
The Pictures of a Webpage


You are probably familiar alreayd with the way pictures are added to a webpage in HTML. This done by using the img tag that has an attribute named src that holds the name or the location of a picture. Here is an example:

F# Graphical Applications

Picture Viewer

<title>F# Graphical Applications</title>

    overflow:   auto;
    height:     150pt;
    width:      450pt;
    background: Navy;
    overflow:   auto;
    height:     auto;
    width:      450pt;
    background: Maroon;
    overflow:   auto;
    height:     200pt;
    width:      450pt;
    background: DarkGreen;

    color: #F00;
    font:  bold, 24pt, Bodoni MT Black, Georgia, Garamond, serif;
    color: #000;
    font:  12pt, Times New Roman, Garamond, Georgia, serif;

    white-space: pre;
    font-size:   12pt;
    color:       Aqua;
    font-family: Courier New, Georgia, serif;


<h1 id="main-title">F# Graphical Applications</h1>

<p class="description">The F# language supports various types of applications, 
including graphical applications. In Microsoft Windows, applications used to 
be created in the Win32 library. The basic pseudocode to create a Win32 
application is as follows:</p>

<section class="pseudocode">
<p class="preformatted">Load the necessary libraries
Include the header files

Create a callback procedure
    Handle the events using a switch statement
Create a WinMain function
    Create a WNDCLASS/WNDCLASSEX variable
    Specify the characteristics of the variable
    Assign the callback function to the <i>lpfnWndProc</i> member
    Call the RegisterClass/RegisterClassEx() function
    Call the CreateWindow/CreateWindowEx() function
    Find out if the window was created
    Present the window
    Handle the operating system messages
    End the application</p>

<p class="description">When it comes to <abbr title="Graphical User Interface">
GUI</abbr> applications in F#, the easiest type to create is to simply 
display a message box. Here is an example:</p>

<section class="msgbox">
<p class="preformatted">open System
open System.Windows.Forms

MessageBox.Show(&quot;Remember to sign your time sheet before leaving for your annual leave.&quot;,
                &quot;Bosco Corporations&quot;, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) |&gt; ignore</p>

<p class="description">This would produce:</p>

<img alt="F# Graphical Applications" height="145" src="msgboxes/timesheet.gif" width="414">

<p class="description">For a more functioning GUI application, the .NET 
Framework provides the <b>Form</b> class that includes various properties 
and methods that can be used to enhance the application's functionality. 
Here is an example of a <b>Form</b>-based application:</p>

<section class="GUI">
<p class="preformatted">open System
open System.Drawing
open System.Windows.Forms

// Form: Picture Viewer
let pictureViewer = new Form(MaximizeBox = false, Text = &quot;Picture Viewer&quot;, ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size

(780, 570), StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen)

// Picture Box: Viewer
let pbxViewer = new PictureBox(Size = new Size(760, 505), Location = new Point(12, 12), SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom, 

BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle)
pictureViewer.Controls.Add pbxViewer

// Button: Picture Selection
let btnSelectPicture = new Button(Width = 135, Text = &quot;Select Picture...&quot;, Location = new Point(12, 534))
pictureViewer.Controls.Add btnSelectPicture

let ofdPictureSelection = new OpenFileDialog(Filter = &quot;Joint Photographic Experts Group (*.jpg;.jpeg)|*.jpg;*.jpeg|

Bitmap Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|Graphical Interchange Format (*.gif)|*.gif|Portable Network 

Graphics (*.png)|*.png|All Files (*.*)|*.*&quot;)

let btnSelectPictureClick _ =
    if ofdPictureSelection.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK then
        pbxViewer.Image &lt;- Image.FromFile ofdPictureSelection.FileName
btnSelectPicture.Click.Add btnSelectPictureClick

// Button: Close
let btnClose = new Button(Text = &quot;Close&quot;, Location = new Point(697, 534))
pictureViewer.Controls.Add btnClose

let btnCloseClick _ = pictureViewer.Close()
btnClose.Click.Add btnCloseClick

let main argv = 
    Application.Run pictureViewer

<p class="description">This would produce:</p>

<img alt="Picture Viewer" height="597" src="forms/viewer.gif" width="797">

<p class="description">You see? Programming is Fun!</p>

This would produce:

Pictures in a Webpage

Showing Borders Around a Picture

As done on any webpage object, a picture can display a border on 1, 2, 3, or all 4 sides. This is done using the border style or one of its sub-types. Here are examples:

The Metric System - Time

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>The Metric System - Time</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
    margin:     0;
    background: #F0EBE1; /* rgb(240, 235, 225); */
#common-container {
    width:      600px;
    margin:     auto;
    border:     1pt solid Black;
    background: RGB(220, 215, 195);
    box-shadow: 0.28em 0.28em 0.28em Black;
#title-box {
    right:         auto;
    bottom:        auto;
    width:         600px;
    top:           0.05em;
    margin-left:   0.00em;
    height:        3.65em;
    line-height:   1.25em;
    position:      absolute;
    border-bottom: 3pt solid #643200;
#bottom-banner {
    left:       0;
    right:      0;
    bottom:     0;
    top:        32.10em;
    width:      100%;
    height:     auto;
    border-top: 3pt solid Maroon;
#pict-container { margin-top:  5.00em; }

#title {
    color:       #400;
    text-align: center;
    text-shadow: 0.15em 0.15em 0.28em rgb(255, 190, 0);
    font:        bold 24pt Georgia, Garamond, serif;
    line-height: 0.15em;
p {
    margin-left:  4pt;
    margin-right: 4pt;
    text-align: justify;
.picture {
    margin:        0;
    border-top:    2pt solid black;
    border-bottom: 2pt solid black;
#copyright {
    color:       Maroon;
    text-align:  center;
    line-height: 1.15em;

<div id="common-container">

  <div id="title-box">
    <p id="title">The Metric System - Time</p>

    <div id="pict-container">
      <img class="picture" alt="Metric System - Date and Time" height="260"
       src="images/time2.png" width="600" />
    <p>In the metric system, time is used to deal with values and operations related 
    to days, months, years, hours, minutess, and seconds. The metric system deals with 
    dates. A date is a combination of a day, a month, and a year, each expressed as a 
    numeric value. Depending on the language or the scenario in which it is used, 
    there are different ways to express a date, or rather there are different date 
    formats used by different languages or different policies.</p>

    <p>The metric system also deals with time values. A time value is a combination 
    of the hour, the minute, and the second. As mentioned for dates, there are different 
    ways to present a time value. One technique is to present a date in hours from 0 
    to 23. Another technique is to consider a time occurring before midday, referred 
    to as AM, or time occurring after midday, referred to as PM.</p>

  <footer id="bottom-banner">
    <p id="copyright">Copyright &copy;, 2015</p>


This would produce:

The Metric System - The Time System

Aligning a Picture

Aligning a picture is the ability to position it on a side or a corner of a box or an object. You have many options. The traditional technique consists of putting in a cell of a table, with the cell positioned where you want.

If you put the picture in a box that has a fixed width and you want to display the picture in the middle of the box, you can set the margin style of the box to auto. Here is an example:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Earth Science</title>
<style type="text/css">
    margin:     0;
    background: #375f91;

#top-banner {
    top:      0;
    left:     0;
    right:    0;
    bottom:   auto;
    width:    100%;
    height:   4.15em;
    position: absolute;
    background-color: #192E46;
    border-bottom:    1pt solid rgb(255, 190, 0);
#central {
    left:             0;
    right:            0;
    margin:           auto;
    height:           auto;
    overflow:         auto;
    width:            600px;
    bottom:           3.15em;
    top:              4.25em;
    background-color: #00F;
    position:         absolute;
    border-top:       1px solid #0000FF;
    border-right:     1px solid #00FF00;
    border-bottom:    1px solid #0000FF;
    border-left:      1px solid #00FF00;

    margin: auto;
    width:  251px;
    border: 0px solid #00FF00;

#bottom-banner {
    left:             0;
    right:            0;
    bottom:           0;
    top:              auto;
    width:            100%;
    height:           3.15em;
    position:         absolute;
    background-color: DarkBlue;
    border-top:       3pt solid rgb(255, 190, 0); }

#top-title {
    text-align:  center;
    color:       WhiteSmoke;
    font:        bold 24pt Georgia, Garamond, serif;
    line-height: 0.15em;
.sub-title {
    color: White;
    font:  bold 12pt Georgia, Garamond, serif;
.description {
    margin:   0.58em;
    color: Chartreuse;
    text-align: justify;
    font:  bold, 12pt, Times New Roman, Garamond, Georgia, serif;
#bottom-part {
    bottom: 0;
    border-top: 5pt solid Bisque;
    background-color:  rgb(25, 55, 95);
    padding-left:  1.15em;

.description {
    padding-right:  1.15em;
    color:         #F5F032;
    text-align:    justify;
    font:          12pt Times New Roman, Garamond, serif;
#copyright {
    text-align: center;
    color:        Pink;
    line-height: 1.15em; }


