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Extended Values |
A Double-Word |
Introduction |
A double-word is a group of two consecutive Words. This means that a double-word combines 4 bytes or 32 bits. The bits, counted from right to left, start at 0 and end at 31. The most right bit, bit 0, is called the low order bit or LO bit or LOBIT. The most left bit, bit 31, is called the high order bit or HI bit or HIBIT. The other bits are called using their positions. |
The group of the first 8 bits (from bit 0 to bit 7), which is the right byte, is called the low order byte, or LOBYTE. The group of the last 8 bits (from bit 24 to bit 31), which is the left byte, is called the high order byte, or HIBYTE. The other bytes are called by their positions. The group of the right 16 bits, or the right Word, is called the low order word, or LOWORD. The group of the left 16 bits, or the left word, is called the high order word, or HIWORD. The minimum binary number you can represent with a double-word is 0. The minimum decimal value of a double-word is 0. To find out the maximum decimal value of a word, you can use the base 2 formula giving a 1 value to each bit: |
1*231+1*230+1*229 + 1*228 + 1*227 + 1*226 + 1*225 + 1*224 + 1*223 + 1*222 + 1*221 + 1*220 + 1*219 + 1*218 + 1*217 + 1*216 + 1*215 + 1*214 + 1*213 + 1*212 + 1*211 + 1*210 + 1*29 + 1*28 + 1*27 + 1*26 + 1*25 + 1*24 + 1*23 + 1*22 + 1*21 + 1*20 = 2,147,483,648 + 1,073,741,824 + 536,870,912 + 268,435,456 + 134,217,728 + 67,108,864 + 33,554,432 + 16,777,216 + 8,388,608 + 4,194,304 + 2,097,152 + 1,048,576 + 524,288 + 262,144 + 131,072 + 65,536 + 32,768 + 16,384 + 8,192 + 4,096 + 2,048 + 1,024 + 512 + 256 + 128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 4,286,578,708 The minimum hexadecimal value you can store in a double-word is 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 which is the same as 0x0. To find out the maximum hexadecimal number you can represent with a word, replace every group of 4-bits with an f or F:
To declare a variable that can hold large values, you can use the var keyword and initialize the variable with the desired value. Here is an example: class Exercise { static void Main() { var population = 72394475; System.Console.Write("Country Population: "); System.Console.WriteLine(population); } } This would produce: Country Population: 72394475 Press any key to continue . . .
A double-word is large enough to contain double the amount of data that can be stored in a word. This is equivalent to 32 bits or 4 bytes or 4,294,967,295. Therefore, a double-word is used for large numbers that would not fit in a word. To use a variable that would hold quite large numbers, besides the var keyword, you can declare it using the int keyword. A variable declared as int can store values between 2,147,483,648 and 2,147,484,647 negative or positive, that can fit in 32 bits. Here are examples: class Exercise
static void Main()
int coordX;
int coordY;
coordX = 12;
coordY = -8;
System.Console.Write("Cartesian Coordinate System: ");
System.Console.Write(", ");
When executed, the program would produce: Cartesian Coordinate System: P(12, -8) If you declare an integer variable using the var keyword and initialize it with a value lower than 2,147,484,647, the compiler concludes that the memory needed to store that variable is 32 bits:
When initializing an integral variable, instead of a decimal number, you can also initialize it with a hexadecimal value whose decimal equivalent is less than 2,147,484,647. Here is an example: class Exercise { static void Main() { var number = 0xF0488EA; System.Console.Write("Number: "); System.Console.WriteLine(number); } } This would produce: Number: 251955434 Press any key to continue . . . If the variable must hold only positive natural numbers, you can declared it using the uint keyword, which represents an unsigned integer. The uint keyword is used to identify a 32-bit positive integer whose value would range from 0 to 4,294,967,295. Here are examples: class Exercise { static void Main() { uint dayOfBirth; uint monthOfBirth; uint yearOfBirth; dayOfBirth = 8; monthOfBirth = 11; yearOfBirth = 1996; System.Console.WriteLine("Red Oak High School"); System.Console.Write("Student Date of Birth: "); System.Console.Write(monthOfBirth); System.Console.Write("/"); System.Console.Write(dayOfBirth); System.Console.Write("/"); System.Console.Write(yearOfBirth); } } This would produce: Red Oak High School Student Date of Birth: 11/8/1996
Sometimes you may want to store values that a double-word cannot handle. To store a very large number in a variable, you can consider a combination of 64 bits. The group can also be referred to as a quad-word. A quad-word is so large it can store numbers in the range of -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. If you declare an integer variable using the var keyword and initialize it with a value between 2,147,484,647 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, the compiler concludes that the memory needed to store that variable is 64 bits:
If you want to use a variable that can hold very large numbers that would require up to 64 bits, you can declare it using either the var or the long keyword. As stated previously, if you initialize the variable with a value lower than 2,147,484,647, the compiler would allocate 32 bits of memory for it. If you initialize the variable with a value between 2,147,484,647 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, the compiler would allocate 64 bits of memory for it. If the value is higher than 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, which is too large, the compiler would present an error:
This means that you should limit the values assigned to integral variables to 64 bits, which is very significant. Here is an example: class Exercise
static void Main()
var countryArea = 5638648;
System.Console.Write("Country Area: ");
This would produce: Country Area: 5638648km2 Press any key to continue . . . As mentioned for other integral types, you can initialize a long variable with a hexadecimal value. Although the long data type is used for large numbers, it mainly indicates the amount of space available but you don't have to use the whole space. For example, you can use the long keyword to declare a variable that would hold the same range of numbers as the short, the int, or the uint data types. If you declare a variable as long but use it for small numbers that don't require 64 bits, the compiler would allocate the appropriate amount of space to accommodate the values of the variable. Consequently, the amount of space made available may not be as large as 64 bits. If you insist and want the compiler to reserve 64 bits, when assigning a value to the variable, add an L suffix to it. Here is an example that uses a long variable to store a number that would fit in 32 bits: class Exercise { static void Main() { long countryArea; countryArea = 5638648L; System.Console.Write("Country Area: "); System.Console.Write(countryArea); System.Console.Write("km2\n"); } } Therefore, keep in mind that an int, a uint, a short, or a ushort can fit in a long variable. You can use a combination of 64 bits to store positive or negative integers. In some cases, you will need a variable to hold only positive, though large, numbers. To declare such a variable, you can use the ulong data type. A variable declared as ulong can handle extremely positive numbers that range from 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 to fit in 64 bits. A real number is a number that displays a decimal part. This means that the number can be made of two sections separated by a symbol that is referred to as the Decimal Separator or Decimal Symbol. This symbol is different by language, country, group of languages, or group of countries. In US English, this symbol is the period as can be verified from the Regional (and Language) Settings of the Control Panel:
On both sides of the decimal symbol, digits are used to specify the value of the number. The number of digits on the right side of the symbol determines how much precision the number offers. The integers we have used so far have the main limitation of not allowing decimal values. C# provides floating values that would solve this problem. The most fundamental floating variable is declared with the float keyword. A variable declared as float can store real numbers that range from ±1.5 x 10−45 to ±3.4 x 1038 with a precision of 7 digits in 32 bits. Here is an example: class Exercise { static void Main() { float distance; } } When a variable is larger than the float can handle and requires more precision, you should declare it using either the var or the the double keyword. Here is an example: class Exercise { static void Main() { var number = 62834.9023; System.Console.Write("Number: "); System.Console.WriteLine(number); } } This would produce: Number: 62834.9023 Press any key to continue . . . A variable declared as double uses 64 bits to store very large numbers ranging from ±5.0 x 10−324 to ±1.7 x Â10308 with a precision of 15 or 16 digits. Because the double data type provides a better result with better precision than the float, whenever you declare a variable using either the var or the float keyword and assign it a value, the compiler allocates 64 bits to store the values of the variable. If you insist on the variable being treated as float, when assigning it a value, add an f or an F suffix to the value. Here is an example: class Exercise { static void Main() { float distance; distance = 248.38F; System.Console.Write("Distance = "); System.Console.Write(distance); System.Console.WriteLine("km\n"); } } This would produce: Distance = 248.38km Remember that if you declare the variable as var and want to treat it as a value with single precision, add an f or an F suffix to the value assigned to it. Here is an example: class Exercise { static void Main() { var number = 62834.9023F; System.Console.Write("Number: "); System.Console.WriteLine(number); } } On the other hand, if you want a value to be treated with double-precision, add a d or a D suffix to it. Here is an example: class Exercise { static void Main() { var number = 62834.9023D; System.Console.Write("Number: "); System.Console.WriteLine(number); } }
