
Windows Controls: Sliders (Track Bars)


Introduction to Sliders



A slider, also called a slide bar or a track bar, is a Windows control equipped with a small bar, also called a thumb, which slides along a visible line. There are two types of sliders: horizontal and vertical:

Slider Control

To use the slider control, the user can drag the thumb in one of two directions. If the slider is horizontal, the user can drag the thumb left or right. The thumb of a vertical slider can be dragged up or down. This changes the position of the thumb. The user can also click the desired position along the line to place the thumb at the desired location. Alternatively, when the slider has focus, the user can also use the arrow keys of the keyboard to move the thumb.

A slider is configured with a set of values from a minimum to a maximum. Therefore, the user can make a selection included in that range. Optionally, a slider can be equipped with small indicators called ticks:

Slider Control

The ticks can visually guide the user for the available positions of the thumb mark. A slider can be used to let the user specify a value that conforms to a range. When equipped with ticks, a slider can be used to control exact values that the user can select in a range, preventing the user from setting just any desired value.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing Sliders

  1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio
  2. To start a new application, on the main menu, click File -> New Project...
  3. In the middle list, click MFC Application and set the Name to CarInventory1
  4. Click OK
  5. In the first page of the wizard, click Next
  6. In the second page of the wizard, click Dialog-based and set the Dialog Title to Car Inventory
  7. Click Finish
  8. Delete the TODO line and the OK button
  9. Change the caption of the Cancel button to Close
  10. Move the Close button to the bottom-right section of the dialog box
  11. In the Resource View, right-click the name of the project -> Add -> Resource...
  12. From the resources that accompany these lessons, locate the Cars folder, click Civic1.bmp and click Open
  13. Change the ID of the new bitmap to IDB_CIVIC1
  14. In the same way, import the pictures of the other cars and change their IDs
  15. Add a Picture control to the middle side of the dialog box and change its ID to IDC_PREVIEW
  16. Set its Type to Bitmap and set its Bitmap to IDB_CIVIC1
  17. Add a Control variable for the picture control and name it m_Preview
  18. Design the dialog box as follows:
    Car Inventory
    Control Caption ID Align Text
    Group Box Group Box Car Description    
    Static Text Static Text Make:    
    Edit Box Edit Control   IDC_MAKE  
    Static Text Static Text Year:    
    Edit Box Edit Control   IDC_YEAR Right
    Static Text Static Text Model:    
    Edit Text Edit Control   IDC_MODEL  
    Static Text Static Text MSRP:    
    Edit Box Edit Control   IDC_MSRP Right
    Group Box Group Box Gas Consumption    
    Static Text Static Text City:    
    Edit Box Edit Control   IDC_CITY Right
    Static Text Static Text Highway:    
    Edit Box Edit Control   IDC_HIGHWAY Right
  19. Right-click each of the edit controls and click Add Variable...
  20. Create the variables as follows:
    Category Type Name
    IDC_MAKE Value CString m_Make
    IDC_YEAR Value UINT m_Year
    IDC_MODEL Value CString m_Model
    IDC_MSRP Value double m_MSRP
    IDC_CITY Value double m_ConsumptionCity
    IDC_HIGHWAY Value double m_ConsumptionHighway
  21. To store the values for the controls on the dialog box, in the header file of the dialog box, create a structure named CCar and declare a private array for it in the dialog's class as follows:
    // CarInventory1Dlg.h : header file
    #pragma once
    // A class for each car
    struct CCar
        CString Make;
        CString Model;
        UINT    CarYear;
        double  MSRP;
        int     ConsumptionCity;
        int     ConsumptionHighway;
        UINT    CarPicture;
    // CCarInventory1Dlg dialog
    class CCarInventory1Dlg : public CDialog
        // Construction
        CCarInventory1Dlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL); // standard constructor
        // Dialog Data
        enum { IDD = IDD_CARINVENTORY1_DIALOG };
        virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
        // Implementation
        HICON m_hIcon;
        // Generated message map functions
        virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
        afx_msg void OnPaint();
        afx_msg HCURSOR OnQueryDragIcon();
        CCar Cars[10];
        UINT Pictures0[5];
        UINT Pictures1[4];
        UINT Pictures2[5];
        UINT Pictures3[6];
        UINT Pictures4[5];
        UINT Pictures5[5];
        UINT Pictures6[5];
        UINT Pictures7[7];
        UINT Pictures8[5];
        UINT Pictures9[5];
        UINT CurrentPicture;

Creating a Slider

To provide a slider to an application, from the Toolbox, click the Slider Control button Slider Control and click the desired area on the dialog box or the form.

