
Database Example Application:
Bethesda Car Rental



This application database named Bethesda Car Rental is used by a fictitious company to process car rentals for customers. It includes various forms for customers, employees, cars, and order processing.

The database is created in Microsoft SQL Server but everything is done graphically in a Windows Forms application.


Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating the Application

  1. Create a new Windows Application named BethesdaCarRental3
  2. In the Solution Explorer, right-click Form1.vb and click Rename
  3. Type Central.vb and press Enter
  4. Right-click the middle of the form and click View Code
  5. Just above the Public Class line, import the System.Data.SqlClient namespace
  6. In the Class Name combo box, select (Central Events)
  7. In the Method Name combo box, select Load and make the following changes:
    Imports System.Data.SqlClient
    Public Class Central
        Friend Sub CreateDatabase()
            Using Connect As SqlConnection = _
    	     New SqlConnection("Data Source=(local); " & _
     		               "Integrated Security='SSPI';")
                Dim strCreateDatabase As String = "IF EXISTS ( " & _
                    "SELECT name " & _
                    "FROM sys.databases " & _
                    "WHERE name = N'BethesdaCarRental2' " & _
                    ") " & _
                    "DROP DATABASE BethesdaCarRental2; " & _
                    "CREATE DATABASE BethesdaCarRental2"
                Dim Command As SqlCommand = _
                    New SqlCommand(strCreateDatabase, Connect)
                msgbox("A database named " & _
                  "BethesdaCarRental2 has been created")
            End Using
            Using Connect As SqlConnection = _
    	     New SqlConnection("Data Source=(local); " & _
    			       "Database='BethesdaCarRental2'; " & _
    			       "Integrated Security='SSPI';")
                Dim strCreateTable As String = _
                	"CREATE TABLE RentalRates( " & _
                 	"RentalRateID int identity(1, 1) NOT NULL, " & _
                 	"Category varchar(50), " & _
                 	"Daily smallmoney, Weekly smallmoney, " & _
                 	"Monthly smallmoney, Weekend smallmoney, " & _
                	"CONSTRAINT PK_RentalRates PRIMARY KEY (RentalRateID));"
                Dim Command As SqlCommand = _
            	     New SqlCommand(strCreateTable, Connect)
                MsgBox("A table named RentalRates has been " & _
                       "added to the BethesdaCarRental2 database.")
            End Using
            Using Connect As SqlConnection = _
    	     New SqlConnection("Data Source=(local); " & _
    		               "Database='BethesdaCarRental2'; " & _
    		               "Integrated Security='SSPI';")
                Dim strCreateTable As String = _
    	             "CREATE TABLE Employees( " & _
    	             "EmployeeID int identity(1, 1) NOT NULL, " & _
    	             "EmployeeNumber nchar(5), " & _
    	             "FirstName varchar(32), " & _
    	             "LastName varchar(32) NOT NULL, " & _
    	             "FullName AS (([LastName]+', ')+[FirstName]), " & _
    	             "Title varchar(80), " & _
    	             "HourlySalary smallmoney, " & _
    	             "CONSTRAINT PK_Employees PRIMARY KEY (EmployeeID))"
                Dim Command As SqlCommand = _
    			New SqlCommand(strCreateTable, Connect)
                msgbox("A table named Employees has been " & _
                 "added to the BethesdaCarRental2 database.")
            End Using
            Using Connect As SqlConnection = _
    	     New SqlConnection("Data Source=(local); " & _
    			       "Database='BethesdaCarRental2'; " & _
    			       "Integrated Security='SSPI';")
                Dim strCreateTable As String = _
    	             "CREATE TABLE Customers( " & _
    	             "CustomerID int identity(1, 1) NOT NULL, " & _
    	             "DrvLicNumber varchar(50), " & _
    	             "FullName varchar(80), " & _
    	             "Address varchar(100) NOT NULL, " & _
    	             "City varchar(50), " & _
    	             "State varchar(50), " & _
    	             "ZIPCode varchar(20), " & _
    	             "CONSTRAINT PK_Customer PRIMARY KEY (CustomerID));"
                Dim Command As SqlCommand = _
    		New SqlCommand(strCreateTable, Connect)
                msgbox("A table named Customers has been " & _
                  "added to the BethesdaCarRental2 database.")
