderProcessing Order = new OrderProcessing();
    			// Display a short menu to the user before taking an action
    				Console.WriteLine(" =-= College Park Auto Parts =-=");
    				Console.WriteLine("How may I help you?");
    				Console.WriteLine("1. I want to process a customer's order");
    				Console.WriteLine("2. I want to see the current inventory");
    			Console.WriteLine("3. I want to add a new item to the inventory");
    				Console.Write("Your choice (1, 2, or 3)? ");
    				Choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
    			Console.WriteLine("\nInvalid Choice - The program will terminate\n");
    			// Take an action based on the user's choice
    				case 1:
    				case 2:
    				case 3:
  4. Save the file
  5. Access the Command Prompt and change to the AutoParts2 folder
  6. To compile the application, csc /reference:PartCreatorR2.dll / out:"Four-Corner Auto-Parts R2".exe WorkOrder.cs Exercise.cs and press Enter
  7. To execute the application, type "Four-Corner Auto-Parts R2" and press Enter
  8. After testing the program, return to Notepad

Item Retrieval

Once a list is ready, you can perform different types of operations on it. Besides adding items, one of the most regular operations performed on a list consists of locating and retrieving its items. You have various options. To retrieve a single item based on its position, you can apply the square brackets of arrays to the variable. Like a normal array, an ArrayList list is zero-based. Another issue to keep in mind is that the ArrayList[] returns an Object value. Therefore, you may have to cast this value to your type of value to get it right.

Practical Learning Practical Learning: Retrieving Items From an ArrayList List

  1. To show an inventory, access the WorkOrder.cs file and change it as follows:
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    namespace AutoParts
    	class OrderProcessing
    		ArrayList ListOfParts;
    		public OrderProcessing()
    			ListOfParts = new ArrayList();
    		public void CreateInventory()
    			. . . No Change
    		public void AddNewItem()
    			string ID;
    			string Name;
    			decimal Price;
    			int qty;
    			Console.Write("Enter Item Number (Example: PD764): ");
    			ID = Console.ReadLine();
    			Console.WriteLine("Enter the name or a short description: ");
    			Name = Console.ReadLine();
    			Console.Write("Enter Unit Price: ");
    			Price = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
    			Console.Write("How Many? ");
    			qty = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
    			Part NewPart = new Part(ID, Name, qty, Price);
    		public void ShowInventory()
    			Console.WriteLine("=-= College Park Auto Parts =-= Store Inventory");
    			Console.WriteLine(" Item #  Description               Price   Qty");
    			for(int i = 0; i < ListOfParts.Count; i++)
    				Part One = (Part)ListOfParts[i];
    				Console.WriteLine(" {0}   {1}   {2,6}{3,5}",
    					One.PartNumber, One.PartName,
    					One.UnitPrice, One.Quantity);
    		public void ProcessOrder()
    			ArrayList Choices = new ArrayList();
    			Part AnItem;
    			string PartID;
    			int    Qty;
    				Console.Write("Enter the part number (q to stop): ");
    				PartID = Console.ReadLine();
    				for(int i = 0; i < ListOfParts.Count; i++)
    					AnItem = new Part();
    					if( PartID == ((Part)ListOfParts[i]).PartNumber)
    						AnItem.PartNumber = ((Part)ListOfParts[i]).PartNumber;
    						AnItem.PartName   = ((Part)ListOfParts[i]).PartName;
    						AnItem.UnitPrice  = ((Part)ListOfParts[i]).UnitPrice;
    							 Console.Write("How many? ");
    							 Qty = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
    							 AnItem.Quantity = Qty;
    							 Console.WriteLine("Invalid Quantity!!!");
    			 } while( PartID != "q" && PartID != "Q" );
    		public void DisplayReceipt(ArrayList lstItems)
    			decimal SubTotal   = 0.00M,
    		     	             TotalOrder = 0.00M;
    			Console.WriteLine("=-= College Park Auto Parts =-= Receipt");
    			Console.WriteLine("Part#  Qty  Description               Price   SubTotal");
    			for(int i = 0; i < lstItems.Count; i++)
    				Part One = (Part)lstItems[i];
    				SubTotal = One.UnitPrice * One.Quantity;
    				TotalOrder += SubTotal;
    				Console.WriteLine("{0}   {1}   {2}    {3,6}    {4,6}",
    					              One.PartNumber,	One.Quantity, One.PartName,
    			Console.WriteLine("Total Order: {0:C}", TotalOrder);
  2. Save, compile, and test the program. Here is an example:
    =-= College Park Auto Parts =-=
    How may I help you?
    1. I want to process a customer's order
    2. I want to see the current inventory
    3. I want to add a new item to the inventory
    Your choice (1, 2, or 3)? 1
    Enter the part number (q to stop): GN780
    How many? 1
    Enter the part number (q to stop): CQ274
    How many? 1
    Enter the part number (q to stop): RL555
    How many? 2
    Enter the part number (q to stop): WA502
    How many? 2
    Enter the part number (q to stop): PY784
    How many? 1
    Enter the part number (q to stop): q
    =-= College Park Auto Parts =-= Receipt
    Part#  Qty  Description               Price   SubTotal
    GN780   1   Bearing Wheel              40.15     40.15
    CQ274   1   Transmitter Filter Kit      9.25      9.25
    RL555   2   Crankshaft Seal            10.55     21.10
    WA502   2   Spark Plug Seal             4.15      8.30
    PY784   1   Spark Plug Platinum       145.85    145.85
    Total Order: $224.65
  3. Return to Notepad

Item Location

Instead of the square brackets that allow you to retrieve an item based on its position, you can look for an item based on its complete definition. You have various options. You can first "build" an item and ask the compiler to check whether any item in the list matches your definition. To perform this search, you can call the ArrayList.Contains() method. Its syntax is:

public virtual bool Contains(object item);

The item to look for is passed as argument to the method. The compiler would look for exactly the item, using its definition, in the list. If any detail of the argument fails to match any item of the ArrayList list, the method would return false. If all characteristics of the argument correspond to an item of the list, the method returns true.

Another option to look for an item in a list consists of calling the ArrayList.BinarySearch() method. It is overloaded in three versions and one of them uses the following syntax:

public virtual int BinarySearch(object value);

The item to look for is passed argument to the method.

Item Deletion

As opposed to adding an item to a list, you may want to remove one. To perform this operation, you have various options. You can ask the compiler to look for an item in the list and if, or once, the compile finds it, it would delete the item. To perform this type of deletion, you can call the ArrayList.Remove() method. Its syntax is:

public virtual void Remove(object obj);

This method accepts as argument the item that you want to delete from the list. To perform this operation, the list must not be read-only.

The Remove() method allows you to specify the exact item you want to delete from a list. Another option you have consists of deleting an item based on its position. This is done using the RemoveAt() method whose syntax is:

public virtual void RemoveAt(int index);

With this method, the position of the item is passed as argument. If the position is not valid because either it is lower or higher than the current Count, the compiler would throw an ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception.

To remove all items from a list at once, you can call the ArrayList.Clear() method. Its syntax is:

public virtual void Clear();


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