
Win32 Controls: The Command Link Button


Introduction to the Command Link Button



A command link appears with a picture on the left, followed by a caption in regular size (and font). Under the main caption, it can display another smaller caption that serves as hint to provide more information. Here are two examples from the Add Printer dialog box:

 Add Printer




Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing Command Link Buttons

  1. To create a new project, on the main menu, click File -> New -> VCL Forms Application - C++Builder
  2. In the Object Inspector, change the following properties:
    Caption: Trigonometric Calculations
    Name:    frmCalculations
    Position: poScreenCenter
  3. To save the project, on the Standard toolbar, click the Save All button
  4. Click the New Folder button
  5. Type TrigonometricCalculations1 as the name of the folder and press Enter twice to select it
  6. Type Calculations as the name of the unit and click Save
  7. Type TrigonometricCalculations as the name of the project and click Save
  8. Design the form as follows:

    Trigonometric Calculations
    Control Caption Name Text Other Properties
    TButton TBitBtn Angle Evaluations btnAngleEvaluations    
    TButton TBitBtn Right Triangle Calculations btnRightTriangle    
    TButton TBitBtn Close btnClose    
    TPanel TPanel   pnlAngleEvaluations    
    TLabel Directory List Box Value:      
    TEdit Edit   edtAngleValue 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    TButton TBitBtn Calculate btnCalculateAngle    
    TPanel TPanel   pnlRightTriangle    
    TImage TImage   imgShape   Picture:
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit a: ledA 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    LabelPosition: lpLeft
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit b: ledB 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    LabelPosition: lpLeft
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit c: ledC 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    LabelPosition: lpLeft
    TButton TBitBtn Alpha btnAlpha    
    TButton TBitBtn Theta btnTheta    
    TPanel TPanel        
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit sin: ledAngleSine 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit cos: ledAngleCosine 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit tan: ledAngleTangent 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit csc: ledAngleCosecant 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit sec: ledAngleSecant 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit cot: ledAngleCotangent 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    TGroupBox TGroupBox Alpha grpAlpha    
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit sin: ledAlphaSine 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit cos: ledAlphaCosine 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit tan: ledAlphaTangent 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit csc: ledAlphaCosecant 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit sec: ledAlphaSecant 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit cot: ledAlphaCotangent 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    TGroupBox TGroupBox Theta grpTheta    
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit sin: ledThetaSine 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit cos: ledThetaCosine 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit tan: ledThetaTangent 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit csc: ledThetaCosecant 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit sec: ledThetaSecant 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
    TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit cot: ledThetaCotangent 0.00 Alignment: taRightJustify
  9. Change the positions of the top panels so that one is positions one on top of the other
  10. Change the positions of the bottom group box and the panel so that they are positions one on top of the other
    Trigonometric Calculations
  11. Save all

Creating a Command Link Button

To create a command link, set the Style of the button to bsCommandLink. Once you do this, the button becomes equipped with a right-pointing green button on the left side of the caption:

Command Link Button

Like a normal button, the command link can display a caption. Of course, you can visually specify it using the Caption field in the Object Inspector. You can also change it programmatically. The caption appears in bold characters on the right side of the picture. By Microsoft Windows standards, you cannot change the alignment of the picture.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating a Command Link Button

  1. Click the Angle Evaluations button
  2. In the Object Inspector, change the Style property to bsCommandLink
  3. In the same way, change the style of the Right Triangle Calculations and the Close buttons to bsCommandLink
  4. Save all

Characteristics of a Command Link Button


The Hint Link

Besides the regular caption, you can add a sentence under it. To support this, the TCustomButton class provides the CommandLinkHint property, which is a string:

__property System::UnicodeString CommandLinkHint = 

To visually specify the hint, access the Object Inspector for the button and type the desired string in the CommandLinkHint field:

Command Link Button

This would produce:

Command Link Button

When a command link has focus, it shows some borders. This is also the case if the button appears by itself in a form. When there are more than one button, the button that has focus shows some borders and the other button does not. When the mouse passes over the button that doesn't have focus, its borders are raised.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Specifying the Hit Link

  1. Click the Angle Evaluations button
  2. In the Object Inspector, click CommandHitLink, type Find the trigonometric values of a known constant and press Enter
  3. In the same way, change the CommandHitLink property of the Right Triangle Calculations button to Knowing the 3 sides of a right triangle, find the values of both acute angles
  4. In the same way, change the CommandHitLink property of the Close button to Close the application

