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C# Examples: Interfaces



This example uses interfaces:

  • One interface introduces two properties
  • One interface introduces a method
  • One interface inherits from two interfaces but adds a new property
  • One class inherits from an interface
Source File: Preparation.cs
public enum SportCategory

public interface ICourtDimensions
	double Length { get; set; }
	double Width  { get; set; }

public interface IBall
	int NumberOfPlayers

	string NameOfSport

	void SportCharacteristics();

public interface ISportType : IBall, ICourtDimensions
	SportCategory Type
Source File: Sport.cs
using System;

public class SportBall : ISportType
	int players;
	string sport;
	SportCategory _type;
	double Len;
	double Wdt;
	public SportBall(int nbr, SportCategory tp, string name)
		players = nbr;
		_type   = tp;
		sport   = name;

	public int NumberOfPlayers
		get	{ return players;}
		set	{ players = value;}

	public string NameOfSport
		get	{ return sport; }

	public SportCategory Type
		get	{ return _type; }

	public double Length
		get { return Len; }
		set { Len = value; }

	public double Width
		get { return Wdt; }
		set { Wdt = value; }

	public void SportCharacteristics()
		Console.WriteLine("Sport Characteristics");
		Console.WriteLine("Name of Sport: {0}", NameOfSport);
		Console.WriteLine("Type of Sport: {0}", Type);
		Console.WriteLine("# of Players:  {0}", NumberOfPlayers);
		Console.WriteLine("Court Dimensions: {0}m x {1}m", Len, Wdt);
Source File: Exercise.cs
using System;

class Exercise
	static void Main()
		SportBall volley = new SportBall(6, SportCategory.Collective, "Volley Ball");
		volley.Length = 18;
		volley.Width  = 9;


	SportBall tennis = new SportBall(1, SportCategory.SinglePlayer, "Table Tennis");
		tennis.Length = 23.7;
		tennis.Width  = 8.25;



This would produce:

Sport Characteristics
Name of Sport: Volley Ball
Type of Sport: Collective
# of Players:  6
Court Dimensions: 18m x 9m

Sport Characteristics
Name of Sport: Table Tennis
Type of Sport: SinglePlayer
# of Players:  1
Court Dimensions: 23.7m x 8.25m

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