
The Size of a Box

Fundamentals of Boxes Sizes

The Width of a Box

The size of a box is partially controlled by its width, which is the distance from its left to its right sides:

The Width of a Box or Element

The value of the width can be expressed as:

  • auto: The box will rely on its parent element to decide how much width to apply. In most cases, the box will use the whole width made available by the parent. Here is an example:
    <title>Social Science Studies</title>
    .main-title         {
        text-align:  center;
        font-weight: bold;
        color:       Navy;
        font-size:   0.86cm;
        text-shadow: 0.03cm 0.03cm 0.8cm Blue;
        font-family: Bodoni MT Black, Georgia, Times New Roman, serif; }
    #container {
        width:       auto;
        background-color:  Seashell;
    .paragraph {
        text-align:  justify;
        word-break:  keep-all;
        color:       Black;
        font-family: Georgia, Garamond, Times New Roman, serif;
    <p class="main-title">Social Science Studies</p>
    <div id="container">
      <p class="paragraph">Social sciences cover a wide range of studies that 
      address all types of topics about human beings, their behaviors, their 
      history, their societies, and their environments. Some social science topics 
      are grouped in categories, such as individual or crowd, where studies tend 
      to address the same categorical isssues. Still, social sciences are highly 
      interchangeable. Sometimes, differences are a matter of interpretations 
      based on the particular area(s) being considered.</p>

    This would produce:

    The Position of a Box

    The Position of a Box

  • A Number: A decimal number that is HTML-based. Here is an example:
    <title>Energy: Electricity</title>
    #energy-sources {
        outline: double;
        background-color: #800000;
    #top-banner    { background-color: #336699 }
    #bottom-banner {
        width: 200pt;
        background-color: #800000 }
    #title {
        text-align: center;
        color:      Yellow; }
    .container { background-color: #663300 }
    #sources   { list-style-type:  none    }
    .details {
        font-size:   12pt;
        text-align:  Justify;
        color:       #66FFFF;
        font-family: Times New Roman, serif;
    a.electrosources:link, a.electrosources:active,
    a.electrosources:visited, a.electrosources:hover, #soe-title {
        text-decoration: None;
        font-size:       1.02em;
        font-family:     Catriel, Consolas, Tahoma, sans-serif;
    a.electrosources:link    { color: #FF9900 }
    a.electrosources:active  { color: #FF00FF }
    a.electrosources:visited { color: #99FF00 }
    a.electrosources:hover   {
        background-color: #CC33FF;
        color:            #00FF99;
        outline:          solid 1pt #CCFFFF;
    #soe-title {
        font-weight:     600;
        color:           #FFFF00;
        text-decoration: underline; }
    <header id="top-banner">
      <h1 id="title">Electricity</h1>
    <section class="container">
      <p class="details">Electricity is used to supply  power to machines and 
      devices. The resulting effects include light, heat, storage, running, 
      rolling, etc. The electricity is used in the human body, in animals, in 
      vehicles, in home appliances (refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, TV sets, 
      etc), in air conditioning (home, vehicles, commercial buildings).</p>
      <p class="details">Electricity production consists of using a certain 
      source of power to produce electricity. Some sources of power are the 
      wind, the steam, the gas, the heat, the sun, the tides (from oceans), 
      the fossils, water (from rivers), or the generators. Electricity is 
      captured or transformed from those sources and then transmitted to 
      machines that directly or indirectly uses it.</p>
    <div id="bottom-banner">
      <ul id="sources">
        <li id="soe-title">Sources of Energy</li>
        <li><a class="electrosources" href="wind.htm">Wind Power</a></li>
        <li><a class="electrosources" href="solar.htm">Solar Energy</a></li>
        <li><a class="electrosources" href="tides.htm">Tidal Energy</a></li>
        <li><a class="electrosources" href="fossil.htm">Fossil Fuel</a></li>
        <li><a class="electrosources" href="dams.htm">Hydroeletricity</a></li>
        <li><a class="electrosources" href="generators.htm">Generators</a></li>

    This would produce:

    The Width of a Box - Number

  • Percentage: A relative number that depends on the parent of the box. For example, 100% means that the box should cover the whole width of its parent. 50% means that the box should cover only half the width of its parent

The Height of a Box

The size of a box is a combination of its width and its height:

The Size a Box

While the width is concerned with the horizontal measures, the height is the distance from the top to the bottom parts of a box or element. Here are examples of using it:

<title>Energy: Electricity</title>

#energy-sources {
    outline: double;
    background-color: #800000;
#top-banner {
    height: 35pt;
    background-color: #336699 }

#bottom-banner {
    width: 200pt;
    background-color: #800000 }

#title {
    text-align: center;
    color:      Yellow;
    text-shadow: 0.15em 0.15em 0.08em DarkBlue;
.container { background-color: #663300 }

#sources   { list-style-type:  none    }

.details {
    font-size:   12pt;
    text-align:  Justify;
    color:       #66FFFF;
    font-family: Times New Roman, serif;

a.electrosources:link, a.electrosources:active,
a.electrosources:visited, a.electrosources:hover, #soe-title
    text-decoration: None;
    font-size:       1.02em;
    font-family:     Catriel, Consolas, Tahoma, sans-serif;
a.electrosources:link    { color: #FF9900 }
a.electrosources:active  { color: #FF00FF }
a.electrosources:visited { color: #99FF00 }
a.electrosources:hover   {
    background-color: #CC33FF;
    color:            #00FF99;
    outline:          solid 1pt #CCFFFF; }

#soe-title {
    height: 22pt;
    font-weight:     600;
    color:           #FFFF00;
    text-decoration: underline


<header id="top-banner">
  <h1 id="title">Electricity</h1>

<section class="container">
  <p class="details">Electricity is used to supply  power to machines and 
  devices. The resulting effects include light, heat, storage, running, 
  rolling, etc. The electricity is used in the human body, in animals, in 
  vehicles, in home appliances (refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, TV sets, 
  etc), in air conditioning (home, vehicles, commercial buildings).</p>

  <p class="details">Electricity production consists of using a certain 
  source of power to produce electricity. Some sources of power are the 
  wind, the steam, the gas, the heat, the sun, the tides (from oceans), 
  the fossils, water (from rivers), or the generators. Electricity is 
  captured or transformed from those sources and then transmitted to 
  machines that directly or indirectly uses it.</p>

<div id="bottom-banner">
  <ul id="sources">
    <li id="soe-title">Sources of Energy</li>
    <li><a class="electrosources" href="wind.htm">Wind Power</a></li>
    <li><a class="electrosources" href="solar.htm">Solar Energy</a></li>
    <li><a class="electrosources" href="tides.htm">Tidal Energy</a></li>
    <li><a class="electrosources" href="fossil.htm">Fossil Fuel</a></li>
    <li><a class="electrosources" href="dams.htm">Hydroeletricity</a></li>
    <li><a class="electrosources" href="generators.htm">Generators</a></li>

This would produce:

The Height of a Box


Introduction to Managing a Box and its Contents

The Line Height

The primary content of a box is text. The characters of a text piece have different designs. Consider letters like i, W, p, G, x, Q, d, W, j, or S. Notice that parts of some letters have a lower portion (called a descender) while some others have a higher portion (called an ascender). When the letters must display in a box, the box must manage to show each character appropriately. In most cases, you will manage the display of the letters with regards to the borders of the box. In other words, you may want the letters to be horizontally aligned based on the top border of the box. Consider the following code:

<title>Social Science Studies: Philosophy</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
    color: #F5F032; // rgb(245, 240, 50);
    font:  12pt Times New Roman, Garamond, serif;
    background-color: #375f91; // rgb(55, 95, 145)
#top-banner {
    height:           40pt;
    width:            100%;
    background-color: #192E46; // rgb(25, 45, 70);
#top-title {
    text-align: center;
    color:      #FF0; // Yellow, or something like rgb(255, 190, 0);
    font:       bold 24pt Georgia, Garamond, serif;
    width:  500pt;
#bottom-banner {
    height:     60pt;
    width:      auto;
    background-color: DarkBlue;
.sub-title {
    color: White;
    font:  bold 12pt Georgia, Garamond, serif;
.description {
    text-align: justify;
#copyright {
    text-align: center; }

