
Properties of External Classes


Properties and Enumerations

An enumeration is a technique of creating data type that mimics an integer. After creating it, you can treat it as a pseudo data type or a pseudo structure. You can declare a variable from it, you can pass it as an argument, and you can return it from a method. Based on these characteristics, you can create a property that is based on an enumeration. You use the same formula as one of the primitive data types we have used previously. Keep it mind that the property is of the type of an enumeration. This means that you cannot request its value like that of a primitive type and, when manipulating it, you must process it appropriately.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating an Enumeration Property

  1. Access the ShoppingStore.cs file and change it as follows:
    using System;
    namespace DepartmentStore2
        public enum ItemCategory
        class ShoppingItem
            private long itemNo;
            private ItemCategory cat;
            private string nm;
            private string sz;
            private decimal price;
            // A property for the stock number of an item
            public long ItemNumber
                    return itemNo;
                    if (itemNo <= 0)
                        itemNo = 0;
                        itemNo = value;
            // A property for the category of item
            public ItemCategory Category
                    return cat;
                    cat = value;
            // A property for the name of an item
            public string Name
                    return nm;
                    if (nm == "")
                        nm = "Item no Description";
                        nm = value;
            // A property for size of a merchandise
            public string Size
                    if( sz == "0" )
                        return "Unknown Size or Fits All";
                        return sz;
                    sz = value;
            // A property for the marked price of an item
            public decimal UnitPrice
                    return price;
                    if (price < 0)
                        price = 0.00M;
                        price = value;
            public static ShoppingItem Read()
                int category = 0;
                ShoppingItem shop = new ShoppingItem();
                Console.Write("Item #:     ");
                shop.itemNo = long.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.WriteLine("Store Items Categories");
                Console.WriteLine("\t1. Women");
                Console.WriteLine("\t2. Men");
                Console.WriteLine("\t3. Girls");
                Console.WriteLine("\t4. Boys");
                Console.WriteLine("\t5. Babies");
                Console.Write("Enter the Category: ");
                category = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                if (category == 1)
                    shop.Category = ItemCategory.Women;
                else if (category == 2)
                    shop.Category = ItemCategory.Men;
                else if (category == 3)
                    shop.Category = ItemCategory.Girls;
                else if (category == 4)
                    shop.Category = ItemCategory.Boys;
                else if (category == 5)
                    shop.Category = ItemCategory.Babies;
                    shop.Category = ItemCategory.Unspecified;
                Console.Write("Item Name:  ");
                shop.Name = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.Write("Item Size (Enter 0 if unknown):  ");
                shop.Size = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.Write("Unit Price: ");
                shop.UnitPrice = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                return shop;
            public static void Write(ShoppingItem item)
                Console.WriteLine("Item #:      {0}", item.ItemNumber);
                Console.WriteLine("Category:    {0}", item.Category);
                Console.WriteLine("Description: {0}", item.Name);
                Console.WriteLine("Item Size:   {0}", item.Size);
                Console.WriteLine("Unit Price:  {0:C}", item.UnitPrice);
  2. Execute the application and test it. Here is an example:
    /-/Arrington Department Store/-/
    Enter the following pieces of
    information about the sale item
    Item #:     624008
    Store Items Categories
            1. Women
            2. Men
            3. Girls
            4. Boys
            5. Babies
    Enter the Category: 3
    Item Name:  Scotta Miniskirt
    Item Size (Enter 0 if unknown):  11
    Unit Price: 35.95
    /-/Arrington Department Store/-/
    Item #:      624008
    Category:    Girls
    Description: Scotta Miniskirt
    Item Size:   11
    Unit Price:  $35.95
    Press any key to continue . . .
  3. Close the DOS window

A Class as a Property

Remember that, after creating a class, it becomes a data type in its own right. We have seen that you could declare a variable from it, you could pass it as argument, and you could return it from a method. As a normal data type, a class can be validate. This means that its value can be evaluated, rejected, or retrieved. Based on these characteristics of a class, you can create a property from it.