            End Using
            Using Connect As SqlConnection = _
         New SqlConnection("Data Source=(local); " & _
          "Database='BethesdaCarRental2'; " & _
          "Integrated Security='SSPI';")
                Dim strCreateTable As String = _
                "CREATE TABLE Cars( " & _
                 "CarID int identity(1, 1) NOT NULL, " & _
                 "TagNumber varchar(20), " & _
                 "Make varchar(50), " & _
                 "Model varchar(50) NOT NULL, " & _
                 "CarYear smallint, " & _
                 "Category varchar(50), " & _
                 "CDPlayer bit, " & _
                 "DVDPlayer bit, " & _
                 "Available bit, " & _
                 "CONSTRAINT PK_Car PRIMARY KEY (CarID));"
                Dim Command As SqlCommand = _
          New SqlCommand(strCreateTable, Connect)
                MsgBox("A table named Cars has been " & _
                     "added to the BethesdaCarRental2 database.")
            End Using
            Using Connect As SqlConnection = _
         New SqlConnection("Data Source=(local); " & _
          "Database='BethesdaCarRental2'; " & _
          "Integrated Security='SSPI';")
                Dim strCreateTable As String = _
                "CREATE TABLE RentalOrders( " & _
                 "RentalOrderID int identity(1, 1) NOT NULL, " & _
                 "DateProcessed datetime, " & _
                 "EmployeeID int Constraint " & _
                 "FK_Employees References " & _
                 "Employees(EmployeeID) NOT NULL, " & _
                 "EmployeeName varchar(80), " & _
                 "CustomerID int Constraint " & _
                 "FK_Customers References " & _
                 "Customers(CustomerID) NOT NULL, " & _
                 "CustomerName varchar(80), " & _
                 "CustomerAddress varchar(100), " & _
                 "CustomerCity varchar(50), " & _
                 "CustomerState varchar(50), " & _
                 "CustomerZIPCode varchar(20), " & _
                 "CarID int Constraint " & _
                 "FK_Cars References Cars(CarID) NOT NULL, " & _
                 "CarMake varchar(50), " & _
                 "CarModel varchar(50), " & _
                 "CarYear smallint, " & _
                 "CarCondition varchar(50), " & _
                 "TankLevel varchar(40), " & _
                 "MileageStart int, " & _
                 "MileageEnd int, " & _
                 "RentStartDate datetime, " & _
                 "RentEndDate datetime, " & _
                 "Days int, " & _
                 "RateApplied money, " & _
                 "SubTotal money, " & _
                 "TaxRate decimal(6, 2), " & _
                 "TaxAmount money, " & _
                 "OrderTotal money, " & _
                 "OrderStatus varchar(50), " & _
                 "CONSTRAINT PK_RentalOrder " & _
                 "PRIMARY KEY (RentalOrderID));"
                Dim Command As SqlCommand = _
    		New SqlCommand(strCreateTable, Connect)
                MsgBox("A table named RentalOrder has been " & _
                    "added to the BethesdaCarRental2 database.")
            End Using
        End Sub
        Private Sub Central_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _
                                 ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                 Handles Me.Load
