File Management |
Win32 and Files |
Introduction |
Directory and file management consists of creating, copying, moving, deleting, performing various types of operations, or replacing directories and files. To perform these operations, you can use functions from the C/C++ language or from the Win32 library. Some of the functions of the C language are mostly platform independent. The functions of the Win32 library are meant to provide as much functionality and as many features as possible. |
Microsoft Windows gives you the ability to perform various types of operations on files, including opening, editing, or printing. To perform these operations, one of the functions you can use is named ShellExecute. Its syntax is: HINSTANCE ShellExecute( __in_opt HWND hwnd, __in_opt LPCTSTR lpOperation, __in LPCTSTR lpFile, __in_opt LPCTSTR lpParameters, __in_opt LPCTSTR lpDirectory, __in INT nShowCmd ); |
hwnd: The hwnd argument is a handle to the object that called this function. You can pass this argument as Handle or NULL: ShellExecute(Handle, . . .); lpFile: The third argument, lpFile, is the name of, or path to, the file on which you want to perform the operation. It can represent a file such as Example.txt: ShellExecute(Handle, . . ., "Example.txt", . . .); Or it can be an executable such as write.exe: ShellExecute(Handle, . . ., "write.exe", . . .); Or it can be a folder: ShellExecute(Handle, . . ., "C:\\Exercise", . . .); The lpFile argument lets the compiler know what file or folder you want to use. You can pass the lpFile argument as just the name of the file or a complete path. If you pass lpFile as a name for the file, the compiler will consider the current directory where your application is located. If the file cannot be found there, the compiler may stop. In some other cases, it would proceed with an algorithm specified by the operating system. For example, it may look in the Documents, the Windows, or the System32 folders. To be safe, you should provide the complete path as the lpFile argument. lpOperation: The lpOperation argument is called a verb because it specifies the operation, or type of operation, you want to perform on the lpFile argument. This argument is passed as a string. Some of the values this argument can hold are:
lpDirectory: As stated already, you can pass the lpFile argument with a complete path. If you do, you can pass the lpDirectory argument as NULL: ShellExecute(Handle, NULL, "C:\\Exercise\\Example.txt", NULL, . . .); As an alternative, you can pass the lpFile argument with just a name. Then pass the path without the file for lpDirectory. Here is an example: ShellExecute(Handle, NULL, "Example.txt", "C:\\Exercise", . . .); lpParameters: If the lpFile argument represents a file, you should pass this argument as NULL. Here is an example: ShellExecute(Handle, NULL, "Example.txt", "C:\\Exercise", NULL, . . .); If lpFile represents an executable and it needs some parameters to execute, you can pass them in the lpDirectorys placeholder. nShowCmd: This argument specifies the appearance of the application that will open the file or how Windows Explorer should display to the user. One of the values this argument can hold is SW_SHOWNORMAL. Here is an example: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::btnOpenFileClick(TObject *Sender) { ShellExecute(Handle, "open", "Example.txt", NULL, "C:\\Exercise", SW_SHOWNORMAL); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other possible values are: SW_SHOWDEFAULT, SW_SHOWNORMAL, SW_SHOW, SW_SHOWNA, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, SW_HIDE, SW_MAXIMIZE, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED, SW_MINIMIZE, SW_SHOWMINIMIZED, SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE, and SW_RESTORE. An alternative to the ShellExecute() function is to call ShellExecuteEx. Here is an example of calling it: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { SHELLEXECUTEINFO sei; sei.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO); sei.fMask = SEE_MASK_DEFAULT; sei.lpFile = "Example.txt"; sei.lpDirectory = "C:\\Exercise"; sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; ShellExecuteEx(&sei); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
In Microsoft Windows, the handle of a file is an unsigned integer created and managed by the operating system. The handle is applied to different types of resources and objects but each has its own handle. Before using a file, you must get a handle to it. To get it, you can call the CreateFile() function of the Win32 library. Its syntax is: HANDLE WINAPI CreateFile( __in LPCTSTR lpFileName, __in DWORD dwDesiredAccess, __in DWORD dwShareMode, __in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, __in DWORD dwCreationDisposition, __in DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, __in_opt HANDLE hTemplateFile ); Despite its name, this function doesn't really create a file. It only gives you access to it. What you do with the file depends on you.
