
Introduction to File Processing


Overview of File Processing and Definitions



In Lesson 2, we saw that a piece of information used in an application is primarily represented as a group of bits. So far, if we requested information from the user, when the application exited, we lost all information that the user had entered. This is because such information was only temporarily stored in the random access memory (RAM).

In some cases, you will want to "keep" information that the user has entered so you can make the same values available the next time the user opens the application. In some other cases, whether you request information from the user or inherently provide it to the user, you may want different people working from different computers to use or share the same data. In these and other scenarios, you must store the information somewhere and retrieve it when necessary. This is the basis of file processing.


A file is a series of bytes of data that are arranged in a particular way to produce a usable document. For easy storage, location, and management, the bytes are stored on a medium such as a hard disc, a floppy disc, a compact disc, or any valid and support type of storage. When these bytes belong to a single but common entity and hold values that are stored on a medium, the group is referred to as a file. For even greater management, files can be stored in a parent object called a directory or a folder. Since a file is a unit of storage and it stores information, it has a size, which is the number of bits it uses to store its values. To manage it, a file has a location also called a path that specifies where and/or how the file can be retrieved. Also, for better management, a file has attributes that indicate what can be done on the file or that provide specific information that the programmer or the operating system can use when dealing with the file.


File processing consists of creating, storing, and/or retrieving the contents of a file from a recognizable medium. For example, it is used to save word-processed files to a hard drive, to store a presentation on floppy disk, or to open a file from a CD-ROM. A stream is the technique or means of performing file processing. In order to manage files stored in a computer, each file must be able to provide basic pieces of information about itself. This basic information is specified when the file is created but can change during the life time of a file.

To create a file, a user must first decide where it would be located: this is a requirement. A file can be located on the root drive. Alternatively, a file can be positioned inside of an existing folder. Based on security settings, a user may not be able to create a file just anywhere in the (file system of the) computer. Once the user has decided where the file would reside, there are various means of creating files that the users are trained to use. When creating a file, the user must give it a name following the rules of the operating system combined with those of the file system. The most fundamental piece of information a file must have is a name.

Once the user has created a file, whether the file is empty or not, the operating system assigns basic pieces of information to it. Once a file is created, it can be opened, updated, modified, renamed, etc.

Streaming Prerequisites



To support file processing, the .NET Framework provides the System.IO namespace that contains many different classes to handle almost any type of file operation you may need to perform. Therefore, to perform file processing, include the System.IO namespace in your calls.

The parent class of file processing is Stream. With Stream, you can store data to a stream or you can retrieve data from a stream. Stream is an abstract class, which means that you cannot use it to declare a variable in your application. As an abstract class, Stream is used as the parent of the classes that actually implement the necessary operations. You will usually use a combination of classes to perform a typical operation. For example, some classes are used to create a stream object while some others are used to write data to the created stream.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing Streaming

