Common Characteristics of Window Controls 


Characteristics and Properties of Controls



At the most basic level, a form is a control like any other; it has properties that are shared by other controls. As a container, a control has some unique characteristics that allow it to configure the control(s) it is hosting. The central window used to control properties is the Object Inspector.

Properties Categories

The properties of an object can be changed either at design time or at run time. You can also manipulate these characteristics both at design and run times. You can even set some properties at design time and some others at run time.

To change the properties of a control at design time, you will use the Object Inspector:

Each field on the Object Inspector has two sections: the property’s name and the property's value:

Object Inspector

The box on the right side of each name represents the value of the property that you can set for an object. There are various kinds of fields you will use to set the properties. To know what particular kind a field is, click its name. But to set or change a property, you use the box on the right side of the name: the property's value also referred to as the field's value.

Empty fields: Menu By default, these fields have nothing in their properties. Most of these properties are dependent on other settings of your program. For example, you can set a menu property for a form only after you have created a menu.

To set the property on such a field, you can type in it or select from a list. If you type an invalid value and press Enter, you would receive an "Invalid Property Value" error :

Error Message

Text Fields: Text Field There are fields that expect you to type a value. Most of these fields have a default value. To change the value of the property, click the name of the property and press Enter. While some properties would allow anything, such as the Caption, come other fields expect a specific type of text, such as a numeric value. If you type an invalid value, you would receive an error.

Error Message

You can click OK to dismiss the error dialog and type a new valid value.

Expandable Fields: Expandable Field Some fields have a + sign. This indicates that the property has a set of sub-properties that actually belong to the same property and are set together. To expand such a field, click its + sign and a – sign will appear:

Error Message

To collapse the field, click the – sign. Some of the set properties are created from an enumerator. Since the field was created as a Pascal-style set, this allows the property to have more than one value. For example, the BorderIcons property can have the minimize and the maximum buttons. Some other fields that have a plus sign are actually complete classes or a combination of classes.

Boolean Fields: Boolean Field Some fields can have only a true or false value. To change their setting, you can either select from the combo box or double-click the property to toggle to the other value.

Action Fields: Some fields would require a list of items and need to be controlled by an intermediary action. Such fields display an ellipsis button Ellipsis . When you click the button, a dialog box would come up and you can set the value for the field. You can also double-click the field value to call the dialog.

Selection Fields: Selection Field To change the value of some of the fields, you would use their combo box to display the available values. After clicking the arrow, a list would display.

There are various types of selection fields. Some of them display just two items. To change their value, you can just double-click the field. Some other fields have more than two values in the field. To change them, you can click their arrow and select from the list. You can also double-click a few times until the desired value is selected. On some other properties, you can double-click the field and a dialog box would come up.

Characteristics of a Form

A form starts on top with a title bar:

Title Bar

On the left side of the form's title bar, there is a small picture called an icon. By default, C++ Builder uses an icon shipped with the compiler. If you want to use your own icon, you can specify it using the Icon property. To do this, on the Object Inspector, you can either double-click the (None) value of the Icon field or click the ellipsis button of the field. This would call the Picture Editor dialog box where you can click the Load button, locate the icon you want and select it:

Picture Editor

After clicking OK, the new icon would be used as the system icon of the form

Title Bar

The icon used on the title bar possesses a menu called the system menu. This menu displays if you click the icon:

The system menu

The system menu of the icon's title bar allows you to perform the common actions of a regular Windows form. If you do not want to display the icon and its menu, refer to the section on the BorderIcons below.

On the right side of the system icon, there is long bar that is actually usually referred to as the title bar. This section displays a word or a group of words known as the caption of the form. By default, the title bar displays the name of the form. To customize the text displayed on the title bar, on the Object Inspector, change the text of the Caption property.

At design time, you can only set the caption as text. The caption can be any type of string. At run time, you can control and programmatically display anything on the caption of the form. It can consist of an expression or the result of a calculation. To change the caption at run time, you can use a function, a method, or an event. Just type “Caption = “ and the sentence you want. For example, you can display today’s date on the caption as follows:

void __fastcall TForm1::ChangingFormCaption()
    Caption = "Today is " + Date();

You can also indirectly control the caption. For example, after the user has typed his or her name in an edit box, you can display it in the form’s caption as follows:

void __fastcall TForm1::ChangingFormCaption()
    Caption = Edit1->Text;

On the right side caption, there are three system buttons that allow minimizing (Minimize,Minimize, or Minimize), maximizing (Maximize, Maximize, or Maximize) restoring (Restore, Restore, or Restore) or closing (Close, Close, or Close) the form as a window. The presence, absence, or appearance of the system buttons is controlled by the BorderIcons property. To control this property, you can click its + sign to expand it to display its four possible values: biSystemMenu, biMinimize, biMaximimize, and biHelp

