Learning: Setting the Caption of a Bitmap Button
- In the Additional section of the Tool Palette, click TBitBtn
and click the form on the right side of the Height edit control
- In the Object Inspector, change the following properties:
Caption: Calculate Name: frmCalculate
![Cylinder Evaluation](../../vcl/forms/cylinder2.gif)
- Save all
There are two primary ways you can provide or add a
bitmap to the button. Embarcadero RAD Studio ships with combinations of
bitmaps and captions for a bitmap button. To let you use one of these, the
TBitBtn class is equipped with a property named Kind, which
is of type TBitBtnKind:
__property Buttons::TBitBtnKind Kind = {read=GetKind,write=SetKind};
The TBitBtnKind enumeration has the following
enum TBitBtnKind{
To visually select one of the predesigned pictures,
after adding a bitmap button to a container, in the Object Inspector, click
Kind and select one of the types of buttons. Some of the buttons you create
using one of the Kind types have already been configured to
properly respond to the dialog box or form on which they are used. This
works only if the form or dialog box is added to an existing form. The
possible values of the Kind property and their effect on
the application are:
Constant |
Picture |
Observation |
Returns |
bkCustom |
See Below |
No special role |
mrNone |
bkOK |
![](../buttons/ok2.gif) |
This value should be used if
either it is the only button on a dialog box or the user will
need to acknowledge a message after performing some action on
the form. In this case the user should either click this button
or press Enter. After this Kind value is set, the Default
property is automatically set to true, which gives the button a
thick border. |
mrOk |
bkCancel |
![](../buttons/cancel2.gif) |
This value should be used if
the user will need the opportunity to dismiss whatever action
would have been performed on the form. The button that uses this
Kind is usually accompanied by another button labeled OK.
After this Kind value is set, the Cancel property is
automatically set to true. |
mrCancel |
bkAbort |
![](../buttons/abort2.gif) |
Used to display Abort. |
mrAbort |
bkRetry |
![](../buttons/retry2.gif) |
Used to display Retry. |
mrRetry |
bkIgnore |
![](../buttons/ignore2.gif) |
Used to display Ignore. |
mrIgnore |
bkYes |
![](../buttons/yes2.gif) |
This value should be used the
user will be presented with a Yes/No question. The button should
not be used with another button labeled OK on the same
container. After this Kind value is set, the
Default property is automatically set to true and the button
gets equipped with a thick border. |
mrYes |
bkNo |
![](../buttons/no2.gif) |
Used to display No and return
the mrAbort value |
mrNo |
bkHelp |
![](../buttons/help2.gif) |
Used to display Help |
bkClose |
![](../buttons/close3.gif) |
bkAll |
![](../buttons/all2.gif) |
Used to display Yes to All and
return the mrYesToAll value |
mrYesToAll |
If none of the default bitmaps is satisfying to you, you
can replace it with a bitmap of your choice. If you do not like the caption,
you can simply click the Caption field in the Object Inspector and
type a string of your choice.
Learning: Specifying the Kind of Button
- On the form, click the button on the right side of the Volume edit
- In the Object Inspector, click Kind and select bkClose
- Save all
The Glyph of a Bitmap Button
The bkCustom value of the Kind property
allows you to set both the bitmap and the caption without using the
pre-selections. In either case, the bitmap of the button is specified using
the Glyph property of the TBitBtn class:
__property Graphics::TBitmap * Glyph = {read=GetGlyph,write=SetGlyph};
To visually change it in the Object Inspector, click the
Glyph field and then click its ellipsis button to display the Picture
Editor. This allows you to load, select, and open a bitmap of your choice.
You can design your own bitmap.