<header id="top-banner">
  <p id="top-title">Earth Science</p>

<section id="central">
  <div id="picture">
    <p><img alt="Earth: This picture came from the NASA Website" height="252"
            src="images/earth.png" width="250"></p>

  <p class="description">Earth science is the group of studies that explore all
  types of issues related to the planet. The studies consider such topics as the
  earth layers, the atmosphere, the seasons, the climate, the oceans, etc. In 
  reality, the topics are categorized in history,   geography, geology, ecology, 
  physics, etc. Other earth-related topics include the the biosphere, the 
  hydrosphere, etc.</p>

  <p class="description">Earth science is not confined to just the physical planet
  but also to its environment. To start, its history first considers what might
  have happened before the current time. Part of studying the earth is to consider 
  other planets and stars in order to evaluate its relationships and differences 
  with other places and objects.</p>

<footer id="bottom-banner">
  <p id="copyright">Copyright &copy;, 2015</p>


This would produce:

The Margins of a Box

Floating a Picture

CSS provide a means of aligning a picture inline. This is done using a style named float. In order to use the float style, the picture and the text that accompanies it must be enclosed in a box with a fixed width.

The float style can take one of two numeric values. They are:

  • left: The picture will be placed on the left side of the accompanying text. If the text is longer than the height of the picture can display, some of the text will continue under the picture. Here is an example:
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
        margin:     0;
        background: radial-gradient(at 65%, #0066CC, #99CCFF); 
    #middle-center {
        left:       0;
        margin:     auto;
        width:      500pt;
        background: #D7EBFF;
        position:   relative;
        border:     1pt solid Black;
    #title-box {
        line-height:   0;
        margin-top:    0;
        margin-left:   0pt;
        text-align:    center;
        height:        1.25em;
        border-bottom: 2pt solid Black;	
    #chem-title {
        font-size:   24pt;
        font-weight: bold;
        font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
    .molecule {
        margin: 0;
        float:  left;
    .description {
        padding-left:  0.50em;
        padding-right: 0.50em;
        text-align:    justify;
        font:          12pt Times New Roman, Garamond, serif;
    #chem-title, .description { color: Navy; }
    <div id="middle-center">
      <div id="title-box">
        <p id="chem-title">Chemistry</p>
        <img alt="Chemistry - Molecule" height="145" src="images/molecule.png"
    	 width="236" class="molecule">
        <p class="description">Chemistry is the study of matter. Matter is the 
        building block of anything in the environment, that is, anything that 
        occupies any form of space, anything that can be seen or is hidden to 
        the human eye.</p>
        <p class="description">Chemistry first examines the smallest 
        object that starts a matter. This is the role of the atom. Then 
        chemistry explores the interaction between two atoms and the involvements 
        among atoms. The study seeks to understand how an atom of a kind combines 
        to another atom of the same substance, or how an atom of one substance 
        combines with one or other atoms of other substances to produce a new 
        substance. A combination of atoms is also called a chemical bond. The 
        resulting object is called a compound. Of course, there are rules that 
        govern everything.</p>
    This would produce:

    Picture Floating

  • right: The accompanying text will be placed on the left side of the picture. Here is an example:
    <title>Systems Development Life Cycle</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
        background: radial-gradient(at 75%, #F0EBE1, #BE7D3C); 
    #container {
        margin:     auto;
        width:      500pt;
        background: #F0EBE1; /* RGB(240, 235, 225); */
        border:     1pt solid Black;
    #title-area {
        height:        1.85em;
        border-bottom: 2pt solid Maroon;
    #main-title {
        text-align:  center;
        font-size:   24pt;
        font-weight: bold;
        font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;
    body, .illustration { margin: 0;             }
    .illustration       { float:  right;         }
    p                   { padding-right: 1.50em; }
    p, li {
        color:         Navy;
        padding-left:  0.50em;
        text-align:    justify;
        font:          12pt Times New Roman, Garamond, serif;
    #chem-title, .description { color: Navy; }
    <div id="container">
      <div id="title-area">
        <p id="main-title">Systems Development Life Cycle</p>
        <img alt="Systems Development Life Cycle - illustration"
             height="215" src="illustrations/sdlc.png"
    	 width="277" class="illustration">
        <p>The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a technique or process a 
        team can follow to conduct a project. The general steps can be resumed 
        as follows:</p>
        <p>SDLC as software development life cycle was originally used to assist 
        a team in developing software or creating a computer application. The 
        cycle has now been adapted to various types of engineering projects. This 
        has resulted in variances of the cycle, depending on the type of project 
        or the area of work.</p>
    This would produce:

    Picture Floating

A Picture as Background

A picture can be used as the background of either the whole webpage or a box or HTML element. To support this, CSS provides a style named background-image. The value of this style is passed to a function named url. The function must receive the name of the file of the picture. The name must also be accompanied by its extension.

