
Microsoft Visual Basic Application:
Musical Instrument Store



A musical instrument store is a store that sells different types of items used to play, record, produce, and distribute music. The items to sell also include those used in a studio or computer applications.

This is a file-based application used by a musical instrument store. The items to sell and the customers orders are saved in a regular file. More details are given in our introduction to collections.

Windows Controls:

  • Labels
  • Buttons
  • List View
  • Picture Box
  • Dialog Boxes
  • Open File Dialog

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Starting a Custom Collection Class

  1. Start Microsoft Visual Basic and create a new Windows Forms Application named MusicalInstrumentStore1
  2. To create a dialog box, on the main menu, click Project -> Add Windows Form...
  3. Set the name to CategoryEditor and click Add
  4. Design the form as follows:
    Control Text Name Other Properties
    Label &Category:    
    TextBox   txtCategory Modifiers: Public
    Button OK btnOK DialogResult: OK
    Button Cancel btnCancel DialogResult: Cancel
    Form Property Value
    FormBorderStyle FixedDialog
    Text Category Editor
    StartPosition CenterScreen
    AcceptButton btnOK
    CancelButton btnCancel
    MaximizeBox False
    MinimizeBox False
    ShowInTaskbar False
  5. To create a dialog box, on the main menu, click Project -> Add Windows Form...
  6. Set the name to TypeEditor and click Add
  7. Design the form as follows:
    Musical Store Item Type
    Control Text Name Other Properties
    Label &Item Type:    
    TextBox   txtItemType Modifiers: Public
    Button OK btnOK DialogResult: OK
    Button Cancel btnCancel DialogResult: Cancel
    Form Property Value
    FormBorderStyle FixedDialog
    Text Type Editor
    StartPosition CenterScreen
    AcceptButton btnOK
    CancelButton btnCancel
    MaximizeBox False
    MinimizeBox False
    ShowInTaskbar False
  8. To create a dialog box, in the Solution Explorer, right-click MusicalInstrumentStore2 -> Add -> Windows Form...
  9. Set the name to ItemEditor and click Add
  10. Design the form as follows:
    Musical Store Item
    Control Text Name Other Properties
    Label &Item #:    
    TextBox   txtItemNumber  
    Label &Category:    
    ComboBox   cbxCategories  
    Button New C&ategory... btnNewCategory  
    Label &Item Type:    
    ComboBox   cbxItemTypes  
    Button New &Item Type... btnNewItemType  
    Label Item &Name:    
    TextBox   txtItemName  
    Label &Unit Price:    
    TextBox 0.00 txtUnitPrice TextAlign: Right
    Button Picture... btnPicture  
    TextBox   txtPicturePath  
    PictureBox   pbxPicturePath SizeMode: Zoom
    Button Create btnCreate  
    Button Close btnClose DialogResult: Cancel
    OpenFileDialog (Name): dlgOpen
    Title: Select Item Picture
    DefaultExt: jpg
    Filter: JPEG Files (*.jpg,*.jpeg)|*.jpg|GIF Files (*.gif)|*.gif|Bitmap Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|PNG Files (*.png)|*.png
    Form Property Value
    FormBorderStyle FixedDialog
    Text Musical Instrument Store - Item Editor
    StartPosition CenterScreen
    MaximizeBox False
    MinimizeBox False
    ShowInTaskbar False
  11. Double-click the New Category button and implement it as follows:
    Private Sub btnNewCategoryClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, 
                                         ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                         Handles btnNewCategory.Click
            Dim Editor As CategoryEditor = New CategoryEditor
            If Editor.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
                If Editor.txtCategory.Text.Length > 0 Then
                    Dim NewCategory As String = Editor.txtCategory.Text
                    ' Make sure the category is not yet in the list
                    If cbxCategories.Items.Contains(NewCategory) Then
                        MsgBox(NewCategory + " is already in the list")
                        ' Since this is a new category, add it to the combo box
                        ' Just in case the user wanted to use this new category
                        ' select it
                        cbxCategories.Text = NewCategory
                    End If
                End If
            End If
    End Sub
  12. In the Class name combo box, select btnNewItemType
  13. In the Method Name combo box, select Click and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub btnNewItemTypeClick(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                     ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                     Handles btnNewItemType.Click
            Dim Editor As TypeEditor = New TypeEditor
            If Editor.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
                If Editor.txtItemType.Text.Length > 0 Then
                    Dim NewType As String = Editor.txtItemType.Text
                    ' Make sure the type is not yet in the list
                    If cbxTypes.Items.Contains(NewType) Then
                        MsgBox("The list already contains " & NewType)
                        cbxTypes.Text = NewType
                    End If
                End If
            End If
    End Sub
  14. In the Class name combo box, select btnPicture
  15. In the Method Name combo box, select Click and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub btnPictureClick(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                     ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                     Handles btnPicture.Click
            If dlgPicture.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
                txtPicturePath.Text = dlgPicture.FileName
                pbxStoreItem.Image = Image.FromFile(txtPicturePath.Text)
            End If
    End Sub
