using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace CSharpKnowledge1
public partial class QuestionAnswer : Form
public int TotalNumberOfQuestions;
ArrayList lstNumbers;
int CurrentQuestion;
int QuestionCounter;
int CurrentNumberOfQuestions;
double Sum;
public QuestionAnswer()
void PresentQuestion(int qstNumber)
lblQuestion.Visible = true;
txtQuestion.Visible = true;
rdoAnswer1.Checked = false;
rdoAnswer2.Checked = false;
rdoAnswer3.Checked = false;
rdoAnswer4.Checked = false;
rdoAnswer5.Checked = false;
chkAnswer1.Checked = false;
chkAnswer2.Checked = false;
chkAnswer3.Checked = false;
chkAnswer4.Checked = false;
chkAnswer5.Checked = false;
switch (qstNumber)
case 1: // Single Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "Which one of the following was a new language " +
"addition to C# 2.0?";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = true;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = false;
rdoAnswer1.Text = "A. Arrays";
rdoAnswer2.Text = "B. The decimal data type";
rdoAnswer3.Text = "C. Generics";
rdoAnswer4.Text = "D. unions";
rdoAnswer5.Visible = false;
case 2: // Multiple Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "Select C# Keywords (Choose two)";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = false;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = true;
chkAnswer1.Text = "A. array";
chkAnswer2.Text = "B. abstract";
chkAnswer3.Text = "C. fixed";
chkAnswer4.Text = "D. nullptr";
chkAnswer5.Visible = true;
chkAnswer5.Text = "E. template";
case 3: // Single Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "What is wrong with the following code?" + Environment.NewLine +
"class Class" + Environment.NewLine +
"{" + Environment.NewLine +
" private void ShowMessage()" + Environment.NewLine +
" {" + Environment.NewLine +
" Console::WriteLine(\"Welcome to C# Programming\");" + Environment.NewLine +
" }" + Environment.NewLine +
grpSingleChoice.Visible = true;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = false;
rdoAnswer1.Text = "A. A class cannot be named Class";
rdoAnswer2.Text = "B. The creation of a class must end with a semi-colon";
rdoAnswer3.Text = "C. The ShowMessage() method must be declared static";
rdoAnswer4.Text = "D. The \"::\" operator is not valid";
rdoAnswer5.Visible = false;
case 4: // Single Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "Imagine you write code and include a backslash " +
"in a string, the compiler would try to " +
"find its equivalent escape sequence. If you " +
"want the compiler the consider the backslashes " +
"as normal characters, what symbol can you use " +
"in the beginning of the string?";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = true;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = false;
rdoAnswer1.Text = "A. #";
rdoAnswer2.Text = "B. @";
rdoAnswer3.Text = "C. &";
rdoAnswer4.Text = "D. ^";
rdoAnswer5.Visible = true;
rdoAnswer5.Text = "E. %";
case 5: // Multiple Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "What are the characteristics of the " +
"Main method? (Choose two)";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = false;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = true;
chkAnswer1.Text = "A. It must always return void";
chkAnswer2.Text = "B. It is always the first method inside the " +
"main class of a program";
chkAnswer3.Text = "C. It is the start and end point of a program";
chkAnswer4.Text = "D. It must always be passed an array of strings " +
"as in static void Main(string[] args)";
chkAnswer5.Visible = true;
chkAnswer5.Text = "E. It must be created inside of a class" +
"or a structure";
case 6: // Single Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "What is a contextual keyword?";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = true;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = false;
rdoAnswer1.Text = "A. A contextual keyword is a word that acts as " +
"a keyword depending on how it is used. For " +
"example the word \"value\" is a keyword in a set " +
"accessor of a property but, in a different " +
"context, you can declare a variable and " +
"name it \"value\"";
rdoAnswer2.Text = "B. A contextual keyword is one of the new " +
"keywords that were introduced in C# 2.0, such " +
"as \"generic\" or \"where\"";
rdoAnswer3.Text = "C. A contextual keyword is a word that is " +
"a keyword in another language of the .NET " +
"Framework and can be used as a keyword in a " +
"C# application";
rdoAnswer4.Text = "D. A contextual keyword is a special word " +
"used inside of an assembly to make a library " +
"created in C# compatible with an assembly " +
