Control |
Form |
Caption: Domba Ice Cream - New Customer Order |
Navigation Buttons: No |
Min Max Buttons: Min Enabled |
Combo Box |
Accompanying Label - Caption: Processed By |
Name: cboEmployeeID |
Row Source: SELECT DISTINCTROW Employees.EmployeeID, [FirstName] & " " & [LastName] AS Employee, Employees.Title FROM Employees; |
Column Count: 3 |
Column Widths: 0";1.25";1.5" |
Bound Column: 1 |
List Rows: 8 |
List Width: 2.75" |
Limit To List: Yes |
Text Box |
Accompanying Label - Caption: Order Date |
Name: txtOrderDate |
Format: Medium Date |
Input Mask: 99/99/0000;0;_ |
Text Box |
Accompanying Label - Caption: Week Day |
Name: txtDayOfWeek |
Text Box |
Accompanying Label - Caption: Order Time |
Name: txtOrderTime |
Format: Medium Time |
Input Mask: 00:00;0;_ |
Text Box |
Accompanying Label - Caption: Period of Day |
Name: txtPeriodOfDay |
Combo Box |
Accompanying Label - Caption: Container |
Name: cboContainerID |
Column Count: 2 |
Column Heads: Yes |
Column Widths: 0";1" |
Bound Column: 1 |
List Rows: 8 |
List Width: 1" |
Limit To List: Yes |
Text Box |
Accompanying Label - Caption: Scoops |
Name: txtScoops |
Combo Box |
Accompanying Label - Caption: Flavor |
Name: cboFlavorID |
Row Source: SELECT DISTINCTROW [Flavors].[FlavorID], [Flavors].[Flavor] FROM [Flavors]; |
Column Count: 2 |
Column Widths: 0";1.5" |
Bound Column: 1 |
List Rows: 8 |
List Width: 1.5" |
Limit To List: Yes |
Combo Box |
Accompanying Label - Caption: Ingredient |
Name: cboIngredientID |
Row Source: |
Column Count: 2 |
Column Widths: 0";1" |
Bound Column: 1 |
List Rows: 8 |
List Width: 1" |
Limit To List: Yes |
Text Box |
Accompanying Label - Caption: Notes |
Name: txtNotes |
Command Button |
Name: cmdSubmit |
Caption: Submit |
Command Button |
Name: cmdReset |
Caption: Reset |
Command Button |
Name: cmdClose |
Caption: Close |