Fundamentals of Conditions


A Boolean value is an item that holds a value as true or false.

Introduction to Boolean Operators

You can compare two items to find out whether they are equal, they are different, one is higher or lower than the other, or for any other reason you think is necessary. To do this, you can use an operator referred to as Boolean, a Boolean operator. You apply such an operator bwtween the items you want to compare. This can be illustrated as follows:

value-or-expression1 operator value-or-expression2

Here, each of the items is represented as value-or-expression.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing Conditions

  1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio. In the Visual Studio 2022 dialog box, click Create a New Project
  2. In the Create a New Project dialog box, make sure Console App is selected. Click Next
  3. In the Configure Your New Project dialog box, change the Project Name to FunDepartmentStore1 and set the Location of your choice
  4. Click Next
  5. In the Additional Information dialog box, make sure the Framework combo box displays .NET 7.0 (Standard Term Support).
    Click Create
  6. Change the document as follows:
    printfn "======================================================="
    printfn "Item Preparation"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "Enter the following pieces of information"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    let discountRate = 75.00
    printf "Item Name:        "
    let itemName : string = stdin.ReadLine()
    printf "Original Price:   "
    let originalPrice = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printf "Days in Store:    "
    let daysInStore = int(stdin.ReadLine())
    let discountAmount  = originalPrice * discountRate / 100.00
    let discountedPrice = originalPrice - discountAmount
    printfn "+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+"
    printfn "======================================================="
    printfn "Store Inventory"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "Item Name:        %s" itemName
    printfn "Original Price:   %0.2f" originalPrice
    printfn "Days in Store:    %i" daysInStore
    printfn "Discount Rate:    %0.2f%c" discountRate '%'
    printfn "Discount Amount:  %0.2f" discountAmount
    printfn "Discounted Price: %0.2f" discountedPrice
    printfn "======================================================="
  7. To execute, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  8. When requested, for the item name as Tulip Sleeved Sheath Dress and press Enter
  9. For the original price, type 89.95 and press Enter
  10. For the days in store, type 28 and press Enter
    Item Preparation
    Enter the following pieces of information
    Item Name:        Tulip Sleeved Sheath Dress
    Original Price:   89.95
    Days in Store:    28
    Store Inventory
    Item Name:        Tulip Sleeved Sheath Dress
    Original Price:   89.95
    Days in Store:    28
    Discount Rate:    75%
    Discount Amount:  67.46
    Discounted Price: 22.49
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  11. Press T to close the window and return to your programming environment

Fundamentals of Boolean Values


A value is said to be Boolean if it is true or it is false. In fact, the two available Boolean values are true and false.

A Boolean Variable

To declare a Boolean variable, use the let keyword and assign true or false to the variable. Here is an example of declaring a Boolean variable:

let drinkingUnderAge = true

Of course, you can end the declaration with a semicolon or not.

A Boolean Data Type

To support Boolean values, the F# language provides a data type named bool. You can use when declaring Boolean variable. Here is an example:

let driverIsSober : bool = true

Assigning a Logical Expression to a Boolean Variable

We saw that, to initialize or specify the value of a Boolean variable, you can assign a true or false value. A Boolean variable can also be initialized with a Boolean expression. This would be done as follows:

let variable = operand1 Boolean-operator operand2;

To make your code easy to read, you should include the logical expression in parentheses. This can be done as follows:

let variable = (operand1 Boolean-operator operand2);

Introduction to Conditions


As mentioned already, a comparison is used to establish the logical relationship between two values, a variable and a value, or two variables. There are various operators available to perform such comparisons.

If a Condition is True

To let you get the result of comparing two values, the F# language provides a keyword named if. The primary formula to use it is:

if variable-or-value1 operator variable-or-value2 then statement[;]

The if and the then keywords are required. The variable-or-value1 factor is an item on the left side of a Boolean operator. The variable-or-value2 factor is an item on the right side of a Boolean operator. The operator factor is a Boolean operator. After the then keyword, you should (must) specify what to do if the comparison produces a true result. You can end that statement with a semicolon or omit that semicolon.

If the statement is short, you can write it on the same line as the if...then line, as seen in the above formula. If the statement is long, you should write it on the next line.

Fundamentals of Logical Operators

A Value Less Than Another: <

To find out whether one value is lower than another, the operator to use <. Its formula is:

value1 < value2

This operation can be illustrated as follows:

Flowchart: Less Than

Here is an example:

let yearlySalary = 36_000
let mutable employmentStatus = "Full-Time"

if yearlySalary < 40000 then
    employmentStatus <- "Part-Time"

printfn "Employee Record"
printfn "-----------------------------"
printfn "Yearly Salary:     %i" yearlySalary
printfn "Employment Status: %s" employmentStatus
printfn "============================="

This would produce:

Employee Record
Yearly Salary:     36000
Employment Status: Part-Time

Press any key to close this window . . .