  5. Double-click the Angle Evaluations button and implement its event as follows:
    void __fastcall TfrmCalculations::btnAngleEvaluationsClick(TObject *Sender)
    	pnlAngleEvaluations->Visible = True;
    	grpAlpha->Visible = True;
    	pnlRightTriangle->Visible = False;
    	grpTheta->Visible = False;
    	pnlValue->Visible = False;
  6. Return to the form and double-click an unoccupied area of its body
  7. Implement the event as follows:
    void __fastcall TfrmCalculations::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
  8. In the top combo box of the Object Inspector, select btnCalculateAngle
  9. Click Events
  10. Double-click OnClick and implement its event as follows:
    void __fastcall TfrmCalculations::btnCalculateAngleClick(TObject *Sender)
    	double Value = 0.00,
    		   Sine = 0.00, Cosine = 0.00, Tangent = 0.00;
    	// Retrieve the value
    	Value   = StrToFloat(edtAngleValue->Text);
    	// Calculate
    	Sine    = sin(Value);
    	Cosine  = cos(Value);
    	Tangent = tan(Value);
    	// Display the values
    	this->ledAngleSine->Text      = FloatToStr(Sine);
    	this->ledAngleCosine->Text    = FloatToStr(Cosine);
    	this->ledAngleTangent->Text   = FloatToStr(Tangent);
    	if( Value != 0.00 )
    		this->ledAngleSecant->Text    = FloatToStr(1 / Sine);
    	this->ledAngleCosecant->Text  = FloatToStr(1 / Cosine);
    	if( Value != 0.00 )
    		this->ledAngleCotangent->Text = FloatToStr(1 / Tangent);
  11. Return to the form
  12. Double-click the Right Triangle Calculations button and implement its event as follows:
    void __fastcall TfrmCalculations::btnRightTriangleClick(TObject *Sender)
    	pnlRightTriangle->Visible = True;
    	pnlAngleEvaluations->Visible = False;
    	grpAlpha->Visible = True;
    	pnlAngleValues->Visible = False;
    	grpTheta->Visible = False;
  13. In the top combo box of the Object Inspector, select btnAlpha
  14. Double-click OnClick and implement its event as follows:
    void __fastcall TfrmCalculations::btnAlphaClick(TObject *Sender)
    	double a = 0.00, b = 0.00, c = 0.00;
    	double Alpha = 0.00;
    	double Theta = 0.00;
    	a = StrToFloat(ledA->Text);
    	b = StrToFloat(ledB->Text);
    	c = StrToFloat(ledC->Text);
    	this->grpAlpha->Visible = True;
    	this->grpTheta->Visible = False;
    	this->ledAlphaSine->Text      = FloatToStr(b / c);
    	this->ledAlphaCosine->Text    = FloatToStr(a / c);
    	this->ledAlphaTangent->Text   = FloatToStr(b / a);
    	this->ledAlphaCosecant->Text  = FloatToStr(c / b);
    	this->ledAlphaSecant->Text    = FloatToStr(c / a);
    	this->ledAlphaCotangent->Text = FloatToStr(a / b);
  15. In the top combo box of the Object Inspector, select btnTheta
  16. Double-click OnClick and implement the event as follows:
    void __fastcall TfrmCalculations::btnThetaClick(TObject *Sender)
    	double a = 0.00, b = 0.00, c = 0.00;
    	double Alpha = 0.00;
    	double Theta = 0.00;
    	a = StrToFloat(ledA->Text);
    	b = StrToFloat(ledB->Text);
    	c = StrToFloat(ledC->Text);
    	this->grpTheta->Visible = True;
    	this->grpAlpha->Visible = False;
    	this->ledThetaSine->Text      = FloatToStr(a / c);
    	this->ledThetaCosine->Text    = FloatToStr(b / c);
    	this->ledThetaTangent->Text   = FloatToStr(a / b);
    	this->ledThetaCosecant->Text  = FloatToStr(c / a);
    	this->ledThetaSecant->Text    = FloatToStr(c / b);
    	this->ledThetaCotangent->Text = FloatToStr(b / a);
  17. Press F12 to display the form
  18. Double-click the Close button and implement its event as follows:
    void __fastcall TfrmCalculations::btnCloseClick(TObject *Sender)
  19. Save all
  20. Press F9 to execute the application
  21. Enter a position value in the edit control and click Calculate:
  22. Click the Right Triangle button
  23. Enter some values in the a, the b, and the c edit boxes
  24. Click Alpha
  25. Enter new values in the a, the b, and the c edit boxes
  26. Click Theta
  27. Close the form and return to your programming environment

The Selected Image

The defualt picture of a command link button appears as a green right-pointing icon. If you want to change it, first create an image list and assign it to the Images property of the button. To specify what picture to use, assign the index to the ImageIndex property. That image would appear on the button when the control doesn't have focus or when it looses focus. One of the options you have it to display a different picture when the button has focus but without being clicked. To support this, the TCustomButton class provides the SelectedImageIndex property:

__property int SelectedImageIndex = 

The Pressed Image

This property is of type int. To specify its value assign the desired index from the image list. Another option is to specify what picture to show when the button is pressed. This is done using the PressedImageIndex proeprty:

__property int PressedImageIndex = {read=FPressedImageIndex,write=SetPressedImageIndex};

This property also uses an index from the image list.


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