To create a property that is based on a class, primarily follow the same formulas we have applied to the other properties. The most important aspect to remember is that the class is composite. That is, it is (likely) made of fields of various types.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating a Property of a Class Type

  1. Access the ShoppingItem.cs file and change it as follows:
    using System;
    namespace DepartmentStore2
        public enum ItemCategory
        class ShoppingItem
            private long itemNo;
            private ItemCategory cat;
            private string nm;
            private string sz;
            private decimal price;
            // A property for the stock number of an item
            public long ItemNumber
                    return itemNo;
                    itemNo = value;
            // A property for the category of item
            public ItemCategory Category
                    return cat;
                    cat = value;
            // A property for the name of an item
            public string Name
                    return nm;
                    if (nm == "")
                        nm = "Item no Description";
                        nm = value;
            // A property for size of a merchandise
            public string Size
                    if (sz == "0")
                        return "Unknown Size or Fits All";
                        return sz;
                    sz = value;
            // A property for the marked price of an item
            public decimal UnitPrice
                    return price;
                    if (price < 0)
                        price = 0.00M;
                        price = value;
  2. To create a new class, in the Solution Explorer, right-click the name of the project, position the mouse on Add and click Class...
  3. Set the Name to DepartmentStore and click Add
  4. Change the file as follows:
    using System;
    namespace DepartmentStore2
        class DepartmentStore
            private int qty;
            private ShoppingItem itm;
            public int Quantity
                get { return qty; }
                    if (qty <= 0)
                        qty = 0;
                        qty = value;
            public ShoppingItem SaleItem
                get { return itm; }
                    if (itm == null)
                        itm.ItemNumber = 0;
                        itm.Category = ItemCategory.Unspecified;
                        itm.Name = "Unknown";
                        itm.Size = "0";
                        itm.UnitPrice = 0.00M;
                        itm = value;
            public DepartmentStore()
                itm = new ShoppingItem();
            public void ProcessOrder()
                int category;
                Console.WriteLine("/-/Arrington Department Store/-/");
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the following pieces of");
                Console.WriteLine("information about the sale item");
                Console.Write("Item #:     ");
                itm.ItemNumber = long.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.WriteLine("Store Items Categories");
                Console.WriteLine("\t1. Women");
                Console.WriteLine("\t2. Men");
                Console.WriteLine("\t3. Girls");
                Console.WriteLine("\t4. Boys");
                Console.WriteLine("\t5. Babies");
                Console.Write("Enter the Category: ");
                category = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                if (category == 1)
                    itm.Category = ItemCategory.Women;
                else if (category == 2)
                    itm.Category = ItemCategory.Men;
                else if (category == 3)
                    itm.Category = ItemCategory.Girls;
                else if (category == 4)
                    itm.Category = ItemCategory.Boys;
                else if (category == 5)
                    itm.Category = ItemCategory.Babies;
                    itm.Category = ItemCategory.Unspecified;
                Console.Write("Item Name:  ");
                itm.Name = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.Write("Item Size (Enter 0 if unknown):  ");
                itm.Size = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.Write("Unit Price: ");
                itm.UnitPrice = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.Write("How many samples of ");
                Console.Write(": ");
                qty = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            public void DisplayReceipt()
                decimal totalPrice = itm.UnitPrice * Quantity;
                Console.WriteLine("/-/Arrington Department Store/-/");
                Console.WriteLine("Item #:      {0}", itm.ItemNumber);
                Console.WriteLine("Category:    {0}", itm.Category);
                Console.WriteLine("Description: {0}", itm.Name);
                Console.WriteLine("Item Size:   {0}", itm.Size);
                Console.WriteLine("Unit Price:  {0:C}", itm.UnitPrice);
                Console.WriteLine("Quantity:    {0}", Quantity);
                Console.WriteLine("Total Price: {0:C}\n", totalPrice);
  5. Access the Program.cs file and change it as follows:
    using System;
    namespace DepartmentStore2
        class Program
            static void Main()
                DepartmentStore store = new DepartmentStore();
  6. Execute the application and test it. Here is an example:
    /-/Arrington Department Store/-/
    Enter the following pieces of
    information about the sale item
    Item #:     444412
    Store Items Categories
            1. Women
            2. Men
            3. Girls
            4. Boys
            5. Babies
    Enter the Category: 1
    Item Name:  Stretch Cotton Shirt
    Item Size (Enter 0 if unknown):  14
    Unit Price: 55.95
    How many samples of Stretch Cotton Shirt: 2
    /-/Arrington Department Store/-/
    Item #:      444412
    Category:    Women
    Description: Stretch Cotton Shirt
    Item Size:   14
    Unit Price:  $55.95
    Quantity:    2
    Total Price: $111.90
    Press any key to continue . . .
    Stretch Cotton Shirt
  7. Close the DOS window

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