ApplicationPractical Learning: Comparing for a Lesser Value

  1. Change the document as follows:
    printfn "======================================================="
    printfn "Item Preparation"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "Enter the following pieces of information"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    let mutable discountRate = 75.00
    printf "Item Name:        "
    let itemName : string = stdin.ReadLine()
    printf "Original Price:   "
    let originalPrice = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printf "Days in Store:    "
    let daysInStore = int(stdin.ReadLine())
    if daysInStore < 60 then discountRate <- 50
    if daysInStore < 45 then discountRate <- 35
    if daysInStore < 35 then discountRate <- 15
    if daysInStore < 15 then discountRate <- 0
    let discountAmount  = originalPrice * discountRate / 100.00
    let discountedPrice = originalPrice - discountAmount
    printfn "+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+"
    printfn "======================================================="
    printfn "Store Inventory"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "Item Name:        %s" itemName
    printfn "Original Price:   %0.2f" originalPrice
    printfn "Days in Store:    %i" daysInStore
    printfn "Discount Rate:    %0.2f%c" discountRate '%'
    printfn "Discount Amount:  %0.2f" discountAmount
    printfn "Discounted Price: %0.2f" discountedPrice
    printfn "======================================================="
  2. To execute, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  3. When requested, for the item name as Tulip Sleeved Sheath Dress and press Enter
  4. For the original price, type 89.95 and press Enter
  5. For the days in store, type 28 and press Enter
    Item Preparation
    Enter the following pieces of information
    Item Name:        Tulip Sleeved Sheath Dress
    Original Price:   89.95
    Days in Store:    28
    Store Inventory
    Item Name:        Tulip Sleeved Sheath Dress
    Original Price:   89.95
    Days in Store:    28
    Discount Rate:    15%
    Discount Amount:  13.49
    Discounted Price: 76.46
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  6. Press F to close the window and return to your programming environment
  7. To execute, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  8. When requested, for the item name as Tulip Sleeved Sheath Dress and press Enter
  9. For the original price, type 89.95 and press Enter
  10. For the days in store, type 46 and press Enter
    Item Preparation
    Enter the following pieces of information
    Item Name:        Tulip Sleeved Sheath Dress
    Original Price:   89.95
    Days in Store:    46
    Store Inventory
    Item Name:        Tulip Sleeved Sheath Dress
    Original Price:   89.95
    Days in Store:    46
    Discount Rate:    50%
    Discount Amount:  44.98
    Discounted Price: 44.98
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  11. Press V to close the window and return to your programming environment
  12. To start a new project, on the main menu of Microsoft Visual Studio, click File -> New -> Project...
  13. Make sure Console App is selected.
    Click Next
  14. Change the file Name to PayrollPreparation1 and change or accept the project Location
  15. Click Next
  16. Make sure the Target Framework combo box is displaying .NET 6.0 (Long-Term Support).
    Click Create
  17. Change the document as follows:
    printfn "======================================================="
    printfn "Payroll Preparation"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "Enter the following pieces of information"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "Employee Information"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printf "First Name:    "
    let firstName : string = stdin.ReadLine()
    printf "Last Name:     "
    let lastName : string = stdin.ReadLine()
    printf "Hourly Salary: "
    let hSalary : float = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "Time worked"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printf "Monday:        "
    let mon : float = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printf "Tuesday:       "
    let tue = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printf "Wednesday:     "
    let wed = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printf "Thursday:      "
    let thu = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printf "Friday:        "
    let fri = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    let timeWorked = mon + tue + wed + thu + fri
    let netPay     = hSalary * timeWorked
    printfn "+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+"
    printfn "======================================================="
    printfn "Payroll Evaluation"
    printfn "======================================================="
    printfn "Employee Information"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "Full Name:     %s %s" firstName lastName
    printfn "Hourly Salary: %0.2f" hSalary
    printfn "======================================================="
    printfn "Time Worked Summary"
    printfn "--------+---------+-----------+----------+-------------"
    printfn " Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday"
    printfn "--------+---------+-----------+----------+-------------"
    printfn "  %0.2f  |   %0.2f  |    %0.2f   |   %0.2f   |  %0.2f" mon tue wed thu fri
    printfn "========+=========+===========+==========+============="
    printfn "                      Pay Summary"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "                      Total Time:  %0.2f" timeWorked
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "                      Net Pay:     %0.2f" netPay
    printfn "======================================================="
  18. To execute the project, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  19. When requested, type each of the following values and press Enter each time:
    First Name: Michael
    Last Name: Carlock
    Hourly Salary: 28.25
    Monday 7
    Tuesday: 8
    Wednesday: 6.5
    Thursday: 8.5
    Friday: 6.5
    Payroll Preparation
    Enter the following pieces of information
    Employee Information
    First Name:    Michael
    Last Name:     Carlock
    Hourly Salary: 28.25
    Time worked
    Monday:        7
    Tuesday:       8
    Wednesday:     6.5
    Thursday:      8.5
    Friday:        6.5
    Payroll Evaluation
    Employee Information
    Full Name:     Michael Carlock
    Hourly Salary: 28.25
    Time Worked Summary
    Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday
    7.00  |   8.00  |    6.50   |   8.50   |  6.50
              Pay Summary
              Total Time:  36.50
              Net Pay:     1031.12
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  20. Press C to close the window and return to your programming environment
  21. To execute the project again, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  22. When requested, type each of the following values and press Enter each time:
    First Name: Catherine
    Last Name: Busbey
    Hourly Salary: 24.37
    Monday 9.50
    Tuesday: 8
    Wednesday: 10.50
    Thursday: 9
    Friday: 10.50
    Payroll Preparation
    Enter the following pieces of information
    Employee Information
    First Name:    Catherine
    Last Name:     Busbey
    Hourly Salary: 24.37
    Time worked
    Monday:        9.5
    Tuesday:       8
    Wednesday:     10.5
    Thursday:      9
    Friday:        10.5
    Payroll Evaluation
    Employee Information
    Full Name:     Catherine Busbey
    Hourly Salary: 24.37
    Time Worked Summary
    Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday
    9.50  |   8.00  |    10.50   |   9.00   |  10.50
              Pay Summary
              Total Time:  47.50
              Net Pay:     1157.58
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  23. Press T to close the window and return to your programming environment

