
Introduction to Data Relationships


The Keys to a Relationship


Introduction to Relationships

Imagine you have been asked to create a database for a hotel. The manager gives you many pieces of paper that are currently used to handle the business. One of the papers has the names of customers, the times they stayed in the hotel, the rates paid for the rented rooms, etc. As you examine the list, you see various names of customers. One of the names on one line is Gwendolyn Sims.

On another line, you see a name as Gwen Simms. You ask the manager whether it is the same or another customer. The manager says it is the same customer. On another piece of paper, you see the name Gwenn Simm. After asking, the manager confirms once again that it is the same customer, just typed differently. A computer database helps to solve this type of problem so that information can be typed once, in one list. Then, the information in that list can be made available to other lists that can use it by selecting it, instead of re-typing it.

So far in our databases, we created a table with the necessary columns. To perform data entry, we were typing the necessary value in each field. If we needed another table, we would just create one. This made it possible for a database to have as many tables as we wanted, except that these lists did not communicate. There was a risk of error if we tried to enter the same information in various lists.

One of the rules a database developer should follow is to avoid duplicate entry of data. That is, the same piece of information should not be entered in two different lists. For example, when a potential customer wants to rent a room at the hotel, you can create an account that the clerk can use to enter the customer's information in one table. This information can consist of the name, the phone number, the emergency contact (name and phone number), etc:

Customer Table Illustration

In the same way, you would need a list of the rooms available for renting to customers. Each room would hold some information such as the type of room (regular bedroom, studio, or conference room, etc), the type of bed (queen, double, or king), the rate, and the availability. We cannot put the room information in the customer's information because the room does not belong to the customer and, even if a particular customer A is renting a room 104 today, that room would be rented to another customer next time. If we put the room information in a customer's information, when another customer comes, we would have to re-enter the same room information into the other customer's record. This is not professional and is prone to error. Therefore, the customer and room's information should be kept separate.

After creating the customer information and the rooms lists, to rent a room, we can select the customer and associate him or her to a room:

Field Relationship Illustration

One of the problems we need to solve is to keep track of the customer's room occupancy: what night the customer stays in the allocated room and how much is charged for the room for one night or for each night the customer uses it. The manager might also have indicated that the hotel offers wireless Internet access but the customer has to pay a one-time fee for it if he or she wants it. The customers are also allowed to use the phone in their room but they must pay for each phone call placed outside the hotel. Therefore, simply assigning the room to a customer does not take care of tracking the regular charges and expenses. To solve this problem, we can create another list in which we would enter some information for the customer (such as his or her name or an account number) and some room information (such as the room number):


This is the idea behind a relational database. A relational database is an application that contains two or more tables so that information in one table is made available to another table or other tables that need(s) it. The information is entered once in one particular table. If the same information is needed in another table, it is simply identified one way or another. This reduces, and can eliminate, the likelihood of mistakes that result from duplicate data.

A Primary Key

As its name implies, to create a relational database, you must have a way for tables to communicate or relate to each other. To start, for a table to make its information available to the other lists, the table must have a way to be identified. This is done by creating a field used to refer to that table. This field is called a primary key. The primary key can be represented by one field or it can be a combination of fields.

To make a field a primary key, display its table in the Design View. You have two options:

The field that is made the primary key would then appear with a key icon to its left. When you click a field that is a primary key, the Primary Key button becomes highlighted Primary Key.

To create a primary key of more than one field, display the table in Design View. Select, as a group, the fields that would constitute the primary key. Then:

The fields would then appear each with a key icon to its left:

Primary Key

One of the rules that the primary key must follow is that it must be able to uniquely identify each record in the table. If you make a field a primary key, you can instruct the person performing data entry to make sure no two records have the same value for that field. Sometimes this can be easy to implement. For example in a small company of 2 to 20 people, it is usually easy to make sure that each employee is assigned a unique number. In a database with many records such as a department store that gives credit cards to its customer, it can be difficult to give a unique account number to each customer. In fact in this case, the clerk performing data entry might not have the appropriate number for a customer when creating his or her account. Fortunately, Microsoft Access (like most database environments) provides a quick fix to this.

To automatically have a unique identifier associated with each new record created on a table, you can create a field whose data type is AutoNumber. When a field receives this data type and when the clerk creates the first record, it receives the number 1. Every time a new record is created, the number is increased and assigned to the field. The number never repeats. If a record is deleted, the numbers are not reset: the deleted record is gone with its assigned unique number. This ensures that each record keeps a unique number.