  16. In the Solution Explorer, right-click Form1.cs and click Rename
  17. Type MusicStore.vb and press Enter twice (to display the form)
  18. Design the form as follows:
    Musical Instrument Store
    Control Text Name Other Properties
    Label Label Item Category:    
    ComboBox ComboBox   cbxCategories  
    Label Label Items Type:    
    ComboBox ComboBox   cbxTypes  
    Label Label Available Items    
    Button Button New Store Item... btnNewStoreItem  
    ListView ListView   lvwStoreItems View: Details
    FullRowSelect: True
    GridLines: True
    (Name) Text TextAlign Width
    colItemNumber Item #    
    colItemName Item Name/Description   320
    colUnitPrice Unit Price Right  
    PictureBox   pbxStoreItem SizeMode: Zoom
    GroupBox GroupBox Selected Items    
    Label Label Item #    
    Label Label Description    
    Label Label Unit Price    
    Label Label Qty    
    Label Label Sub Total    
    TextBox TextBox   txtItemNumber1  
    TextBox TextBox   txtDescription1  
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtUnitPrice1 TextAlign: Right
    TextBox TextBox 0 txtQuantity1 TextAlign: Right
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtSubTotal1 TextAlign: Right
    Button Button Remove btnRemove1  
    TextBox TextBox   txtItemNumber2  
    TextBox TextBox   txtDescription2  
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtUnitPrice2 TextAlign: Right
    TextBox TextBox 0 txtQuantity2 TextAlign: Right
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtSubTotal2 TextAlign: Right
    Button Button Remove btnRemove2  
    TextBox TextBox   txtItemNumber3  
    TextBox TextBox   txtDescription3  
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtUnitPrice3 TextAlign: Right
    TextBox TextBox 0 txtQuantity3 TextAlign: Right
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtSubTotal3 TextAlign: Right
    Button Button Remove btnRemove3  
    TextBox TextBox   txtItemNumber4  
    TextBox TextBox   txtDescription4  
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtUnitPrice4 TextAlign: Right
    TextBox TextBox 0 txtQuantity4 TextAlign: Right
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtSubTotal4 TextAlign: Right
    Button Button Remove btnRemove4  
    TextBox TextBox   txtItemNumber5  
    TextBox TextBox   txtDescription5  
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtUnitPrice5 TextAlign: Right
    TextBox TextBox 0 txtQuantity5 TextAlign: Right
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtSubTotal5 TextAlign: Right
    Button Button Remove btnRemove5  
    TextBox TextBox   txtItemNumber6  
    TextBox TextBox   txtDescription6  
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtUnitPrice6 TextAlign: Right
    TextBox TextBox 0 txtQuantity6 TextAlign: Right
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtSubTotal6 TextAlign: Right
    Button Button Remove btnRemove6  
    GroupBox GroupBox Order Summary    
    Label Label Items Total:    
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtItemsTotal TextAlign: Right
    Label Label Tax Rate:    
    TextBox TextBox 7.75   TextAlign: Right
    Label Label %    
    Label Label Tax Amount:    
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtTaxAmount TextAlign: Right
    Label Label Order Total:    
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtOrderTotal TextAlign: Right
    Button Button Save btnSave  
    Label Label Receipt #:    
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtReceiptNumber  
    Button Button &Open btnOpen  
    Button Button New Order btnNewOrder  
    Button Button Close btnClose  
  19. To create a new class, in the Solution Explorer, right-click MusicalInstrumentStore2 -> Add -> Class...
  20. Set the Name to StoreItem and press Enter
  21. Change the file as follows:
    <Serializable()> Public Class StoreItem
        Private nbr As String
        Private cat As String
        Private tp As String
        Private nm As String
        Private prc As Double
        Public Property ItemNumber() As String
                Return nbr
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                nbr = value
            End Set
        End Property
        Public Property Category() As String
                Return cat
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                cat = value
            End Set
        End Property
        Public Property Type() As String
                Return tp
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                tp = value
            End Set
        End Property
        Public Property ItemName() As String
                Return nm
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                nm = value
            End Set
        End Property
        Public Property UnitPrice() As Double
                Return prc
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Double)
                prc = value
            End Set
        End Property
        Public Overrides Function Equals(ByVal Same As Object) As Boolean
            If (nbr = Same.nbr) And 
                    (cat = Same.cat) And 
                    (tp = Same.tp) And 
                    (nm = Same.nm) And 
                    (prc = Same.prc) Then
                Return True
                Return False
            End If
        End Function
        Public Sub New()
            nbr = "000000"
            cat = "Accessories"
            tp = "Accessories"
            nm = "Unknown"
            prc = 0.0
        End Sub
        Public Sub StoreItem(ByVal itmNumber As String)
            nbr = itmNumber
            cat = "Accessories"
            tp = "Accessories"
            nm = "Unknown"
            prc = 0.0
        End Sub
        Public Sub New(ByVal itmNumber As String, ByVal strCategory As String, 
                       ByVal strType As String, ByVal strName As String, 
                       ByVal dPrice As Double)