The decimal data type can be used to declare a variable that would hold significantly large values that can be stored in a combination of 128 bits. You declare such a variable using the decimal keyword. The values stored in a decimal variable can range from ±1.0 x 10−28 to ±7.9 x 1028 with a precision of 28 to 29 digits. Because of this high level of precision, the decimal data type is suitable for currency values. After declaring a decimal variable, you can initialize it with a natural number. To indicate that the variable holds a decimal value, when initializing it, add an m or an M suffix to its value. Here is an example: class Exercise { static void Main() { decimal hourlySalary; hourlySalary = 24.25M; System.Console.Write("Hourly Salary = "); System.Console.WriteLine(hourlySalary); System.Console.WriteLine(); } } This would produce: Hourly Salary = 24 As seen in previous sections and this one, when declaring and initializing a real variable, the suffix you give to its assigned value indicates to the compiler the actual type of value and the type of memory that would be allocated for the variable:
Consider the following program: class Program { static void Main() { System.Console.Write("560 / 672 = "); System.Console.WriteLine(560 / 672); } } The purpose of this program is to get the division of 560 by 672. This would produce: 560 / 672 = 0 Press any key to continue . . . Notice that, when such numbers are submitted to the program, the compiler decides that these are integers and the result produces 0. If you write such an equation and want the result to appear as a real number, you must explicitly indicate it to the compiler. One way you can do this consists of adding decimal places to at least one of the numbers. Here is an example: class Program { static void Main() { System.Console.Write("560 / 672 = "); System.Console.WriteLine(560.00 / 672.00); } } This time, the compiler will conclude that the value is a floating-point number; but which one? By default, the compiler would apply the double data type. This version of the program would produce: 560 / 672 = 0.833333333333333 Press any key to continue . . . If you want to indicate that the value is a float, a double, or a decimal, add the appropriate prefix to it: f, F, d, D, m, or M. Here are examples: class Program { static void Main() { System.Console.Write("560 / 672 = "); System.Console.WriteLine(560F / 672f); } } This version of the program would produce: 560 / 672 = 0.8333333 Press any key to continue . . .
A string is an empty space, a character, a word, or a group of words that you want the compiler to consider "as is", that is, not to pay too much attention to what the string is made of, unless you explicitly ask it to. This means that, in the strict sense, you can put in a string anything you want. Primarily, the value of a string starts with a double quote and ends with a double-quote. An example of a string is "Welcome to the World of C# Programming!". You can include such a string in System.Console.Write() to display it on the console. Here is an example: class Exercise { static void Main() { System.Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the World of C# Programming!"); } } This would produce: Welcome to the World of C# Programming! Press any key to continue . . . Sometimes, you will need to use a string whose value is not known in advance. Therefore, you can first declare a string variable. To do this, use either the var or the string keyword followed by a name for the variable. When declaring a string variable, you can initialize it with an empty space, a character, a symbol, a word, a group of words, or null (but you must not use string?). If not using null, the value given to a string must be included in double-quotes. Here are two examples: class Exercise
static void Main()
var team = "Real Madrid";
string country = "Guinée Equatoriale";
System.Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the World of C# Programming!");
System.Console.Write("Team: ");
System.Console.Write("Country: ");
This would produce: Welcome to the World of C# Programming! Team: Real Madrid Country: Guinée Equatoriale Press any key to continue . . .