        End Sub
    End Class
  8. Execute the application to actually create the database and its tables
    Bethesda Car Rental
    Bethesda Car Rental
    Bethesda Car Rental
    Bethesda Car Rental
    Bethesda Car Rental
    Bethesda Car Rental
  9. Close the form and return to your programming environment
  10. To create a new form, on the main menu, click Project -> Add Windows Form...
  11. Set the name to Employees and click Add
  12. To create a data source, on the main menu, click Data -> Add New Data Source...
  13. In the first page of the wizard, make sure Database is selected and click Next
  14. In the combo box
    1. If you see a BethesdaCarRental2, select it
    2. If you do not have BethesdaCarRental2:
      1. Click New Connection...
      2. In the Server combo box, select the server or type (local)
      3. In the Select Or Enter A Database Name combo box, select BethesdaCarRental2
      4. Click Test Connection
      5. Click OK twice
      6. In the Data Source Configuration Wizard, make sure the new connection is selected and click Next
      7. Change the Connection String to cstBethesdaCarRental and click Next
      8. Expand the Tables node and expand the Employees node
      9. Click the check boxes of EmployeeID, EmployeeNumber, FirstName, LastName, Title, and HourlySalary. Change the DataSet Name to dsBethesdaCarRental
        Data Source
  15. Click Finish
  16. In the Data Sources window, click Employees and click the arrow of its combo box to select DataGridView (it should be selected already as the default).
    Drag the Employees node and drop it on the form
  17. Under the form, click the objects and, using the Properties window, change their names as follows:
    Object Name
    employeesBindingSource BSEmployees
    employeesTableAdapter TAEmployees
    employeesBindingNavigator BNEmployees
  18. Under the DataGridView control, add a button and set its properties as follows:
    Text: Close
    (Name): BtnClose
    Anchor: Bottom, Right
  19. On the form, click the data grid view control and, in the Properties window, change the following properties:
    (Name): DGVEmployees
    ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode: EnableResizing
    Anchor: Top, Bottom, Left, Right
  20. Click the ellipsis of the Columns field and make the following changes:
    Selected Columns HeaderText Width
    EmployeeID Empl ID 50
    EmployeeNumber Empl # 50
    FirstName First Name 65
    LastName Last Name 65
    Title   120
    HourlySalary Hourly Salary 75
  21. Click OK
    Bethesda Car Rental - Employees Records
  22. Double-click the Close button and implement its even as follows:
    Private Sub BtnClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                               ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                               Handles BtnClose.Click
    End Sub
  23. Access the Central.vb [Design] tab
  24. Add a button to it and set its properties as follows:
    Text: Employees
    (Name): BtnEmployees
  25. Double-click the Employees button and implement its even as follows:
    Private Sub Central_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _
                             ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                             Handles Me.Load
        REM CreateDatabase()
    End Sub
    Private Sub btnEmployees_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                                   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                   Handles btnEmployees.Click
        Dim Clerks As Employees = New Employees
    End Sub
  26. Execute the application to test it
  27. Click the Employees button and create the following records:
    Empl # First Name Last Name Title HourlySalary
    20725 Julie Flanell Regional Manager 36.55
    92705 Paulette Simms Sales Manager 26.65
    84002 Alexandra  Ulm Sales Representative 12.85
    47295 Ellie Tchenko Sales Representative 11.95
  28. Close the forms and return to your programming environment
  29. To create a new form, on the main menu, click Project -> Add Windows Form...
  30. Set the name to Customers and click Add
  31. In the Data Sources window, right-click dsBethesdaCaRental and click Configure Dataset with Wizard...
  32. Expand the Tables node and click the check box of Customers
  33. Click Finish
  34. In the Data Sources window, drag Customers and drop it on the form
  35. Under the form, click the objects and, using the Properties window, change their names as follows:
    Object Name
    customersBindingSource BSCustomers
    customersTableAdapter TACustomers
    customersBindingNavigator BNCustomers
  36. Under the DataGridView control, add a button and set its properties as follows:
    Text: Close
    (Name): BtnClose
    Anchor: Bottom, Right
  37. On the form, click the data grid view control and, in the Properties window, change the following properties:
    (Name): DGVCustomers
    ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode: EnableResizing
    Anchor: Top, Bottom, Left, Right
  38. Click the ellipsis of the Columns field and make the following changes:
    Selected Columns HeaderText Width
    CustomerID Cust ID 50
    DrvLicNumber Driver's Lic # 80
    FullName Full Name 120
    Address   120
    City   120
    State   40
    ZIPCode ZIP Code 60
  39. Click OK
  40. Set DataGridView's Anchor property to Top, Bottom, Left, Right
  41. Under the DataGridView control, add a button and set its properties as follows:
    Text: Close
    (Name): BtnClose
    Anchor: Bottom, Right
    Bethesda Car Rental - Customers
  42. Double-click the Close button and implement its even as follows:
    Private Sub BtnClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                                   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                   Handles BtnClose.Click
    End Sub
  43. Access the Central.vb [Design] tab
  44. Add a button to it and set its properties as follows:
    Text: Customers
    (Name): BtnCustomers
  45. Double-click the Employees button and implement its even as follows:
    Private Sub btnCustomers_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                                   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                   Handles btnCustomers.Click