            nbr = itmNumber
            cat = strCategory
            tp = strType
            nm = strName
            prc = dPrice
        End Sub
    End Class
  22. Save the file
  23. To create a new class, in the Class View, right-click MusicalInstrumentStore2 -> Add -> Class...
  24. Set the Name to StoreItems and press Enter
  25. Click the right side of the Public Class StoreItems line and press Enter
  26. Type Implements IList and press Enter.
    Notice that a complete skeleton code has been generated
  27. Change the file as follows:
    <Serializable()> Public Class StoreItems
        Implements IList
        Private Counter As Integer
        Private Items() As Object = New Object
        Public Sub New()
            Counter = 0
        End Sub
        Public Sub CopyTo(ByVal array As System.Array, 
                          ByVal index As Integer) 
                          Implements System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo
        End Sub
        Public ReadOnly Property Count() As Integer 
                            Implements System.Collections.ICollection.Count
                Return Counter
            End Get
        End Property
        Public ReadOnly Property IsSynchronized() As Boolean 
                    Implements System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized
                Return False
            End Get
        End Property
        Public ReadOnly Property SyncRoot() As Object 
                    Implements System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot
                Return Me
            End Get
        End Property
        Public Function GetEnumerator() As System.Collections.IEnumerator 
                    Implements System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator
            Return Nothing
        End Function
        ' This method is used to add a new item to the collection
        Public Function Add(ByVal value As Object) As Integer 
                        Implements System.Collections.IList.Add
        End Function
        ' This methods deletes all items from the collection
        Public Sub Clear() Implements System.Collections.IList.Clear
        End Sub
        ' This method is used to find out whether the item 
        ' passed as argument exists in the collection
        Public Function Contains(ByVal value As Object) As Boolean 
                        Implements System.Collections.IList.Contains
        End Function
        ' This method is used to check whether the item passed as
        ' argument exists in the collection. If so, it returns its index
        Public Function IndexOf(ByVal value As Object) As Integer 
                        Implements System.Collections.IList.IndexOf
        End Function
        ' This method can be used to insert an item at 
        ' a certain position inside the collection
        Public Sub Insert(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal value As Object) 
                    Implements System.Collections.IList.Insert
        End Sub
        Public ReadOnly Property IsFixedSize() As Boolean Implements 
            End Get
        End Property
        Public ReadOnly Property IsReadOnly() As Boolean 
                    Implements System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly
            End Get
        End Property
        Default Public Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As Object 
                        Implements System.Collections.IList.Item
                Return Nothing
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Object)
            End Set
        End Property
        ' This method first checks the existence of the item passed 
        '  as argument. If the item exists, the method deletes it
        Public Sub Remove(ByVal value As Object) 
                    Implements System.Collections.IList.Remove
        End Sub
        ' This method is used to delete the item positioned 
        ' at the index passed as argument
        Public Sub RemoveAt(ByVal index As Integer) 
                    Implements System.Collections.IList.RemoveAt
        End Sub
    End Class
  28. Save the file
  29. Change the IsFixedSize() method as follows:
    Public ReadOnly Property IsFixedSize() As Boolean Implements 
                Return False
            End Get
    End Property
  30. Save the file
  31. Change the IsReadOnly method as follows:
    Public ReadOnly Property IsReadOnly() As Boolean 
                    Implements System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly
                Return False
            End Get
    End Property
  32. Save the file
  33. Change the code of the StoreItems.Add() method as follows:
    ' This method is used to add a new item to the collection
        Public Function Add(ByVal value As Object) As Integer 
                        Implements System.Collections.IList.Add
            ' Find out if the array is getting too small for the next item(s)
            ' If it is, increase its size by 5
            If Count = Items.Length Then
                Array.Resize(Items, Items.Length + 5)
            End If
            If Counter < Items.Length Then
                Items(Counter) = value
                Counter = Counter + 1
                Return Counter - 1
                Return -1
            End If
    End Function    
  34. In the Class View, double-click ItemEditor
  35. In the top section of the file, add the following:
    Imports System.IO
    Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
    Public Class ItemEditor
  36. In the Solution Explorer, right-click ItemEditor.vb and click View Code
  37. In the Class name combo box, select btnCreate
  38. In the Method Name combo box, select Click and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub btnCreateClick(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                    ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                    Handles btnCreate.Click
            Dim StreamStoreItem As FileStream
            Dim Item As StoreItem = New StoreItem
            Dim items As StoreItems = New StoreItems
            Dim FormatterStoreItem As BinaryFormatter = New BinaryFormatter
            ' If this directory doesn't exist, create it
            Directory.CreateDirectory("C:\Musical Instrument Store")
            ' This is the file that holds the list of items
            Dim Filename As String = "C:\Musical Instrument Store\StoreItems.mis"
            ' Create a random number that will be used to identify the item
            Dim RndNumber As Random = New Random
            txtItemNumber.Text = RndNumber.Next(100000, 999999)
            ' Make sure the user had selected a category
            If cbxCategories.Text.Length = 0 Then
                MsgBox("You must specify the item's category")
                Exit Sub
            End If
            ' Make sure the user had selected a type
            If cbxTypes.Text.Length = 0 Then
                MsgBox("You must specify the item's type")
                Exit Sub
            End If
            ' Make sure the user had entered a name/description
            If txtItemName.Text.Length = 0 Then
                MsgBox("You must enter the name (or a " & 
                       "short description) for the item")
                Exit Sub
            End If
            ' Make sure the user had typed a price for the item
            If txtUnitPrice.Text.Length = 0 Then
                MsgBox("You must enter the price of the item")
                Exit Sub
            End If
