Applying Small Capitals to Text Small capitalizing is the ability to display text in uppercase with the first letter of each slightly bigger than the other letters. To let you apply this characteristic on text, CSS provides a style named font-variant. It can have a value as either normal or small-caps. Here are two examples: <html> <head> <title>Binary Classification</title> <style> p.title { color: Red; font-size: xx-large; font-family: Rockwell; font-variant: small-caps; } #introduction { color: Black; font-size: 0.58cm; font-family: Garamond; } li.classification { font-family: Comic Sans MS; color: Green; } p.classification { font-family: Garamond; color: Navy; } td.title { color: Navy; font-family: Forte; font-size: 1.45pc; } td .classification { color: Teal; font-family: Antique; font-size: 1.45pc; } li > p.title { color: Magenta; font-family: Georgia; font-size: large; font-variant: normal; } li p.classification { font-family: Garamond; color: Blue; } p.classification .reduction { color: Navy; font-family: Agency FB; font-size: Medium; } p.classification b, cite { color: Maroon; font-family: Bodoni MT Black; font-size: 1.25pc; } </style> <head> <body> <p class="title">Binary Classification</p> <p id="introduction">Binary classification consists of classifying the outcomes of two sets of measures. The classification is made to find out whether something that was supposed to happen happened as it was predicted, or to made a conclusion about the resultant of something that was, or was not, supposed to happen. Binary classification is widely used in various disciplines:</p> <ul> <li class="classification">Medicine: Used to evaluate pregnancies, to study diseases, to monitor cancer evolution on patients, etc</li> <li class="classification">Statistics: Used to evaluate the outcomes of an experiment</li> <li class="classification">Sociology: Used to study people's (a person in society, a crowd in a riot, the employees of a company, etc) behavior</li> <li class="classification">Etc: Binary classification is applied to many types of studies and sometimes the results gotten in one discipline can directly be used in another discipline</li> </ul> <p>The classification uses four expressions as:</p> <ul> <li><p class="title">True Positive</p> <p class="classification">Also used as TP, this <quote class="reduction"> condition indicates</quote> that <b>something was supposed to happen</b> and actually <cite>happened</cite></p> </li> <li><p class="title">True Negative</p> <p class="classification">Also used as TN, this <quote class="reduction"> condition indicates</quote> that <b>something was supposed to happen</b> but <cite>did not happen</cite></p> </li> <li><p class="title">False Positive</p> <p class="classification">Also used as FP, this <quote class="reduction"> condition indicates</quote> that <b>something was not supposed to happen</b> but actually <cite>happened</cite></p> </li> <li><p class="title">False Negative</p> <p class="classification">Also used as FN, this <quote class="reduction"> condition indicates</quote> that <b>something was not supposed to happen</b> and effectively <cite>did not happened</cite></p> </li> </ul> <p class="classification">These expressions can be classified in a table as follows:</p> <div align=center> <table border=6> <tr> <td> </td> <td class="title">True</td> <td class="title">False</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="title">Positive</td> <td><b class="classification">True Positive</b></td> <td><b class="classification">False Positive</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="title">Negative</td> <td><b class="classification">False Negative</b></td> <td><b class="classification">True Negative</b></td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html> This would produce: Applying a Font to an Element As opposed to specifying the characteristics of a font one at at time, CSS provides a style named font from which you can specify many fonts in one block. To use it, create a font style and its colon. Specify the values of the font style, the font variant, and the text weight. They are separated by empty spaces. You can also specify the text size and/or the font name(s) to apply. If you decide to specify only the font style, the font variant, and the text weight, they can appear in any order of your choice. If you want to add either or both the text size and/or the font name, you can omit any of the first three characteristics but if you to use them, they must be in the order of font style, font variant, and text weight before the text size and/or the font name (s). Here is an example: <html> <head> <title>Binary Classification</title> <style> p.title { color: Red; font: normal small-caps bold xx-large Georgia, serif; } #introduction { color: Black; font: normal normal normal 0.58cm Garamond, serif; } li.classification { font-family: Comic Sans MS, sans-serif; color: Green; } p.classification { font-family: Garamond, sans-serif; color: Navy; } td.title { color: Navy; font: 1.45pc, Century Schoolbook, serif; } td .classification { color: Teal; font: 1.45pc, Antique, sans-serif; } li > p.title { color: Magenta; font: normal normal large Georgia, serif; } li p.classification { font-family: Garamond, sans-serif; color: Blue; } p.classification .reduction { color: Navy; font: Medium, Agency FB, sans-serif; } p.classification b, cite { color: Maroon; font: 1.25pc, Bodoni MT Black, serif; } </style> <head> <body> <p class="title">Binary Classification</p> <p id="introduction">Binary classification consists of classifying the outcomes of two sets of measures. The classification is made to find out whether something that was supposed to happen happened as it was predicted, or to made a conclusion about the resultant of something that was, or was not, supposed to happen. Binary classification is widely used in various disciplines:</p> <ul> <li class="classification">Medicine: Used to evaluate pregnancies, to study diseases, to monitor cancer evolution on patients, etc</li> <li class="classification">Statistics: Used to evaluate the outcomes of an experiment</li> <li class="classification">Sociology: Used to study people's (a person in society, a crowd in a riot, the employees of a company, etc) behavior</li> <li class="classification">Etc: Binary classification is applied to many types of studies and sometimes the results gotten in one discipline can directly be used in another discipline</li> </ul> <p>The classification uses four expressions as:</p> <ul> <li><p class="title">True Positive</p> <p class="classification">Also used as TP, this <quote class="reduction"> condition indicates</quote> that <b>something was supposed to happen</b> and actually <cite>happened</cite></p> </li> <li><p class="title">True Negative</p> <p class="classification">Also used as TN, this <quote class="reduction"> condition indicates</quote> that <b>something was supposed to happen</b> but <cite>did not happen</cite></p> </li> <li><p class="title">False Positive</p> <p class="classification">Also used as FP, this <quote class="reduction"> condition indicates</quote> that <b>something was not supposed to happen</b> but actually <cite>happened</cite></p> </li> <li><p class="title">False Negative</p> <p class="classification">Also used as FN, this <quote class="reduction"> condition indicates</quote> that <b>something was not supposed to happen</b> and effectively <cite>did not happened</cite></p> </li> </ul> <p class="classification">These expressions can be classified in a table as follows:</p> <div align=center> <table border=6> <tr> <td> </td> <td class="title">True</td> <td class="title">False</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="title">Positive</td> <td><b class="classification">True Positive</b></td> <td><b class="classification">False Positive</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="title">Negative</td> <td><b class="classification">False Negative</b></td> <td><b class="classification">True Negative</b></td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html> This would produce: |