A Value Greater Than Another: >

To find out if one value is greater than the other, the operator to use is >. Its formula is:

value1 > value2

Both operands, in this case value1 and value2, can be variables or the left operand can be a variable while the right operand is a constant. If the value on the left of the > operator is greater than the value on the right side or a constant, the comparison produces a True. Otherwise, the comparison renders False. This operation can be illustrated as follows:

Greater Than

Here is an example:

let yearlySalary = 42_000
let mutable employmentStatus = "Part-Time"

if yearlySalary > 40000 then
    employmentStatus <- "Full-Time"

printfn "Employee Record"
printfn "-----------------------------"
printfn "Yearly Salary:     %i" yearlySalary
printfn "Employment Status: %s" employmentStatus
printfn "============================="

This would produce:

Employee Record
Yearly Salary:     42000
Employment Status: Full-Time

Press any key to close this window . . .

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Finding Out Whether a Value is Greater Than Another

  1. Change the document as follows:
    printfn "======================================================="
    printfn "Payroll Preparation"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "Enter the following pieces of information"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "Employee Information"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printf "First Name:    "
    let firstName : string = stdin.ReadLine()
    printf "Last Name:     "
    let lastName : string = stdin.ReadLine()
    printf "Hourly Salary: "
    let hSalary : float = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "Time worked"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printf "Monday:        "
    let mon : float = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printf "Tuesday:       "
    let tue = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printf "Wednesday:     "
    let wed = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printf "Thursday:      "
    let thu = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printf "Friday:        "
    let fri = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    let timeWorked = mon + tue + wed + thu + fri
    let mutable regTime  = timeWorked
    let mutable overtime = 0.00
    let mutable overPay  = 0.00
    let mutable regPay   = hSalary * timeWorked
    if timeWorked > 40.00 then
        regTime  <- 40.00
        regPay   <- hSalary * 40.00
        overtime <- timeWorked - 40.00
        overPay  <- hSalary * 1.50 * overtime
    let netPay : float = regPay + overPay
    printfn "+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+"
    printfn "======================================================="
    printfn "Payroll Evaluation"
    printfn "======================================================="
    printfn "Employee Information"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "Full Name:     %s %s" firstName lastName
    printfn "Hourly Salary: %0.2f" hSalary
    printfn "======================================================="
    printfn "Time Worked Summary"
    printfn "--------+---------+-----------+----------+-------------"
    printfn " Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday"
    printfn "--------+---------+-----------+----------+-------------"
    printfn "  %0.2f  |   %0.2f  |    %0.2f   |   %0.2f   |  %0.2f" mon tue wed thu fri
    printfn "========+=========+===========+==========+============="
    printfn "                      Pay Summary"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "                                   Time   Pay"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "                     Regular:    %0.2f   %0.2f" regTime regPay
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "                     Overtime:    %0.2f   %0.2f" overtime overPay
    printfn "======================================================="
    printfn "                     Net Pay:            %0.2f" netPay
    printfn "======================================================="
  2. To execute the project, press Ctrl + F5
  3. When requested, type the values like in the first example of the previous section and press Enter each time:
    Payroll Preparation
    Enter the following pieces of information
    Employee Information
    First Name:    Michael
    Last Name:     Carlock
    Hourly Salary: 28.25
    Time worked
    Monday:        7
    Tuesday:       8
    Wednesday:     6.5
    Thursday:      8.5
    Friday:        6.5
    Payroll Evaluation
    Employee Information
    Full Name:     Michael Carlock
    Hourly Salary: 28.25
    Time Worked Summary
    Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday
    7.00  |   8.00  |    6.50   |   8.50   |  6.50
                            Pay Summary
                           Time   Pay
             Regular:    36.50   1031.12
             Overtime:    0.00   0.00
             Net Pay:            1031.12
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  4. Press R to close the window and return to your programming environment
  5. Press Ctrl + F5 to execute again
  6. Type the values as in the second example of the previous section and press Enter after each value:
    Payroll Preparation
    Enter the following pieces of information
    Employee Information
    First Name:    Catherine
    Last Name:     Busbey
    Hourly Salary: 24.37
    Time worked
    Monday:        9.5
    Tuesday:       8
    Wednesday:     10.5
    Thursday:      9
    Friday:        10.5
    Payroll Evaluation
    Employee Information
    Full Name:     Catherine Busbey
    Hourly Salary: 24.37
    Time Worked Summary
    Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday
    9.50  |   8.00  |    10.50   |   9.00   |  10.50
                            Pay Summary
                           Time   Pay
             Regular:    40.00   974.80
             Overtime:    7.50   274.16
             Net Pay:            1248.96
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  7. Press D to close the window and return to your programming environment
  8. Close your programming environment