            ' Before saving the new item, find out if there was
            ' already a file that holds the list of items
            ' If that file exists, open it and store its items 
            ' in our StoreItems list
            If File.Exists(Filename) Then
                StreamStoreItem = New FileStream(Filename, 
                ' Retrieve the list of items from file
                items = CType(FormatterStoreItem.Deserialize(StreamStoreItem), 
            End Try
        End If
            ' Create the music item
            item.ItemNumber = txtItemNumber.Text
            item.Category = cbxCategories.Text
            item.Type = cbxTypes.Text
            item.ItemName = txtItemName.Text
            item.UnitPrice = cdbl(txtUnitPrice.Text)
            ' Call the Add method of our collection class to add the item
            ' Save the list
            StreamStoreItem = New FileStream(Filename, 
                FormatterStoreItem.Serialize(StreamStoreItem, items)
                If txtPicturePath.Text.Length <> 0 Then
                    Dim flePicture As FileInfo = New FileInfo(txtPicturePath.Text)
                    flePicture.CopyTo("C:\Musical Instrument Store\" & 
                                      txtItemNumber.Text & flePicture.Extension)
                End If
                ' After saving the item, reset the form
                txtItemNumber.Text = RndNumber.Next(100000, 999999).ToString()
                cbxCategories.Text = ""
                cbxTypes.Text = ""
                txtItemName.Text = ""
                txtUnitPrice.Text = "0.00"
                txtPicturePath.Text = ""
                pbxStoreItem.Image = Nothing
            End Try
    End Sub
  39. Save the file
  40. In the Class View, click StoreItems
  41. In the lower part of the Class View, double-click Item(Integer) As Object
  42. Change the code of the property as follows:
    Default Public Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As Object 
                        Implements System.Collections.IList.Item
                Return Items(index)
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Object)
                Items(index) = value
            End Set
    End Property
  43. In the Solution Explorer, right-click ItemEditor.vb and click View Code
  44. In the Class name combo box, select (ItemEditor Events)
  45. In the Method Name combo box, select Load and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub ItemEditorLoad(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                    ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
            Dim i As Integer
            Dim RndNumber As Random = New Random
            ' Since all values seem ready, prepare to process the item
            Dim Item As StoreItem = New StoreItem
            Dim Items As StoreItems = New StoreItems
            Dim FormatterStoreItem As BinaryFormatter = New BinaryFormatter
            ' This is the file that holds the list of items
            Dim Filename As String = "C:\Musical Instrument Store\StoreItems.mis"
            If File.Exists(Filename) Then
                Dim StreamStoreItem As FileStream = New FileStream(Filename, 
                    ' Retrieve the list of items from file
                    Items = CType(FormatterStoreItem.Deserialize(StreamStoreItem), 
                    ' Display the categories in the combo box
                    For i = 0 To Items.Count - 1
                        Item = CType(Items(i), StoreItem)
                        If Not cbxCategories.Items.Contains(Item.Category) Then
                        End If
                    ' Display the items types in the combo box
                    For i = 0 To Items.Count - 1
                        Item = CType(Items(i), StoreItem)
                        If Not cbxTypes.Items.Contains(Item.Type) Then
                        End If
                End Try
                ' Create a random number that will be used
                ' to identify the item
                txtItemNumber.Text = RndNumber.Next(100000, 999999).ToString()
                ' Make sure the user had selected a category
                cbxCategories.Text = ""
                cbxTypes.Text = ""
            End If
    End Sub
  46. In the Solution Explorer, right-click MusicStore.vb and click View Code
  47. Make the following changes:
    Imports System.IO
    Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
    Public Class MusicStore
        Private Items As StoreItems
        Private iFilename As Integer
        Private IsNewCustomerOrder As Boolean
        Private Sub LoadMusicStore()
            ' Since all values seem ready, prepare to process the item
            Dim i As Integer
            items = New StoreItems
            Dim FormatterStoreItem As BinaryFormatter = New BinaryFormatter
            ' This is the file that holds the list of items
            Dim Filename As String = "C:\Musical Instrument Store\StoreItems.mis"
            If File.Exists(Filename) Then
                Dim StreamStoreItem As FileStream = New FileStream(Filename, 
                    ' Retrieve the list of items from file
                 Items = CType(FormatterStoreItem.Deserialize(StreamStoreItem), 
                    ' Display the categories in the combo box
                    For i = 0 To items.Count - 1
                        Dim item As StoreItem = CType(items(i), StoreItem)
                        If Not cbxCategories.Items.Contains(item.Category) Then
                        End If
                End Try
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class
  48. In the Class Name combo box, select btnNewStoreItem
  49. In the Method Name combo box, select Click and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub btnNewStoreItemClick(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                          ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                          Handles btnNewStoreItem.Click
            Dim Editor As ItemEditor = New ItemEditor
            ' Create a random number to get it ready for
            ' the user creating a new store item
            Dim RndNumber As Random = New Random
            Editor.txtItemNumber.Text = RndNumber.Next(100000, 999999)
            If Editor.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.Cancel Then
            End If
    End Sub
  50. In the Class Name combo box, select cbxCategories
  51. In the Method Name combo box, select SelectedIndexChanged and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub cbxCategoriesSelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                              ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                  Handles cbxCategories.SelectedIndexChanged
            Dim i As Integer
            cbxTypes.Text = ""
            pbxStoreItem.Image = Nothing
            ' If the current store inventory is empty, don't do anything
            If Items.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
            ' Get the item selected in the combo box
            Dim strCategory = CStr(cbxCategories.SelectedItem)
            ' Before doing anything, remove everything from the Types combo box
            ' This eliminates the possibility of adding the same item(s) that
            ' would exist already in the combo box
            ' Check each item from the store inventory
            For i = 0 To Items.Count - 1
                ' Get the current item from the store inventory
                Dim Item = CType(Items(i), StoreItem)
                ' If that item is the same as the one selected in the combo box...
