The InterestPayment() function is used to
calculate the amount paid as interest for a loan. Its syntax is:
Extended __fastcall InterestPayment(const Extended Rate,
int Period,
int NPeriods,
const Extended PresentValue,
const Extended FutureValue,
TPaymentTime PaymentTime);
The PresentValue parameter is the current value
of the item. It could be the marked value of the car, the current mortgage
value of a house, or the cash amount that a bank is lending. The
NPeriods is the number of periods that occur during a yearly cycle of
the loan. The Rate argument is a fixed percent value applied during the
life of the loan. The Period argument represents the payment period. The
FutureValue is the total amount that the customer will have paid
when the loan is paid off. The PaymentTime specifies whether the
periodic (such as monthly) payment of the loan is made at the beginning or
end of the period.
Here is an example:
#include <vcl.h>
#include <math.hpp>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "Exercise.h"
#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma resource "*.dfm"
TfrmExercise *frmExercise;
__fastcall TfrmExercise::TfrmExercise(TComponent* Owner)
: TForm(Owner)
void __fastcall TfrmExercise::btnCalculateClick(TObject *Sender)
Extended Present, Future, Payment, Rate;
int Periods, NPeriod;
Present = StrToFloat(edtPresentValue->Text);
Future = StrToFloat(edtFutureValue->Text);
Periods = StrToInt(edtPeriod->Text);
NPeriod = StrToInt(edtNPeriods->Text);
Rate = StrToFloat(edtInterestRate->Text) / 12;
Payment = InterestPayment(Rate / 100,
edtMonthlyPayment->Text = FloatToStrF(labs(Payment), ffCurrency, 8, 2);