Updating a Recordin ADO |
To update a record in the ADO library,
first locate the record. After identifying the record, call the Edit() method
of the Recordset
class. Here is an example:
Private Sub cmdMovePosition_Click()
Dim rstVideos As ADODB.Recordset
Dim fldEnumerator As ADODB.Field
Set rstVideos = New ADODB.Recordset
rstVideos.Open "Videos", CurrentProject.Connection, _
adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
' Scan the records from beginning to each
While Not rstVideos.EOF
' Check the current column
For Each fldEnumerator In rstVideos.Fields
' If the column is named Title
If fldEnumerator.Name = "Title" Then
' If the title of the current record is "Congo"
If fldEnumerator.Value = "Congo" Then
' then change its value
rstVideos("Director").Value = "Frank Marshall"
End If
End If
' Move to the next record and continue the same approach
Set rstVideos = Nothing
End Sub