                If Item.Category = strCategory Then
                    ' ... get ready to add its corresponding type
                    ' But check first that the type is not
                    ' already in the Types combo box
                    ' If it's not yet there, then add it
                    If Not cbxTypes.Items.Contains(Item.Type) Then
                    End If
                End If
    End Sub
  52. In the Class Name combo box, select cbxTypes
  53. In the Method Name combo box, select SelectedIndexChanged and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub cbxTypesSelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                              ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                              Handles cbxTypes.SelectedIndexChanged
            Dim i As Integer
            cbxTypes.Text = ""
            pbxStoreItem.Image = Nothing
            Dim lviStoreItem As ListViewItem
            ' If the current store inventory is empty, don't do anything
            If Items.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
            ' Get the item selected in the Categories combo box
            Dim strCategory As String = CStr(cbxCategories.SelectedItem)
            ' Get the item selected in theTypes combo box
            Dim strType As String = CStr(cbxTypes.SelectedItem)
            ' Empty the Available Items list view because 
            ' we are about to (re)populate it
            ' Check each item from the store inventory
            For i = 0 To Items.Count - 1
                ' Get the current item from the inventory
                Dim Item As StoreItem = CType(Items(i), StoreItem)
                ' If the category of that item is the same as the one 
                ' selected in the combo box and the type of that item is 
                ' the same as the one selected in the Types combo box...
                If (Item.Category = strCategory) And 
                    (Item.Type = strType) Then
                    ' ... then display it in the Available Items list view
                    lviStoreItem = lvwStoreItems.Items.Add(Item.ItemNumber)
                End If
    End Sub
  54. In the Class Name combo box, select lvwStoreItems
  55. In the Method Name combo box, select SelectedIndexChanged and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub lvwStoreItemsSelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                                   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                        Handles lvwStoreItems.SelectedIndexChanged
            Dim i As Integer
            Dim strItemNumber As String
            Dim Item As StoreItem = New StoreItem
            If (lvwStoreItems.SelectedItems.Count = 0) Or 
            (lvwStoreItems.SelectedItems.Count > 1) Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            strItemNumber = lvwStoreItems.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(0).Text
            For i = 0 To Items.Count - 1
                Dim itm As StoreItem = CType(Items(i), StoreItem)
                If itm.ItemNumber = strItemNumber Then
                    Item = itm
                End If
            ' Make a list of the picture files
            Dim strDirectory As String = "C:\Musical Instrument Store"
            Dim dirStoreItems As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(strDirectory)
            Dim PictureFiles() As FileInfo = dirStoreItems.GetFiles("*.jpg")
            ' Look for a file that holds the same name as the item number
            For Each fle As FileInfo In PictureFiles
                ' Get the name of the file without its extension
                Dim fwe As String = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fle.FullName)
                If fwe = strItemNumber Then
                    pbxStoreItem.Image = Image.FromFile(strDirectory & 
                                         "\" + Item.ItemNumber + ".jpg")
                End If
    End Sub
  56. Under the above End Sub line, create a new procedure as follows;
    ' This function calculates the current total order 
    ' and updates the order
    Private Sub CalculateOrder()
            Dim SubTotal1 As Double
            Dim SubTotal2 As Double
            Dim SubTotal3 As Double
            Dim SubTotal4 As Double
            Dim SubTotal5 As Double
            Dim SubTotal6 As Double
            Dim ItemsTotal As Double
            Dim TaxRate As Double
            Dim TaxAmount As Double
            Dim OrderTotal As Double
            ' Retrieve the value of each sub total
                SubTotal1 = CDbl(txtSubTotal1.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid Value")
            End Try
                SubTotal2 = CDbl(txtSubTotal2.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid Value")
            End Try
                SubTotal3 = CDbl(txtSubTotal3.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid Value")
            End Try
                SubTotal4 = CDbl(txtSubTotal4.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid Value")
            End Try
                SubTotal5 = CDbl(txtSubTotal5.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid Value")
            End Try
                SubTotal6 = CDbl(txtSubTotal6.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid Value")
            End Try
            ' Calculate the total value of the sub totals
            ItemsTotal = SubTotal1 + SubTotal2 + SubTotal3 + 
                         SubTotal4 + SubTotal5 + SubTotal6
            ' Display the total order in the appropriate text box
            txtItemsTotal.Text = FormatNumber(ItemsTotal)
                TaxRate = CDbl(txtTaxRate.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid Tax Rate")
                txtTaxRate.Text = "7.75"
            End Try
            TaxAmount = ItemsTotal * TaxRate / 100
            OrderTotal = ItemsTotal + TaxAmount
            txtTaxAmount.Text = FormatNumber(TaxAmount)
            txtOrderTotal.Text = FormatNumber(OrderTotal)
    End Sub
  57. In the Class Name combo box, select txtItemNumber1
  58. In the Method Name combo box, select Leave and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub txtItemNumber1Leave(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                         ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                         Handles txtItemNumber1.Leave
            Dim ItemFound As Boolean = False
            Dim Item As StoreItem = New StoreItem
            Dim strItemNumber As String = txtItemNumber1.Text
            For Each Itm As StoreItem In Items
                If Itm.ItemNumber = strItemNumber Then
                    ItemFound = True
                    txtDescription1.Text = Itm.ItemName
                    txtUnitPrice1.Text = Itm.UnitPrice.ToString("F")
                    txtQuantity1.Text = "1"
                    txtSubTotal1.Text = Itm.UnitPrice.ToString("F")
                End If