The AutoNumber in Microsoft Access is not a real data type, just as, except for Text, none of the items in the Data Type combo box of the Design View of the table is a true data type. Their names are only made friendly to help you identify their types. AutoNumber is actually a long integer.

Practical Learning: Introducing Relationships 

  1. Start Microsoft Access and create a Blank Database
  2. Set the File Name of the database as Ceil Inn1
  3. Click Create
  4. Close the default table without saving it
  5. On the Ribbon, click Create
  6. To create a new table, in the Tables section, click the Table Design
  7. Set the name of the first field to CustomerID
  8. Set its Data Type to AutoNumber
    Auto Number
  9. In the bottom section of the table, notice that the actual data type is specified as Long Integer.
    While the field is still selected, in the Tools section of the Ribbon, click the Primary Key button Primary Key
  10. Set its Caption to Cutomer ID
  11. In the upper section of the table, under CustomerID, create the other fields as follows:
    Field Name Data Type Caption Field Size Indexed
    CustomerID (Primary Key) AutoNumber Customer ID    
    AccountNumber Text Account # 20 Yes (No Duplicate)
    FullName Text Full Name 80  
    PhoneNumber Text Phone # 40  
    EmergencyName Text Emergency Name 50  
    EmergencyPhone Text Emergency Phone 40  
    Notes Memo      
  12. Save the table as Customers and close it
  13. To create a form for the customers table, in the Navigation Pane, click Customers: Table.
    On the Ribbon, click Create and, in the Forms section, click Form Design
  14. Save the form as Customers and, using the Fields list, design it as follows (no need to exactly match everything; for example, use only the fonts you have in your computer):
  15. Save the form
  16. Switch it to Form View
  17. Create the following records and notice that the first column uses incremental numbers:
    Customer ID Account # Full Name Phone # Emergency Name Emergency Phone
    1 294209 Doris Wilson 703-416-0934 Gabriela Dawson 703-931-1000
    2 608502 Caroline Lomey 301-652-0700 Albert Lomey 301-412-5055
    3 208405 Peter Carney 990-585-1886 Spencer Miles 990-750-8666
    4 284085 Lucy Chen 425-979-7413 Edward Lamb 425-720-9247
    5 629305 Joan Davids 202-789-0500 Rebecca Boiron 202-399-3600
    6 180204 Randy Whittaker 703-631-1200 Bryan Rattner 703-506-9200
    7 204795 Juliette Beckins 410-944-1440 Bernard Brodsky 410-385-2235
    8 608208 Alfred Owens 804-798-3257 Jane Owens 240-631-1445
    9 902840 Daniel Peters 624-802-1686 Grace Peters 877-490-9333
    10 660820 Anne Sandt 953-172-9347 William Sandt 953-279-2475
    11 946090 Peter Carney 990-585-1886 Spencer Miles 990-750-8666
    12 100752 Caroline Lomey 301-652-0700 Albert Lomey 301-412-5055
  18. Close the form
  19. On the Ribbon, click Create
  20. In the Tables section, click Table Design
  21. Set the first field name to EmployeeID
  22. Set its data type to AutoNumber
  23. Right-click the field and click Primary Key
  24. Create the other fields as follows:
    Field Name Data Type Caption Field Size Indexed
    EmployeeID (Primary Key) AutoNumber Employee ID    
    EmployeeNumber Text Employee # 20 Yes (No Duplicate)
    FirstName Text First Name 30  
    LastName Text Last Name 30  
    Title Text   60  
    Notes Memo      
  25. Save the table as Employees and close it
  26. Create a form for the Employees table and design it as you see fit. Then save it as Employees. Here is an example:
  27. Save the form and switch it to Form View
  28. Create the following records:
    Employee # First Name Last Name Title
    22958 Andrew Laskin General Manager
    70429 Lynda Fore Shift Manager
    27049 Harriett Dovecot Associate
    28405 Peggy Thompson Associate
    24095 Fred Barclay Associate
    72947 Sheryl Shegger Intern
  29. Close the form
  30. On the Ribbon, click Create
  31. In the Queries section, click Query Design
  32. In the Show Table list, click Employees
  33. Click Add
  34. Click Close
  35. In the list of fields, double-click EmployeeID and EmployeeNumber
  36. In the bottom section of the query, set the third Field to Employee Name: [LastName] & ", " & [FirstName]
  37. Save the query as Clerks
  38. Close it
  39. Create a new table in Design View with the following fields:
    Field Name Data Type Caption Field Size Format Indexed
    RoomID (Primary Key) AutoNumber Room ID      
    RoomNumber Text Room # 20   Yes (No Duplicate)
    Type Text   50    
    Bed Text   50    
    Rate Number   Double Fixed  
    Available Yes/No        
    Notes Memo        
  40. Save the table as Rooms
  41. Close it
  42. Create a form for the Rooms table and save it as Rooms
  43. Design it as you want. Here is an example:
    Ceil Inn: Rooms
  44. Save the form and switch it to Form View