To programmatically create a slider, declare a pointer to CSliderCtrl using the new operator. To initialize the control, call its Create() member function. Here is an example:

BOOL CDlgSlide::OnInitDialog()

    // TODO: Add extra initialization here
    CSliderCtrl *TrackBar = new CSliderCtrl;

    TrackBar->Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,
    		     CRect(20, 20, 60, 280),
    		     this, IDC_SLIDER_CONTROL);

    return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
    // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating a Slider

  • On the Toolbox, click the Slider button and click in lower-left section of the dialog box

Characteristics of a Slider


The Orientation of a Slider

After placing a slider control on a dialog box, by default, it assumes a horizontal position. If you want a vertical slider, change the value of the Orientation property. If you were dynamically creating the control, its default orientation would be horizontal whose style is TBS_HORZ. If you want a vertical slider, apply the TBS_VERT style:

BOOL CDlgSlide::OnInitDialog()

    // TODO: Add extra initialization here
    CSliderCtrl *Taskbar = new CSliderCtrl;

    Taskbar->Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | TBS_VERT,
		    CRect(20, 20, 60, 280), this, IDC_SLIDER_CONTROL);

    return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
    // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Adding a Slider

  1. Complete the dialog design as follows:
    Car Inventory
    Control ID Additional Properties
    Slider Control Slider Control    
    Slider Control Slider Control    
  2. Right-click the bottom slider and click Add Variable...
  3. Make sure the Categoory is set to Control and the Variable Type to CSliderCtrl.
    Set the Name to m_Makes
  4. Click Finish
  5. Right-click the right slider and click Add Variable...
  6. Make sure the Categoory is set to Control and the Variable Type to CSliderCtrl.
    Set the Name to m_Models
  7. Click Finish

The Range of Values

A slider is a control that provides a range of values between which the user can navigate using the control's thumb or by clicking on the slider's line. Usually, the first aspect you may need to configure on your control is to specify its limit values. To specify the minimum value of a slider control, you can call the CSliderCtrl::SetRangeMin() member function. Its syntax is:

void SetRangeMin(int nMin, BOOL bRedraw = FALSE);

The nMin value is the new minimum value that the slider can assume. The control is typically redrawn once the new value has been set. If you do not want the control to be redrawn, pass a second argument with the FALSE value. If the lowest value of the control has already been set and you want to find out what that value is, you can call the CSliderCtrl::GetRangeMin() member function. Its syntax is:

int GetRangeMin() const;

This member function simply returns the lowest value that the slider can assume when the user has dragged the thumb to the extreme left or bottom.

To set the highest value of a slider control, you can call the CSliderCtrl::SetRangeMax() member function. Its syntax is:

void SetRangeMax(int nMax, BOOL bRedraw = FALSE);

The nMax argument holds the new maximum value for the control. Here is an example:

BOOL CControlsDlg::OnInitDialog()

    // TODO: Add extra initialization here

    return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
    // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE

If the maximum value of the control had previously been set, you can find it out by calling the SliderCtrl::GetRangeMax() member function. Its syntax is:

int GetRangeMax() const;

This member function returns the highest value that the slider control can have.

To set both the minimum and the maximum values of the slider with one line of code, you can call the CSliderCtrl::SetRange() member function. Its syntax is:

void SetRange(int nMin, int nMax, BOOL bRedraw = FALSE);

The nMin and the nMax arguments hold the lowest and the highest respective values of the control. Here is an example:

BOOL CControlsDlg::OnInitDialog()

    // TODO: Add extra initialization here
    m_Slider.SetRange(0, 50);

    return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
    // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE

If the control is already functioning and you want to know its limit values, you can call the CSliderCtrl::SetRange() member function whose syntax is:

void GetRange(int& nMin, int& nMax) const;

This member function returns two values, namely the lowest value, as nMin, and the highest value, as nMax.