Learning: Setting the Glyph of a Button
- On the form, click the button on the right side of the Height edit
- In the Object Inspector, click Glyph and click its button
- In the Picture Editor, click Load
- From the resources that accompany these lessons, select
calculate.bmp and click Open
- In the Picture Editor, click OK
![Cylinder Evaluation](../../vcl/forms/cylinder3.gif)
- Double-click the Calculate button to generate its OnClick event
- Implement the event as follows:
#include <vcl.h>
#include <math.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "Evaluation.h"
#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma resource "*.dfm"
TForm1 *Form1;
__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
: TForm(Owner)
void __fastcall TForm1::btnCalculateClick(TObject *Sender)
double Radius = 0.00, Height = 0.00;
double BaseArea, LateralArea, TotalArea, Volume;
Radius = StrToFloat(edtRadius->Text);
Height = StrToFloat(edtHeight->Text);
BaseArea = Radius * Radius * M_PI;
LateralArea = Radius * Height * 2 * M_PI;
TotalArea = BaseArea + LateralArea;
Volume = BaseArea * Height;
edtBaseArea->Text = FloatToStrF(BaseArea, ffFixed, 8, 6);
edtLateralArea->Text = FloatToStrF(LateralArea, ffFixed, 8, 6);
edtTotalArea->Text = FloatToStrF(TotalArea, ffFixed, 8, 6);
edtVolume->Text = FloatToStrF(Volume, ffFixed, 8, 6);
- Save all
- Press F9 to execute
- Enter a value in the Radius box and another value for the Height
- Click Calculate
![Cylinder Evaluation](../../vcl/forms/cylinder4.gif)
- Close the form and return to your programming environment
To position itself, a bitmap uses a margin distance
between its location and the button’s borders. This is controlled by the
Margin property:
__property int Margin = {read=FMargin,write=SetMargin};
On a bitmap button, you can use only the bitmap, only
the caption, or both the bitmap and the caption. If you decide to use both,
you have the opportunity to specify how they would appear next to each
other. The alignment of the bitmap with regards to the caption is controlled
by the Layout property, which is based on the TButtonLayout
__property Buttons::TButtonLayout Layout = {read=FLayout,write=SetLayout};
Its possible values are:
Value |
Appearance |
blGlyphLeft |
![Button Layout](buttons/layout1a.gif) |
blGlyphRight |
![Button Layout](buttons/layout1b.gif) |
blGlyphTop |
![Button Layout](buttons/layout1c.gif) |
blGlyphBottom |
![Button Layout](buttons/layout1d.gif) |
If you decide to use both a bitmap and a caption, the
distance between them is controlled by the Spacing property whose default
value is 4 pixels. You can change it to a reasonable value if you need to.
The bitmap used should/must have at least a 16x16 pixels
size. C++Builder allows you to use a bitmap made of more than one glyph. In
this case, the bitmap must be created like a single picture image list with
a height of 16 pixels at most. If it contains two bitmaps, it should have a
size of 32x16. The picture used for a bitmap button should not have more
than 3 bitmaps. Otherwise, the fourth and beyond glyphs would be ignored.
After adding the bitmaps, C++Builder would find the
number of glyphs that the bitmap contains using the “physical” size of the
picture based on the fact that each bitmap has a width of 16 pixels. The
number of glyphs is set using the NumGlyphs property and it is
automatically set by C++Builder. Based on this, if you add a 16x16 pixels
bitmap, its NumGlyphs value would be set to 1. A 32x16 bitmap would
have a NumGlyphs value set to 2. A 48x16 bitmap would have the
NumGlyph property set to 3. If you think that the number set by
C++Builder is not right, you can change it on the Object Inspector.
Here is how the number of glyphs influences the appearance of the bitmap
- If the bitmap contains 1 glyph, the single bitmap would always be
used except when the button is disabled. The operating system is in
charge of painting the face of the button when it is disabled
- If the bitmap contains 2 glyphs, the first glyph would be used both
when the button is clicked and not clicked. The second glyph would be
used when the button is disabled
- If the bitmap contains 3 glyphs, the first would be used when the
button displays normally. The second glyph would display while the
button is down when it has been clicked. The third would display when
the button is disabled