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Data Entry With Windows Controls

Performing data entry to create new records using common Windows controls


Although data entry can be performed on a data grid, Microsoft Windows provides more professional objects to create new records. Because the Microsoft .NET Framework is so huge as a library and so powerful, there are various techniques you can use to perform data entry.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Performing Data Entry

  1. Open SQL Query Analyzer
  2. To create a new database, type the following
    	   FROM   master..sysdatabases 
    	   WHERE  name = N'Familia')
    	DROP DATABASE Familia
  3. Press F5 to execute the statement
  4. To create a new table in the above database, delete the above code and type the following:
    USE Familia
    	  FROM 	 sysobjects 
    	  WHERE  name = N'Genders' 
    	  AND 	 type = 'Genders')
        DROP TABLE Genders
    CREATE TABLE Genders (
    GenderID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY Identity(1, 1), 
    Gender Varchar(20) NOT NULL)
    INSERT INTO Genders (Gender) VALUES ('Unknown');
    INSERT INTO Genders (Gender) VALUES ('Female');
    INSERT INTO Genders (Gender) VALUES ('Male');
  5. Press F5 to execute the statement
  6. To create a new table in the above database, delete the above code and type the following:
    	  FROM 	 sysobjects 
    	  WHERE  name = N'Persons' 
    	  AND 	 type = 'Persons')
        DROP TABLE Persons
    CREATE TABLE Persons (
    PersonID int Primary Key NOT NULL Identity(1, 1), 
    FirstName Varchar(20) NULL,
    LastName Varchar(20) NOT NULL,
    GenderID int DEFAULT 1 REFERENCES Genders(GenderID),
    Notes Text)
    INSERT INTO Persons (FirstName, LastName, GenderID, Notes)
    VALUES('Massimo', 'Leandro', 2, 'One of the most hard working employees');
    INSERT INTO Persons (FirstName, LastName, GenderID, Notes)
    VALUES('Christina', 'Cassine', 1, 'Wonderful employees, always on time');
    INSERT INTO Persons (FirstName, LastName, GenderID, Notes)
    VALUES('Helene', 'Knowles', 1, 'Has been in the company for a while');
    INSERT INTO Persons (FirstName, LastName, GenderID, Notes)
    VALUES('Alan', 'Holmes', 3, '');
  7. Press F5 to execute the statement
  8. Open Visual C# and create a new Windows Application named DataEntry2
  9. From Server Explorer, open the server that holds the above database then expand the Familia database followed by the Tables node
  10. Click the Persons table to select. Press and hold Shift. Then click the Genders table and release Shift
  11. As both tables are selected, drag one of them and drop it on the form
  12. On the main menu, click Data -> Generate Dataset...
  13. While the New radio button is selected, change the name of the dataset to dsPersons
    Generate Dataset
  14. Click OK
  15. Using the controls on the Toolbox, design the form as follows:
    Control Text Name Additional Properties
    Label Person ID:    
    TextBox   txtPersonID TextAlign: Right
    ReadOnly: True
    Label First Name:    
    TextBox   txtFirstName  
    Label Last Name:    
    TextBox   txtLastName  
    Label Gender:    
    ComboBox   cboGenderID DropDownStyle: DropDownList
    Label Notes:    
    TextBox   txtNotes Multiline: True
    ScrollBars: Vertical
    Button New Record btnNewRecord  
    Button | < btnFirst  
    Button << btnPrevious  
    Button >> btnNext  
    Button > | btnLast  
    Button Close btnClose  
  16. Using the DataBindings and other fields of the Properties window, bind the controls as follows:
    Control Name DataBindings Other
    Type Value
    txtPersonID Text dsPersons1 - Persons.PersonID  
    txtFirstName Text dsPersons1 - Persons.FirstName  
    txtLastName Text dsPersons1 - Persons.LastName  
    cboGenderID SelectedValue dsPersons1 - Persons.GenderID DataSource: dsPersons1.Genders
    DisplayMember: Gender
    ValueMember: GenderID
    chkIsMarried Checked dsPersons1 - Persons.IsMarried  
    txtNotes Text dsPersons1 - Persons.Notes  
  17. Double-click an empty area of the form and change the Load event as follows:
    private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
  18. Press Ctrl + F5 to test the application
  19. After viewing the first record, close the form
  20. To allow the user to navigate through records, double-click the | <, <<, >>, and > | buttons
  21. Implement their events as follows:
    private void btnFirst_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    			this.BindingContext[this.dsPersons1, "Persons"].Position = 0;
    		private void btnPrevious_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    			this.BindingContext[this.dsPersons1, "Persons"].Position = 
    				this.BindingContext[this.dsPersons1, "Persons"].Position - 1;
    		private void btnNext_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    			this.BindingContext[this.dsPersons1, "Persons"].Position = 
    				this.BindingContext[this.dsPersons1, "Persons"].Position + 1;
    		private void btnLast_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    			this.BindingContext[this.dsPersons1, "Persons"].Position = 
    				this.BindingContext[this.dsPersons1, "Persons"].Count - 1;
  22. Test the application and navigate through records back and forth
  23. Close the form
  24. To allow the user to create a new record, double-click the New Record button 
  25. On the form, double the Close button
  26. Implement both events as follows:
    using System;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Data;
    namespace DataEntry2
    	/// <summary>
    	/// Summary description for Form1.
    	/// </summary>
    	public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
    		. . .
    		/// <summary>
    		/// The main entry point for the application.
    		/// </summary>
    		static void Main() 
    			Application.Run(new Form1());
    		private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    		private void btnFirst_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    			this.BindingContext[this.dsPersons1, "Persons"].Position = 0;
    		private void btnPrevious_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    			this.BindingContext[this.dsPersons1, "Persons"].Position = 
    				this.BindingContext[this.dsPersons1, "Persons"].Position - 1;
    		private void btnNext_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    			this.BindingContext[this.dsPersons1, "Persons"].Position = 
    				this.BindingContext[this.dsPersons1, "Persons"].Position + 1;
    		private void btnLast_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    			this.BindingContext[this.dsPersons1, "Persons"].Position = 
    				this.BindingContext[this.dsPersons1, "Persons"].Count - 1;
    		private void btnNewRecord_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    		// We will use the same button to create a new record and update it
    		// Find out what is the current state of the button
    		if( this.btnNewRecord.Text.Equals("New Record") )
    			// Since the user clicked the New Record button, prepare to create a new record
    			// We are using exception handling in case something goes wrong
    				this.BindingContext[this.dsPersons1, "Persons"].EndCurrentEdit();
    				this.BindingContext[this.dsPersons1, "Persons"].AddNew();
    			// Since the fields are now empty, give focus to the first control that can be edited
    		// Since the user is currently creating a new record, change the caption of the button
    				this.btnNewRecord.Text = "Update";
    			}// Did something go wrong?
    			catch(System.Exception eEdit)
    		else // Since the user is ready with a new record, acknowledge it
    			// Update the whole data set
    			// Behave as if we were moving to the last record
    			btnLast_Click(sender, e);
    		// Since the new record has been added, change the caption of the New Record button
    			this.btnNewRecord.Text = "New Record";
    	private void btnClose_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
  27. Execute the application and click the New Record button
  28. Enter a new record and click Update
  29. Close the form

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