The Position of a Slider

Once the minimum and maximum values have been set, the user can slide the thumb to select a value or a range. This value is what mostly interests you. While sliding the thumb, the value of the slider is called its position. At startup or at any time, you can set a specific position for the thumb. This can be done by calling the CSliderCtrl::SetPos() member function. Its syntax is:

void SetPos(int nPos);

The nPos argument holds the new position of the slider. Here is an example:

BOOL CControlsDlg::OnInitDialog()

    // TODO: Add extra initialization here
    m_Slider.SetRange(0, 50);

    return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
    // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE

The value specified using the SetPos() member function should be in the range nMax - nMin of the SetRange() member function. If there is a possibility that this value is outside the valid range, you can call the CSliderCtrl::VerifyPos() member function to check it. Its syntax is:

void VerifyPos();

When the position of the thumb has change and you want to find out what it is, call the CSliderCtrl::GetPos() member function whose syntax is:

int GetPos() const;

If the slider control was specified to let the user select a range, you can define your own selected range at any time by calling the CSliderCtrl::SetSelection() member function. Its syntax is:

void SetSelection(int nMin, int nMax);

When calling this member function, make sure you specify the nMin and the nMax values so that this nMin is greater than the minimum value of the slider and this nMax is less than the highest possible value of the slider. Furthermore, the value of this nMin must be less than that of nMax. This relationship can be illustrated as follows:

Minimum <= nMin < nMax <= Maximum

Here is an example:

BOOL CControlsDlg::OnInitDialog()

    // TODO: Add extra initialization here
    m_Slider.SetRange(0, 50);
    m_Slider.SetSelection(22, 42);

    return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
    // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE

If a selected range has been performed on the slider, if you want to get the minimum and the maximum values of the selection, you can call the CSliderCtrl::GetSelection() member function whose syntax is:

void GetSelection(int& nMin, int& nMax) const;

This member function returns two values, the minimum as nMin and the maximum as nMax.

If the slider control is configured to display ticks, you can specify their frequency with a call to the CSliderCtrl::SetTicFreq() member function. Its syntax is:

void SetTicFreq(int nFreq);