  1. Start Notepad and type the following in the empty file:
    ' This class is used to create and manage an ice cream
    ' and to process an order
    Public NotInheritable Class IceCream
        ' This is the base price of an ice cream
        ' Optional values may be added to it
        Public Const BasePrice As Double = 1.55
        ' These arrays are used to build the components of various ice creams
        ' In C#, we can allocate an array's memory in the body of the class
        Private Flavors As Collection
        Private Containers As Collection
        Private Ingredients As Collection
        ' Additional factor used to process an ice cream order
        Private Scoops As Integer
        Private TotalPrice As Double
        ' Variables that will hold the user's choice
        ' These are declared "globally" so they can be shared among methods
        Dim ChoiceFlavor As Integer
        Dim ChoiceContainer As Integer
        Dim ChoiceIngredient As Integer
        ' This default constructor is the best place for us to initialize the array
        Public Sub New()
            Flavors = New Collection
            Flavors.Add("Cream of Cocoa")
            Flavors.Add("Chocolate Chip")
            Flavors.Add("Organic Strawberry")
            Flavors.Add("Butter Pecan")
            Flavors.Add("Cherry Coke")
            Flavors.Add("Chocolate Brownies")
            Flavors.Add("Caramel Au Lait")
            Flavors.Add("Chunky Butter")
            Flavors.Add("Chocolate Cookie")
            Ingredients = New Collection
            Ingredients.Add("No Ingredient")
            Ingredients.Add("M & M")
            Containers = New Collection
        End Sub
        ' This method requests a flavor from the user and returns the choice
        Public Sub ChooseFlavor()
            ' Make sure the user selects a valid number that represents a flavor...
                ' In case the user types a symbol that is not a number
                    Console.WriteLine("What type of flavor do you want?")
                    For i As Integer = 1 To Flavors.Count Step 1
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", i, Flavors(i))
                    Console.Write("Your Choice? ")
                    ChoiceFlavor = CInt(Console.ReadLine())
                Catch ex As InvalidCastException ' display an appropriate message
                    Console.WriteLine("You must enter a valid number " & _
    			  "and no other character!")
                End Try
                ' If the user typed an invalid number out of the allowed range
                ' let him or her know and provide another chance
                If ChoiceFlavor < 1 Or ChoiceFlavor > Flavors.Count Then
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Choice - Try Again!" & vbCrLf)
                End If
            Loop While ChoiceFlavor < 1 Or ChoiceFlavor > Flavors.Count
        End Sub
        ' This method allows the user to select a container
        Public Sub ChooseContainer()
            ' Make sure the user selects a valid number that represents a container
                ' If the user types a symbol that is not a number
                    Console.WriteLine("What type of container do you want?")
                    For i As Integer = 1 To Containers.Count Step 1
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", i, Containers(i))
                    Console.Write("Your Choice? ")
                    ChoiceContainer = CInt(Console.ReadLine())
                Catch ex As InvalidCastException
                    Console.WriteLine("You must enter a valid number " & _
    			  "and no other character!")
                End Try
                ' If the user typed an invalid number out of the allowed range
                ' let him or her know and provide another chance
                If ChoiceContainer < 1 Or ChoiceContainer > Containers.Count Then
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Choice - Try Again!")
                End If
            Loop While ChoiceContainer < 1 Or ChoiceContainer > Containers.Count
        End Sub
        Public Sub ChooseIngredient()
                    Console.WriteLine("Do you want an ingredient or not")
                    For i As Integer = 1 To Ingredients.Count Step 1
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", i, Ingredients(i))
                    Console.Write("Your Choice? ")
                    ChoiceIngredient = CInt(Console.ReadLine())
                Catch ex As InvalidCastException
                    Console.WriteLine("You must enter a valid number " & _
    			  "and no other character!")
                End Try
                If ChoiceIngredient < 1 Or _
    	       ChoiceIngredient > Ingredients.Count Then
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Choice - Try Again!")
                End If
            Loop While ChoiceIngredient < 1 Or _
    		   ChoiceIngredient > Ingredients.Count
        End Sub
        Public Sub SpecifyNumberOfScoops()
                    Console.Write("How many scoops(1, 2, or 3)? ")
                    Scoops = CInt(Console.ReadLine())
                Catch ex As InvalidCastException
                    Console.WriteLine("You must enter a valid number " & _
    			  "and no other character!")
                End Try
                If Scoops < 1 Or Scoops > 3 Then
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Choice - Try Again!")
                End If
            Loop While Scoops < 1 Or Scoops > 3
        End Sub
        ' This method is used to process a customer order
        ' It uses the values of the above methods
        Public Sub ProcessAnOrder()
            Dim PriceIngredient As Double
            Dim PriceScoop As Double
            ' Let the user know that this is a vending machine
            Console.WriteLine("Ice Cream Vending Machine")
            ' Let the user select the components of the ice cream
            ' If the user selects an ingredient instead of "No Ingredient",
            ' add $0.50 to the order
            If ChoiceIngredient = 2 Or _
    	   ChoiceIngredient = 3 Or _
    	   ChoiceIngredient = 4 Then
                PriceIngredient = 0.5
                PriceIngredient = 0.0
            End If
            ' Instead of multiplying a number scoops to a value,
            ' We will use an incremental value depending on the number of scoops
            If Scoops = 1 Then
                PriceScoop = 0.65
            ElseIf Scoops = 2 Then
                PriceScoop = 1.05
                PriceScoop = 1.55
            End If
            ' Calculate the total price of the ice cream
            TotalPrice = BasePrice + PriceScoop + PriceIngredient
            ' Create the ice cream...
            ' And display a receipt to the user
        End Sub
        ' This method is used to display a receipt to the user
        Public Sub DisplayReceipt()
            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Ice Cream Order")
            Console.WriteLine("Flavor:      {0}", Flavors(ChoiceFlavor))
            Console.WriteLine("Container:   {0}", Containers(ChoiceContainer))
            Console.WriteLine("Ingredient:  {0}", Ingredients(ChoiceIngredient))
            Console.WriteLine("Scoops:      {0}", Scoops)
            Console.WriteLine("Total Price: {0:C}" & vbCrLf, TotalPrice)
        End Sub
    End Class
  2. Save the file in a new folder named IceCream4
  3. Save the file itself as IceCream.vb in the IceCream4 folder
  4. Start a new instance of Notepad and type the following in it:
    Imports System
    Public Class Exercise
        Public Shared Sub main()
            Dim IC As IceCream = New IceCream
        End Sub
    End Class
  5. Save the file as Exercise.vb in the IceCream4 folder
  6. Open the Command Prompt and change to the directory that contains the above Exercise.vb file
  7. To compile it, type vbc /out:"Ice Cream Vending Machine".exe IceCream.vb Exercise.vb and press Enter
  8. To execute it, type "Ice Cream Vending Machine" and press Enter. Here is an example:
    Ice Cream Vending Machine
    What type of flavor do you want?
    1 - Vanilla
    2 - Cream of Cocoa
    3 - Chocolate Chip
    4 - Organic Strawberry
    5 - Butter Pecan
    6 - Cherry Coke
    7 - Chocolate Brownies
    8 - Caramel Au Lait
    9 - Chunky Butter
    10 - Chocolate Cookie
    Your Choice? 8
    What type of container do you want?
    1 - Cone
    2 - Cup
    3 - Bowl
    Your Choice? 0
    Invalid Choice - Try Again!
    What type of container do you want?
    1 - Cone
    2 - Cup
    3 - Bowl
    Your Choice? -1
    Invalid Choice - Try Again!
    What type of container do you want?
    1 - Cone
    2 - Cup
    3 - Bowl
    Your Choice? 1
    Do you want an ingredient or not
    1 - No Ingredient
    2 - Peanuts
    3 - M & M
    4 - Cookies
    Your Choice? 5
    Invalid Choice - Try Again!
    Do you want an ingredient or not
    1 - No Ingredient
    2 - Peanuts
    3 - M & M
    4 - Cookies
    Your Choice? 4
    How many scoops(1, 2, or 3)? 2
    Ice Cream Order
    Flavor:      Caramel Au Lait
    Container:   Cone
    Ingredient:  Cookies
    Scoops:      2
    Total Price: $3.10
  9. Return to the IceCream.vb file