  45. Create the following records:
    Room # Type Bed Rate Available
    104 Bedroom Queen 75.85 Unchecked
    105 Bedroom King 85.75 Checked
    106 Bedroom Queen 75.85 Checked
    107 Bedroom King 85.75 Unchecked
    108 Bedroom Queen 75.85 Checked
    110 Conference   450.00 Checked
    112 Studio King 98.95 Checked
    202 Studio King 98.95 Unchecked
    203 Studio Queen 94.50 Checked
    204 Bedroom Double 79.90 Checked
    205 Bedroom Queen 75.85 Checked
    206 Bedroom King 85.75 Unchecked
  46. Close the form
  47. Create a new table in Design View with the following fields:
    Field Name Data Type Caption
    OccupancyID (Primary Key) AutoNumber Occupancy ID
    DateOccupied Date/Time Date Occupied
  48. Save the table as Occupancies

A Foreign Key

We have seen how to create a primary key to prepare a table for a relationship. The primary key makes it possible for such a table to make its data available. It only signals this to the other table(s) of the (same) database. If one table wants to use the data stored in another table, the first table has to be prepared for it. The first table can be called the parent table. The other table can be called the child table.

To make it possible for the child table to access the data in the parent table, the child table must have a field that would communicate with the parent table. This field represents the parent table. To act as a liaison between both tables, the field in the child table communicates with the primary key of the parent table. In order to get this communication to work, the communicating key in the child table must use the same data type as the primary key of the parent table. Since the field in the new table is only used to represent the data from the first table, it is called a foreign key:


In the same way, any table that wants to use data from a certain table must have a foreign key that can communicate with the primary key of that parent table.

To make it easy to identify a foreign key in a table, it is a good idea, not a requirement, to give to the foreign key the same name as that of the primary key. The only real requirement is that both fields use the same data type. Remember that AutoNumber is not an actual data type. Therefore, if the primary key is of type AutoNumber, the foreign key should use the Long Integer as its data type after selecting the Number in the Data Type combo box of the Design View of the table.


Establishing a Relationship With a Lookup Field


Using the Table Design View

TThere are various ways you can create and manage a relationship between two tables. Once you have a primary key in one table, you can ask Microsoft Access to create and even configure a foreign key for you. You can simply indicate where the data will come from; that is, you must indicate the table that holds the primary key, select the field that holds the actual data to use. Microsoft Access would take care of configuring everything, or almost everything, behind the scenes for you. For this approach, you use a lookup field, which can be a combo box or a list box.

As done with the simple lookup, you can create a field whose data would be selected from a list. As opposed to an unbound lookup field whose values you can predict at the time you are creating a database, a bound lookup field is one whose values are not known in advance. The values for such a field become available as the database is growing./p>

To create a bound lookup field, you can open the table in Design View, set the data type of the field to Lookup Wizard... This would open the Lookup Wizard. Since you are creating a field that would get its data from another table or query, you must select the first radio button and click Next. Then follow the wizard.

PPractical Learning: Introducing Bound Lookup Fields

  1. The Occupancies table should still be opened in Design View.
    Click the empty field under DateOccupied, type RoomID
  2. Set its Data Type to Lookup Wizard...
    In the first page of the wizard, accept the first radio button
  3. In the first page of the wizard, accept the first radio button and click Next
  4. In the list of tables of the second page of the wizard, click Table: Rooms
  5. Click Next
  6. In the Available fields list of the third page of the wizard, double-click RoomNumber
    In the Available fields list of the third page of the wizard, double-click RoomNumber
  7. Click Next
  8. In the fourth page of the wizard, click Next
  9. Accept the defaults in the fifth page of the wizard and click Next
  10. Click Finish
  11. When asked to save the table, click Yes
  12. In the bottom section of the table, notice that the Field Size is set to Long Integer.
    Set the Caption to Room #
  13. Save the table and switch it to Datasheet View

Using the Table Datasheet View

You can also create a lookup combo box using the Datasheet View of a table. To do this:


Lookup and Relationship

Any oh these actions would open the Lookup Wizard. Since you are creating a field that would get its data from another table or query, you must select the first radio button and click Next. Then follow the wizard.

