Text selection consists of isolating part of the text
of a document, for any reason that is necessary. Why you select text and
what you do with the selected text are two completely different issues.
This means that text can be selected for any reason. The effect produced
while selecting text is also different depending on the application. Also,
as always, some applications may provide a feature that is not available in
some others.
Text indicates that it is selected when it appears
with a different background color than the other characters. It is also said
that the text is highlighted. When text is selected, it appears inside of
a black or blue background. Actually, the color of the background depends; it is
usually the same as the text but it gets the opposite color. For example,
when a word in black is selected, it gets white but it gets drawn in a
black background.
Here is an example of the letter "a" selected inside of
the word "quartiers":

Here is an example of the word "quartiers" selected in a

Here is an example of a paragraph selected in a

Text is primarily selected using the mouse but you can
also use a keyboard or a combination of both.
Text Selection Using the Mouse |
Using the mouse:
- To select one character, click to the left (or to the right) of that
character, hold your mouse down, drag to the right (or to the left),
when the character is highlighted, then release the mouse.
- To select one word, click to the left (or to the right) of that
word, hold your mouse down, drag to the right (or to the left),
when the word is highlighted, then release the mouse.
To select a
word, you can also double-click it.
- To select a group of words, click to the left (or to the right) of that
group, hold your mouse down, drag to the right (or to the left),
when the group of words is highlighted, then release the mouse.
In some applications (Microsoft Word, WordPad,
Microsoft Works Word Processor, Microsoft FrontPage, etc), to select a
line of text, position the mouse to the left of the line. The cursor would
point to North-East, then click. In some application
(Microsoft Word, WordPad), to select a whole paragraph, triple-click any
word in the paragraph. |
Practical Learning: Selecting Text Using the Mouse
- Start WordPad and type the following:
Leaving Sydney
When we decided to leave, we knew we were making a hard decision. We had spent so much time this had become our new home. A few weeks or months earlier, we wanted to make Sydney our newly found settlement, a permanent place we could proudly call ours. It appeared that, unpredictably, fate had decided otherwise.
As the time to leave approached, we gathered what were left as our belongings. We managed to meet, for the last time, our neighbors and every one we had been accustomed to. Everybody wished us all the best.
Aurhor: Arthur D. Pale
Titles: Stories of my Life |
- To select one word in a sentence, in the paragraph that starts with
"As the time", click and hold the mouse between d of
"gathered" and w of what
- Drag in the left direction. When the word gathered is highlighted
completely, then release the mouse

- In the second line, double-click "decision". That selects
- In the first line of the paragraph that starts with "When we
decided", position the mouse to the left of much
- Click and hold the mouse down
- Drag right and down to the right side of the word "found".
then release the mouse

- Press Ctrl + Home
Text Selection Using the Keyboard |
You can also select text using the keyboard:
- To select one character, position the caret to the left (or to the
right) of the character. Press and hold Shift. Then press the right
(or the left) arrow key and release Shift
- To select one word, position the caret to the left (or to the right)
of the word. Press and hold Ctrl and Shift. Then press the right (or
the left) arrow key and release Ctrl and Shift
- To select a group of words, position the caret to the left of the
most left word (or to the right of the most right) of the group. Press
and hold Ctrl and Shift. Then press the right (or the left) arrow key
continuously until all the desired words are highlighted. Then release
Ctrl and Shift.
- To select a line of text, first get the caret to the beginning of
the line. Press and hold Shift. Press the down arrow key. Release
In word processors (not in text editors like Notepad):
- To select text from the current position of the caret to the end of the
paragraph, press and hold Ctrl and Shift, then press the down arrow key
- To select text from the current position of the caret to the beginning of
the paragraph, press and hold Ctrl and Shift, then press the up arrow key
- To select text from the current position of the caret to the end of the
current page, press and hold Ctrl and Shift, then press Page Down
- To
select text from the current position of the caret to the beginning of the
current page, press and hold Ctrl and Shift, then press Page Up
To select the whole content of the document, press
Ctrl + A (normally, Ctrl + A is a universal shortcut and can be used to
select almost any thing that is part of a window, regardless of what those
things are). |
Practical Learning: Selecting Text Using the Keyboard
- The caret should be at the beginning of the document
Press and hold Shift. Press the right arrow key once. As you see, it selects one letter to the
- While still holding Shift, press the right arrow key twice
- Release Shift
- Press the Down arrow key and press Home. That positions the cursor to the beginning of the second
- Press and hold Ctrl + Shift, press the Right arrow key once. It selects one
- While still holding Ctrl + Shift, press the right arrow key twice. As you see, this time, pressing the
right arrow key selects one word after another
- Release Ctrl and Shift
- Press the Left arrow key. That positions the caret to the beginning of the paragraph
- Press and hold Shift, press the down arrow key, and release all keys. Now the action selects one line of
- Press Ctrl + Home
Text Selection Combining the Mouse and the Keyboard |
You can also combine the mouse and the keyboard to
select text:
- To select one character, click to the left (or to the right) of that
character. Press and hold Shift. Then click to the right (or to the
left) of that character and release Shift.
- To select one word, click anywhere in that word. Press and hold
Shift. Then click the word again and release Shift (this doesn't work
- To select a group of words, click anywhere in the first (or the
last) word of the desired group. Press and hold Shift. Then click
anywhere in the last (or the first) word of the group and release
- To select a group of words from one part or section of the document
to another section of the document, click the word at the beginning
(or the end) of the desired group. Press and hold Shift. Then click
the last (or the first) word of the desired group. Release Shift.
Practical Learning: Combining the Mouse and the Keyboard to Select
In the paragraph that starts with "When we
decided", click the word "knew"
Press and hold Shift
Click "decision" on the same line and release