The Name of a File

Before performing file processing, one of your early decisions will consist of specifying the type of operation you want to conduct. For example, you may want to create a brand new file. You may want to open an existing file. Or you may want to perform a routine operation on a file. In all or most cases, whether you are creating a new file or manipulating an existing one, you must specify the name of the file. You can do this by declaring a string variable but most classes uses to create a stream as we will learn later can take a string that represents the file.

If you are creating a new file, there are certainly some rules you must observe. The name of a file follows the directives of the operating system. On MS DOS and Windows 3.X (that is, prior to Microsoft Windows 9X), the file had to use the 8.3 format. The actual name had to have a maximum of 8 characters with restrictions on the characters that could be used. The user also had to specify three characters after a period. The three characters, known as the file extension, were used by the operating system to classify the file. That was all necessary for those 8-bit and 16-bit operating systems. Various rules have changed. For example, the names of folders and files on Microsoft Windows >= 95 can have up to 255 characters. The extension of the file is mostly left to the judgment of the programmer but the files are still using extensions. Applications can also be configured to save different types of files that is, files with different extensions.

Author Note At the time of this writing, the rules for file names for Microsoft Windows were on the MSDN web site at Windows Development\Windows Base Services\Files and I/O\SDK Documentation\Storage\Storage Overview\File Management\Creating, Deleting, and Maintaining Files\Naming a File (because it is a web site and not a book, its pages can change anytime).