When a column is a lookup field, if you don't like the way it behaves, you can reconfigure it. To do this:

Practical Learning: Configuring Lookup Fields

  1. On the Occupancies table, click the cell under Room #
  2. On the Ribbon, click Fields if necessary.
    In the Add & Delete section, click the More Fields
  3. Cllick Lookup & Relationship
  4. In the first page of the Lookup Wizard, make sure the first radio button is selected and click Next
  5. In the second page of the wizard, click the Queries radio button
  6. In the list box, make sure Queries: Clerks is selected and click Next
  7. In the third page of wizard, click the select all button
    Lookup Wizard
  8. Click Next
  9. In the fourth page of the wizard, click the arrow of the first combo box and select Employee Name
  10. Click Next
    Lookup Wizard
  11. In the fifth page of the wizard, view the list and click Next
  12. In the sixth page of the wizard, read the text, accept to store the value in EmployeeID, and click Next
  13. Click Next
  14. Accept the suggested label and click Finish
  15. While the new Field1 is still selected (if it is not, double-click it) type EmployeeID to rename the column and press Enter
  16. On the table, click Click to Add
  17. On the menu that appears, click Lookup & Relationship
  18. In the first page of the Lookup Wizard, make sure the first radio button is selected and click Next
  19. In the second page of the wizard, click Tables: Customers and click Next
  20. In the third page of the wizard, click AccountNumber and click the Select One button Select One
  21. In the Available Fields, as FullName is selected, click the Select One button Select One
    Lookup Wizard
  22. Click Next
  23. In the second page of the wizard, click the arrow of the first combo box and select AccountNumber
  24. Click Next
  25. In the third page of the wizard, accept the suggested label and click Finish
  26. Switch the table to Design View
  27. Move some fields and complete the table as follows:
    Field Name Data Type Caption Field Size Format
    OccupancyID (Primary Key)        
    EmployeeID   Processed By    
    CustomerID   Processed For    
    RoomID   Room #    
    RateApplied Number Rate Applied Double Fixed
    PhoneUse Number Phone Use Double Fixed
    InternetFee Number Internet Fee Double Fixed
    Notes Memo      
  28. Save the table

The Characteristics of a Lookup Field

When creating a bound lookup field, if you select only one column in the third page of the Lookup Wizard, a combo box would be created so the user can select the desired value. If the value you selected represents some type of insignificant number or character, when the user clicks the arrow of the combo box, the list of values that appear can be confusing and could lead the user to select the wrong one. Consider the following example:

When creating a bound lookup field, if you select only one column in the third page of the Lookup Wizard, a combo box would be created so the user can select the desired value. If the value you selected represents some type of insignificant number or character, when the user clicks the arrow of the combo box, the list of values that appear can be confusing and could lead the user to select the wrong one.

When the user clicks the arrow of the combo box to select a room, this list does not specify what type of room the number represents. Any number could be for a bedroom, a studio, or a conference room. Because these numbers are vague, the user could select the wrong number and for example assign a conference room to a person who wants to rent a simple bedroom. There are various ways you can solve this type of problem. If no records have already been created and that involve that field, you can recreate the lookup field and make it display more than one column of values.

If you are creating or recreating a lookup field and you want it to display more than one column, in the third page of the wizard, you can double-click each of the desired values from the Available Fields list box:

Lookup Wizard

Then continue with the wizard. When you finish with the wizard, Microsoft Access would take care of configuring the column. Sometimes you will not like the way Microsoft Access did the job. You can then modify it to your liking.

If the records exist already, you can simply modify the configuration of the lookup field. You have many options.