Object Inspector

The BorderIcons property is a (Pascal-style) set, which means it can use one or more values in any allowed combination. Each member of the set can have a true or false value. If you set the biSystemMenu property to true, regardless of the values of the other fields of the BorderIcons property, the form would have neither the system icon (which also makes the system menu unavailable) nor the system buttons. If a form does not have a system close button, you should make sure the user has a way to close the form:

This dialog box does not present system buttons. The user would not have any inherent way to close it unless the programmer explicitly presents a button to close it, which was taken care of by the presence of the OK and Cancel buttons.
A form without system buttons

Using a combination of the biSystemMenu, the biMinimize and the biMaximimize properties, you can control the availability of the system buttons:

No system menu

biSystemMenu = false

Notice that there is no system button

biSystemMenu = true biMinimize = false biMaximize = true

Notice that the Minimize button is disabled

biSystemMenu = true biMinimize = true biMaximize = false

Notice that the Maximize button is disabled

biSystemMenu = true biMinimize = true biMaximize = true

Both the Minimize and Maximize buttons are enabled

biSystemMenu = true biMinimize = false biMaximize = false

Notice that only the Close button is available

Author Note The biHelp property works only if the form is a dialog box. It does not bear any role on the title bar of a regular form

You can also control the system buttons with code. Since the BorderIcons property is a set, you must use the overloaded extractor operators. To remove or set a property to false, use the >> operator. To include or set a property to true, use the << operator. For example, to set the biSystemMenu property to false, you can use code such as:

biSystemMenu = false

is equivalent to:

__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
    : TForm(Owner)
    BorderIcons = TBorderIcons() >> biSystemMenu;

biSystemMenu = true
= false
= true

is equivalent to:

__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
    : TForm(Owner)
    BorderIcons = TBorderIcons() << biSystemMenu >> biMinimize << biMaximize;

biSystemMenu = true
= true
= false

is equivalent to:

__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
    : TForm(Owner)
    BorderIcons = TBorderIcons() << biSystemMenu << biMinimize >> biMaximize;

biSystemMenu = true
= false
= false

is equivalent to:

__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
    : TForm(Owner)
    BorderIcons = TBorderIcons() << biSystemMenu >> biMinimize >> biMaximize;

If you do not explicitly define the values of the BorderIcons, by default, the form would be equipped with all system buttons.

One of the most visual effects of an object's appearance is its borders. A border is a line that sets the visual limits of an object. most objects, including a form, have four borders: left, top, right, and bottom. In VCL applications, the borders of a form are controlled by a property called BorderStyle.

To control the appearance of the borders of your form, on the Object Inspector, if you click BorderStyle, you would see that it is a combo box property. The BorderStyle property is an enumerator and you can choose one of its value needed for your form.

By default, a form is designed to be resizable using the bsSizeable value. In this case the user can change its width and its height by dragging one of its borders or corners.

If you set the BorderStyle property to bsDialog, the user will not be able to resize the dialog. This is the default and the mostly used characteristics for a dialog window. You should always use it if you want the window to be a dialog box.

If you set the BorderStyle property to bsDialog and have a Help file you want to use on the dialog box, you can set the biHelp of the BorderIcons property to true. This would display a Whats This button on the title bar.

A BorderStyle set with bsSingle looks like one set with the bsSizeable. The difference is that the user cannot resize it.

A floating window is a form used to let the user move it around while she is working on the main form or dialog. This form is usually modeless, which means the user does not have to close it to continue working. If you want to create a floating modeless window, you should set the form’s BorderStyle to bsSizeToolWin. The window has a short title bar and it can be resized.

Like the sizable tool window, a form with bsToolWindow has a short title bar and is also a prime candidate for a floating window. Unlike the form with bsSizeToolWin, the user cannot resize a bsToolWindow form. 

A Form whose BorderStyle is set to bsNone has neither a title bar nor borders.

To change a property programmatically, assign one of the above values to the BorderStyle variable. Here is an example:

__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
    : TForm(Owner)
    BorderStyle = bsDialog;

A form is a rectangular object. As a geometric figure, a form is characterized by a length and a height. In VCL, the length of an object is known as its Height and its horizontal measurement is its Width. Therefore, the Width and the Height properties control the external dimensions of a form:

The dimensions of a form

C++ Builder uses some default dimensions to display a form when you create it. To change the dimensions of a form, on the Object Inspector, set an integer value to the Height and/or the Width fields. The value must be a reasonable short integer. If the value is not a number, you would receive an error.