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Controlling the Frequency

  1. In the Class View, expand the project and, in the top section, click CCarInventory1Dlg
  2. In the bottom section of the Class View, double-click OnInitDialog
  3. Change the event as follows:
    BOOL CCarInventory1Dlg::OnInitDialog()
        // Add "About..." menu item to system menu.
        // IDM_ABOUTBOX must be in the system command range.
        ASSERT(IDM_ABOUTBOX < 0xF000);
        CMenu* pSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE);
        if (pSysMenu != NULL)
    	BOOL bNameValid;
    	CString strAboutMenu;
    	bNameValid = strAboutMenu.LoadString(IDS_ABOUTBOX);
    	if (!strAboutMenu.IsEmpty())
    	    pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDM_ABOUTBOX, strAboutMenu);
        // Set the icon for this dialog.  The framework does this automatically
        //  when the application's main window is not a dialog
        SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE);			// Set big icon
        SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE);		// Set small icon
        // TODO: Add extra initialization here
        Cars[0].Make = "Honda";
        Cars[0].Model = "Civic";
        Cars[0].CarYear = 2008;
        Cars[0].MSRP = 16555;
        Cars[0].ConsumptionCity = 26;
        Cars[0].ConsumptionHighway = 34;
        Cars[0].CarPicture = IDB_CIVIC1;
        Pictures0[0] = IDB_CIVIC1;
        Pictures0[1] = IDB_CIVIC2;
        Pictures0[2] = IDB_CIVIC3;
        Pictures0[3] = IDB_CIVIC4;
        Pictures0[4] = IDB_CIVIC5;
        Cars[1].Make = "Mercedes Benz";
        Cars[1].Model = "Class-C";
        Cars[1].CarYear = 2011;
        Cars[1].MSRP = 35900;
        Cars[1].ConsumptionCity = 18;
        Cars[1].ConsumptionHighway = 26;
        Cars[1].CarPicture = IDB_CLASSC1;
        Pictures1[0] = IDB_CLASSC1;
        Pictures1[1] = IDB_CLASSC2;
        Pictures1[2] = IDB_CLASSC3;
        Pictures1[3] = IDB_CLASSC4;
        Cars[2].Make = "Chevrolet";
        Cars[2].Model = "Express Passenger";
        Cars[2].CarYear = 2009;
        Cars[2].MSRP = 30020;
        Cars[2].ConsumptionCity = 13;
        Cars[2].ConsumptionHighway = 16;
        Cars[2].CarPicture = IDB_EXPRESS1;
        Pictures2[0] = IDB_EXPRESS1;
        Pictures2[1] = IDB_EXPRESS2;
        Pictures2[2] = IDB_EXPRESS3;
        Pictures2[3] = IDB_EXPRESS4;
        Pictures2[4] = IDB_EXPRESS5;
        Cars[3].Make = "Mazda";
        Cars[3].Model = "Miata";
        Cars[3].CarYear = 2011;
        Cars[3].MSRP = 25300;
        Cars[3].ConsumptionCity = 21;
        Cars[3].ConsumptionHighway = 28;
        Cars[3].CarPicture = IDB_MIATA1;
        Pictures3[0] = IDB_MIATA1;
        Pictures3[1] = IDB_MIATA2;
        Pictures3[2] = IDB_MIATA3;
        Pictures3[3] = IDB_MIATA4;
        Pictures3[4] = IDB_MIATA5;
        Pictures3[5] = IDB_MIATA6;
        Cars[4].Make = "Acura";
        Cars[4].Model = "RDX";
        Cars[4].CarYear = 2010;
        Cars[4].MSRP = 34620;
        Cars[4].ConsumptionCity = 17;
        Cars[4].ConsumptionHighway = 22;
        Cars[4].CarPicture = IDB_RDX1;
        Pictures4[0] = IDB_RDX1;
        Pictures4[1] = IDB_RDX2;
        Pictures4[2] = IDB_RDX3;
        Pictures4[3] = IDB_RDX4;
        Pictures4[4] = IDB_RDX5;
        Cars[5].Make = "Volvo";
        Cars[5].Model = "S40";
        Cars[5].CarYear = 2010;
        Cars[5].MSRP = 31150;
        Cars[5].ConsumptionCity = 21;
        Cars[5].ConsumptionHighway = 30;
        Cars[5].CarPicture = IDB_S40A;
        Pictures5[0] = IDB_S40A;
        Pictures5[1] = IDB_S40B;
        Pictures5[2] = IDB_S40C;
        Pictures5[3] = IDB_S40D;
        Pictures5[4] = IDB_S40E;
        Cars[6].Make = "Toyota";
        Cars[6].Model = "Tacoma";
        Cars[6].CarYear = 2008;
        Cars[6].MSRP = 24390;
        Cars[6].ConsumptionCity = 18;
        Cars[7].ConsumptionHighway = 21;
        Cars[6].CarPicture = IDB_TACOMA1;
        Pictures6[0] = IDB_TACOMA1;
        Pictures6[1] = IDB_TACOMA2;
        Pictures6[2] = IDB_TACOMA3;
        Pictures6[3] = IDB_TACOMA4;
        Pictures6[4] = IDB_TACOMA5;
        Cars[7].Make = "Ford";
        Cars[7].Model = "Taurus";
        Cars[7].CarYear = 2011;
        Cars[7].MSRP = 28690;
        Cars[7].ConsumptionCity = 18;
        Cars[7].ConsumptionHighway = 27;
        Cars[7].CarPicture = IDB_TAURUS1;
        Pictures7[0] = IDB_TAURUS1;
        Pictures7[1] = IDB_TAURUS2;
        Pictures7[2] = IDB_TAURUS3;
        Pictures7[3] = IDB_TAURUS4;
        Pictures7[4] = IDB_TAURUS5;
        Pictures7[5] = IDB_TAURUS6;
        Pictures7[6] = IDB_TAURUS7;
        Cars[8].Make = "Chrysler";
        Cars[8].Model = "Sebring";
        Cars[8].CarYear = 2010;
        Cars[8].MSRP = 28,118;
        Cars[8].ConsumptionCity = 18;
        Cars[8].ConsumptionHighway = 26;
        Cars[8].CarPicture = IDB_SEBRING1;
        Pictures8[0] = IDB_SEBRING1;
        Pictures8[1] = IDB_SEBRING2;
        Pictures8[2] = IDB_SEBRING3;
        Pictures8[3] = IDB_SEBRING4;
        Pictures8[4] = IDB_SEBRING5;
        Cars[9].Make = "Volkswagen";
        Cars[9].Model = "Passat";
        Cars[9].CarYear = 2010;
        Cars[9].MSRP = 28755;
        Cars[9].ConsumptionCity = 22;
        Cars[9].ConsumptionHighway = 31;
        Cars[9].CarPicture = IDB_PASSAT1;
        Pictures9[0] = IDB_PASSAT1;
        Pictures9[1] = IDB_PASSAT2;
        Pictures9[2] = IDB_PASSAT3;
        Pictures9[3] = IDB_PASSAT4;
        Pictures9[4] = IDB_PASSAT5;
        CurrentPicture = IDB_CIVIC1;
        m_Make  = Cars[0].Make;
        m_Model = Cars[0].Model;
        m_Year  = Cars[0].CarYear;
        m_MSRP  = Cars[0].MSRP;
        m_ConsumptionCity	 = Cars[0].ConsumptionCity;
        m_ConsumptionHighway = Cars[0].ConsumptionHighway;
        m_Makes.SetRange(0, 9);
        m_Models.SetRange(0, 4);
        return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control