        Dim Clients As Customers = New Customers
    End Sub
  46. Execute the application to test it
  47. Click the Customers button and create Create a few records
  48. Close the forms and return to your programming environment
  49. To create a new form, on the main menu, click Project -> Add Windows Form...
  50. Set the name to Cars and click Add
  51. In the Data Sources window, right-click dsBethesdaCaRental and click Configure Dataset with Wizard...
  52. Expand the Tables node and click the check box of Cars
  53. Click Finish
  54. In the Data Sources window, drag Cars and drop it on the form
  55. Under the form, click the objects and, using the Properties window, change their names as follows:
    Object Name
    carsBindingSource BSCars
    carsTableAdapter TACars
    carsBindingNavigator BNCars
  56. Under the DataGridView control, add a button and set its properties as follows:
    Text: Close
    (Name): BtnClose
    Anchor: Bottom, Right
  57. On the form, click the data grid view control and, in the Properties window, change the following properties:
    (Name): DGVCars
    ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode: EnableResizing
    Anchor: Top, Bottom, Left, Right
  58. Click the ellipsis of the Columns field and make the following changes:
    Selected Columns HeaderText Width
    CarID Car ID 50
    TagNumber Tag # 70
    Make   80
    Model   80
    CarYear Year 50
    Category   80
    CDPlayer CD Player 65
    DVDPlayer DVD Player 70
    Available   65
  59. Click OK
    Bethesda Car Rental - Car
  60. Double-click the Close button and implement its even as follows:
    Private Sub BtnClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                                   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                   Handles BtnClose.Click
    End Sub
  61. Access the Central.vb [Design] tab
  62. Add a button to it and set its properties as follows:
    Text: Cars
    (Name): BtnCars
  63. Double-click the Employees button and implement its even as follows:
    Private Sub btnCars_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _
                              ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                              Handles btnCars.Click