If the picture file is located in the same folder as the page that needs it, you can simply provide the name of the file (and its extension). If the file is located in another folder, provide the complete path. If the names of folders and the name of the file are each in one word, you don't need to include them in quotes. Otherwise, you can provide the file and its path in eight single-quotes or double-quotes.

You can use any picture you want. Here are different examples of a picture used as the background of a webpage and other pictures used as backgrounds of boxes:

Background Picture

Background Picture

A Picture as Background

Animal Animal Animal
<!DOCTYPE html>


<style type="text/css">
body {
    margin: 0;
    background-image: url(images/bg3.png); 
#top-part {
    margin:        0;
    width:         100%;
    height:        6.50em;
    position:      absolute;
    border-bottom: 4pt solid Black;
    background-image:    URL(images/bg2.png);
#central {
    left:     0;
    margin:   auto;
    width:    550px;
    height:   400px;
    top:      2.75em;
    position: relative;
    border:   1pt solid Black;
    backgroundimage: url(images/bg4.png);
#animal1 {
    margin-left: 12.50em;
    background-image: url("images/animal1.png");
#animal2 {
    margin-left: 19.05em;
    background-image: url("images/animal2.png");
#animal3 {
    margin-left: 25.75em;
    background-image: url("images/animal3.png");
#animal1, #animal2, #animal3 {
    height:   60px;
    width:    90px;
    top:      20.00em;
    position: absolute;
    border:   1pt solid black;
#chem-title {
    color:         Blue;
    font-size:     24pt;
    font-weight:   bold;
    width:         428px;
    line-height:   0.85em;
    margin-left:   2.25em;
    border-bottom: 2pt solid Black;
    text-shadow:   0.12em 0.12em 0.18em White;
    font-family:   Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
.description {
    color:         Navy;
    padding-left:  0.50em;
    padding-right: 0.50em;
    text-align:    justify;
    font:          12pt Times New Roman, Garamond, serif;

<div id="top-part"></div>

<div id="central">
  <div id="bio-box"> <p id="chem-title">Biology</p></div>
  <p class="description">Biology is the study of the existence of living 
  organisms. Biologiy studies how the organisms start (such as how the organism 
  is born), how they grow (or how they change from one state or phase to 
  another), how they live, how they function, where they dwell, and how their 
  existence ends (such as how they die). Biology also study the environment in 
  which an organism lives, how it interacts with other organisms, how it 
  influences its environment, and how other organisms affect its beginning, its 
  existence, its environment, and its end.</p>
  <p class="description">Biology can be divided in various fields of sudies such 
  as biochemistry, biophysics, and biotechnology. Biology helps to understand 
  other scientific areas of studies and other study fields influence biology. 
  These include agriculture, botany, ecology, etc.</p>
  <div id="animal1"></div>
  <div id="animal2"></div>
  <div id="animal3"></div>


This would produce:

A Picture as Background

You can design a picture for the background using any application of your own. Here is an example of a graphic that was designed in Microsoft Word, imported in Corel PaintShop Pro for better section before being saved:

Background Picture


<title>Binary Classification</title>

body { background-image: url(images/bg1.png); }
#introduction {
    color:       Black;
    font-size:   0.54cm;   
p.classification { color: Blue; }
#description, p.classification { font-family: Garamond, Times New Roman, serif; }

li.classification {
    font-size: 10pt;
    font-family: Comic Sans MS;
p.title {
    color:       Maroon;
    font-size:   xx-large;
    font-family: Rockwell, serif;
li > p.title {
    color:       Magenta;
    font-family: Georgia, serif;
    font-size:   large;
td.title {
    color:       Navy;
    font-family: Forte, sans-serif;
    font-size:   1.05pc;


<p class="title">Binary Classification</p>

<p id="description">Binary classification consists of classifying the outcomes 
of two sets of measures. The classification is made to find out whether 
something that was supposed to happen actually happened as it was predicted, 
or to make a conclusion about the resultant of something that was, or was not, 
supposed to happen. Binary classification is widely used in various disciplines:</p>