"created in another language of the .NET " +
"Framework, such as Microsoft Visual Basic 2005";
rdoAnswer5.Visible = false;
case 7: // Single Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "Imagine you have created a basic C# application " +
"using only the built-in libraries of the .NET Framework. " +
"If you want to distribute the application to a " +
"friend, what is the minimum action you must " +
"perform before delivering it";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = true;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = false;
rdoAnswer1.Text = "A. You must supply the csc compiler to the friend";
rdoAnswer2.Text = "B. You must access the friend's computer, recompile " +
"the application on that computer and install the " +
"CLR.dll on that other computer";
rdoAnswer3.Text = "C. Simply make sure the .NET Frameword is installed " +
"on the friend's computer. Then distribute your " +
rdoAnswer4.Text = "D. The only real requirement is to make sure that " +
"the friend's computer is running either Microsoft " +
"Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003";
rdoAnswer5.Visible = false;
case 8: // Single Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "How is the \"where\" keyword used??";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = true;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = false;
rdoAnswer1.Text = "A. To put a constraint in a generic";
rdoAnswer2.Text = "B. To show a restriction in a \"for\" loop";
rdoAnswer3.Text = "C. To indicate when \"value\" becomes a keyword";
rdoAnswer4.Text = "D. To indicate that a class is \"sealed\"";
rdoAnswer5.Visible = false;
case 9: // Multiple Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "What is wrong with the following code? " + Environment.NewLine +
"(Choose two)" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
"protected class Exercise" + Environment.NewLine +
"{" + Environment.NewLine +
" public static generic()" + Environment.NewLine +
" {" + Environment.NewLine +
" double x = 120.50f;" + Environment.NewLine +
" double y;" + Environment.NewLine +
" return x + y;" + Environment.NewLine +
" }" + Environment.NewLine +
grpSingleChoice.Visible = false;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = true;
chkAnswer1.Text = "A. The letter f in the initialization of " +
"the first variable must be replaced with d " +
"otherwise it would create a compile error";
chkAnswer2.Text = "B. The method doesn't return an appropriate " +
"value. The x + y return value must be cast " +
"to double. " +
"A solution would be return (double)(x + y);";
chkAnswer3.Text = "C. The variable y must be initialized " +
"before being used";
chkAnswer4.Text = "D. The method doesn't have a return type";
chkAnswer5.Visible = true;
chkAnswer5.Text = "E. Because \"generic\" is a keyword, no " +
"method can be named \"generic\"";
case 10: // Single Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "Imagine you have created a file in " +
"Notepad and saved it as \"Exercise.cs\". " +
"If you want to compile the project from " +
"the Command Prompt, what command would " +
"you issue?";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = true;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = false;
rdoAnswer1.Text = "A. csc Exercise.cs";
rdoAnswer2.Text = "B. CSharp Exercise.cs";
rdoAnswer3.Text = "C. msvs csc Exercise.cs";
rdoAnswer4.Text = "D. /csc Exercise.cs /target:executable";
rdoAnswer5.Visible = true;
rdoAnswer5.Text = "E. cs /Compile /Exercise.cs";
case 11: // Single Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "What is the difference between " +
"the \"else\" keyword and #else?";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = true;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = false;
rdoAnswer1.Text = "A. The \"else\" keyword is used in combination with " +
"the \"where\" keyword when creating a generic while " +
"#else is a preprocessor";
rdoAnswer2.Text = "B. The \"else\" keyword is used in a conditional statement " +
"with the \"if\" keyword but " +
"#else is a preprocessor";
rdoAnswer3.Text = "C. There is no actual difference between \"else\" " +
"and #else as long as \"else\" is used with \"if\" and " +
"#else is used with #if";
rdoAnswer4.Text = "D. The \"else\" keyword is used in a static method " +
"that returns a \"params\" value and " +
"#else is a preprocessor";
rdoAnswer5.Visible = false;
case 12: // Single Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "How do you define boxing?";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = true;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = false;