A date is a unit that measures the number of years, months, or days elapsed in a specific period. A time is a unit that counts the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight of the day considered. Although dates and times are large subjects that would require a detailed study, at this time, we will consider them in simple terms. To declare a variable that would hold date or time values, use the DateTime data type. class Exercise { static void Main() { DateTime DateHired; } } The .NET Framework sets its starting periodic date to January 1, 0001 at midnight (12:00:00 or 0:00 AM). If not assigned a specific value (in future lessons, we will learn that this is equivalent to declaring a variable using the default constructor), the variable is initialized to 1/1/0001 at midnight. The object data type is used to declare a variable whose type is not primarily defined and can be any of the other data types we have introduced. After creating an object variable, you can use its value as you see fit. For example, you can enter the variable in the parentheses of System.Console.Write() or System.Console.WriteLine() to display it in the console window. Here is an example: class Exercise { static void Main() { var EmployeeName = "Ernestine Lamb"; object Address = "10244 Lockwood Drive"; System.Console.Write("Employee Name: "); System.Console.WriteLine(EmployeeName); System.Console.Write("Home Address: "); System.Console.WriteLine(Address); System.Console.WriteLine(); } } This would produce: Employee Name: Ernestine Lamb Home Address: 10244 Lockwood Drive Press any key to continue . . . A variable declared with object can embrace almost any value. This means that, when initializing the variable, you can use any of the types of values we have seen so far. Here are examples: class Program { static void Main() { object propertyNumber = "293749"; object propertyType = 'S'; object stories = 3; object bedrooms = 4; object value = 425880; System.Console.WriteLine("=//= Altair Realtors =//="); System.Console.WriteLine("Properties Inventory"); System.Console.Write("Property #: "); System.Console.WriteLine(propertyNumber); System.Console.Write("Property Type: "); System.Console.WriteLine(propertyType); System.Console.Write("Stories: "); System.Console.WriteLine(stories); System.Console.Write("Bedrooms: "); System.Console.WriteLine(bedrooms); System.Console.Write("Market Value: "); System.Console.WriteLine(value); } } This would produce: =//= Altair Realtors =//= Properties Inventory Property #: 293749 Property Type: S Stories: 3 Bedrooms: 4 Market Value: 425880 Press any key to continue . . .
Suppose you intend to use a number such as 39.37 over and over again. Here is an example: class Exercise
static void Main()
double meter, inch;
meter = 12.52D;
inch = Meter * 39.37D;
System.Console.Write("m = ");
Here is an example of running the program: 12.52m = 492.9124in If you use this 39.37 many times in your program, at one time, you may make a mistake and type it as 3937 or 3.937 or else. Consider the following program: class Exercise { static void Main() { double meter, inch; meter = 12.52D; inch = Meter * 39.37; System.Console.Write(meter); System.Console.Write("m = "); System.Console.Write(inch); System.Console.WriteLine("in\n"); meter = 12.52D; Inch = Meter * 3.937; System.Console.Write(meter); System.Console.Write("m = "); System.Console.Write(inch); System.Console.WriteLine("in\n"); meter = 12.52D; Inch = Meter * 393.7; System.Console.Write(meter); System.Console.Write("m = "); System.Console.Write(inch); System.Console.WriteLine("in\n"); } } This would produce: 12.52m = 492.9124in 12.52m = 49.29124in 12.52m = 4929.124in Because of mistakes in the way to represent the number, the same calculation produces different results. To make sure that this is unlikely, you can instead use a variable that holds the value. Then, when you need that value, you can access the variable instead of the value itself. A number such as 39.37 is called a constant. A constant is a value that never changes such as 244, "ASEC Mimosa", 39.37, or True. These are constant values you can use in your program any time. You can also declare a variable and make it a constant; that is, use it so that its value is always the same. To create a constant, type the const keyword to its left. When declaring a constant, you must initialize it with an appropriate value. Here is an example: const double ConversionFactor = 39.37D; Once a constant has been created and it has been appropriately initialized, you can use its name where the desired constant would be used. Here is an example of a constant variable used various times: class Exercise { static void Main() { const double conversionFactor = 39.37D; double meter, inch; meter = 12.52D; inch = Meter * ConversionFactor; System.Console.Write(meter); System.Console.Write("m = "); System.Console.Write(inch); System.Console.WriteLine("in\n"); meter = 12.52D; inch = Meter * ConversionFactor; System.Console.Write(meter); System.Console.Write("m = "); System.Console.Write(inch); System.Console.WriteLine("in\n"); meter = 12.52D; inch = Meter * ConversionFactor; System.Console.Write(meter); System.Console.Write("m = "); System.Console.Write(inch); System.Console.WriteLine("in\n"); } } This would produce: 12.52m = 492.9124in 12.52m = 492.9124in 12.52m = 492.9124in Notice that, this time, the calculation is more accurate. Also, this time, if you mistype the name of the variable in an operation, you would receive an error, giving you the time to fix it. To initialize a constant variable, the value on the right side of the assignment operator "=" must be a constant or a value that the compiler can determine as constant. Instead of using a known constant, you can also assign it another variable that has already been declared as constant. There are two main categories of constants you will use in your programs. You can create your own constant as we saw above. The C# language also provides various constants. Some constants are part of the C# language. Some other constants are part of the .NET Framework. Before using a constant, of course, you must first know that it exists. Second, you must know how to access it. A constant that is part of the C# language can be accessed anywhere in your code (normally, those constant are defined in the System namespace; other constant are defined in various appropriate namespaces). null: The null keyword is a constant used to indicate that a variable doesn't hold a known value PI: PI is a constant used as the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. PI is defined in Math. To use it, you would type Math.PI. The primary means of creating a program consists of adding code to a document. This is done by typing code using the keyboard. Once the code exists, you can do various things on it. In most cases, you must first select the text. Normally, from your experience of using computers, you should already know how to select text, using the mouse, or a combination of the mouse and keyboard.
