-- Lambda Square Apartments --

		   FROM sys.databases WHERE name = N'LambdaSquareApartments1')
DROP DATABASE LambdaSquareApartments1;
CREATE DATABASE LambdaSquareApartments1;
USE LambdaSquareApartments1;

CREATE SCHEMA HumanResources;
CREATE TABLE HumanResources.Employees
	EmployeeNumber nchar(7) Not Null, 
	FirstName nvarchar(25) NULL,
	LastName nvarchar(25) Not Null,
	Employee AS CONCAT(LastName, ', ', FirstName),
    	Title nvarchar(100),
	Constraint PK_Employees Primary Key(EmployeeNumber)

CREATE TABLE Rentals.Apartments
	UnitCode        nvarchar(10) not null,
	ApartmentNumber nvarchar(5),
	Bedrooms        int,
	Bathrooms       float,
	MonthlyRent     money,
	SecurityDeposit money,
	OccupancyStatus nvarchar(20),
	Constraint PK_Apartments Primary Key(UnitCode)

CREATE TABLE Rentals.Registrations
	RegistrationID   int identity(1001, 1),
	RegistrationDate date,
	EmployeeNumber   nchar(7),
	TenantCode       nvarchar(10),
	FirstName        nvarchar(25),
	LastName         nvarchar(25),
	MaritalStatus    nvarchar(20),
	NumberOfChildren smallint,
	PhoneNumber      nvarchar(20),
	EmailAddress     nvarchar(50),
	TenancyStatus    nvarchar(20),
	UnitCode         nvarchar(10),
	RentStartDate    date,
	Constraint PK_Registrations Primary Key(RegistrationID),
	Constraint FK_RegistrationsClerks Foreign Key(EmployeeNumber)
		References HumanResources.Employees(EmployeeNumber),
	Constraint FK_ApartmentsRegistrations Foreign Key(UnitCode)
		References Rentals.Apartments(UnitCode)

CREATE TABLE Rentals.Payments
	PaymentID      int identity(1, 1),
	PaymentDate    date,
	EmployeeNumber nchar(7),
	RegistrationID int,
	AmountPaid     money,
	Notes	       nvarchar(max),
	Constraint PK_Payments Primary Key(PaymentID),
	Constraint FK_PaymentsClerks Foreign Key(EmployeeNumber)
		References HumanResources.Employees(EmployeeNumber),
	Constraint FK_RegistrationsPayments Foreign Key(RegistrationID)
		References Rentals.Registrations(RegistrationID)

CREATE PROCEDURE Rentals.GetRegistrations
    SELECT regs.RegistrationID   [Regist ID],
	   regs.RegistrationDate [Regist Date],
	   regs.TenantCode       [Tenant Code],
	   regs.MaritalStatus    [Marital Status],
	   regs.TenancyStatus    [Tenancy Status],
	   regs.NumberOfChildren Children,
	   regs.PhoneNumber      [Phone #],
	   regs.EmailAddress     [Email Address],
	   CONCAT(aprts.UnitCode, N', Unit #: ', aprts.UnitNumber, N', ', aprts.Bedrooms, N' bedrooms, ', aprts.Bathrooms, N' bathrooms, ', aprts.MonthlyRent, N'/month, deposit: ', aprts.SecurityDeposit) Apartment,
	   regs.RentStartDate    [Start Date]
    FROM Rentals.Registrations regs
    INNER JOIN HumanResources.Employees empls ON regs.EmployeeNumber = empls.EmployeeNumber
    INNER JOIN Rentals.Apartments aprts ON regs.UnitCode = aprts.UnitCode