        Dim Vehicles As Cars = New Cars
    End Sub
  64. Execute the application to test it
  65. Click the Cars button and create Create a few records
  66. Close the forms and return to your programming environment
  67. To add a new form to the project, on the main menu, click Project -> Add -> Windows Form...
  68. Set the Name to RentalRates and press Enter
  69. In the Data Sources window, right-click dsBethesdaCaRental and click Configure Dataset with Wizard...
  70. Expand the Tables node and click the check box of RentalRates
  71. Click Finish
  72. In the Data Sources window, drag RentalRates and drop it on the form
  73. Under the form, click the objects and, using the Properties window, change their names as follows:
    Object Name
    rentalRatesBindingSource BSRentalRates
    rentalRatesTableAdapter TARentalRates
    rentalRatesBindingNavigator BNRentalRates
  74. Under the DataGridView control, add a button and set its properties as follows:
    Text: Close
    (Name): BtnClose
    Anchor: Bottom, Right
  75. On the form, click the data grid view control and, in the Properties window, change the following properties:
    (Name): DGVRentalRates
    ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode: EnableResizing
    Anchor: Top, Bottom, Left, Right
  76. Click the ellipsis of the Columns field and make the following changes:
    Selected Columns HeaderText Width
    RentalRateID Rate ID 50
    Category    75
    Daily   50
    Weekly   50
    Monthly   50
    Weekend   50
  77. Click OK
  78. To create a new form, on the main menu, click Project -> Add Windows Form...
  79. Set the name to OrderProcessing and click Add
  80. In the Data Source window, right-click dsBethesdaCarRental and click Configure DataSet With Wizard...
  81. Expand the Tables node and click the check box of RentalOrders and click Finish
  82. In the Data Sources window, click RentalOrders and click the arrow of its combo box
  83. Select Details
  84. From the Data Sources window, drag RentalOrders and drop it on the form
  85. Under the form, click the objects and, using the Properties window, change their names as follows:
    Object Name
    rentalOrdersBindingSource BSRentalOrders
    rentalOrdersTableAdapter TARentalOrders
    rentalOrdersBindingNavigator BNRentalOrders
  86. Again, from the Data Sources window, drag Employees and drop it on the form
  87. While the DataGridView control is still selected on the form, press Delete to remove it from the form
  88. Under the form, click the objects and, using the Properties window, change their names as follows:
    Object Name
    employeesBindingSource BSEmployees
    employeesTableAdapter TAEmployees
  89. From the Data Sources window, drag Customers and drop it in an empty area of the form
  90. While the DataGridView control is still selected on the form, press Delete to remove it from the form
  91. Under the form, click the objects and, using the Properties window, change their names as follows:
    Object Name
    customersBindingSource BSCustomers
    customersTableAdapter TACustomers
  92. Once again, from the Data Sources window, drag Cars and drop it on the form
  93. While the DataGridView control is still selected on the form, press Delete to remove it from the form
  94. Under the form, click the objects and, using the Properties window, change their names as follows:
    Object Name
    carsBindingSource BSCars
    carsTableAdapter TACars
  95. On the form, delete the text boxes on the right side of EmployeeID, CustomerID, CarID, CarCondition, TankLevel, and OrderStatus
  96. Design the form as follows (you will add new controls to replace those that were deleted):
    Order Processing
    Control Old Name  Text Name Additional Properties
    Label New Processed By:   BackColor: Gray
    BorderStyle: FixedSingle
    Label Old Employee #:    
    ComboBox New   cboEmployeeID  
    TextBox  employeeNameTextBox    TxtEmployeeName  
    Label   Processing For   BackColor: Gray
    BorderStyle: FixedSingle 
    Label  Old  Driver's Lic. #:    
    ComboBox New   CbxCustomerID  
    Label Old  Customer Name:    
    TextBox customerNameTextBox   TxtCustomerName  
    Label Old  Address:    
    TextBox customerAddressTextBox   TxtCustomerAddress  
    Label Old  City:    
    TextBox customerCityTextBox   TxtCustomerCity  
    Label Old  State:    
    TextBox customerStateTextBox   TxtCustomerState  
    Label Old  ZIP Code:    
    TextBox customerZIPCodeTextBox   TxtCustomerZIPCode  
    Label  New Car Selected   BackColor: Gray
    BorderStyle: FixedSingle 
    Label Old Tag Number:    
    ComboBox New   CbxCarID  
    Label Old Car Condition:    
    ComboBox New   CbxCarConditions Items:
    Needs Repair
    Label  Old Make:    
    TextBox carMakeTextBox   TxtCarMake  
    Label    Model:    
    TextBox carModelTextBox   TxtCarModel  
    Label  Old Year:     
    TextBox Old    TxtCarYear  
    Label Old Tank Level:    
    ComboBox New   CbxTankLevels Items:
    1/4 Empty
    1/2 Full
    3/4 Full
    Label  Old Mileage Start:    
    TextBox mileageStartTextBox    TxtMileageStart TextAlign: Right  
    Label   Mileage End:    
    TextBox mileageEndTextBox   TxtMileageEnd TextAlign: Right
    Label    Order Timing   BackColor: Gray
    BorderStyle: FixedSingle 
    Label Old  Date Processed    
    DateTimePicker dateProcessedDateTimePicker   DtpDateProcessed  
