
Data Relationships: The Primary Key


Relational Databases

A relational database is a system in which information flows from one database object to another. For example, if you create an application used to process orders for a car rental business, you can create one table for the cars and a separate table used to process customers orders. When processing an order, you would want to simply select a car in the order processing table. That way, you would avoid entering new information about a particular car every time it is rented. If you do this, you may have one order that has a car named Toyota Corola with the tag number FFG802 and another order with the car Toyoda Corolla with the tag number FFF802 when in fact both orders refer to the same car. Therefore, you should avoid any chance to type the information for the car when processing an order.

To apply the rules of relational databases, you create some types of relationships among the objects of the database.

The transactions among the various objects of a database should make sure information of one object is accessible to another object. The objects that hold information, as we have mentioned already, are the tables.

To manage the flow of information from one table (A) to another table (B), the table that holds the information, A, must make it available to other tables, such as B. There are various issues that must be dealt with:

  1. You must be able to uniquely identify each record from a table (A) without any confusion. For example, if you create a list of cars on a table, you should make sure that there is a unique (no duplicate) tag number for each car because each car should have one and must have one tag number. This ensures that there are no duplicate records on the table.
  2. A table (A) that holds information should make that information available to other tables (such as B)
  3. Two tables must not serve the same purpose. Once you have unique information on each table, one table can make its data available to other tables that need it so that the same information should not be entered in more than one table

These problems are solved by specifying a particular column as the "key" of the table. Such a column is referred to as the primary key.

In a relational database, which is the case for most of the databases you will be creating, each table should have at least one primary key. As an example, a primary key on an car table of a car rental company can be set on a Tag Number field because each car should have a unique tag number. A table can also use more than one column to represent the primary key if you judge it necessary.

Once you have decided that a table will have a primary key, you must decide what type of data that field will hold. If you are building a table that can use a known and obvious field as unique, an example would be the shelf number of a library, you can set its data type as char or varchar and make it a primary key. In many other cases, for example if you cannot decide on a particular field that would hold unique information, an example would be customers Contact Name, you should create your own unique field and make it the Primary Key. Such a field should have an int data type.

Visually Creating a Primary Key

To create a primary key in the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio or Microsoft Visual Studio, in the table, create a column and specify its data type:

  • Then, on the toolbar, click the Set Primary Key button Primary Key
  • You can also right-click a column and click Set Primary Key

Here is an example:

Primary Key

Creating a Primary Key With SQL

To create a primary column using SQL, the primary thing to do is, on the right side of the column definition, type PRIMARY KEY. Here is an example:

    PersonID int identity(1,1) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    FirstName varchar(20),
    LastName varchar(20) NOT NULL

The Primary Key Constraint

In the SQL, you can give a specific name to a primary key. To do this, you can first create the column. Then, somewhere before the closing parenthesis of the table, specify the primary key column using the following formula:


In this formula, the CONSTRAINT keyword and the PRIMARY KEY (case-insensitive) expression are required. In the PrimaryKeyName placeholder, enter the name you want to give to the primary key. In the parentheses of the PRIMARY KEY expression, enter the name of the column that will be used as the primary key. Here is an example:

    PersonID int identity(1,1) NOT NULL,
    FirstName varchar(20),
    LastName varchar(20) NOT NULL,

By convention or tradition, the name of the primary starts with PK_ followed by the name of the table. Here is an example:

USE Exercise2;

    PersonID int identity(1,1) NOT NULL,
    FirstName varchar(20),
    LastName varchar(20) NOT NULL,



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