  Microsoft Access



Microsoft Access is a development environment used to create computer-based databases. To complement it, it ships with a programming language called Visual Basic For Application (VBA) and various libraries. This ebook teaches how to develop computer databases using Microsoft Access.

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Table of Contents

1.   Introduction to VB Access 15. Introduction to Built-In Functions
2.   Objects Fundamentals 16. Strings
3.   Introduction to Collections 17. Querying a Database
4.   Data Types and Variables 18. Printing
5.   DAO, ADO, ADOX, and SQL 19. Relationships and Data Integrity
6.   Modules, Procedures, and Functions 20. Data Joins
7.   Conditional Statements 21. Details on Creating Queries
8.   Error Handling 22. Data Analysis
9.   The Tables of a Database 23. Queries-Based Functions
10. The Columns of a Table 24. Relationship-Based Operations
11. The Forms of an Application 25. Introduction to Record Sets
12. The Windows Controls of a Form 26. Operations on Record Sets
13. The Records of a Database 27. Data Views and Stored Procedures
14. Data Entry and Record Maintenance

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