
File Processing Application: Sales Report



This example explores various apects of Microsoft Visual Basic, including its own support for file processing through its My namespace.


  Sales Report


Imports System.IO

Public Class Exercise
    REM We will use this class to hold information about a salesperson
    Private Class SalesPerson
        Public Name As String
        Public Amount As Decimal
    End Class

    Private Sub BtnOpen_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                              ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                              Handles BtnOpen.Click
        ' This variable will be used in a For loop
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim j As Integer
        ' This variable will be used to identify each line in the file
        Dim strLine As String
        ' This variable will be used to internally identify the parts in a line
        Dim LineOfRecord As String()
        ' This variable will hold the total sales
        Dim TotalSales As Decimal
        ' This is the name of the file
        Dim SalesReport As String

        ' This variable will hold the highest sale amount
        Dim HighestSale As Decimal
        ' This variable will hold the name of the person with the highest sale
        Dim HighestSalesPerson As String

        ' We will use a TextFieldParser object.
        ' We are using it because it can scan the file to identify a delimiter
        Dim SalesReader As FileIO.TextFieldParser

        Dim Slr As SalesPerson
        Dim InListAlready As Boolean
        Dim SalesPersons As List(Of SalesPerson)

        InListAlready = False
        SalesPersons = New List(Of SalesPerson)

        ' Initialize the variables
        TotalSales = 0
        HighestSale = 0
        HighestSalesPerson = ""
        SalesReport = "SalesData.txt"

        ' Initialize the opening of the file
        SalesReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFieldParser(SalesReport)
        ' Indicate that the file uses delimiters
        SalesReader.TextFieldType = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
        ' Indicate the type of delimiters that the file is using
        SalesReader.Delimiters = New String() {","}

        ' Scan the file to the end
        While Not SalesReader.EndOfData
            ' Use exception handling to handle exceptions, just in case
                ' Get a reference to an object of the list view
                Dim LviPerson As ListViewItem

                ' Read a line in the file
                strLine = SalesReader.ReadLine()
                ' Split the text in the line by delimiting the parts by commas
                LineOfRecord = strLine.Split(New [Char]() {","c})

                ' For each item in the line, ...
                For i = 0 To LineOfRecord.Length
                    ' ... create a list view object
                    LviPerson = New ListViewItem(LineOfRecord(i))
                    LviPerson.SubItems.Add(LineOfRecord(i + 1))
                    LviPerson.SubItems.Add(LineOfRecord(i + 2))
                    LviPerson.SubItems.Add(LineOfRecord(i + 3))
                    LviPerson.SubItems.Add(LineOfRecord(i + 4))
                    LviPerson.SubItems.Add((CInt(LineOfRecord(i + 3)) * CDbl(LineOfRecord(i + 4))).ToString("F"))
                    ' Show the (completed) object to the list view

                    ' Update the total sales
                    TotalSales += ((CInt(LineOfRecord(i + 3)) * CDbl(LineOfRecord(i + 4))))
            Catch ex As Exception

            End Try
        End While

        If LvwSalesPersons.Items.Count > 0 Then
            Dim ss As SalesPerson = Nothing

            For k As Integer = 0 To LvwSalesPersons.Items.Count - 1
                For Each s In SalesPersons
                    If s.Name.Equals(LvwSalesPersons.Items(k).SubItems(0).Text) Then REM Already in the list
                        ss = s
                        InListAlready = True
                        Exit For
                    End If

                If InListAlready = False Then
                    Slr = New SalesPerson
                    Slr.Name = LvwSalesPersons.Items(k).SubItems(0).Text
                    Slr.Amount = CDec(LvwSalesPersons.Items(k).SubItems(5).Text)
                    ss.Amount = ss.Amount + CDec(LvwSalesPersons.Items(k).SubItems(5).Text)

                End If

            Dim LviSummary As ListViewItem

            For j = 0 To SalesPersons.Count - 1
                LviSummary = New ListViewItem(SalesPersons(j).Name)

            For Each LviSummary In lvwSummarySales.Items
                If CDec(LviSummary.SubItems(1).Text) > HighestSale Then
                    HighestSale = CDec(LviSummary.SubItems(1).Text)
                    ss.Name = LviSummary.SubItems(0).Text
                    ss.Amount = HighestSale
                End If

            ' Show the total sales
            TxtTotalSales.Text = TotalSales.ToString("F")
            ' Display the name of the person with the highest sale
            TxtHighestSeller.Text = ss.Name REM HighestSalesPerson
            ' Display the amount of the highest sale
            TxtHighestSale.Text = ss.Amount.ToString("F")
        End If

    End Sub
End Class



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