The configurations of the lookup field can be found in the Lookup section of the bottom part of the table in Design View. To configure a lookup field, click it in the top section of the table and, in the bottom section, click the Lookup tab. Here is an example:

The configurations of the lookup field can be found in the Lookup section of the bottom part of the table in Design View

To change a property, click it in the left section and change the value in the right section:

Practical Learning: Configuring Lookup Fields

  1. In the top section of the table, click EmployeeID
  2. In the bottom section of the table, click the Lookup tab, right-click Row Source and click Zoom... Notice how the SQL statement that was created
    SELECT 	[Clerks].[EmployeeID], 
    	[Clerks].[Employee Name] 
    FROM Clerks 
    ORDER BY [Employee Name]; 
  3. Click Cancel to close the dialog box
  4. Still in the Lookup tab, click Column Widths and change its value as follows: 0";0.75";1.25"
  5. In the top section of the table, click RoomID
  6. In the bottom section of the table, in the Lookup tab, click Row Source and click its ellipsis button
  7. In the list of fields, click Type
  8. Press Shift
  9. Click Available and release Shift
  10. Drag the group of columns and drop it on the right side of RoomNumber in the bottom part of the Query Builder:
  11. On the Ribbon, click the Run button Run to preview the list
  12. Close the Query Builder
  13. When asked whether you want to save, click Yes
    Notice the SQL statement that was created
    SELECT 	Rooms.RoomID, 
    FROM Rooms;
  14. Make the following changes:
    Column Count:   6
    Column Heads:  Yes
    Column Widths: 0";0.65";0.9";0.7";0.5";0.8"
    List Rows:           8
    List Width:          3.55"
  15. In the top section of the table, click CustomerID
  16. In the Lookup section in the bottom part of the table, click Row Source and click its ellipsis button
  17. Change the second field to Account #: AccountNumber
  18. Change the third field to Customer Name: FullName
  19. On the Ribbon, click the Close button Close
  20. When asked whether you want to save, click Yes
    Notice the SQL statement that was created
    SELECT 	Customers.CustomerID, 
    	Customers.AccountNumber AS [Account #], 
    	Customers.FullName AS [Customer Name] 
    FROM Customers;
  21. Make the following changes:
    Column Widths: 0";0.65";1.35"
    List Rows:           8
  22. Save the table and close it
  23. Create a form for the Occupancies table and save it as Occupancies
  24. Design it as you see fit. Here is an example:
    Ceil Inn - Occupancies
  25. Save the form and switch it to Form View
    Ceil Inn - Occupancies
  26. Enter the following records:
    Date Occupied Processed By Customer Room # Rate Applied Phone Use Internet Fee
    June 4, 2011 27049 294209 105 85.75 0.00 0.00
    June 5, 2011 28405 294209 105 85.75 5.35 0.00
    June 5, 2011 70429 608502 110 450.00 8.75 3.25
    June 6, 2011 70429 294209 105 85.75 0.00 0.00
    June 6, 2011 24095 208405 108 75.85 3.45 3.25
    June 7, 2011 28405 208405 108 75.85 2.65 0.00
    June 8, 2011 28405 208405 108 75.85 3.15 0.00
    June 9, 2011 27049 208405 108 75.85 1.95 0.00
    June 9, 2011 28405 284085 205 75.85 0.00 0.00
    June 10, 2011 24095 208405 108 75.85 5.50 0.00
    June 11, 2011 24095 629305 112 98.95 0.00 0.00
    June 12, 2011 70429 629305 112 98.85 0.00 0.00
  27. Close the form
  28. Open the Rooms form and change the records as follows:
    Room # Type Bed Rate Available
    104 Bedroom Queen 79.95 Unchecked
    105 Bedroom King 94.50 Checked
    106 Bedroom Queen 79.95 Unchecked
    107 Bedroom King 94.50 Checked
    108 Bedroom Queen 79.95 Checked
    110 Conference   500.00 Unchecked
    112 Studio King 112.95 Unchecked
    202 Studio King 112.95 Checked
    203 Studio Queen 104.50 Checked
    204 Bedroom Double 115.95 Checked
    205 Bedroom Queen 79.95 Unchecked
    206 Bedroom King 94.50 Checked
  29. Close the Rooms table
  30. Re-open the Occupancies form in Form View and create the following new records:
    Date Occupied Processed By Customer Room # Rate Applied Phone Use Internet Fee
    July 18, 2011 28405 180204 105 94.50 0.00 3.25
    July 18, 2011 72947 660820 204 115.95 0.00 0.00
    July 18, 2011 28405 608208 206 94.50 0.00 3.25
    July 18, 2011 72947 204795 204 0.00 0.00 0.00
    July 18, 2011 28405 902840 203 104.50 0.00 0.00
    July 19, 2011 24095 180204 105 94.50 0.00 0.00
    July 19, 2011 24095 660820 204 115.95 0.00 0.00
    July 19, 2011 24095 608208 206 94.50 0.00 0.00
    July 19, 2011 24095 204795 204 0.00 0.00 0.00
    July 19, 2011 72947 902840 203 104.50 0.00 0.00
  31. Close the form
  32. Re-open the Occupancies form
  33. Sort the record in ascending order from the Room # column
  34. Filter the records to see only when Room 108 has been used
  35. Filter the records to see only when the telephone has been used in a bedroom (the phone use different from 0)
  36. Use Filter By Form to see only the transactions performed by employee number 28405
  37. Close the Occupancies form

