1. Introduction to Databases |
21. Operations on SQL Variables |
2. Serialization |
22. SQL Expressions |
3. File-Based Databases |
23. Introduction to SQL Functions |
4. Introduction to
Collections |
24. A Review of Built-In SQL Functions |
5. Built-In Collection
Classes |
25. The Tables of a Database |
6. Dictionary-Based
Collections |
26. The Records of a Database |
7. Introduction to XML |
27. Assistance With Data Entry II |
8. Introduction to XML
Elements |
28. Database Visual Support |
9. Operations on XML
Elements |
29. Introduction to Data Selection |
10. Maintenance of XML
Elements |
30. Details on Data Selection |
11. Characteristics of XML
Nodes |
31. Operations on Data Selection |
12. XML Reading and Writing |
32. Relationships and Data Integrity |
13. Introduction to Data Sets
and Tables |
33. Data Binding |
14. The Columns of a Table |
34. Data Joins |
15. The Records of a Table |
16. Assistance With Data Entry
I |
36. Stored Procedures |
17. Data Relationships |
37. Techniques of Commanding a
Database |
18. Introduction to Microsoft
SQL Server |
38. Introduction to LINQ |
19. Introduction to ADO.NET |
39. The .NET Framework Support for the LINQ |
20. Introduction to SQL |