One of the operations you can perform on a file consists of writing one or more values to it. To let you do this, the Win32 library provides the WriteFile() function that uses the following syntax: BOOL WINAPI WriteFile( __in HANDLE hFile, __in LPCVOID lpBuffer, __in DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite, __out_opt LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten, __inout_opt LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ); The equivalent function in Object Pascal is named FileWrite.
If want to use an existing file, you can first open it. To let you do this, you can call the OpenFile() function of Win32. Its syntax is: HFILE WINAPI OpenFile( __in LPCSTR lpFileName, __out LPOFSTRUCT lpReOpenBuff, __in UINT uStyle ); The equivalent function in Object Pascal is FileOpen.
After opening a file, if you want to read its values, you can call the ReadFile() function. Its syntax appears as:
After using a file, to close it, you can call the CloseHandle() function.
In its latest release, the VCL has done a tremendously job in the area of file processing. It now provides three wonderful classes in the IOUtils.hpp header file. These are the TDirectory, the TFile, and the TPath classes. All these are static classes in the modern sense of the word (C++ doesn't have a formal concept of a static class; in other languages such as C#, a static class is a class whose all methods are static, meaning you don't declare a variable to access the members of that class, instead you use the :: operator applied to the name of the class). These three class support all types of operations performed on files, their names, and their paths.
To identify a variable for a file name, the VCL provides a type-defined data type named TFileName. This data type is of type UnicodeString: typedef System::UnicodeString TFileName; Based on this, to declare a variable for a file name, you can use either UnicodeString or TFileName.
The path of a file is a combination of its location and name. One of the ways you can get this information is to call the Object Pascal's ExtractFilePath() function. Its syntax appears as follows: String ExtractFilePath(const String FileName); This function takes one argument as the file to be processed. The function returns only the path part. Consider this example: ExtractFilePath("C:\\Exercise\\Welcome.txt"); This produces C:\Exercise1. To let you extract the path to a file, the TPath class is equipped with a method named GetFileName. Its syntax is: static System::UnicodeString __fastcall GetDirectoryName(System::UnicodeString FileName);
If you have a complete combination of a path and its file but you want to get only the file name, you have various options. You can call the Object Pascal's ExtractFileName() function. Its C++ syntax appears as: UnicodeString ExtractFileName(const UnicodeString FileName); This function takes the whole path and returns the name of the file. Consider this example: ExtractFileName("C:\\Exercise\\Welcome.txt"); This produces Welcome.txt To let you extract a file name from the full name, the TPath class provides the GetFileName(). Its syntax is: static System::UnicodeString __fastcall GetFileName(System::UnicodeString FileName);
To compare the file names of two files, you can call the AnsiCompareFileName() function of Object Pascal: int AnsiCompareFileName(const String S1, const String S2); This function takes the names or path of two files. If the names of the files are the same, the function returns 0. If the names are different, the function returns -1 or 1 depending on which file name is higher.
An extension makes it possible to identify the type of a file. The extension is made of one, two, or more characters. To get the extension of a file, you have many options. You can call the Object Pascal's ExtractFileExt() function. Its C++ syntax appears as: String ExtractFileExt(const String FileName); This function takes the name of a file or its whole path. It returns the extension of the file. Consider this example: ExtractFileExt("C:\\Exercise\\Welcome.txt"); This produces .txt. To let you extract the extension of a file, the TPath class is equipped with a method named GetExtention. Its syntax is: static System::UnicodeString __fastcall GetExtension(System::UnicodeString FileName); |
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