
Creating a Table



To create a table in ADO, formulate a SQL statement that creates a table and let ADO execute it. To execute a SQL statement in ADO, call the Execute() method of the Connection class. Its syntax is:

Connection.Execute ExecString, RecordsAffected, Options 

In this syntax, the SQL statement that creates the database can be passed as the first argument. The other two arguments are optional. 


Here is an example that creates a simple table with one column:

Private Sub cmdCreateTable_Click()
    Dim conDatabase As ADODB.Connection
    Set conDatabase = CurrentProject.AccessConnection
    conDatabase.Execute "CREATE TABLE Employees(FirstName Text(50));"
End Sub

Here is an example that creates a table with two columns:

Private Sub cmdCreateTable_Click()
    Dim conDatabase As ADODB.Connection
    Set conDatabase = CurrentProject.AccessConnection
    conDatabase.Execute "CREATE TABLE Employees(FirstName Text(50), " & _
                        "                       Lastname Text(50));"
End Sub

In the same way, you can use any of the examples in the SQL section and pass one to the Execute() method.

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