The Equality Operator =

To compare two variables for equality, you can apply the = operator. The formula to use it is:

value1 = value2

The equality operation is used to find out whether two variables (or one variable and a value) hold the same value. The operation can be illustrated as follows:

Here is an example:

let mutable startingSalary = 34_000
let employmentStatus = "Full-Time"

if employmentStatus > "Part-Time" then
    startingSalary <- 40_000

printfn "Employee Record"
printfn "----------------------------------"
printfn "Employment Status:      %s" employmentStatus
printfn "Starting Yearly Salary: %i" startingSalary
printfn "=================================="

This would produce:

Employee Record
Employment Status:      Full-Time
Starting Yearly Salary: 34000

Press any key to close this window . . .

Logical Difference

The opposite of the logical equality is to find out whether two values are different. The operator to do this is a combination of < and >, as in <>. It can be illustrated as follows:

Flowchart: Not Equal - Inequality - Difference

A typical Boolean expression involves two operands separated by a logical operator. Both operands must be of the same type. These rules apply to the logical difference. It can be used on numbers, strings, etc. If both operands are different, the operation produces a true result. If they are the exact same, the operation produces False.

The <> operator can be used the same way as the equality operator (=) as long as you keep in mind that <> is the opposite of =. Here is an example:

let mutable certification = 'y';
let mutable employmentStatus = "Hired";

printf "Do you hold a C# certification (y = Yes): "
certification <- char(stdin.ReadLine())

if certification <> 'y' then
    employmentStatus <- "This employment requires C# certification. We will get back to you."

printfn "=================================================================================================="
printfn "Employment Verification"
printfn "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
printfn "Candition holds certification: %c" certification
printfn "Decision Status:               %s" employmentStatus
printfn "=================================================================================================="

Here is an example of running the program:

Do you hold a C# certification (y = Yes): y
Employment Verification
Candition holds certification: y
Decision Status:               Hired

Press any key to close this window . . .

Here is another example of running the program:

Do you hold a C# certification (y = Yes): N
Employment Verification
Candition holds certification: N
Decision Status:               This employment requires C# certification. We will get back to you.

Press any key to close this window . . .

Less Than Or Equal To: <=

The Equality (=) and the Less Than (<) operations can be combined to compare two values. This allows you to know if two values are the same or if the first value is lower than the second value. The operator used is <=. Its formula is:

value1 <= value2

When performing the <= operation, if both value1 and value2 hold the same value, the result is True. If the left operand, in this case value1, holds a value lower than the second operand, in this case value2, the result is still True. The <= operation can be illustrated as follows:

Less Than Or Equal

Here is an example that uses the <= operator:

let originalPrice = 124.50
let mutable discountRate = 35 // %
let mutable numberOfDaysInStore = 75

if numberOfDaysInStore <= 45 then
    discountRate <- 25

let mutable discountAmount = originalPrice * float discountRate / float 100
let mutable markedPrice = originalPrice - discountAmount
printfn "Fun Department Store"
printfn "----------------------------------"
printfn $"Original Price:  {originalPrice:f}"
printfn $"Days in Store:   {numberOfDaysInStore}"
printfn "Discount Rate:   %i%c" discountRate '%'
printfn $"Discount Amount: {discountAmount:n}"
printfn $"Marked Price:    {markedPrice:n}"
printfn "=================================="

numberOfDaysInStore <- 22

if numberOfDaysInStore  <= 45 then
    discountRate <- 25

discountAmount <- originalPrice * float discountRate / float 100
markedPrice <- originalPrice - discountAmount
printfn "Fun Department Store"
printfn "---------------------------------"
printfn $"Original Price:  {originalPrice:N}"
printfn $"Days in Store:   {numberOfDaysInStore}"
printfn "Discount Rate:   %i%c" discountRate '%'
printfn $"Discount Amount: {discountAmount:N}"
printfn $"Marked Price:    {markedPrice:N}"
printfn "=================================="