Enabling a Selection

The new slider appears as one line, horizontal or vertical, that guides the user with the area to slide the thumb. When sliding the thumb along the line, the user can set only the value where the thumb is positioned. Alternatively, if you want the user to be able to select a range of values instead of just a value, at design time, you can set the Enable Selection Range property to True. This is equivalent to adding the TBS_ENABLESELECTION style. A slider equipped with this style displays a 3-D "whole" in the body of the slider:

Slider Control

The selection area allows the user to select a range of values.

The Point of a Slider

The thumb of a slider can assume one of three shapes. By default, it appears as a rectangular box. Alternatively, you can convert one of its shorter borders to appear as an arrow. The shape of the thumb is controlled at design time by the Point property. Its default value is Both, which gives it a rectangular shape. You can get this same shape by omitting or adding the TBS_BOTH value.

For a horizontal slider, you can make the thumb's arrow point to the left by changing the Point property to Top/Left. If the slider were horizontal, this Point value would orient the thumb arrow to the top:

Slider Control

To make the thumb of a dynamically created horizontal slider point up, add the TBS_TOP. If the slider is vertical, to point its thumb to the left, add the TBS_LEFT style to it.

If you want the thumb to point down for a horizontal slider, set the Point property to Bottom/Right. This same value would make the thumb of a vertical slider point n the right direction:

Slider Control

To point the thumb up for a horizontal slider you are programmatically creating, add the TBS_BOTTOM. For the thumb of a vertical slider to point right, add the TBS_RIGHT to it.

The Tick Marks of a Slider

If you want to guide the user with some ticks on the control, at design time, set the Tick Marks property to True. If you are dynamically creating the slider and you want it to display ticks, simply adding the either the TBS_VERT or the TBS_HORZ style equips the slider with ticks. If you do not want to display the ticks at all, at design time, clear the Tick Marks property or set its value to False.

The ticks are positioned on the side the thumb is pointing. If the slider is created with the Both value for the Point property or the TBS_BOTH style, the ticks would appear on both sides the thumb.

