CD-ROM Manufacturing: Describe in a presentation how a
compact disk is manufactured, from scratch to a sellable product.
The United States Government: How does the American
government function? Present the Executive, the Legislative, and the
Supreme Court's powers.
Computer Operating System: Describe a computer
operating system's role in the functioning of a computer. Take MS
Windows as an example.
The Internet: Describe how the Internet functions.
The OPEC: Describe how gas producing countries and
that organization work together to produce and sell oil.
Genesis: Try to present how God created the World and
everything in it in six days.
The Digestive System: Explain how the food we eat
becomes energy that we use in our daily life.
Nelson Mandela: Present a small biography of Nelson
Mandela. You don't have to be very detailed, just the main points of
his life.
Water: Present the different uses and forms of the
water (H2O).
Jesus Christ's death: Give an account of the last few
hours of Jesus Christ before He died, from the time He was arrested to
"Telestye", (you don't have to cover the Resurrection, for
this presentation).