rdoAnswer1.Text = "A. Boxing a value allows it to be cast to an Object type";
rdoAnswer2.Text = "B. Boxing is used in an array to specify the " +
"value of an element";
rdoAnswer3.Text = "C. Boxing is a generic feature that indicates the " +
"base class of a derived type";
rdoAnswer4.Text = "D. Boxing is a technique of differentiating between " +
"a value type and a reference type";
rdoAnswer5.Visible = false;
rdoAnswer5.Text = "E. ";
case 13: // Multiple Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "Which two of the following are keywords in C#?";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = false;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = true;
chkAnswer1.Text = "A. internal";
chkAnswer2.Text = "B. fixed";
chkAnswer3.Text = "C. select";
chkAnswer4.Text = "D. final";
chkAnswer5.Visible = true;
chkAnswer5.Text = "E. asm";
case 14: // Single Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "What is a read-only property?";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = true;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = false;
rdoAnswer1.Text = "A. A read-only property is a property that defines " +
"only a get accessor and no set accessor";
rdoAnswer2.Text = "B. A read-only property is a property that defines " +
"only a set accessor and no get accessor";
rdoAnswer3.Text = "C. A read-only property is a property that defines " +
"only a let accessor without a met accessor";
rdoAnswer4.Text = "D. A read-only property is a property that defines " +
"only a met accessor without a let accessor";
rdoAnswer5.Visible = false;
case 15: // Single Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "What is a write-only property?";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = true;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = false;
rdoAnswer1.Text = "A. A write-only property is a property with only a get accessor";
rdoAnswer2.Text = "B. A write-only property is a property with only a set accessor";
rdoAnswer3.Text = "C. A write-only property is a property with only a let accessor";
rdoAnswer4.Text = "D. A write-only property is a property with only a met accessor";
rdoAnswer5.Visible = false;
case 16: // Multiple Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "In what circumstances are the square " +
"brackets ([]) used? (Choose three)";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = false;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = true;
chkAnswer1.Text = "A. In static methods";
chkAnswer2.Text = "B. With arrays";
chkAnswer3.Text = "C. In the \"throw\" block of an exception handling";
chkAnswer4.Text = "D. In attributes";
chkAnswer5.Visible = true;
chkAnswer5.Text = "E. As indexers";
case 17: // Multiple Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "Which ones of the following statements " +
"apply to C#? (Choose three)";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = false;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = true;
chkAnswer1.Text = "A. All structures are based on the Value structure";
chkAnswer2.Text = "B. Every C# application must contain at " +
"least one class";
chkAnswer3.Text = "C. As in C and C++, a class can be derived " +
"from a structure";
chkAnswer4.Text = "D. All classes are based on the object class";
chkAnswer5.Visible = true;
chkAnswer5.Text = "E. A structure may not declare a default constructor";
case 18: // Single Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "What is the difference between a ref " +
"and an out parameters?";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = true;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = false;
rdoAnswer1.Text = "A. A variable passed as a ref argument " +
"doesn't have to be initialized first but " +
"an argument passed as out must primarily " +
"be initialized";
rdoAnswer2.Text = "B. There is no actual difference between " +
"both keywords. Each is used to pass an " +
"argument by reference so the calling method " +
"can alter it";
rdoAnswer3.Text = "C. An argument passed as ref must be " +
"primarily initialized while a variable " +
"passed as an out argument doesn't have " +
"to be initialized first";
rdoAnswer4.Text = "D. When passing an argument as out, its " +
"method must be declared as static but a method " +
"that is passed a ref argument can return " +
"any value";
rdoAnswer5.Visible = false;
case 19: // Multiple Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "What are the differences between a class and a " +
"structure? (Choose two)";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = false;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = true;