            If ItemFound = False Then
                MsgBox("There is no store item with that number")
                txtDescription1.Text = ""
                txtUnitPrice1.Text = "0.00"
                txtQuantity1.Text = "0"
                txtSubTotal1.Text = "0.00"
            End If
    End Sub
  59. Under the above End Sub line, define the following event
    Public Sub Item1Leave(ByVal sender As Object, 
                              ByVal e As EventArgs) 
                              Handles txtUnitPrice1.Leave, txtQuantity1.Leave
            Dim Quantity As Integer
            Dim UnitPrice As Double
            Dim SubTotal As Double
            ' Get the quantity of the current item
                Quantity = CInt(txtQuantity1.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid quantity value for item 1")
            End Try
            ' Get the unit price of the current item
                UnitPrice = CDbl(txtUnitPrice1.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid unit price for item 1")
            End Try
            ' Calculate the current sub total
            SubTotal = Quantity * UnitPrice
            ' Display the new sub total in the corresponding text box
            txtSubTotal1.Text = FormatNumber(SubTotal)
            btnRemove1.Enabled = True
            ' Update the order
    End Sub
  60. In the Class Name combo box, select btnRemove1
  61. On the form, double-click the top Remove button and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub btnRemove1Click(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                     ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                     Handles btnRemove1.Click
            txtItemNumber1.Text = ""
            txtDescription1.Text = ""
            txtUnitPrice1.Text = "0.00"
            txtQuantity1.Text = "0"
            txtSubTotal1.Text = "0.00"
            btnRemove1.Enabled = False
    End Sub
  62. Complete the file as follows:
    Public Sub Item2Leave(ByVal sender As Object, 
                              ByVal e As EventArgs) 
                              Handles txtUnitPrice2.Leave, txtQuantity2.Leave
            Dim Quantity As Integer
            Dim UnitPrice As Double
            Dim SubTotal As Double
            ' Get the quantity of the current item
                Quantity = CInt(txtQuantity2.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid quantity value for item 2")
            End Try
            ' Get the unit price of the current item
                UnitPrice = CDbl(txtUnitPrice2.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid unit price for item 2")
            End Try
            ' Calculate the current sub total
            SubTotal = Quantity * UnitPrice
            ' Display the new sub total in the corresponding text box
            txtSubTotal2.Text = SubTotal.ToString()
            btnRemove2.Enabled = True
            ' Update the order
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnRemove2Click(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                     ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                     Handles btnRemove2.Click
            txtItemNumber2.Text = ""
            txtDescription2.Text = ""
            txtUnitPrice2.Text = "0.00"
            txtQuantity2.Text = "0"
            txtSubTotal2.Text = "0.00"
            btnRemove2.Enabled = False
        End Sub
        Public Sub Item3Leave(ByVal sender As Object, 
                              ByVal e As EventArgs) 
                              Handles txtUnitPrice3.Leave, txtQuantity3.Leave
            Dim Quantity As Integer
            Dim UnitPrice As Double
            Dim SubTotal As Double
            ' Get the quantity of the current item
                Quantity = CInt(txtQuantity3.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid quantity value for item 3")
            End Try
            ' Get the unit price of the current item
                UnitPrice = CDbl(txtUnitPrice3.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid unit price for item 3")
            End Try
            ' Calculate the current sub total
            SubTotal = Quantity * UnitPrice
            ' Display the new sub total in the corresponding text box
            txtSubTotal3.Text = SubTotal.ToString()
            btnRemove3.Enabled = True
            ' Update the order
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnRemove3Click(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                     ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                     Handles btnRemove3.Click
            txtItemNumber3.Text = ""
            txtDescription3.Text = ""
            txtUnitPrice3.Text = "0.00"
            txtQuantity3.Text = "0"
            txtSubTotal3.Text = "0.00"
            btnRemove3.Enabled = False
        End Sub
        Public Sub Item4Leave(ByVal sender As Object, 
                              ByVal e As EventArgs) 
                              Handles txtUnitPrice4.Leave, txtQuantity4.Leave
            Dim Quantity As Integer
            Dim UnitPrice As Double
            Dim SubTotal As Double
            ' Get the quantity of the current item
                Quantity = CInt(txtQuantity4.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid quantity value for item 4")
            End Try
            ' Get the unit price of the current item
                UnitPrice = CDbl(txtUnitPrice4.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid unit price for item 4")
            End Try
            ' Calculate the current sub total
            SubTotal = Quantity * UnitPrice
            ' Display the new sub total in the corresponding text box
            txtSubTotal4.Text = SubTotal.ToString()
            btnRemove4.Enabled = True
            ' Update the order
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnRemove4Click(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                     ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                     Handles btnRemove4.Click
            txtItemNumber4.Text = ""
            txtDescription4.Text = ""
            txtUnitPrice4.Text = "0.00"
            txtQuantity4.Text = "0"
            txtSubTotal4.Text = "0.00"
            btnRemove4.Enabled = False
        End Sub
        Public Sub Item5Leave(ByVal sender As Object, 
                              ByVal e As EventArgs) 
                              Handles txtUnitPrice5.Leave, txtQuantity5.Leave
            Dim Quantity As Integer
            Dim UnitPrice As Double
            Dim SubTotal As Double
            ' Get the quantity of the current item
                Quantity = CInt(txtQuantity5.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid quantity value for item 5")
            End Try
            ' Get the unit price of the current item
                UnitPrice = CDbl(txtUnitPrice5.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid unit price for item 5")