This would produce:

Fun Department Store
Original Price:  124.50
Days in Store:   75
Discount Rate:   35%
Discount Amount: 43.58
Marked Price:    80.92
Fun Department Store
Original Price:  124.50
Days in Store:   22
Discount Rate:   25%
Discount Amount: 31.12
Marked Price:    93.38

Press any key to close this window . . .

ApplicationPractical Learning: Comparing for a Lesser or Equal Value

  1. Change the document as follows:
    printfn "======================================================="
    printfn "Payroll Preparation"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "Enter the following pieces of information"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "Employee Information"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printf "First Name:    "
    let firstName : string = stdin.ReadLine()
    printf "Last Name:     "
    let lastName : string = stdin.ReadLine()
    printf "Hourly Salary: "
    let hSalary : float = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "Time worked"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printf "Monday:        "
    let mon : float = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printf "Tuesday:       "
    let tue = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printf "Wednesday:     "
    let wed = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printf "Thursday:      "
    let thu = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printf "Friday:        "
    let fri = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    let timeWorked = mon + tue + wed + thu + fri
    let mutable regTime  = 40.00
    let mutable overtime = timeWorked - 40.00
    let mutable regPay   = hSalary * 40.00
    let mutable overPay  = hSalary * 1.50 * overtime
    if timeWorked <= 40.00 then
            regTime  <- timeWorked
            regPay   <- hSalary * timeWorked
            overtime <- 0.00
            overPay  <- 0.00
    let netPay : float = regPay + overPay
    printfn "+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+"
    printfn "======================================================="
    printfn "Payroll Evaluation"
    printfn "======================================================="
    printfn "Employee Information"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "Full Name:     %s %s" firstName lastName
    printfn "Hourly Salary: %0.2f" hSalary
    printfn "======================================================="
    printfn "Time Worked Summary"
    printfn "--------+---------+-----------+----------+-------------"
    printfn " Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday"
    printfn "--------+---------+-----------+----------+-------------"
    printfn "  %0.2f  |   %0.2f  |    %0.2f   |   %0.2f   |  %0.2f" mon tue wed thu fri
    printfn "========+=========+===========+==========+============="
    printfn "                      Pay Summary"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "                                   Time   Pay"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "                     Regular:    %0.2f   %0.2f" regTime regPay
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn "                     Overtime:    %0.2f   %0.2f" overtime overPay
    printfn "======================================================="
    printfn "                     Net Pay:            %0.2f" netPay
    printfn "======================================================="
  2. To execute, press Ctrl + F5
  3. When requested, type the values like in the first example of the previous section and press Enter each time:
    Payroll Preparation
    Enter the following pieces of information
    Employee Information
    First Name:    Michael
    Last Name:     Carlock
    Hourly Salary: 28.25
    Time worked
    Monday:        7
    Tuesday:       8
    Wednesday:     6.5
    Thursday:      8.5
    Friday:        6.5
    Payroll Evaluation
    Employee Information
    Full Name:     Michael Carlock
    Hourly Salary: 28.25
    Work Preparation
     Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday
      7.00    8.00        6.50        8.50      6.50
                                    Pay Summary
                                    Time    Pay
                    Regular:        36.50   1031.12
                    Overtime:        0.00     0.00
                            Net Pay:        1031.12
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  4. Press R to close the window and return to your programming environment
  5. Press Ctrl + F5 to execute again
  6. Type the values as in the second example of the previous section and press Enter after each value:
    Payroll Preparation
    Enter the following pieces of information
    Employee Information
    First Name:    Catherine
    Last Name:     Busbey
    Hourly Salary: 24.37
    Time worked
    Monday:        9.5
    Tuesday:       8
    Wednesday:     10.5
    Thursday:      9
    Friday:        10.5
    Payroll Evaluation
    Employee Information
    Full Name:     Catherine Busbey
    Hourly Salary: 24.37
    Work Preparation
     Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday
      9.50    8.00       10.50        9.00     10.50
                                    Pay Summary
                                    Time    Pay
                    Regular:        40.00   974.80
                    Overtime:        7.50   274.16
                            Net Pay:        1248.96
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  7. Press D to close the window and return to your programming environment
  8. To start a new project, on the main menu of Microsoft Visual Studio, click File -> New -> Project...
  9. Make sure Console App is selected.
    Click Next
  10. Change the file Name to StraightLineMethod1 and change or accept the project Location
  11. Click Next
  12. Make sure the Framework combo box is displaying .NET 6.0 (Long-Term Support).
    Click Create
  13. Change the document as follows:
    printfn "==================================================================="
    printfn "Machine Depreciation Evaluation - Straight-Line Method"
    printfn "==================================================================="
    printfn "Enter the values to evaluation the depreciation of the machine"
    printf "Machine Cost:   "
    let machineCost   = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printf "Salvage Value:  "
    let salvageValue  = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printf "Estimated Life: "
    let estimatedLife = int(stdin.ReadLine())
    let depreciationRate = 100.00 / float estimatedLife
    let yearlyDepreciation = (machineCost - salvageValue) / float estimatedLife
    let bookValueYear0  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  0.00)
    let bookValueYear1  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  1.00)
    let bookValueYear2  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  2.00)
    let bookValueYear3  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  3.00)
    let bookValueYear4  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  4.00)
