Message Boxes: Show Message |
Fundamental Message Boxes |
Introduction |
A message box is a relatively small dialog box used to display a message and provide one or more buttons. Here is an example of a message box: |
A message box is used to provide information to the user or to request a decision (from the user). By clicking the button or one of the buttons (if the message box displays more than one), the user makes a decision and the program continues. Message boxes are created from built-in functions from the VCL and the Win32 library. The necessary functions shipped with the compiler. |
The ShowMessage() function provides the most fundamental of Embarcadero’s message boxes. This function takes one string argument and does not return any value. It is used to display a message to the user who acknowledges it by clicking the OK button. The syntax of the ShowMessage() function is: void __fastcall ShowMessage(const AnsiString Message); A message box created with the ShowMessage() function uses the name of the project as its caption. The message to display is a string that can be provided by the developer. Here is an example: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- WINAPI _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { ShowMessage(L"Welcome to the Sellers Bank."); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- This would produce:
The string can also come from a control on the application. The string can also be a combination of other strings: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- WINAPI _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { String strName = "Andy Bossal"; String strMessage = " is not in our records."; ShowMessage("The name " + strName + strMessage); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- This would produce:
As with other message boxes that we will study here, to display the message on various lines of text, you can separate lines using the C/C++ new line constant represented by '\n'. The VCL provides another alternative. To separate lines of text, you can use the sLineBreak constant. Here is an example: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- WINAPI _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { AnsiString strMessage = "Your record has been registered"; AnsiString strCountry = "Country Name: Australia"; AnsiString strCity = "City to visit: Melbourne"; AnsiString strFinal = "Have a nice strip."; ShowMessage(strMessage + sLineBreak + strCountry + sLineBreak + strCity + sLineBreak + strFinal); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- This would produce:
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