CD Publisher



In this exercise, we will develop an application for a small CD publishing company. The owner wants the prices to be calculated so a customer would get a discount if he orders more. To attract customers and encourage them to order more, she has decided to fix the prices so that the customer would pay:

  • $20/CD if he orders less than 20 units
  • $15/CD if he orders less than 50 units
  • $12/CD if he orders less than 100 units
  • $8/CD if he orders less than 500 units
  • $5/CD if he orders more than 500 units
  1. Start Visual Studio
  2. Create a new Visual Basic Windows Application and name it CDPublisher
  3. Design the form as follows:
    CD Publisher Design
    Control Name Text Other Properties
    Label   Number of CDs:  
    NumericUpDown updQuantity   Maximum: 10000
    TextAlign: Center
    Label   Unit Price:  
    TextBox txtUnitPrice 0 TextAlign: Right
    Label   Total Price:  
    TextBox txtTotalPrice 0 TextAlign: Right
    Button btnClose Close  
  4. Double-click the Close button and implement it as follows:
    Private Sub btnClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
                               ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClose.Click
    End Sub
  5. Double-click the up down button to access its OnChange() event and implement it as follows:
    Private Sub updQuantity_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles updQuantity.ValueChanged
            Dim Quantity As Integer
            Dim UnitPrice, TotalPrice As Double
            Quantity = updQuantity.Value
            If Quantity < 20 Then
                UnitPrice = 20
            ElseIf Quantity < 50 Then
                UnitPrice = 15
            ElseIf Quantity < 100 Then
                UnitPrice = 12
            ElseIf Quantity < 500 Then
                UnitPrice = 8
                UnitPrice = 5
            End If
            TotalPrice = Quantity * UnitPrice
            txtUnitPrice.Text = UnitPrice.ToString("C")
            txtTotalPrice.Text = TotalPrice.ToString("C")
        End Sub
  6. Test the application
  7. Close it

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