As mentioned already, you will write your code in normal text editors, whether using Notepad, the Code Editor of Microsoft Visual Studio, or else. Also, you may be familiar already with how to look for a character, a symbol, a word, or a group of words in a document. Just as reminder, on the main menu of the application, you can click Edit -> Find...
This would display a dialog box where you can type the item and click Find. If you are using Microsoft Visual Studio and if you want to find different occurrences of a known character, symbol, word, or group of words, first select that item. Then:
In the same way, if you have a variable that is used more than once in your code and you want to see all places where that variable is used, simply click the name (and wait two seconds) and all of its occurrences would be highlighted:
To get a list of all sections where the variable is used, if you are using Microsoft Visual Studio:
This would produce a list of all sections where the variable is used and would display the list in the Find Symbol Results window:
To access a particular section where the variable is used, double-click its entry in the list. Normally, from your knowledge of using computers, you probably already know how to select, cut, and copy text. These two operations can be valuable to save code in Microsoft Visual Studio. This means that, if you have code you want to use in different sections, you can preserve it somewhere to access it whenever necessary. To save code to use over and over again, first type the code in any text editor, whether in Notepad, Microsoft Word, or the Code Editor of Microsoft Visual Studio. You can use code from any document where text can be copied, including a web page. Select that code and copy it to the clipboard. To preserve it, in Microsoft Visual Studio, display the Toolbox (on the main menu, you can click View -> Toolbox). Right-click an empty area on the Toolbox and click Paste:
An alternative is to select the code, whether in the Code Editor or in a text editor. Then drag it and drop it on the Toolbox. In the same way, you can add different code items to the Toolbox. After pasting or adding the code to the Toolbox, it becomes available. To use that code, drag it from the Toolbox and drop it in the section of the Code Editor where you want to use it.
As we will see throughout our lessons, there are many names you will use in your programs. After creating a name, in some cases you will have to change it. You can find where the name is and edit it. If the name is used in many places, you can continue looking for it and modify it. There is a chance you will make a mistake. If you are writing your code using a text editor, you can use the Edit -> Replace option of the main menu to find and replace every instance of that name. You can use the same approach in the Code Editor. Unfortunately, this technique works for only one file. If your project has many files and the name is used in those files, it would be cumbersome to remember to change the name in all of them. Microsoft Visual Studio makes it easy to find and change a name wherever it is used. Consider the following code: class Order { static void Main() { int nbr = 148; System.Console.WriteLine(nbr); } } To change the name of a variable, in the Code Editor:
This would display the Rename dialog box with the primary name. If you want to change it, type the new name:
If you want the studio to find and change the name inside the comments, click the Search in Comments check box. If the name is used in strings and you want to replace it, click the Search in Strings check box. When you click OK, the Preview Changes - Rename dialog box would come up. It shows the various parts where the name is used and will be replaced:
If you still want to replace, click Apply.
If you create a long document that has many lines of code, in a certain section you may encounter a variable but you want to find out where it was declared. If you are using Microsoft Visual Studio, to access the place where a variable was declared:
In both cases, the caret would jump to where the variable was declared.
If you are using the Code Editor of Microsoft Visual Studio, if you create a long document that has many lines of code, if you want to jump to a certain line of code:
This would display a dialog box. Enter the line number and click OK or press Enter.
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