FunctionX Press
C# Practical Learning
C# Programming

This ebook teaches C# as the language is implemented in both Microsoft Visual C# and Borland C# Builder. This ebook teaches only the C# language and not the graphical Windows applications. The ebook uses our proven approach to practical learning with step-by-step instructions, detail-oriented programming, and useful examples in every lesson.

To follow the lessons in this ebook, you should have installed Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express Edition.

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Part I: C# Fundamentals Part VIII: Arrays
Lesson 1:   Introduction to C# Lesson 23: Introduction to Arrays
Lesson 2:   Introduction to Variables Lesson 24: Using Arrays
Lesson 3:   Using Variables Lesson 25: Arrays and Classes
Part II: Introduction to Classes Lesson 26: Strings
Lesson 4:   Introduction to Classes Part IX: File Processing and Serialization
Lesson 5:   C# and Code Organization Lesson 27: Introduction to File Processing
Lesson 6:   Data Reading and Formatting Lesson 28: Details on File Processing
Lesson 7:   The Methods of a Class Lesson 29: Files Operations
Lesson 8:   Combinations of Classes Lesson 30: Serialization
Part III: Introduction to Classes Part X: Collections
Lesson 9:   Introduction to Conditions Lesson 31: Introduction to Collections
Lesson 10: Conditional Statements Lesson 32: .NET Support for Collections
Lesson 11: Conditional Switches Lesson 33: Intro to Built-In Collection Classes
Lesson 12: Counting and Looping Lesson 34: Built-In Collection Classes
Part IV: Intermediate Use of Classes Lesson 35: Generics
Lesson 13: The Properties of a Class Part XI: XML
Lesson 14: Inheritance Lesson 36: Introduction to XML
Lesson 15: Polymorphism and Abstraction Lesson 37: The Nodes of an XML Element
Lesson 16: Delegates Lesson 38: Operations on XML Elements
Part V: Structures Lesson 39: The Attributes of an XML Element
Lesson 17: Structures Lesson 40: Characteristics of XML Nodes
Lesson 18: Dates and Times
Part VI: Common Built-In Classes Part XII: Introduction to Databases
Lesson 19: Built-In Classes Lesson 41: Introduction to Data Sets and Tables
Lesson 20: Mathematics in C# Lesson 42: The Columns of a Table
Part VII: Exception Handling Lesson 43: The Records of a Table
Lesson 21: Introduction to Exception Handling Lesson 44: Records Management
Lesson 22: Using Exception Handling

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