To programmatically create a query using either the
Microsoft Access Object Library or DAO, you can use the CreateQueryDef()
method of the Database object. The syntax of this method is:
CreateQueryDef(NewQueryName, SQLStatement)
The first argument is the name you will give to the
new query. The second argument is a SQL statement that specifies the
contents of the query.
Once a query has been created and saved, it becomes a
database object like the others we have used so far. If a query exists
already, to use it, the user can open it like a table. To programmatically open a query, you can call the OpenQuery()
method of the DoCmd object. This method takes one string argument as the
name of the query.
Here is an example:
Private Sub cmdOpenVideoTitles_Click()
DoCmd.OpenQuery "VideoTitles"
End Sub
After using a query, the user can close it like a
regular window by clicking its system Close button. To programmatically
close a query, you can call the Close() method of the DoCmd object,
passing the first argument as acQuery and the second argument as the name
of the query. Here is an example:
Private Sub cmdCloseVideoTitles_Click()
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "VideoTitles"
End Sub
When this method is called, it checks whether the
query is opened. If a query with that name is opened, it would be closed.
If no query with that name is opened, nothing would happen.
Here is an example that creates a query after using a SELECT
statement to select the necessary fields from a table:
Private Sub cmdCreateQuery_Click()
Dim curDatabase As DAO.Database
Dim qryEmployees As DAO.QueryDef
Dim strStatement As String
' Get a reference to the current database
Set curDatabase = CurrentDb
strStatement = "SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Employees;"
' Create a new query named EmployeesInfo
Set qryEmployees = curDatabase.CreateQueryDef("EmployeesInfo", strStatement)
End Sub