    let bookValueYear5  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  5.00)
    let bookValueYear6  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  6.00)
    let bookValueYear7  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  7.00)
    let bookValueYear8  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  8.00)
    let bookValueYear9  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  9.00)
    let bookValueYear10 = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation * 10.00)
    let accumulatedDepreciation1  = yearlyDepreciation *  1.00
    let accumulatedDepreciation2  = yearlyDepreciation *  2.00
    let accumulatedDepreciation3  = yearlyDepreciation *  3.00
    let accumulatedDepreciation4  = yearlyDepreciation *  4.00
    let accumulatedDepreciation5  = yearlyDepreciation *  5.00
    let accumulatedDepreciation6  = yearlyDepreciation *  6.00
    let accumulatedDepreciation7  = yearlyDepreciation *  7.00
    let accumulatedDepreciation8  = yearlyDepreciation *  8.00
    let accumulatedDepreciation9  = yearlyDepreciation *  9.00
    let accumulatedDepreciation10 = yearlyDepreciation * 10.00
    printfn "==================================================================="
    printfn "Machine Depreciation Evaluation - Straight-Line Method"
    printfn "==================================================================="
    printfn $"Machine Cost:         {machineCost:n}"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn $"Salvage Calue:        {salvageValue:n}"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn $"Estimated Life:       {estimatedLife:d} years"
    printfn "==================================================================="
    printfn "Depreciation Rate:    %0.2f%c" depreciationRate '%'
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn $"Yearly Depreciation:  {yearlyDepreciation:n}/year"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn $"Monthly Depreciation: {(yearlyDepreciation / 12.00):n}/month"
    printfn "=====+=====================+============+=========================="
    printfn "Year | Yearly Depreciation | Book Value | Accumulated Depreciation"
    printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    let mutable year = 1;
    printfn "  %i  |                     |%10.2f  |" year bookValueYear0
    printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    printfn "  %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear1 accumulatedDepreciation1
    printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    printfn "  %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear2 accumulatedDepreciation2
    printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    printfn "  %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear3 accumulatedDepreciation3
    printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    printfn "  %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear4 accumulatedDepreciation4
    printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    printfn "  %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear5 accumulatedDepreciation5
    printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    printfn "  %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear6 accumulatedDepreciation6
    printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    printfn "  %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear7 accumulatedDepreciation7
    printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    printfn "  %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear8 accumulatedDepreciation8
    printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    printfn " %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear9 accumulatedDepreciation9
    printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    printfn " %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear10 accumulatedDepreciation10
    printfn "=====+=====================+============+=========================="
  14. To execute, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  15. For the Machine Cost, type 8568.95 and press Enter
  16. For the Salvage Value, type 550 and press Enter
  17. For the Estimated Life, type 5 and press Enter
    Machine Depreciation Evaluation - Straight-Line Method
    Enter the values to evaluation the depreciation of the machine
    Machine Cost:   8568.95
    Salvage Value:  550
    Estimated Life: 5
    Machine Depreciation Evaluation - Straight-Line Method
    Machine Cost:         8,568.95
    Salvage Calue:        550.00
    Estimated Life:       5 years
    Depreciation Rate:    20.00%
    Yearly Depreciation:  1,603.79/year
    Monthly Depreciation: 133.65/month
    Year | Yearly Depreciation | Book Value | Accumulated Depreciation
      0  |                     |  8,568.95  |
      1  |       1,603.79      |  6,965.16  |          1,603.79
      2  |       1,603.79      |  5,361.37  |          3,207.58
      3  |       1,603.79      |  3,757.58  |          4,811.37
      4  |       1,603.79      |  2,153.79  |          6,415.16
      5  |       1,603.79      |    550.00  |          8,018.95
      6  |       1,603.79      | -1,053.79  |          9,622.74
      7  |       1,603.79      | -2,657.58  |         11,226.53
      8  |       1,603.79      | -4,261.37  |         12,830.32
      9  |       1,603.79      | -5,865.16  |         14,434.11
     10  |       1,603.79      | -7,468.95  |         16,037.90
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  18. Press F to close the window and return to your programming environment
  19. To execute again, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  20. For the Machine Cost, type 15888.65 and press Enter
  21. For the Salvage Value, type 1250 and press Enter
  22. For the Estimated Life, type 10 and press Enter
    Machine Depreciation Evaluation - Straight-Line Method
    Enter the values to evaluation the depreciation of the machine
    Machine Cost:   15888.65
    Salvage Value:  1250
    Estimated Life: 10
    Machine Depreciation Evaluation - Straight-Line Method
    Machine Cost:            15889
    Salvage Calue:            1250
    Estimated Life:             10 years
    Depreciation Rate:          10 %
    Yearly Depreciation:      1464/year
    Monthly Depreciation:      122/month
    Year | Yearly Depreciation | Book Value | Accumulated Depreciation
     0   |                     |  15888.65  |
     1   |       1463.87       |  14424.78  |          1463.87
     2   |       1463.87       |  12960.92  |          2927.73
     3   |       1463.87       |  11497.06  |          4391.60
     4   |       1463.87       |  10033.19  |          5855.46
     5   |       1463.87       |   8569.33  |          7319.32
     6   |       1463.87       |   7105.46  |          8783.19
     7   |       1463.87       |   5641.59  |         10247.06
     8   |       1463.87       |   4177.73  |         11710.92
     9   |       1463.87       |   2713.86  |         13174.78
    10   |       1463.87       |   1250.00  |         14638.65
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  23. Press 1 to close the window and return to your programming environment