chkAnswer1.Text = "A. Structures are considered value types while " +
"classes are reference types";
chkAnswer2.Text = "B. All structures are derived from the Value " +
"struct while all classes are based from the " +
"Object class";
chkAnswer3.Text = "C. A structure may not declare a default " +
"constructor but a class can contain a " +
"default constructor";
chkAnswer4.Text = "D. When a class is passed to a method, a copy " +
"of its value is made available to the method but " +
"when a structure is passed to a method, a " +
"reference of that structure is given to the method";
chkAnswer5.Visible = true;
chkAnswer5.Text = "A class can be created as generic but " +
"a structure cannot";
case 20: // Multiple Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "What are the two ways you can use the \"using\" keyword?";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = false;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = true;
chkAnswer1.Text = "A. To show that the following section is a conditional statement";
chkAnswer2.Text = "B. To indicate an indexed property in an internal class";
chkAnswer3.Text = "C. To create an alias for a namespace or a type";
chkAnswer4.Text = "D. To define a scope at the end of which an object would be deleted";
chkAnswer5.Visible = true;
chkAnswer5.Text = "E. To specify when an if...else conditional statement " +
"would contain a nested if...else statement";
case 21: // Single Answers
txtQuestion.Text = "How can the \"extern\" keyword be used?";
grpSingleChoice.Visible = true;
grpMultipleChoice.Visible = false;
rdoAnswer1.Text = "A. The \"extern\" keyword is used when creating " +
"a class in an assembly that would be used by a " +
"language other than C#, such as Visual Basic";
rdoAnswer2.Text = "B. The \"extern\" keyword is used in a derived " +
"generic class whose base class is not generic";
rdoAnswer3.Text = "C. The \"extern\" keyword in a structure " +
"indicates that the structure is based on the " +
"Object class instead of the ValueType structure";
rdoAnswer4.Text = "D. The \"extern\" keyword can be used to declare " +
"a method that is defined in an external library";
rdoAnswer5.Visible = false;
void CheckAnswer(int qstNumber)
switch (qstNumber)
case 1:
if (rdoAnswer1.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"Arrays are not a new addition in C#. They have " +
"been used in C# since the early implementations " +
"of the language");
else if (rdoAnswer2.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"The decimal, along with the double data types, " +
"has been part of C# since the beginning.");
else if (rdoAnswer3.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Right Answer =-=\n" +
"Generics have been added to support parameterized types in C#.");
else if (rdoAnswer4.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"Unions, a feature of C and C++, are not used in C#");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --");
case 2:
if ((chkAnswer2.Checked == true) && (chkAnswer3.Checked == true))
MessageBox.Show("=-= Correct =-=\n" +
"abstract and fixed are keywords of the C# language.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"In C++/CLI, array is a keyword but not in C#.\n" +
"nullptr is a keyword in C++/CLI, not in C#.\n" +
"template is a keyword in C++, not a keyword in C#.");
case 3:
if (rdoAnswer1.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("--- Wrong Answer ---\n" +
"Since C# is case-sensitive, the word Class (with C in " +
"uppercase) is not a keyword. This means that a class " +
"or a variable can be named Class");
else if (rdoAnswer2.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("--- Wrong Answer ---\n" +
"Although in C++ the creation of a class must " +
"end with a semi-colon, this is only optional in C#");
else if (rdoAnswer3.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("--- Wrong Answer ---\n" +
"The ShowMessage() doesn't have to be declared static");
else if (rdoAnswer4.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Correct Answer =-=\n" +
"Although valid in C++, the \"::\" operator is not used in C#.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --");
case 4:
if (rdoAnswer1.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Wrong Answer=-=\n" +
"The # symbol doesn't mean anything in the beginning of a string.");
else if (rdoAnswer2.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Right Answer=-=\n" +
"If you start a string with the @ symbol, the escape sequences in " +
"string would not be treated as such.");