            End Try
            ' Calculate the current sub total
            SubTotal = Quantity * UnitPrice
            ' Display the new sub total in the corresponding text box
            txtSubTotal5.Text = SubTotal.ToString()
            btnRemove5.Enabled = True
            ' Update the order
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnRemove5Click(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                     ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                     Handles btnRemove5.Click
            txtItemNumber5.Text = ""
            txtDescription5.Text = ""
            txtUnitPrice5.Text = "0.00"
            txtQuantity5.Text = "0"
            txtSubTotal5.Text = "0.00"
            btnRemove5.Enabled = False
        End Sub
        Public Sub Item6Leave(ByVal sender As Object, 
                              ByVal e As EventArgs) 
                              Handles txtUnitPrice6.Leave, txtQuantity6.Leave
            Dim Quantity As Integer
            Dim UnitPrice As Double
            Dim SubTotal As Double
            ' Get the quantity of the current item
                Quantity = CInt(txtQuantity6.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid quantity value for item 6")
            End Try
            ' Get the unit price of the current item
                UnitPrice = CDbl(txtUnitPrice6.Text)
                MsgBox("Invalid unit price for item 6")
            End Try
            ' Calculate the current sub total
            SubTotal = Quantity * UnitPrice
            ' Display the new sub total in the corresponding text box
            txtSubTotal6.Text = SubTotal.ToString()
            btnRemove6.Enabled = True
            ' Update the order
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnRemove6Click(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                     ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                     Handles btnRemove6.Click
            txtItemNumber6.Text = ""
            txtDescription6.Text = ""
            txtUnitPrice6.Text = "0.00"
            txtQuantity6.Text = "0"
            txtSubTotal6.Text = "0.00"
            btnRemove6.Enabled = False
        End Sub
  63. In the Class Name combo box, select txtTaxRate
  64. In the Method Name combo box, select Leave and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub txtTaxRateLeave(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                     ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                     Handles txtTaxRate.Leave
    End Sub
  65. In the Class Name combo box, select btnNewCustomerOrder
  66. In the Method Name combo box, select Click and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub btnNewCustomerOrderClick(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                              ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                              Handles btnNewCustomerOrder.Click
        ' We will store our files in the following folder    
        Dim strDirectory As String = "C:\Musical Instrument Store\Receipts"
        Dim dirInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory(strDirectory)
        ' Get the list of files, if any, from our directory
        Dim ListOfFiles = dirInfo.GetFiles()
        Dim Filename As String = ""
        ' If there is no file in the directory,
        ' then we will use 1000 as the first file name
        If ListOfFiles.Length = 0 Then
            iFilename = 1000
        Else ' If there was at least one file in the directory
            ' Get a reference to the last file
            Dim LastFile = ListOfFiles(ListOfFiles.Length - 1)
            ' Get the name of the last file without its extension
            Dim fwe As String = 
            ' Increment the name of the file by 1
            iFilename = CInt(fwe) + 1
        End If
            ' Update our global name of the file
            Filename = strDirectory + "\" + CStr(iFilename) + ".cos"
            txtReceiptNumber.Text = CStr(iFilename)
            cbxCategories.Text = ""
            cbxTypes.Text = ""
            txtItemNumber1.Text = ""
            txtDescription1.Text = ""
            txtUnitPrice1.Text = "0.00"
            txtQuantity1.Text = "0"
            txtSubTotal1.Text = "0.00"
            txtItemNumber2.Text = ""
            txtDescription2.Text = ""
            txtUnitPrice2.Text = "0.00"
            txtQuantity2.Text = "0"
            txtSubTotal2.Text = "0.00"
            txtItemNumber3.Text = ""
            txtDescription3.Text = ""
            txtUnitPrice3.Text = "0.00"
            txtQuantity3.Text = "0"
            txtSubTotal3.Text = "0.00"
            txtItemNumber4.Text = ""
            txtDescription4.Text = ""
            txtUnitPrice4.Text = "0.00"
            txtQuantity4.Text = "0"
            txtSubTotal4.Text = "0.00"
            txtItemNumber5.Text = ""
            txtDescription5.Text = ""
            txtUnitPrice5.Text = "0.00"
            txtQuantity5.Text = "0"
            txtSubTotal5.Text = "0.00"
            txtItemNumber6.Text = ""
            txtDescription6.Text = ""
            txtUnitPrice6.Text = "0.00"
            txtQuantity6.Text = "0"
            txtSubTotal6.Text = "0.00"
            txtItemsTotal.Text = "0.00"
            txtTaxRate.Text = "7.75"
            txtTaxAmount.Text = "0.00"
            txtOrderTotal.Text = "0.00"
    End Sub
  67. In the Class Name combo box, select btnSave
  68. In the Method Name combo box, select Click and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub btnSaveClick(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                  Handles btnSave.Click
            Dim fwe As String
            Dim Filename As String
            Dim LastFile As FileInfo
            ' We will store our files in the following folder    
            Dim strDirectory As String = "C:\Musical Instrument Store\Receipts"
            Dim dirInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory(strDirectory)
            ' Get the list of files, if any, from our directory
            Dim ListOfFiles() As FileInfo = dirInfo.GetFiles()
            ' If this is a new customer order,
            ' get ready to create a name for the file
            If IsNewCustomerOrder = True Then
                ' If there is no file in the directory,
                ' then we will use 1000 as the first file name
                If ListOfFiles.Length = 0 Then
                    iFilename = 1000
                Else ' If there was at least one file in the directory
                    ' Get a reference to the last file
                    LastFile = ListOfFiles(ListOfFiles.Length - 1)
                    ' Get the name of the last file without its extension
                    fwe = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(LastFile.FullName)
                    ' Increment the name of the file by 1
                    iFilename = CInt(fwe) + 1
                End If