INSERT INTO Rentals.Apartments(UnitCode, UnitNumber, Bedrooms, Bathrooms, monthlyRent, SecurityDeposit, OccupancyStatus)
VALUES(N'399475', '101', 2, 2, 1150, 650, N'Available'),
      (N'508293', '102', 1, 1,  950, 500, N'Needs Repair'),
      (N'729397', '103', 1, 1,  925, 500, N'Available'),
      (N'928364', '104', 3, 2, 1350, 850, N'Available'),
      (N'297297', '105', 2, 1, 1150, 550, N'Available'),
      (N'492739', '106', 3, 2, 1350, 850, N'Available'),
      (N'692797', '107', 3, 2, 1285, 850, N'Not Ready'),
      (N'829475', '108', 1, 1,  885, 500, N'Available'),
      (N'139749', '109', 2, 2, 1150, 650, N'Available'),
      (N'369294', '110', 1, 1,  895, 500, N'Available'),
      (N'502084', '111', 2, 2, 1145, 650, N'Available'),
      (N'829397', '112', 2, 1, 1085, 600, N'Available'),
      (N'292739', '201', 2, 1, 1185, 650, N'Available'),
      (N'496055', '202', 1, 1,  895, 500, N'Available'),
      (N'939595', '203', 1, 1,  925, 500, N'Available'),
      (N'384068', '204', 3, 2, 1250, 850, N'Available'),
      (N'824850', '205', 2, 1, 1100, 600, N'Available'),
      (N'620485', '206', 3, 2, 1300, 850, N'Available'),
      (N'294940', '207', 3, 2, 1350, 850, N'Available'),
      (N'602048', '208', 1, 1,  920, 500, N'Available'),
      (N'829479', '209', 2, 2, 1150, 650, N'Available'),
      (N'280484', '210', 1, 1,  895, 500, N'Available'),
      (N'602408', '211', 2, 2, 1175, 650, N'Available'),
      (N'384086', '212', 2, 1, 1075, 600, N'Available'),
      (N'397493', '301', 2, 2, 1175, 650, N'Available'),
      (N'625941', '302', 1, 1,  950, 500, N'Available'),
      (N'404950', '303', 1, 1,  925, 500, N'Available'),
      (N'304806', '304', 3, 2, 1250, 850, N'Available'),
      (N'844850', '305', 2, 1, 1100, 600, N'Needs Repair'),
      (N'596305', '306', 3, 2, 1300, 850, N'Available'),
      (N'138408', '307', 3, 2, 1350, 850, N'Available'),
      (N'305860', '308', 1, 1,  920, 500, N'Available'),
      (N'847584', '309', 2, 2, 1150, 650, N'Available'),
      (N'746959', '310', 1, 1,  935, 500, N'Available'),
      (N'359405', '311', 2, 2, 1175, 650, N'Available'),
      (N'308505', '312', 2, 1, 1075, 600, N'Available');

INSERT INTO Rentals.Registrations(RegistrationDate, EmployeeNumber, TenantCode, FirstName, LastName, MaritalStatus, NumberOfChildren, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress, TenancyStatus, UnitCode, RentStartDate)
VALUES(N'20140612', N'38408', N'29-485-05', N'Ann', N'Sanders', N'Married', 1, N'(240) 524 -2831', N'annsanders@emailcity.com', N'Active', N'139749', N'20140701'),
(N'20140615', N'20448', N'83-400-85', N'Mahty', N'Shaoul', N'Married', 2, N'202-729-1574', N'mshaoulman@gmail.com', N'Active', N'928364', N'20140901'),
(N'20140622', N'40685', N'48-602-73', N'Frank', N'Ulm', N'Single', 0, N'(301) 882-0704', N'fulm112244@yaho.com', N'Active', N'729397', N'20140701'),
(N'20140622', N'93947', N'24-385-30', N'Elise', N'Provoski', N'Separated', 1, N'(443) 974-9631', N'eprevalence@yahoo.com', N'Active', N'844850', N'20140801'),
(N'20140723', N'93947', N'92-048-11', N'Grace', N'Curryan', N'Married', 1, N'(240) 927-0993', N'gcarrier@gmail.com', N'Active', N'297297', N'20140901'),
(N'20140725', N'38408', N'51-304-58', N'Tracy', N'Warrens', N'Divorced', 2, N'202-793-6924', N'twarrior12@hotmail.coom', N'Active', N'492739', N'20140801'),
(N'20140801', N'38408', N'72-384-04', N'Paul', N'Yamo', N'Married', 3, N'(410-792-7045', N'pyamo@hr.umd.edu', N'Active', N'384068', N'20141001'),
(N'20140810', N'40685', N'62-405-29', N'Nancy', N'Shermann', N'Single', 1, N'(703) 338-2973', N'nsherre@emailcity.com', N'Active', N'829475', N'20140901'),
(N'20140912', N'20448', N'72-484-04', N'Michael', N'Tiernan', N'Single', 0, N'301-274-9285', N'resdev.globelan.net', N'Active', N'829479', N'20141101'),
(N'20141005', N'38408', N'60-285-83', N'Phillippe', N'Anderson', N'Single', 0, N'202-729-1574', N'philanders@gmail.com', N'Active', N'496055', N'20141101');

INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid, Notes) 
VALUES(N'20140612', N'38408', 1001, 650, N'This is the payment for the security deposit.');
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid) 
VALUES(N'20140728', N'38408', 1001, 1150),
      (N'20140825', N'38408', 1001, 1150),
      (N'20140928', N'20448', 1001, 1150),
      (N'20141027', N'93947', 1001, 1150),
      (N'20141129', N'93947', 1001, 1150),
      (N'20141228', N'20448', 1001, 1150),
      (N'20150126', N'38408', 1001, 1150),
      (N'20150220', N'20448', 1001, 1150);
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid, Notes) 
VALUES(N'20140814', N'20448', 1002, 850, N'Payment for security deposit');
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid) 
VALUES(N'20140825', N'38408', 1002, 1350),
      (N'20140928', N'40685', 1002, 1350),
      (N'20141030', N'38408', 1002, 1350),
      (N'20141126', N'38408', 1002, 1350),
      (N'20141231', N'38408', 1002, 1350),
      (N'20150129', N'93947', 1002, 1350),
      (N'20150226', N'38408', 1002, 1350)
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid, Notes) 
VALUES(N'20140620', N'40685', 1003, 500, N'Security Deposit');
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid) 
VALUES(N'20140727', N'38408', 1003, 925),
      (N'20140826', N'20448', 1003, 925),
      (N'20141005', N'38408', 1003, 925),
      (N'20141031', N'40685', 1003, 925),
      (N'20141130', N'38408', 1003, 925),
      (N'20141230', N'20448', 1003, 925),
      (N'20150128', N'93947', 1003, 925),
      (N'20150303', N'40685', 1003, 925);
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid, Notes) 
VALUES(N'20140813', N'40685', 1004, 600, N'Security Deposit');
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid) 
VALUES(N'20140827', N'40685', 1004, 1100),
      (N'20140925', N'20448', 1004, 1100),
      (N'20141024', N'38408', 1004, 1100),
      (N'20141128', N'20448', 1004, 1100),
      (N'20141228', N'38408', 1004, 1100);
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid, Notes) 
VALUES(N'20150210', N'20448', 1004, 100, N'This is a fee for late payment.');
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid) 
VALUES(N'20150210', N'20448', 1004, 1100),
      (N'20150301', N'38408', 1004, 1100);
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid, Notes) 
VALUES(N'20140918', N'20448', 1005, 550, N'Security Deposit');
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid) 
VALUES(N'20140928', N'40685', 1005, 1150),
      (N'20141024', N'38408', 1005, 1150),
      (N'20141128', N'38408', 1005, 1150),
      (N'20141228', N'38408', 1005, 1150),
      (N'20150123', N'20448', 1005, 1150),
      (N'20150225', N'20448', 1005, 1150);
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid, Notes) 
VALUES(N'20140801', N'40685', 1006, 850, N'Security Deposit');
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid) 
VALUES(N'20140830', N'38408', 1006, 1350),
      (N'20140925', N'20448', 1006, 1350),
      (N'20141025', N'40685', 1006, 1350),
      (N'20141127', N'38408', 1006, 1350),
      (N'20141225', N'38408', 1006, 1350);
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid, Notes) 
VALUES(N'20140808', N'40685', 1007, 850, N'Security Deposit');
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid) 
VALUES(N'20141025', N'40685', 1007, 1250),
      (N'20141128', N'38408', 1007, 1250),
      (N'20141225', N'38408', 1007, 1250);
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid, Notes) 
VALUES(N'20140808', N'40685', 1008, 500, N'Security Deposit');
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid) 
VALUES(N'20140925', N'20448', 1008, 885),
      (N'20141029', N'93947', 1008, 885),
      (N'20141126', N'38408', 1008, 885),
      (N'20141231', N'20448', 1008, 885);
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid, Notes) 
VALUES(N'20140917', N'40685', 1009, 650, N'Security Deposit');
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid) 
VALUES(N'20141130', N'20448', 1009, 1150),
      (N'20141227', N'20448', 1009, 1150);
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid, Notes) 
VALUES(N'20141008', N'40685', 1010, 500, N'Security Deposit');
INSERT INTO Rentals.Payments(PaymentDate, EmployeeNumber, RegistrationID, AmountPaid) 
VALUES(N'20141130', N'20448', 1010, 895),
      (N'20141228', N'38408', 1010, 895);