    Label Old  Rent Start Date:    
    DateTimePicker rentStartDateDateTimePicker     DtpRentStartDate  
    Label   Rent End Date:    
    DateTimePicker rentEndDateDateTimePicker     DtpRentEndDate  
    Label Old  Total Days:    
    TextBox daysTextBox   TxtTotalDays  
    Label   Order Evaluation   BackColor: Gray
    BorderStyle: FixedSingle 
    Label Old  Rate Applied    
    TextBox rateAppliedTextBox   TxtRateApplied TextAlign: Right
    Button New Rental Rates BtnRentalRates   
    Label Old  Sub Total:     
    TextBox subTotalTextBox   TxtSubTotal TextAlign: Right
    Button  New Calculate BtnCalculate  
    Label Old Tax Rate:    
    TextBox taxRateTextBox   TxtTaxRate TextAlign: Right
    Label   %    
    Label   Tax Amount:    
    TextBox taxAmountTextBox    TxtTaxAmount TextAlign: Right
    Label   Order Total:    
    TextBox orderTotalTextBox    TxtOrderTotal TextAlign: Right
    Label  Old Order Status:    
    ComboBox  New   CbxOrderStatus Items:
    Car On Road
    Car Returned
    Order Reserved 
    Label  Old Rental Order ID:    
    TextBox rentalOrderIDTextBox    TxtRentalOrderID TextAlign: Right 
    Button   Close BtnClose  
  97. Click each control that was added and change its data bindings
  98. Right-click the form and click View Code
  99. In the Class Name combo box, select CbxEmployeeID
  100. In the Method Name combo box, select SelectedIndexChanged and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub CbxEmployeeID_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _
                                                   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                       Handles CbxEmployeeID.SelectedIndexChanged
        Using Connect As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = _
            New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=(local);" & _
      	       "Database=BethesdaCarRental2;" & _
          		"Integrated Security=yes")
            Dim strEmployee As String = "SELECT FullName FROM Employees " & _
                                        "WHERE EmployeeNumber = '" & _
                        		    CbxEmployeeID.Text & "';"
            Dim Command As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = _
                 New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(strEmployee, Connect)
            Dim rdrEmployees As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader = _
            While rdrEmployees.Read()
                txtEmployeeName.Text = rdrEmployees.GetString(0)
            End While
        End Using
    End Sub
  101. In the Class Name combo box, select CbxCustomerID
  102. In the Method Name combo box, select SelectedIndexChanged and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub cbxCustomerID_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _
                                                   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                       Handles cbxCustomerID.SelectedIndexChanged
        Using Connect As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = _
    	 New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection( _
    		"Data Source=(local);" & _
         		"Database=BethesdaCarRental2;" & _
          		"Integrated Security=yes")
            Dim strCustomer As String = "SELECT * FROM Customers " & _
            		            "WHERE DrvLicNumber = '" & _
                       		   CbxCustomerID.Text & "';"
            Dim Command As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = _
                     New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(strCustomer, Connect)
            Dim rdrCustomers As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader = _
            While rdrCustomers.Read()
                    TxtCustomerName.Text = rdrCustomers.GetString(2)
                    TxtCustomerAddress.Text = rdrCustomers.GetString(3)
                    TxtCustomerCity.Text = rdrCustomers.GetString(4)
                    TxtCustomerState.Text = rdrCustomers.GetString(5)
                    TxtCustomerZIPCode.Text = rdrCustomers.GetString(6)
            End While
        End Using
    End Sub
  103. In the Class Name combo box, select CbxCarID
  104. In the Method Name combo box, select SelectedIndexChanged and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub cbxCarID_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _
                                              ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                       Handles cbxCarID.SelectedIndexChanged
        Using Connect As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = _
    	 New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection( _
    		 "Data Source=(local);" & _
    	         "Database=BethesdaCarRental2;" & _
      		 "Integrated Security=yes")
            Dim strCar As String = "SELECT * FROM Cars " & _
    	                       "WHERE TagNumber = '" & _
              		       CbxCarID.Text & "';"
            Dim cmdCars As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = _
                     New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(strCar, Connect)
            Dim rdrCars As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader = _
            While rdrCars.Read()
                    TxtCarMake.Text = rdrCars.GetString(2)
