
Math Functions: The Maximum Integer Value of a Series



int __fastcall MaxIntValue(const int * Data, const int Data_Size);

The MaxIntValue() function calculates the maximum value of an array of integers. The first parameter of the function, Data, represents the name of the array. The second argument, Data_Size is the number-1 of members of the array.

To get the maximum value of a group of integers, declare an integral array of numbers. You can initialize such a variable or request the values of its members from the user. The value of the Data_Size argument must be 1 less than the total number of the array members.

Here is an example that uses the MaxIntValue() function:

void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
	Integer n, MaxInteger;
	Integer Numbers[] = { 15, 408, 72, 995, 32 };

	MaxInteger = MaxIntValue(Numbers, 4);
	Edit1->Text = IntToStr(MaxInteger);



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