A Value Greater Than or Equal to Another: >=

The greater than or the equality operators can be combined to produce an operator as follows: >=. This is the "greater than or equal to" operator. The formula it follows is:

value1 >= value2

The comparison is performed on both operands: value1 and value2:

This operation can be illustrated as follows:

Flowchart: Greater Than Or Equal To

Here is an example that uses the >= operator:

let consumption = 0.74
let mutable pricePerCCF = 0.00

if consumption >= 0.50 then
    pricePerCCF <- 35.00

let monthlyCharges = consumption * pricePerCCF
printfn "Gas Utility Company"
printfn "---------------------------------"
printfn $"Gas Consumption: {consumption}"
printfn $"Price Per CCF:   {pricePerCCF}"
printfn $"Monthly Charges: {monthlyCharges}"
printfn "=================================="

This would produce:

Gas Utility Company
Gas Consumption:  0.74
Price Per CCF:    35.0
Monthly Charges:  25.9
Press any key to close this window . . .

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Comparing for a Value Greater Than or Equal to Another

  1. Change the document as follows:
    printfn "==================================================================="
    printfn "Machine Depreciation Evaluation - Straight-Line Method"
    printfn "==================================================================="
    printfn "Enter the values to evaluation the depreciation of the machine"
    printf "Machine Cost:   "
    let machineCost   = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printf "Salvage Value:  "
    let salvageValue  = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printf "Estimated Life: "
    let estimatedLife = int(stdin.ReadLine())
    let depreciationRate = 100.00 / float estimatedLife
    let yearlyDepreciation = (machineCost - salvageValue) / float estimatedLife
    let bookValueYear0  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  0.00)
    let bookValueYear1  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  1.00)
    let bookValueYear2  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  2.00)
    let bookValueYear3  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  3.00)
    let bookValueYear4  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  4.00)
    let bookValueYear5  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  5.00)
    let bookValueYear6  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  6.00)
    let bookValueYear7  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  7.00)
    let bookValueYear8  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  8.00)
    let bookValueYear9  = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation *  9.00)
    let bookValueYear10 = machineCost - (yearlyDepreciation * 10.00)
    let accumulatedDepreciation1  = yearlyDepreciation *  1.00
    let accumulatedDepreciation2  = yearlyDepreciation *  2.00
    let accumulatedDepreciation3  = yearlyDepreciation *  3.00
    let accumulatedDepreciation4  = yearlyDepreciation *  4.00
    let accumulatedDepreciation5  = yearlyDepreciation *  5.00
    let accumulatedDepreciation6  = yearlyDepreciation *  6.00
    let accumulatedDepreciation7  = yearlyDepreciation *  7.00
    let accumulatedDepreciation8  = yearlyDepreciation *  8.00
    let accumulatedDepreciation9  = yearlyDepreciation *  9.00
    let accumulatedDepreciation10 = yearlyDepreciation * 10.00
    printfn "==================================================================="
    printfn "Machine Depreciation Evaluation - Straight-Line Method"
    printfn "==================================================================="
    printfn $"Machine Cost:         {machineCost:n}"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn $"Salvage Calue:        {salvageValue:n}"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn $"Estimated Life:       {estimatedLife:d} years"
    printfn "==================================================================="
    printfn "Depreciation Rate:    %0.2f%c" depreciationRate '%'
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn $"Yearly Depreciation:  {yearlyDepreciation:n}/year"
    printfn "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn $"Monthly Depreciation: {(yearlyDepreciation / 12.00):n}/month"
    printfn "=====+=====================+============+=========================="
    printfn "Year | Yearly Depreciation | Book Value | Accumulated Depreciation"
    printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    let mutable year = 1;
    printfn "  %i  |                     |%10.2f  |" year bookValueYear0
    printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    if bookValueYear1 >= 0 then
        printfn "  %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear1 accumulatedDepreciation1
        printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    if bookValueYear2 >= 0 then