else if (rdoAnswer3.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"The & character is used in Microsoft Visual Basic to concatenate " +
"a string but it doesn't play the same role in C#.");
else if (rdoAnswer4.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"The ^ symbol is not in C++/CLI to create a handle. In C#, this " +
"character is not used to ignore escape sequences in a string.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --");
case 5:
if ((chkAnswer3.Checked == true) && (chkAnswer5.Checked == true))
MessageBox.Show("=-= Right Answer =-=\n" +
"C. Correct: The Main() method holds the start and end point of a program.\n" +
"E. Correct: In C#, every method, including Main(), must be created in a class.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"A. Wrong: The Main() method doesn't have to always return void. It " +
"can return an int\n" +
"B. Wrong: Main() doesn't have to be the first method of its class. " +
"In fact, it can as well be the last." +
"D. Wrong: The Main() method can be implemented without any argument at all " +
"as in static void Main().");
case 6:
if (rdoAnswer1.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Right Answer=-=\n" +
"C# contextual keywords are get, partial, set, where, " +
"yield, and value.");
else if (rdoAnswer2.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"Contextual keywords were already available in the first " +
"implementation of C#, not an addition to the language.");
else if (rdoAnswer3.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"A contextual keyword has to do with its own language. It " +
"has nothing to do with another language.");
else if (rdoAnswer4.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Wrong Answer =-=\n" +
"Contextual keywords have nothing to do with assemblies, " +
"libraries, the .NET Framework, or Microsoft Visual Studio.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --");
case 7:
if (rdoAnswer1.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"Users of your application don't need the C# compiler " +
"to execute your application.");
else if (rdoAnswer2.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"Once your application has been compiled, you have an " +
"executable. There is no reason to recompile an " +
"application on the user's compiler.");
else if (rdoAnswer3.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Correct Answer =-=\n" +
"If you used only the built-in libraries of the .NET " +
"Framework when creating your application, to " +
"distribute it, make sure the .NET Framework is installed " +
"on the user's computer. If it's not, then you should " +
"install it or have the user install it. Once the other " +
"computer has the .NET Framework, you can install your " +
"application's executable and it would work fine.");
else if (rdoAnswer4.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"The operating system is not the major requirement for " +
"your application to run on a computer.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --");
case 8:
if (rdoAnswer1.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Correct Answer =-=\n" +
"\"where\" is a contextual keyword used in generics to " +
"express a constraint.");
else if (rdoAnswer2.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"The \"where\" contextual keyword and the \"for\" " +
"keywords have nothing to do with each other.");
else if (rdoAnswer3.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"The contextual keywords \"where\" and \"value\" don't " +
"have much in common.");
else if (rdoAnswer4.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"The \"where\" keyword doesn't specify whether a " +
"class is sealed or not.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --");
case 9:
if ((chkAnswer3.Checked == true) && (chkAnswer4.Checked == true))
MessageBox.Show("=-= Correct Answer =-=\n" +
"C. Before using a variable in C#, it must have " +
"been initialized first.\n" +
"D. This method doesn't specify its return type. " +
"The static keyword is not considered a return type.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"A: A double variable can be initialized with " +
"a value that ends with f or d. The f suffix " +
"would indicate to the compiler that the " +
"variable should be treated as a float.\n" +
"B: The method returns an appropriate value.\n" +
"E. In C#, \"generic\" is not a keyword. This " +
"means that a variable, a class or a method " +
"can be named \"generic\".");
case 10:
if (rdoAnswer1.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Correct Answer =-=\n" +