Based on this, if you declare a string variable to hold the name of the file, you can simply initialize the variable with the necessary name and its extension. Here is an example:

Imports System

Public Class Exercise
    Public Shared Sub main()
        Dim NameOfFile As String = "Employees.spr"

    End Sub
End Class

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Specifying the Name of a File

  1. Access the IceCream.vb file and add a new public method named SaveOrder of type sub:
    ' This class is used to create and manage an ice cream
    ' and to process an order
    Public NotInheritable Class IceCream          
        . . . No Change 
        ' This method is used to display a receipt to the user
        Public Sub DisplayReceipt()
            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Ice Cream Order")
            Console.WriteLine("Flavor:      {0}", Flavors(ChoiceFlavor))
            Console.WriteLine("Container:   {0}", Containers(ChoiceContainer))
            Console.WriteLine("Ingredient:  {0}", Ingredients(ChoiceIngredient))
            Console.WriteLine("Scoops:      {0}", Scoops)
            Console.WriteLine("Total Price: {0:C}" & vbCrLf, TotalPrice)
        End Sub
        Public Sub Save()
            Dim NameOfFile As String
            Console.Write("Please enter your initials or the name we " & _
    			  "will use to remember your order: ")
            NameOfFile = Console.ReadLine()
        End Sub
    End Class
  2. Save the file
  3. Access the Exercise.vb file and change it as follows:
    Imports System
    Public Class Exercise
        Public Shared Sub main()
            Dim IC As IceCream = New IceCream
            Dim Answer As String
            Console.Write("Do you want us to remember this order the next " & _
    			  "time you come to get your ice cream (y/n)? ")
            Answer = Console.ReadLine()
            If Answer = "y" Or Answer = "Y" Then
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class
  4. Save the file
  5. Compile and execute it



The Path to a File

If you declare a string as above, the file will be created in the folder of the application. Otherwise, you can create your new file anywhere on a medium such as the hard drive. To do that, you must provide a complete path where the file will reside. A path is a string that specifies the drive (such as A:, C:, or D:). The sections of a complete path as string are separated by a backslash. For example, a path can the made of a folder followed by the name of the file. An example would be


A path can also consist of a drive followed by the name of the folder in which the file will be created. Here is an example:

C:\Program Files\Palermo.tde

A path can also indicate that the file will be created in a folder that itself is inside of another folder. In this case, remember that the names of folders must be separated by backslashes. In the same way, you can declare a string variable to represent the name of an existing file that you plan to use in your program. You can also represent its path.

When providing a path to the file, if the drive you specify doesn't exist or cannot be read, the compiler would consider that the file doesn't exist. If you provide folders that don't exist in the drive, the compiler would consider that the file doesn't exist. This also means that the compiler will not create the folder(s) (the .NET Framework provides all means to create a folder but you must ask the compiler to create it; simply specifying a folder that doesn't exist will not automatically create it, even if you are creating a new file). Therefore, it is your responsibility to make sure that either the file or the path to the file is valid. As we will see in the next section, the compiler can check the existence of a file or path.

File Existence

While Stream is used as the parent of all file processing classes, the .NET Framework provides the File class equipped with methods to create, save, open, copy, move, delete, or provide detailed information about, files. Based on its functionality, the File class is typically used to assist the other classes with their processing operations. To effectively provide this support, all File's methods are static which means that you will usually not need to declare a File variable to access them.

One of the valuable operations that the File class can perform is to check the existence of the file you want to use. For example, if you are creating a new file, you may want to make sure it doesn't exist already because if you try to create a file that exists already, the compiler may first delete the old file before creating the new one. This could lead to unpredictable result, especially because such a file is not sent to the Recycle Bin. On the other hand, if you are trying to open a file, you should first make sure the file exists, otherwise the compiler will not be able to open a file it cannot find.