        printfn "  %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear2 accumulatedDepreciation2
        printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    if bookValueYear3 >= 0 then
        printfn "  %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear3 accumulatedDepreciation3
        printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    if bookValueYear4 >= 0 then
        printfn "  %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear4 accumulatedDepreciation4
        printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    if bookValueYear5 >= 0 then
        printfn "  %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear5 accumulatedDepreciation5
        printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    if bookValueYear6 >= 0 then
        printfn "  %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear6 accumulatedDepreciation6
        printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    if bookValueYear7 >= 0 then
        printfn "  %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear7 accumulatedDepreciation7
        printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    if bookValueYear8 >= 0 then
        printfn "  %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear8 accumulatedDepreciation8
        printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    if bookValueYear9 >= 0 then
        printfn " %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear9 accumulatedDepreciation9
        printfn "-----+---------------------+------------+--------------------------"
    year <- year + 1
    if bookValueYear10 >= 0 then
        printfn " %i  |        %0.2f      |%10.2f  |        %10.2f" year yearlyDepreciation bookValueYear10 accumulatedDepreciation10
        printfn "=====+=====================+============+=========================="
  2. To execute, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  3. For the Machine Cost, type 8568.95 and press Enter
  4. For the Salvage Value, type 550 and press Enter
  5. For the Estimated Life, type 5 and press Enter
    Machine Depreciation Evaluation - Straight-Line Method
    Enter the values to evaluation the depreciation of the machine
    Machine Cost:   8568.95
    Salvage Value:  550
    Estimated Life: 5
    Machine Depreciation Evaluation - Straight-Line Method
    Machine Cost:         8,568.95
    Salvage Calue:        550.00
    Estimated Life:       5 years
    Depreciation Rate:    20.00%
    Yearly Depreciation:  1,603.79/year
    Monthly Depreciation: 133.65/month
    Year | Yearly Depreciation | Book Value | Accumulated Depreciation
      0  |                     |  8,568.95  |
      1  |       1,603.79      |  6,965.16  |          1,603.79
      2  |       1,603.79      |  5,361.37  |          3,207.58
      3  |       1,603.79      |  3,757.58  |          4,811.37
      4  |       1,603.79      |  2,153.79  |          6,415.16
      5  |       1,603.79      |    550.00  |          8,018.95
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  6. Press F to close the window and return to your programming environment
  7. To execute again, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  8. For the Machine Cost, type 15888.65 and press Enter
  9. For the Salvage Value, type 1250 and press Enter
  10. For the Estimated Life, type 10 and press Enter
    Machine Depreciation Evaluation - Straight-Line Method
    Enter the values to evaluation the depreciation of the machine
    Machine Cost:   15888.65
    Salvage Value:  1250
    Estimated Life: 10
    Machine Depreciation Evaluation - Straight-Line Method
    Machine Cost:         15,888.65
    Salvage Calue:        1,250.00
    Estimated Life:       10 years
    Depreciation Rate:    10.00%
    Yearly Depreciation:  1,463.87/year
    Monthly Depreciation: 121.99/month
    Year | Yearly Depreciation | Book Value | Accumulated Depreciation
      0  |                     | 15,888.65  |
      1  |       1,463.87      | 14,424.78  |          1,463.87
      2  |       1,463.87      | 12,960.92  |          2,927.73
      3  |       1,463.87      | 11,497.06  |          4,391.60
      4  |       1,463.87      | 10,033.19  |          5,855.46
      5  |       1,463.87      |  8,569.33  |          7,319.32
      6  |       1,463.87      |  7,105.46  |          8,783.19
      7  |       1,463.87      |  5,641.59  |         10,247.06
      8  |       1,463.87      |  4,177.73  |         11,710.92
      9  |       1,463.87      |  2,713.86  |         13,174.78
     10  |       1,463.87      |  1,250.00  |         14,638.65
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  11. Press 1 to close the window and return to your programming environment
  12. Close your programming environment

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