"The C# compiler of the .NET Framework " +
"is named csc and you can use it at the " +
"Command Prompt, followed by the name of " +
"the file, to compile it.");
else if (rdoAnswer2.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"The C# compiler is not named CSharp, and " +
"there is no command named CSharp.");
else if (rdoAnswer3.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"There is no such a compiler or parameter " +
"named msvs. Therefore, this command line " +
"is wrong.");
else if (rdoAnswer4.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"The command line used to compile a project " +
"doesn't start with a forward slash.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"That command line contains parameters that don't make sense.");
case 11:
if (rdoAnswer1.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"The word \"where\" is a contextual keyword and " +
"it has nothing to do with the \"else\" keyword.");
else if (rdoAnswer2.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Correct Answer =-=\n" +
"The \"if\" and the \"else\" keywords are used in " +
"conditional statements. #else is used as a preprocessor.");
else if (rdoAnswer3.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"There are many differences between \"else\" and #else.");
else if (rdoAnswer4.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"The \"else\" keyword has nothing to do with either how " +
"a static method behaves or what it returns. The " +
"params keyword has nothing to do with #else.");
case 12:
if (rdoAnswer1.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Correct Answer=-=\n" +
"Boxing is equivalent to casting a value to the Object class.");
else if (rdoAnswer2.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"Although it can be used with the value of an element " +
"of an array, there is no primary relationship between " +
"boxing and arrays.");
else if (rdoAnswer3.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"Boxing has nothing to do with generics and/or inheritance.");
else if (rdoAnswer1.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"Boxing is not particularly related to value or reference types.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --");
case 13:
if ((chkAnswer1.Checked == true) &&
(chkAnswer2.Checked == true))
MessageBox.Show("=-= Correct Answer=-=\n" +
"A. The internal keyword is used to control the " +
"the accessibility of a member of a class " +
"outside of its assembly\n" +
"B. The fixed keyword is used to inform the compiler " +
"that the garbage collector should not take the " +
"responsibility of deleting a variable.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"C. select is a keyword in Microsoft Visual Basic but " +
"not in C#\n" +
"D. final may be a keyword in Java and J# but is not " +
"in C#\n" +
"E. asm is a keyword in some implementations of C++ " +
"but it's not a keyword in C#.");
case 14:
if (rdoAnswer1.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Correct Answer =-=\n" +
"A read-only property defines only a \"get\" " +
else if (rdoAnswer2.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Wrong Answer =-=\n" +
"If a property defines a \"set\" accessor, " +
"then it cannot be considered read-only.");
else if (rdoAnswer3.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Wrong Answer =-=\n" +
"There is no such a thing as a let accessor in C#.");
else if (rdoAnswer4.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Wrong Answer =-=\n" +
"There is no such a thing as a met accessor in C#.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --");
case 15:
if (rdoAnswer1.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Wrong Answer =-=\n" +
"Once a property defines a \"get\" accessor, it cannot " +
"be considered a write-only property anymore.");
else if (rdoAnswer2.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Correct Answer =-=\n" +
"That's right. If a property defines only a \"set\" accessor, " +
"it is referred to as a write-only property.");
else if (rdoAnswer3.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Wrong Answer =-=\n" +
"There is no such a thing as a let accessor in C#.");
else if (rdoAnswer4.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Wrong Answer =-=\n" +
"There is no such a thing as a met accessor in C#.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --");
case 16:
if ((chkAnswer2.Checked == true) &&
(chkAnswer4.Checked == true) &&
(chkAnswer5.Checked == true))
MessageBox.Show("=-= Correct Answer =-=\n" +
"Square brackets \"[]\" are used" +
"\n\tdefine an array" +
"\n\tto implement an indexer" +