The thumb of a slider is used to scroll from one minimum value to another. The range of these extreme values can be divided in regular increments that can further guide the user with value selection. To display where these increments are set, at design time, set the Auto Ticks property to True or add the TBS_AUTOTICKS style:

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Setting the Tick Marks

  1. On the dialog box, click the right slider control
  2. In the Properties window, set Auto Ticks to True
  3. Set the Tick Marks to True
  4. Set the Tooltips to True
  5. On the dialog box, click the bottom slider control
  6. In the Properties window, set Auto Ticks to True
  7. Set the Tick Marks to True
  8. Set its Point property to Top/Left
  9. Set the Tooltips to True

Slider Events

On its own, the slider controls can send three notification messages:

  • The NM_OUTOFMEMORY message is sent when the slider has run out of memory and could not complete a task
  • The NM_RELEASECAPTURE message is sent when the user releases the mouse on the slider
  • The NM_CUSTOMDRAW message is used if you want to draw something on the slider or you want to customize the appearance of the slider beyond what Visual C++ proposes

For its functionality, the slider highly relies on its parent. When the user clicks the thumb or any part of the slider, which causes it to slide, a scroll event is fired. If the slider is horizontal, the CWnd::OnHScroll() event is sent. If the slider is vertical, the CWnd::OnVScroll() event is sent.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Using a Slider Control

  1. Click an unoccupied area of the dialog box
  2. In the Properties window, click the Messages button
  3. Click WM_HSCROLL, then click the arrow of its box and select the option
  4. Implement the event as follows:
    void CCarInventory1Dlg::OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar)
        // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
        int CurPos = m_Makes.GetPos();
        m_Make		 = Cars[CurPos].Make;
        m_Mode		 = Cars[CurPos].Model;
        m_Year		 = Cars[CurPos].CarYear;
        m_MSRP		 = Cars[CurPos].MSRP;
        m_ConsumptionCity	 = Cars[CurPos].ConsumptionCity;
        m_ConsumptionHighway = Cars[CurPos].ConsumptionHighway;
        CurrentPicture       = Cars[CurPos].CarPicture;
    	case 0:
    		m_Models.SetRange(0, 4);
    	case 1:
    		m_Models.SetRange(0, 3);
    	case 2:
    		m_Models.SetRange(0, 4);
    	case 3:
    		m_Models.SetRange(0, 5);
    	case 4:
    		m_Models.SetRange(0, 4);
    	case 5:
    		m_Models.SetRange(0, 4);
    	case 6:
    		m_Models.SetRange(0, 4);
    	case 7:
    		m_Models.SetRange(0, 4);
    	case 8:
    		m_Models.SetRange(0, 4);
    	case 9:
    		m_Models.SetRange(0, 6);
        CDialogEx::OnHScroll(nSBCode, nPos, pScrollBar);
  5. Return to the dialog box and click an unoccupied area
  6. In the Messages section of the Properties window, click WM_VSCROLL. Then click the arrow of the box and select the option
  7. Implement the event follows:
    void CCarInventory1Dlg::OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar)
        // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
        int CurPos = m_Models.GetPos();
        case 0:
    	CurrentPicture = Pictures0[CurPos];
        case 1:
        	CurrentPicture = Pictures1[CurPos];
        case 2:
        	CurrentPicture = Pictures2[CurPos];
        case 3:
        	CurrentPicture = Pictures3[CurPos];
        case 4:
        	CurrentPicture = Pictures4[CurPos];
        case 5:
        	CurrentPicture = Pictures5[CurPos];
        case 6:
        	CurrentPicture = Pictures6[CurPos];
        case 7:
        	CurrentPicture = Pictures7[CurPos];
        case 8:
        	CurrentPicture = Pictures8[CurPos];
        case 9:
        	CurrentPicture = Pictures9[CurPos];
        CDialogEx::OnVScroll(nSBCode, nPos, pScrollBar);
  8. To test the application, press F5
    Car Inventory
    Car Inventory
    Car Inventory
    Car Inventory
    Car Inventory
  9. Close the dialog box and return to your programming environment

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