
Example Application: Car Inventory



This application is used to review a list of objects; in this case, the objects are cars. The application uses two track bars.


ApplicationApplication: Creating the Application

  1. Start a new Windows Application named CarInventory1
  2. Copy the pictures of the cars and paste them in the CarInventory1\CarInventory1\bin\debug folder of the current project
  3. On the main menu, click Project -> Add Class...
  4. Set the Name to Car and click Add
  5. Create the following members of the class:
    using System;
    namespace CarInventory1
        public class Car
            public string Make;
            public string Model;
            public int Year;
            public double Price;
            public string Picture;
  6. Design the form as follows:
    Car Inventory: Form Design
    Control Text Name Additional Properties
    GroupBox Car Description    
    Label Make:    
    TextBox Honda txtMake  
    Label Model:    
    TextBox   txtModel  
    Label Year:    
    TextBox   txtYear TextAlign: Right
    Label Price:    
    TextBox   txtPrice TextAlign: Right
    PictureBox   pbxCarImage SizeMode: CenterImage
    TrackBar   tbrImages Orientation: Vertical
    TrackBar   tbrReview  
    Button Close btnClose  
  7. On the form, double-click the bottom track bar
  8. Return to the form and double-click the right track bar
  9. Return to the form
  10. On the form, click the right track bar
  11. In the Properties window, click TickStyle and select Both from its combo box
  12. On the form, click the bottom track bar
  13. In the Properties window, click TickStyle and select TopLeft from its combo box
  14. Double-click an unoccupied of the form
  15. Return to the form and double-click the Close button
  16. Change the file as follows:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    namespace CarInventory1
        public partial class Form1 : Form
            int ReviewPosition;
            Car[] Cars = new Car[15];
            // We will not use the commented arrays.
            // They are only mentioned here for reference
            string[] pictures0;
            string[] pictures1 = new string[5];
            string[] pictures2 = new string[3];
            //string[] pictures3  = new string[0];
            string[] pictures4 = new string[3];
            string[] pictures5 = new string[3];
            string[] pictures6 = new string[3];
            //string[] pictures7  = new string[0];
            //string[] pictures8  = new string[0];
            //string[] pictures9 = new string[0];
            string[] pictures10 = new string[3];
            string[] pictures11 = new string[4];
            //string[] pictures12 = new string[0];
            string[] pictures13 = new string[7];
            string[] pictures14 = new string[2];
            public Form1()
            private void tbrReview_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // Get the index of the current value of the track bar
                ReviewPosition = tbrReview.Value;
                // Based on the current index, retrieve the values of the
                // current car and assign each to the corresponding control 
                txtMake.Text = Cars[ReviewPosition].Make;
                txtModel.Text = Cars[ReviewPosition].Model;
                txtYear.Text = Cars[ReviewPosition].Year.ToString();
                txtPrice.Text = Cars[ReviewPosition].Price.ToString();
                pbxCarImage.Image = Image.FromFile(Cars[ReviewPosition].Picture);
                // To make the right track bar aware of the number
                // of pictures of each car, set its maximum property
                // according to the number of pictures (- 1)
                switch (ReviewPosition)
                    case 0:
                        tbrImages.Maximum = 8;
                    case 1:
                        tbrImages.Maximum = 5;
                    case 2:
                        tbrImages.Maximum = 3;
                    case 3:
                        tbrImages.Maximum = 0;
                    case 4:
                        tbrImages.Maximum = 3;
                    case 5:
                        tbrImages.Maximum = 3;
                    case 6:
                        tbrImages.Maximum = 3;
                    case 7:
                        tbrImages.Maximum = 0;
                    case 8:
                        tbrImages.Maximum = 0;
                    case 9:
                        tbrImages.Maximum = 0;
                    case 10:
                        tbrImages.Maximum = 3;
                    case 11:
                        tbrImages.Maximum = 4;
                    case 12:
                        tbrImages.Maximum = 0;
                    case 13:
                        tbrImages.Maximum = 7;
                    case 14:
                        tbrImages.Maximum = 1;
                tbrImages.Value = 0;
            private void tbrImages_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // Check the position of the bottom track bar
                // Then, use the value of the right track bar
                // to locate the right picture
                switch (ReviewPosition)
                    case 0:
                        pbxCarImage.Image = Image.FromFile(pictures0[tbrImages.Value]);
                    case 1:
                        pbxCarImage.Image = Image.FromFile(pictures1[tbrImages.Value]);
                    case 2:
                        pbxCarImage.Image = Image.FromFile(pictures2[tbrImages.Value]);
                    case 4:
                        pbxCarImage.Image = Image.FromFile(pictures4[tbrImages.Value]);
                    case 5:
                        pbxCarImage.Image = Image.FromFile(pictures5[tbrImages.Value]);
                    case 6:
                        pbxCarImage.Image = Image.FromFile(pictures6[tbrImages.Value]);
                    case 10:
                        pbxCarImage.Image = Image.FromFile(pictures10[tbrImages.Value]);
                    case 11:
                        pbxCarImage.Image = Image.FromFile(pictures11[tbrImages.Value]);
                    case 13:
                        pbxCarImage.Image = Image.FromFile(pictures13[tbrImages.Value]);
                    case 14:
                        pbxCarImage.Image = Image.FromFile(pictures14[tbrImages.Value]);
            private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // Create the list of cars
                Cars[0] = new Car();
                Cars[0].Make = "BMW";
                Cars[0].Model = "335i";
                Cars[0].Year = 2007;
                Cars[0].Price = 42580;
                Cars[0].Picture = "335iA.gif";
                Cars[1] = new Car();
                Cars[1].Make = "Honda";
                Cars[1].Model = "Accord";
                Cars[1].Year = 2007;
                Cars[1].Price = 24550;
                Cars[1].Picture = "Accord1.gif";
                Cars[2] = new Car();
                Cars[2].Make = "Chevrolet";
                Cars[2].Model = "Avalanche";
                Cars[2].Year = 2007;
                Cars[2].Price = 36880;
                Cars[2].Picture = "Avalanche1.gif";
                Cars[3] = new Car();
                Cars[3].Make = "Volvo";
                Cars[3].Model = "C70";
                Cars[3].Year = 1997;
                Cars[3].Price = 42320;
                Cars[3].Picture = "C70.gif";
                Cars[4] = new Car();
                Cars[4].Make = "Land Rover";
                Cars[4].Model = "LR3";
                Cars[4].Year = 2007;
                Cars[4].Price = 46245;
                Cars[4].Picture = "LR3a.gif";
                Cars[5] = new Car();
                Cars[5].Make = "Honda";
                Cars[5].Model = "Civic";
                Cars[5].Year = 2000;
                Cars[5].Price = 22665;
                Cars[5].Picture = "Civic1.gif";
                Cars[6] = new Car();
                Cars[6].Make = "Mazda";
                Cars[6].Model = "Mazda5";
                Cars[6].Year = 2007;
                Cars[6].Price = 20845;
                Cars[6].Picture = "Mazda5a.gif";
                Cars[7] = new Car();
                Cars[7].Make = "Ford";
                Cars[7].Model = "Escape";
                Cars[7].Year = 1997;
                Cars[7].Price = 22445;
                Cars[7].Picture = "Escape.gif";
                Cars[8] = new Car();
                Cars[8].Make = "Acura";
                Cars[8].Model = "TSX";
                Cars[8].Year = 2006;
                Cars[8].Price = 26445;
                Cars[8].Picture = "TSX.gif";
                Cars[9] = new Car();
                Cars[9].Make = "Mazda";
                Cars[9].Model = "Miata";
                Cars[9].Year = 2008;
                Cars[9].Price = 24180;
                Cars[9].Picture = "Miata.gif";
                Cars[10] = new Car();
                Cars[10].Make = "Ford";
                Cars[10].Model = "F-150";
                Cars[10].Year = 2006;
                Cars[10].Price = 20475;
                Cars[10].Picture = "F150a.gif";
                Cars[11] = new Car();
                Cars[11].Make = "Volvo";
                Cars[11].Model = "S40";
                Cars[11].Year = 2008;
                Cars[11].Price = 25285;
                Cars[11].Picture = "S40a.gif";
                Cars[12] = new Car();
                Cars[12].Make = "BMW";
                Cars[12].Model = "750i";
                Cars[12].Year = 2007;
                Cars[12].Price = 88925;
                Cars[12].Picture = "750Li.gif";
                Cars[13] = new Car();
                Cars[13].Make = "Buick";
                Cars[13].Model = "LaCrosse";
                Cars[13].Year = 2002;
                Cars[13].Price = 28685;
                Cars[13].Picture = "LaCrosse1.gif";
                Cars[14] = new Car();
                Cars[14].Make = "Ford";
                Cars[14].Model = "E-150 XL";
                Cars[14].Year = 2002;
                Cars[14].Price = 26660;
                Cars[14].Picture = "E150XLa.gif";
                // Create the list of pictures for each car
                pictures0 = new string[9]
                    "335iA.gif", "335iB.gif", "335iC.gif",
                    "335iD.gif", "335iE.gif", "335iF.gif",
                    "335iG.gif", "335iH.gif", "335iI.gif"
                pictures1 = new string[]
                    "Accord1.gif", "Accord2.gif", "Accord3.gif",
                    "Accord4.gif", "Accord5.gif", "Accord6.gif"
                pictures2 = new string[]
                    "Avalanche1.gif", "Avalanche2.gif",
                    "Avalanche3.gif", "Avalanche4.gif"
                pictures4 = new string[]
                    "LR3a.gif", "LR3b.gif",
                    "LR3b.gif", "LR3d.gif"
                pictures5 = new string[]
                    "Civic1.gif", "Civic2.gif",
                    "Civic3.gif", "Civic4.gif"
                pictures6 = new string[]
                    "Mazda5a.gif", "Mazda5b.gif",
                    "Mazda5c.gif", "Mazda5d.gif"
                pictures10 = new string[]
                    "F150a.gif", "F150b.gif",
                    "F150c.gif", "F150d.gif"
                pictures11 = new string[]
                    "S40a.gif", "S40b.gif",
                    "S40c.gif", "S40d.gif", "S40e.gif"
                pictures13 = new string[]
                    "LaCrosse1.gif", "LaCrosse2.gif", "LaCrosse3.gif",
                    "LaCrosse4.gif", "LaCrosse5.gif", "LaCrosse6.gif",
                    "LaCrosse7.gif", "LaCrosse8.gif"
                pictures14 = new string[]
                    "E150XLa.gif", "E150XLb.gif"
                // Call the Scroll event of the bottom track bar
                // as if it had been scrolled
                tbrReview_Scroll(sender, e);
            private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // Close the application
  17. Execute the application and test the track bar:
    Car Inventory
    Car Inventory
    Car Inventory
  18. Close the form and return to your programming environment

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