To change the dimensions programmatically, simply assign the desired value to the Height and/or Width property of your choice. Here is an example that changes the width of the form:

void __fastcall TForm1::ChangingFormWidth()
    Width = 248;

If the value you give to a property is not allowed, the program would throw an error.

Between the left, right, bottom borders and under the title bar of the form, there is an area that can be referred to as the body of the form. It has a size that directly influences the overall size of the form. The area delimited by the body of the form is called the Client Area. This is the area that is used as the host for other objects, as we will see in future lessons.

The size of the body of the form, of course, is less than the actual size of the form because the true size of the form includes its title bar and its borders. The length of the body of the form has a dimension called and represented as ClientWidth. The height of the body of the form has a dimension referred to as ClientHeight:

The client area of a form

Overall, you will hardly be concerned with the dimensions of the client area, unless you want to draw or render a image. If you do not have a particular reason, let C++ Builder take care of the client area.

As a spatial object, a form has a location with regard to the monitor that displays it. This means that a form is housed by the screen of your monitor. The measurement of the form's position starts on the top-left corner of the screen host where the origin is set to (0,0) coordinate. The Left property represents the length from the left border of the screen to the left border of the form. In the same way, the Top property measures the length from the top border of the screen to the top border of the form:

The position of a window

At design time, if you drag the title bar of the form and start moving it, you can see the Left and Top properties in the Object Inspector vary accordingly, live: this is RAD in its truest form. Once you position your form, the compiler would remember to display the form where it was last positioned at design time. In the same way, you can change the location of the form at run time by assigning a short integer to either the Top, the Left, or both properties. Make sure you use valid integer values, otherwise you would receive an error when you compile the project.

The location of a form is respected at design time because the VCL provides another property that follows the directives of the design. At design time, you can position the form anywhere on your screen and when you run the application, the form would appear following that position. This is based on the fact that the position of the form is controlled by the TPosition enumerator. The default position of the form is recognized as the way it was designed if you do not change the Position property. The default value of the Position property is poDesigned.

In the same way, when a form appears as it was designed,, it is said to be "normal". C++ Builder allows you to have the form minimized or maximized when it appears for the first time. This ability is controlled by the WindowState property. The default value of this property is wsNormal which means the form would appear in a normal fashion. If you want the form to be minimized or maximized at startup, in the Object Inspector, select the desired value for the WindowState property.

Besides the Top, Left, and Position properties, you can also controlled the position of a form using the Align property. The Align property controls how an object is positioned with regard to the object that is hosting it. In case of a (regular) form, the Align property controls how the form is positioned with respect to the monitor's screen. When it comes to a form, the Align property should be used only if you have a good reason. For example, to maximize a form at startup, you can set its Align property to alClient, which you can also accomplish using the WindowSate property. The default value of the Align property is alNone, which means the appearance of the form is left to other properties. We will explore the Align property when we get to the controls but remember that it is also available to the form.

The user of your application will have the ability to resize the form when using your application. If the form is not a classic dialog box, by default, the user can resize it to any dimensions allowed by the screen resolution; the minimum is to have the system buttons and just a tiny part of the caption. You can set the minimum height, the maximum height, the minimum width, and the maximum width allowed on the form when the user decides to resize it. This property is controlled by the Constraints property. The Constraints property is a TSizeConstraints class, which is inherited from the TPersistent class. Although it is a class, you should never declare it. The control that uses a Constraints property will create and initialize an instance of the class. The MinWidth, MinHeight, MaxWidth, and MaxHeight are integer values you can set using the keyboard. To set the constraints of a control that has this property, click the + sign of the Constraints name in the Object Inspector, click the field desired and type an integer value. To programmatically control the constraints of a control, call the TSizeConstraints::Property and type the desired value. In the following example, when the user tries to resize the Form1 form, the minimum and maximum dimensions of the form are already set and would not change:

void __fastcall TForm1::FormResize(TObject *Sender)
    Form1->Constraints->MinHeight = 300;
    Form1->Constraints->MinWidth = 500;
    Form1->Constraints->MaxHeight = 400;
    Form1->Constraints->MaxWidth = 565;

An object is referred to as transparent when you can see through it. If you are working for or under Windows 2000 or later running on a Pentium or equivalent, you can make your form transparent. To create a transparent form, set the AlphaBlend Boolean property to true from its false default value. Once this property is set to true, you can use the AlphaBlendValue property to set the degree of transparency. The value must be an integer value between 0 and 255. At 0, you would not see the form at all. The only presence of the form would be on the taskbar. At 255, the form would appear as if the property was not applied.


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