                ' Update our global name of the file
                Filename = strDirectory + "\" + iFilename.ToString() + ".cos"
                txtReceiptNumber.Text = iFilename.ToString()
                IsNewCustomerOrder = False
                ' If a cleaning order was already opened, 
    	    ' we will simply update it
                Filename = "C:\Musical Instrument Store\Receipts\" & 
                           txtReceiptNumber.Text & ".cos"
            End If
            Dim wrtCustomerOrder As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(Filename)
            End Try
    End Sub
  69. In the Class Name combo box, select
  70. Double-click the Open button and implement its event as follows:
    Private Sub btnOpenClick(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                  Handles btnOpen.Click
        Dim strDirectory = "C:\Musical Instrument Store\Receipts"
        Dim strFilename As String = 
    	"C:\Musical Instrument Store\Receipts\1000.cos"
        If txtReceiptNumber.Text = "" Then
                Exit Sub
                strFilename = strDirectory & "\" & 
                                          txtReceiptNumber.Text + ".cos"
                Dim rdrCustomerOrder As StreamReader = 
    		New StreamReader(strFilename)
                        txtItemNumber1.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtDescription1.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtUnitPrice1.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtQuantity1.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        Item1Leave(sender, e)
                        txtItemNumber2.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtDescription2.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtUnitPrice2.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtQuantity2.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        Item2Leave(sender, e)
                        txtItemNumber3.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtDescription3.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtUnitPrice3.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtQuantity3.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        Item3Leave(sender, e)
                        txtItemNumber4.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtDescription4.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtUnitPrice4.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtQuantity4.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        Item4Leave(sender, e)
                        txtItemNumber5.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtDescription5.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtUnitPrice5.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtQuantity5.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        Item5Leave(sender, e)
                        txtItemNumber6.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtDescription6.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtUnitPrice6.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtQuantity6.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        Item6Leave(sender, e)
                        txtItemsTotal.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        txtTaxRate.Text = rdrCustomerOrder.ReadLine()
                        IsNewCustomerOrder = False
                    End Try
                Catch Exc As FileNotFoundException
                    MsgBox("There is no customer order with that receipt number")
                End Try
            End If
    End Sub
  71. In the Class Name combo box, select (MusicStore Events)
  72. In the Method Name combo box, select Load and implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub MusicStoreLoad(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                    ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                    Handles Me.Load
            btnNewCustomerOrderClick(sender, e)
            IsNewCustomerOrder = True
    End Sub
  73. In the Class Name combo box, select btnClose
  74. Double-click the Close and implement its Click event as follows:
    Private Sub btnCloseClick(ByVal sender As Object, 
                                   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
                                   Handles btnClose.Click
    End Sub
  75. Execute the application to test it
  76. Access the Item Editor dialog box and create a few items as follows (let the computer create the item numbers):
    Category Type Item Name Unit Price Picture
    Guitars Electric Gibson Les Paul Vintage Mahogany Electric Guitar 745.95 Picture
    Bass Electric 4-String Epiphone Thunderbird IV Bass 325.85 Picture
    Keyboards Synthesizers Alesis QS8.2 88 Key Synthesizer 825.50 Picture
    Guitars Acoustic Gretsch Guitars G100 Synchromatic Archtop Acoustic Guitar 595.95 Picture
    Drums Drum Set Pulse Pro 5-Piece Drum Set with Cymbals 395.95 Picture
    Keyboards Pianos Roland RD-700SX Digital Piano 2195.00  
    Accessories Cables Mogami Gold AES/EBU Interconnect Cable with Neutrik XLR 45.85  
    Guitars Acoustic-Electric Ibanez V Series V70CE Dreadnought Cutaway Acoustic-Electric Guitar 225.50  
    Guitars Electric Schecter C-1 Hellraiser Electric Guitar 650.00 Picture
    Keyboards Synthesizers Roland V Synth GT Elastic Audio Synthesizer Keyboard 2895.50 Picture
    Bass Electric 5-String Fender Jazz Bass 24 V 5-String Bass Guitar 825.50 Picture
    Guitars Electric Fender Standard Stratocaster Left-Handed Electric Guitar 425.85 Picture
    Recording Microphone MXL V63M Studio Condenser Microphone 72.95 Picture
    Guitars Acoustic Yamaha FD01S Acoustic Folk Guitar 185.95  
    Book/CD/DVD Instructional Hal Leonard Amazing Phrasing - Alto Sax (Book/CD) 18.00  
    Guitars Classical & Nylon Alvarez Artist Series AC60S Classical Acoustic Guitar 275.95 Picture
    Guitars Acoustic Washburn D100DL Acoustic Guitar 150.50 Picture
    Drums Electronic Percussion Boss DR-670 Dr. Rhythm Drum Machine 275.85 Picture
    Recording Microphone Shure SM58 Mic 95.95 Picture
    Accessories Cables Live Wire HPE325 Headphone and Extension Cable 10.95 Picture
    Bass Acoustic Fretted Ibanez AEB10E Acoustic-Electric Bass Guitar with Onboard Tuner 350.00 Picture
    Drums World Percussion Latin Percussion Conga 3-Pack with Bongos 595.95 Picture
    Keyboards Synthesizers Roland JUNO-D 61-Key Synthesizer 595.95 Picture
    Drums World Percussion Latin Percussion Aspire Conga Set with Bongos and Stand 425.50 Picture
    Recording Microphone AKG Perception 200 Condenser Microphone 160.00 Picture
    Musical Instrument Store: Item Category
    Music Store
  77. Create a few customers' orders and click Save then New Order each time. Here are examples:
    Musical Instrument Store: Customer Order
    Musical Instrument Store: Customer Order
  78. Close the form and return to your programming environment

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