Lesson Summary


MCAS: Using Microsoft Office Access 2007 Topics

S2 Define and print table relationships
S3 Add, set, change, or remove primary keys



Yugo National Bank

  1. Create a blank database named Yugo National Bank2 and close the default table without saving it
  2. Configure the database to display overlapping windows. Close and reopen the database
  3. Start a new table in Design View and create the following columns:
    Field Name Data Type Field Size Caption
    EmployeeID (Primary Key) AutoNumber   Employee ID
    EmployeeNumber Text 10 Employee #
    FirstName Text 50 First Name
    LastName Text 50 Last Name
    Title Text 60  
    CanCreateNewAccount Yes/No    
    WorkPhone Text 40 Work Phone
    Extension Number Integer  
    Address Text 60  
    City Text 50  
    State Text 50  
    ZIPCode Text 30 ZIP Code
    Country Text 50  
    HourlySalary Currency   Hourly Salary
    Notes Memo    
  4. Save the table as Employees and close it
  5. Create a form for the Employees table. Save the form as Employees and design it as you see fit
    Yugo National Bank - Employees
  6. Close the table
  7. Start a new table in Design View and create the following fields:
    Field Name Data Type Field Size Caption
    AccountTypeID AutoNumber Account Type ID
    AccountType Text 50 Account Type
    Description Memo
  8. Save the table as AccountTypes and close it
  9. Create a form for the AccountTypes table. Save the form as AccountTypes and design it as you see fit. Here is an example:
  10. Then Close it
  11. Start a new table in Design View and create the following columns:
    Field Name Data Type Field Size Caption
    CustomerID AutoNumber   Customer ID
    DateCreated (Primary Key) Date/Time   Date Created
    AccountNumber Text 20 Account Number
    CustomerName Text 50 Customer Name
    Address Text 60  
    City Text 50  
    State Text 50  
    ZIPCode Number Integer ZIP Code
    Country Text 50  
    HomePhone Text 40 Home Phone
    WorkPhone Text 40 Work Phone
    Extension Text 20  
    EmailAddress Hyperlink   Email Address
    Notes Memo    
  12. Save the table as Customers and close it
  13. Open the Customers table in Datasheet View
  14. Use the Lookup Wizard to add a column between the Date Created and the Account Number columns. The values of that column will come from the Employees table, including the following columns: EmployeeNumber, FirstName, LastName, Title, and CanCreateNewAccount
  15. Save and close the table
  16. Open the Customers table in Design View
  17. Add a field between the Account Number and the Customer Name fields. Name it AccountTypeID and set its Data Type to Lookup Wizard...
  18. Using the wizard, select the values from the AccountTypes table, including the AccountType column
  19. Still in Design View, change the names and captions of the new columns as follows:
    Field Name Data Type Field Size Caption
    CustomerID AutoNumber   Customer ID
    DateCreated (Primary Key) Date/Time   Date Created
    EmployeeID Number   Created By
    AccountNumber Text 20 Account Number
    AccountTypeID Number   Account Type
    CustomerName Text 50 Customer Name
    Address Text 60  
    City Text 50  
    State Text 50  
    ZIPCode Number Integer ZIP Code
    Country Text 50  
    HomePhone Text 40 Home Phone
    WorkPhone Text 40 Work Phone
    Extension Text 20  
    EmailAddress Hyperlink   Email Address
    Notes Memo    
  20. Start a new table in Design View create its columns as follows:
    Field Name Data Type Field Size Caption
    TransactionTypeID AutoNumber Long Integer Transaction Type ID
    TransactionType Text 50 Transaction Type
    Description Memo    
  21. Save the table as TransactionTypes and close it
  22. Create a form for the TransactionTypes table. Save the form as TransactionTypes and design it as you see fit. Here is an example:
  23. Close the form
  24. Start a new table in Design View create its columns as follows:
    Field Name Data Type Field Size Caption
    ChargeReasonID AutoNumber Long Integer Charge Reason ID
    ChargeReason Text 50 Charge Reason
    Description Memo    
  25. Save the table as ChargeReasons and close it
  26. Create a form for the ChargeReasons table. Save the form as ChargeReasons and design it as you see fit
  27. Close the form
  28. Start a new table in Design View and create the following columns:
    Field Name Data Type Field Size Caption
    TransactionID (Primary Key) AutoNumber   Transaction ID
    EmployeeID Number Long Integer Processed By
    CustomerID Number Long Integer Processed For
    TransactionTypeID Number Long Integer Transaction Type
    TransactionDate Date/Time   Transaction Date
    TransactionNumber Number   Transaction Number
    DepositAmount Currency   Deposit
    WithdrawalAmount Currency   Withdrawal
    ServiceCharge Currency   Service Charge
    ChargeReasonID Number Long Integer Charge Reason
    Notes Memo    
  29. Save the table as Transactions
  30. Set the Data Type of EmployeeID to Lookup Wizard. Use the wizard to select the following columns of the Employees table: EmployeeNumber, LastName, and FirstName
  31. Set the Data Type of CustomerID to Lookup Wizard. Use the wizard to select the AccountNumber and the CustomerName columns of the Customers table
  32. Set the Data Type of TransactionTypeID to Lookup Wizard. Use the wizard to select the TransactionType field of the TransactionTypes table
  33. Set the Data Type of ChargeReasonID to Lookup Wizard. Use the wizard to select the ChargeReason field of the ChargeReasons table
  34. Close the table