                    TxtCarModel.Text = rdrCars.GetString(3)
                    TxtCarYear.Text = rdrCars.GetSqlInt16(4)
            End While
        End Using
    End Sub
  105. In the Class Name combo box, select DtpRentEndDate
  106. In the Method Name combo box, select ValueChanged and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub DtpRentEndDate_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _
                                        ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                   Handles DtpRentEndDate.ValueChanged
        If DtpRentStartDate.Value > DtpRentEndDate.Value Then
            TxtTotalDays.Text = "0"
        ElseIf DtpRentStartDate.Value = DtpRentEndDate.Value Then
            TxtTotalDays.Text = "1"
            Dim Days As Integer
            Dim DateStart As Date = DtpRentStartDate.Value
            Dim DateEnd As Date = DtpRentEndDate.Value
            ' Let's calculate the difference in days
            Dim tme As TimeSpan = DateEnd - DateStart
            Days = tme.Days
            ' If the customer returns the car the same day, 
            ' we consider that the car was rented for 1 day
            If days = 0 Then
                days = 1
            End If
            TxtTotalDays.Text = days.ToString()
            ' At any case, we will let the clerk
            ' specify the actual number of days
        End If
    End Sub
  107. In the Class Name combo box, select BtnRentalRates
  108. In the Method Name combo box, select Click and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub BtnRentalRates_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _
                                     ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                     Handles BtnRentalRates.Click
        Dim Rates As RentalRates = New RentalRates
    End Sub
  109. In the Class Name combo box, select BtnCalculate
  110. In the Method Name combo box, select Click and implement the events as follows:
    Private Sub BtnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _
                                   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                   Handles BtnCalculate.Click
        Dim Days As Integer = 0
        Dim RateApplied As Double = 0.0
        Dim TaxRate As Double = 0.0
        Dim SubTotal As Double, TaxAmount As Double
        Dim OrderTotal As Double
            Days = CInt(TxtTotalDays.Text)
        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox("Invalid number of days.")
        End Try
            RateApplied = CDbl(TxtRateApplied.Text)
        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox("Invalid rate applied.")
        End Try
            TaxRate = CDbl(txtTaxRate.Text)
        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox("Invalid tax rate.")
        End Try
        SubTotal = Days * RateApplied
        TaxAmount = SubTotal * TaxRate / 100
        OrderTotal = SubTotal + TaxAmount
        txtSubTotal.Text = FormatCurrency(SubTotal)
        txtTaxAmount.Text = FormatCurrency(TaxAmount)
        txtOrderTotal.Text = FormatCurrency(OrderTotal)
    End Sub
  111. In the Class Name combo box, select BtnClose
  112. In the Method Name combo box, select Click and implement the even as follows:
    Private Sub BtnClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                                   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                   Handles BtnClose.Click
    End Sub
  113. Access the Central form
  114. Add a button to it and set its properties as follows:
    Text: OrderProcessing
    (Name): BtnOrderProcessing
  115. Double-click the OrderProcessing button and implement the even as follows:
    Private Sub btnRentalOrders_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                                      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                      Handles btnRentalOrders.Click
        Dim Orders As OrderProcessing = New OrderProcessing
    End Sub
  116. In the Class Name combo box, select BtnClose
  117. In the Method Name combo box, select Click and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub BtnClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                               ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                               Handles BtnClose.Click
    End Sub
  118. Execute the application and display the OrderProcessing form
  119. To create an order, click the + button, complete the form, and click the Save button. Here are examples:
    Order Processing 
    Order Processing 
  120. Close the forms and return to your programming environment
  121. Execute the application again and display the Order Processing form again
  122. Click the Rental Rates button and create the values as follows:
    Category  Daily Weekly Monthly Weekend
    Economy 35.95 32.75 28.95 24.95
    Compact 39.95 35.75 32.95 28.95
    Standard 45.95 39.75 35.95 32.95
    Full Size 49.95 42.75 38.95 35.95
    Mini Van 55.95 50.75 45.95 42.95
    SUV 55.95 50.75 45.95 42.95
    Truck 42.75 38.75 35.95 32.95
    Van 69.95 62.75 55.95 52.95
  123. Update the orders you previously processed and save them
    Order Processing 
    Order Processing 
  124. Close the forms and return to your programming environment

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