  <li class="classification">Medicine: Used to evaluate pregnancies, to study 
  diseases, to monitor cancer evolution on patients, etc</li>
  <li class="classification">Statistics: Used to evaluate the outcomes of an 
  <li class="classification">Sociology: Used to study people's (a person in 
  society, a crowd in a riot, the employees of a company, etc) behavior</li>
  <li class="classification">Etc:</li>

<p id="description">Binary classification is applied to many types 
  of studies and sometimes the results gotten in one discipline can 
  directly used in another discipline.</p>

<p class="description">The classification uses four expressions as:</p>

  <li><b>True Positive</b>: This condition indicates that something that 
      was supposed to happen actually happened</li>
  <li><b>True Negative</b>: This condition indicates that something that was 
      supposed to happen did not happen</li>
  <li><b>False Positive</b>: This condition indicates that something that was 
      not supposed to happen happened</li>
  <li><b>False Negative</b>: This condition indicates that something that was 
      not supposed to happen did not happened</li>

<p>These expressions can be classified in a table as follows:</p>

<table border=6>
    <td class="title">True</td>
    <td class="title">False</td>
    <td class="title">Positive</td>
    <td>True Positive</td>
    <td>False Positive</td>
    <td class="title">Negative</td>
    <td>False Negative</td>
    <td>True Negative</td>

<p>Depending on the disciple, the classification can also be made follows:</p>

<table border=6>
    <td class="title">Positive (+)</td>
    <td class="title">Negative (-)</td>
    <td class="title">Positive (+)</td>
    <td>True Positive</td>
    <td>False Positive</td>
    <td class="title">Negative (-)</td>
    <td>False Negative</td>
    <td>True Negative</td>

<p>Because binary classification is used in different disciples (medicine, 
mathematics, statistics, social sciences, etc), the formualtion of the 
conclusion depends on the subject being addressed.</p>

This would produce:

A Picture as Background

By the way, instead of background-image, you can use the background style.


A Picture for the Items of a List

Both HTML and CSS have a high level of support for list. Both allow you to specify the type of number or the type of bullet for the list items. In CSS, if none of the options of the list-style-type style suits you, you can use a picture of your choice as the marker of the list items. To let you do this, CSS supports a style named list-style-image. This style can take a value of none to indicate that no picture will be used. On other other hand, if you want to use a picture, call the url() function. The formula to follow is:

list-style-image: url()

In the parentheses of the url function, provide either the name of the picture file or its path. The file name must be accompanied by its extension. If the file is in the same location as the webpage that is accessing it, you can provide just the name of the file (and its extension). Here is an example:Bullet

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>The Metric System</title>
<style type="text/css">
ul { list-style-image: url(bullet1.png); }

<h3>The Metric System</h3>

<p>The metric system is a set of standard measurements that makes it possible for 
different countries, organizations, and cultures to exchange data using the same 
values. Although the name includes &quot;metric&quots;, the metric system actually 
covers many categories of measurements. The system includes:</p>

  <li>Length: This category involves any type of distance, length, width, height, 
  or depth. The values are expressed in scales with the meter (or metre) as the 
  central point. This means that there are variants under the meter (examples 
  include the milimeter and the centimeter) and some other above the meter (such as 
  the kiloeter).</li>
  <li>Mass: Also referred to as weight, the mass measures the gravity of an object. 
  It is expressed in numbers that have the gram as its central unit</li>
  <li>Time: This is used to measure regular lapses or occurrences. This includes 
  days, months, years, decades, centuries, and millenia. Time units also measure 
  hours, minutess, seconds, and miliseconds</li>


This would produce:

The Type of List Items - Decimal

You can also include the file name in quotes (single or double). If the file is located in another folder or somewhere on the Internet, you can provide its relative or complete path in quotes.

Remember that the list-style style is used to combine the list styles into one. Here is an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Binary Classification</title>
<style type="text/css">
ul { list-style: inside url(bullet2.png); }

<h2>Binary Classification</h2>

<p>Binary classification consists of classifying the outcomes of 
two sets of measures. The classification is made to find out whether something that 
was supposed to happen happened as it was predicted, or to made a conclusion 
about the resultant of something that was, or was not, supposed to happen.</p>

<p>The classification uses four expressions as:</p>

  <li><b>True Positive</b>: This condition indicates that something was supposed to 
  happen and actually happened</li>
  <li><b>True Negative</b>: This condition indicates that something was supposed to 
  happen but did not happen</li>
  <li><b>False Positive</b>: This condition indicates that something was not supposed 
  to happen but actually happened</li>
  <li><b>False Negative</b>: This condition indicates that something was not supposed 
  to happen and effectively did not happened</li>


This would produce:

The Type of List Items - Pictures on Bullets


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