Watts A Loan

  1. Create a blank database named Watts A Loan2
  2. Configure it to display overlapping windows

World Statistics

US Senate

  1. Create a new blank database and name it US Senate2
  2. Do some research on the Internet or use a book that can help you. Make a list of the names of states in the United States. You should get the name of a state and its abbreviation
  3. Start a new table in the Design View and create the following fields:
    Field Name Data Type Field Size Caption
    StateID AutoNumber   State ID
    StateAbbreviation Text 50 State Abbreviation
    StateName Text 50 State Name
    WebSite Text 100 Web Site
    Capital Text 50  
    Governor Text 50  
  4. Save the table as States
  5. Start a new table in the Design View and create the following fields:
    Field Name Data Type Field Size Caption
    PartyID AutoNumber   Party ID
    PartyName Text 50 Party Name
  6. Save the table as Political Parties
  7. Start a new table in the Design View and create the following fields:
    Field Name Data Type Field Size Caption
    SenatorID AutoNumber   Senator ID
    SenatorName Text 50 Senator Name
    SeatingStatus Text 50 Seating Status
    Gender Text 30  
    StateID Number Long Integer  
    Race Text 40  
    Religion Text 50  
    YearElected Number Integer Year Elected
    PartyID Number Long Integer  
    DCAddress Text 255 DC Address
    DCOfficePhoneNumber Text 40 Office Phone #
    WebSite Hyperlink   Web Site
    LocalAddress1 Text   Local Address 1
    LocalAddress2 Text   Local Address 2
    LocalAddress3 Text   Local Address 3
    LocalAddress4 Text   Local Address 4
    Pictures Attachment    
    Biography Memo    
  8. Save the table as Senators
  9. Use the Lookup Wizard on the SeatingStatus column to create a list of the status. The options will be Active, Retired, Removed, and Deceased
  10. Use the Lookup Wizard on the Gender column to create a list of the genders. The options will be Male, Female, and Unknown. Set the Default Value to "Unknown"
  11. Use the Lookup Wizard on the State to link the list of states from the States table using the state abbreviation column
  12. Use the Lookup Wizard on the Race column to create a list of the races. The options will be Black, White, Native American, Hispanic, Asian, Other
  13. Use the Lookup Wizard on the Religion to create a list of the religions. The options will be Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Baptist, Presbyterian, Atheist, Other
  14. Use the Lookup Wizard on the PartyID to create a link of to the Political Parties table using the Party Name column
  15. Save and close the table
  16. Create a form for the Senators table. Save the form as Senator
  17. Go to http://www.senate.gov
  18. Get the information about each senator and populate the Senators form with that information

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