"\n\tto specify an attribute.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"A. Square brackets have nothing particular " +
"to do with static methods.\n" +
"C. Square brackets have no relationship with " +
"exception handling.");
case 17:
if ((chkAnswer2.Checked == true) &&
(chkAnswer4.Checked == true) &&
(chkAnswer5.Checked == true))
MessageBox.Show("=-= Correct Answer =-=\n" +
"B. Like in Java and J#, but unlike C++ and Visual Basic, " +
"in C#, every application must have at least one class.\n" +
"D. All classes are based on the object class.\n" +
"E. Unlike in C++, in C#, you cannot create a default " +
"constructor structure.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"A: There is no built-in Value structure in C#.\n" +
"C. Unlike in C++, in C#, a class or a structure " +
"cannot be derived from a structure.");
case 18:
if (rdoAnswer1.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"That's the exact opposite.");
else if (rdoAnswer2.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"Both keywords are used to pass an argument by " +
"reference but there are differences between them.");
else if (rdoAnswer3.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Correct Answer =-=\n" +
"That's true: you don't have to primarily " +
"initialize an argument that would be passed with " +
"with the out keyword but a variable passed as a " +
"ref argument must be initialized prior to passing " +
"it. In both cases, the argument is passed by " +
else if (rdoAnswer4.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"Passing an argument with the out or the ref " +
"keywords has nothing to do with the method being " +
"static or not.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --");
case 19:
if ((chkAnswer1.Checked == true) && (chkAnswer3.Checked == true))
MessageBox.Show("=-= Correct: A and D=-=\n" +
"A. A structure is referred to as a value type and, " +
"in fact, every structure in C# is derived from " +
"the ValueType class.\n" +
"C. If you create your own structure in a C# " +
"application, you cannot define a default " +
"constructor for your structure.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"B. There is no such a class named Value in the .NET " +
"Framework. Still, the built-in classes in C# are " +
"based on the Object class.\n" +
"D. To the contrary, a class is passed by reference but " +
"a structure is passed by value.\n" +
"E. A class or a structure can be created as a generic type.");
case 20:
if( (chkAnswer3.Checked == true) &&
(chkAnswer4.Checked == true) )
MessageBox.Show("=-= Right Answer =-=\n" +
"C. To create an alias for a namespace or a type\n" +
"D. To define a scope at the end of which an object would be deleted.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
"A. The \"using\" keyword is not necessarily used with " +
"a conditional statement.\n" +
"B. The \"using\" keyword has nothing particular to " +
"do with an indexed property.\n" +
"E. The \"using\" keyword has nothing to do with the " +
"if...else conditional statement.");
case 21:
if (rdoAnswer1.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("--- Wrong Answer ---\n" +
"To indicate that a member of an assembly that would be " +
"accessed or referenced outside of the assembly, you " +
"usually used the public keyword.");
else if (rdoAnswer2.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("--- Wrong Answer ---\n" +
"The \"extern\" keyword has nothing to do with " +
"generic classes.");
else if (rdoAnswer3.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("--- Wrong Answer ---\n" +
"This \"extern keyword has nothing to do with " +
"specifying whether a class is based on the " +
"Object class or or the ValueType structure.");
else if (rdoAnswer4.Checked == true)
MessageBox.Show("=-= Right Answer =-=\n" +
"The \"extern\" keyword is used to specify that " +
"a method is implemented externally. For example, " +
"you would use the \"extern\" keyword when " +
"declaring a Win32 function to use in your C# application.");
MessageBox.Show("-- Wrong Answer --\n" +
if (CurrentNumberOfQuestions == (TotalNumberOfQuestions + 1))
btnQuit_Click(null, null);
private void btnQuit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
double average = 1;
if (QuestionCounter != 0)
average = Sum / QuestionCounter;
string strCongratulations = "";
if (average >= 0.5)
strCongratulations = "\nCongratulations!";
MessageBox.Show("Total Number of Questions: " +
QuestionCounter.ToString() +
"\nNumber of Correct Answers: " +
Sum.ToString() +
"\nSuccess Rate: " +
(average * 100).ToString("F") +
" %\n" + strCongratulations);