To check the existence of a file, the File class provides the Exists method. Its syntax is:

Public Shared Function Exists(ByVal path As String) As Boolean

If you provide only the name of the file, the compiler would check it in the folder of the application. If you provide the path to the file, the compiler would check its drive, its folder(s) and the file itself. In both cases, if the file exists, the method returns true. If the compiler cannot find the file, the method returns false. It's important to know that if you provided a complete path to the file, any slight mistake would produce a false result.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Checking the Existence of a File

  1. Access the IceCream.vb file and change it as follows:
    Imports System
    Imports System.IO
    ' This class is used to create and manage an ice cream
    ' and to process an order
    Public NotInheritable Class IceCream
        . . . No Change
        Public Sub Save()
            Dim NameOfFile As String
            Console.Write("Please enter your initials or the name " & _
    			  "we will use to remember your order: ")
            NameOfFile = Console.ReadLine()
            If File.Exists(NameOfFile) Then
                Dim Answer As String
                Console.WriteLine("The file you entered exists already.")
                Console.Write("Do you want to replace it(y/n)?")
                Answer = Console.ReadLine()
                If Answer = "y" Or Answer = "Y" Then
                    Console.WriteLine("The former order with the " & _
    			  "same name will be replaced")
                ElseIf Answer = "n" Or Answer = "N" Then
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter a name we will " & _
    			  "use to remember this order: ")
                    NameOfFile = Console.ReadLine()
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Answer - We will close")
                    Exit Sub
                End If
                    Console.WriteLine("The name you entered is not " & _
    			  "registered in our previous orders")
                End If
        End Sub
        Public Sub Open()
            Dim NameOfFile As String
            Console.Write("Please enter the name you previously " & _
    			  "gave to remember your order: ")
            NameOfFile = Console.ReadLine()
            If File.Exists(NameOfFile) Then
                Console.WriteLine("The file would have been opened")
                Console.WriteLine("The name you entered is not " & _
    			  "registered in our previous orders")
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class
  2. Save the file
  3. Access the Exercise.vb file and change it as follows:
    Imports System
    Public Class Exercise
        Public Shared Sub main()
            Dim IC As IceCream = New IceCream
            Dim Answer As String = "n"
            Console.Write("Have you ordered here before(y/n)? ")
            Answer = Console.ReadLine()
            If Answer = "y" Or Answer = "Y" Then
                Console.Write("Do you want us to remember this order the " & _
    			  "next time you come to get your ice cream (y/n)? ")
                Answer = Console.ReadLine()
                If Answer = "y" Or Answer = "Y" Then
                End If
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class
  4. Save the file
  5. Compile and execute it

Access to a File

In order to perform an operation on a file, you must specify to the operating system how to proceed. One of the options you have is to indicate the type of access that will be granted on the file. This access is specified using the FileAccess enumerator. The members of the FileAccess enumerator are:

  • FileAccess.Write: New data can be written to the file
  • FileAccess.Read: Existing data can be read from the file
  • FileAccess.ReadWrite: Existing data can be read from the file and new data be written to the file

File Sharing

In standalone workstations, one person is usually able to access and open a file then perform the necessary operations on it. In networked computers, you may create a file that different people can access at the same time or you may make one file access another file to retrieve information. For example, suppose you create an application for a fast food restaurant that has two or more connected workstations and all workstations save their customers orders to a common file. In this case, you must make sure that any of the computers can access the file to save an order. An employee from one of these workstations must also be able to open the file to retrieve a customer order for any necessary reason. You can also create a situation where one file holds an inventory of the items of a store and another file holds the customers orders. Obviously one file would depend on another. Based on this, when an operation must be performed on a file, you may have to specify how a file can be shared. This is done through the FileShare enumerator.

The values of the FileShare enumerator are:

  • FileShare.Inheritable: Allows other file handles to inherit from this file
  • FileShare.None: The file cannot be shared
  • FileShare.Read: The file can be opened and read from
  • FileShare.Write: The file can be opened and written to
  • FileShare.ReadWrite: The file can be opened to write to it or read from it

The Mode of a File

Besides the access to the file, another option you will most likely specify to the operating system is referred to as the mode of a file. It is specified through the FileMode enumerator. The members of the FileMode Enumerator are:

  • FileMode.Append: If the file already exists, the new data will be added to its end. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created and the new data will be added to it
  • FileMode.Create: If the file already exists, it will be deleted and a new file with the same name will be created. If the file doesn't exist, then it will be created
  • FileMode.CreateNew: If the new already exists, the compiler will throw an error. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created
  • FileMode.Open: If the file exists, it will be opened. If the file doesn't exist, an error would be thrown
  • FileMode.OpenOrCreate: If the file already exists, it will be opened. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created
  • FileMode.Truncate: If the file already exists, its contents will be deleted completely but the file will be kept, allowing you to write new data to it. If the file doesn't exist, an error would be thrown

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