Introduction to Structures
Introduction to Structures
A structure is a list of words that describe a small object and actions that can be performed on that small object. A structure itself is not a true object. It only provides words, as members, that would be used to create an object.
Starting a Structure
The basic formula to create a structure is:
type structure-name = . . .
The creation of a structure starts with the type keyword followed by a name and =.
The Body of a Structure
The body of a structure is the section that starts after the = symbol. If you are create a very small structure, you can complete the creation just after that = symbol.
An Empty Structure
The body of a structure can start with the struct keyword and end with the end keyword. As a result, a structor can be created as follows:
type structure-name = struct end
Notice that, in this case, there is nothing between the struct and the end keywords. Here is an example of creating such a structure:
type email = struct end
This type of structure is referred to as empty.
Populating a Structure
From the above updated formula, the section between the struct and the end keywords is the body of the structure. In that section, you can create the members you want. If your structure needs just one member, you can create it between the struct and the end keywords. Here is an example
type email = struct member this.recipient = string end
In the real world, most structures have more than one member. In this case, each member should be created on its own line. The formula to create a structure becomes:
type StructureName = struct members end
Creating a Structure
In reality, you always ought to indicate that you are creating a structure. As a matter of fact, the struct and the end keywords are an optional combination. This means that if you use struct, then you must also end the structure with the end keyword. An alternative is that, if you omit the struct and the end keywords, then you must start the structure with [<StructAttribute>]. The formula to use becomes:
[<StructAttribute>] type structure-name = members
The body of the structure contains its members.
The Member Variables of a Structure
The member variables of a structure are used to carry the values of the structure. The formula to create a member variable is:
val member-name: data-type[;]
A member variable is created using the val keyword, a name, a colon, and the desired data type. The ending semicolon is optional. Here are examples:
type Course =
val CourseCode : string
val CourseName : string
val Credits : int
Creating an Object From a Structure
To create an object from a structor, declare a variable and assign an instance of the structure to it. To access a member of the structure outside the structure, apply a period to the variable followed by the name of the member. Remember to appropriately initialize the members of the structure. Here is an example:
type Course =
val mutable CourseCode : string;
val mutable CourseName : string;
val mutable Credits : int;
let mutable study = new Course()
study.CourseCode <- "CMSC 140"
study.CourseName <- "Introduction to F# Programming"
study.Credits <- 3
printfn "Course Description";
printfn "Course Code: %s" study.CourseCode
printfn "Course Name: %s" study.CourseName
printfn "Course Credits: %i" study.Credits
This would produce:
Course Description Course Code: CMSC 140 Course Name: Introduction to F# Programming Course Credits: 3 Press any key to continue . . .
The Constructors of a Structure
Like a class, a structure can have a constructor, but the rules are different. After creating the members of a structure, if you want to be able to initialize an object using the name of the structure, you should add a constructor using the new keyword. Such a constructor should include all the regular members of the structure. You can then use that constructor to create an object that is initialized. Here is an example:
type Course = struct val CourseCode : string; val CourseName : string; val Credits : int; new(code : string, name : string, credit : int) = { CourseCode = code; CourseName = name; Credits = credit } end let study = new Course("CMSC 140", "Introduction to F# Programming", 3); printfn "Course Description"; printfn "Course Code: %s" study.CourseCode printfn "Course Name: %s" study.CourseName printfn "Course Credits: %i" study.Credits
Structures and the Primary Constructor
Instead of a new constructor, you can create a primary constructor on the name of the structure. Here is an example:
type Course(code : string, name : string, credit : int) =
val mutable CourseCode : string;
val mutable CourseName : string;
val mutable Credits : int;
If you create a primary constructor, you must provide a default value for each member. To do this, each member must be marked with the [<DefaultValue>] attribute. Here are examples:
type Course(code : string, name : string, credit : int) = struct [<DefaultValue>] val mutable CourseCode : string; [<DefaultValue>] val mutable CourseName : string; [<DefaultValue>] val mutable Credits : int; end
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