<header id="top-banner">
  <p id="top-title">Social Science: Philosophy</p>

<div id="central">
  <p class="sub-title">Introduction</p>

  <p class="description">Philosophy is the study of existense (or being), 
  knowledge (or reasoning), and truth. Philosophy seeks to comprehend what 
  truth is, how to evaluate it, and how it influences thoughts and ethics. Like 
  some other social science topics such as sociology or psychology, philosophy 
  examines both personal and crowd behavior but only as they relate to the mind. 
  An example is the thinking process that results in someone taking one action 
  rather than another (another person taking the same action or another person 
  taking a different action). Unlike the other social science fields, philosophy 
  doesn't concentrate on what is good or bad, or what is practical or weird, 
  or on how something should (is supposed to) be. Instead, philosophy delves 
  into the logic and the ethical reasons of what it (such as something or a 
  behavior) is.</p>

  <p class="description">Like most social science studies, philosophy can be 
  divided in different fields of concentration. These include:</p>

    <li>Natural Philosophy: This area of study considers the existing of the 
    universe, what was before, what is now, and what is coming</li>
    <li>Moral Philosophy: This if the field for human reasoning, behavior, 
    religion, thought, wisdom, sexuality, beliefs, attitudes, temper, judgement</li>
    <li>Scientific Philophy: This is the part that uses scientific methods 
    and logic to explain existence of, or to explore, ethics and thoughts. 
    In order words, how do human reasoning and ethics influence the make-up 
    and functioning of machines, and vice-versa</li>

<footer id="bottom-banner">
  <p id="copyright">Copyright &copy;, 2015</p>


In Internet Explorer, this would produce:

The Line Height of a Box

Here is the result in Google Chrome:

The Line Height of a Box

Here is the result in Firefox:

The Line Height of a Box

To assist you and the browser with the vertical alignment of text in a box, CSS provides a style named line-height. It must be applied to the style of the content of the box. The value of this style can be:

  • normal: This the default value and it means that the browser doesn't need to perform any calculation for text alignment
  • A Number: If you provide a constant number, the browser will multiply it to the size of the font. Here is an example:
    #top-title {
        text-align:  center;
        color:       #FF0;
        font:        bold 24pt Georgia, Garamond, serif;
        line-height: 3;
    This would produce:

    The Line Height of a Box

    The Line Height of a Box

  • A Length: The line height can be expressed as an HTML-based number. This would be the distance between the top border of the box and the baseline of the text. Here are examples:
    <title>Social Science Studies: Philosophy</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
        color: #F5F032; // rgb(245, 240, 50);
        font:  12pt Times New Roman, Garamond, serif;
        background-color: #375f91; // rgb(55, 95, 145)
    #top-banner {
        height:           40pt;
        width:            100%;
        background-color: #192E46; // rgb(25, 45, 70);
    #top-title {
        text-align:  center;
        color:       #FF0; // Yellow, or something like rgb(255, 190, 0);
        font:        bold 24pt Georgia, Garamond, serif;
        line-height: 40pt;
        width:  500pt;
    #bottom-banner {
        height:     60pt;
        width:      auto;
        background-color: DarkBlue;
    .sub-title {
        color: White;
        font:  bold 12pt Georgia, Garamond, serif;
    .description {
        text-align: justify;
    #copyright {
        text-align: center;
        line-height: 60pt; }
    <header id="top-banner">
      <p id="top-title">Social Science: Philosophy</p>
    <div id="central">
      <p class="sub-title">Introduction</p>
      <p class="description">Philosophy is the study of existense (or being), 
      knowledge (or reasoning), and truth. Philosophy seeks to comprehend what truth 
      is, how to evaluate it, and how it influences thoughts and ethics. Like other 
      social science topics such as sociology or psychology, philosophy examines both 
      personal and crowd behavior but only as they relate to the mind. An example is 
      the thinking process that results in someone taking one action rather than 
      another (another person taking the same action or another person taking a 
      different action). Unlike the other social science fields, philosophy doesn't 
      concentrate on what is good or bad, or what is practical or weird, or on how 
      something should (is supposed to) be. Instead, philosophy delves into the logic 
      and the ethical reasons of what it (such as something or a behavior) is.</p>
      <p class="description">Like most social science studies, philosophy can be 
      divided in different fields of concentration. These include:</p>
        <li>Natural Philosophy: This area of study considers the existing of the 
        universe, what was before, what is now, and what is coming</li>
        <li>Moral Philosophy: This if the field for human reasoning, behavior, 
        religion, thought, wisdom, sexuality, beliefs, attitudes, temper, 
        judgement, etc</li>
        <li>Scientific Philophy: This is the part that uses scientific methods 
        and logic to explain existence of, or to explore, ethics and thoughts. 
        In order words, how do human reasoning and ethics influence the make-up 
        and functioning of machines, and vice-versa</li>
    <footer id="bottom-banner">
      <p id="copyright">Copyright &copy;, 2015</p>
    This would produce:

    The Line Height of a Box

    The Line Height of a Box

    The Line Height of a Box

  • A Percentage: The value would relative to the height of the box that contains the text. Here is an example:
    #top-title {
        text-align:  center;
        color:       #FF0;
        font:        bold 24pt Georgia, Garamond, serif;
        line-height: 150%;

The Shadow of a Box

CSS allows you to decorate a box with a shadow. The style to do this is named box-shadow. The default value of this style is none, which indicates that the box should not show a shadow.

To show a shadow on a box, provide:

  • The Coordinates of the Shadow: The first value is the distance of the shadow on the right side of the box. The second values is the distance of the shadow at the bottom
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    #head {
        box-shadow: 0.45em 0.45em;
        background-color: DarkGreen;
    #doc-title {
        text-align:   center;
        color:        Thistle;
        font-variant: small-caps;
        font:         bold 24pt Bodoni, Elephant, Times, serif;
    .intro {
        background-color: SteelBlue;
    .description {
        text-align:   justify;
        color:        Seashell;
        font:         normal 12pt Times New Roman, Garamond, Times, serif;
    #head, .intro { width: 400pt; }
    <div id="head">
      <p id="doc-title">Psychology</p>
    <div class="intro">
      <p class="description">Psychology is a social science field that focuses on 
      the mind as it relates to human thoughts and behaviors. On one hand, 
      psychology gets inputs from sociology, philosophy, medicine, and ethnicity, 
      etc. on the other hand, psychology has a great influence on all sciences 
      that deal with   personal views and actions.</p>
      <p class="description">Psychology does not exclusively targets the 
      individual but it also considers any aspect in the   person's environment. 
      As a matter of facts, there are various fields of studies that derive from 

    This would produce:

    The Shadow of a Box - Number

    If you want the shadow to appear only on the right side, set the first value to a positive number and the second value to 0. If you want the shadow to appear only under the box, set the first value to 0 and the second value to a positive number. If you want to change the side where the shadow appears, set the values to positive or negative values. Consider the following example:
    #head {
        box-shadow: -0.45em 0.45em;
        background-color: DarkGreen;

    This would produce:

    The Shadow of a Box - Number

  • The Color of a Shadow: The default color of the shadow is black. If you want a different color, after the two values that represent the coordinates of the shadow, provide a third value as a color. Here are two examples:
    #head {
        box-shadow:       0.45em 0.45em Crimson;
        background-color: DarkGreen;
    .intro {
        box-shadow: 0.45em 0.45em Sienna;
        background-color: SteelBlue;

    This would produce:

    The Shadow of a Box

  • Blurring the Shadow: By default, a shadow appears in a solid color. In real life, a shadow is blurred. To create a blurring shadow, you have two options. If you to keep the default black shadow, provide 3 (HTML-based) numeric values. The first two values will be the coordinates of the shadow. The third value would be the degree of blur. Here is an example:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    #head {
        box-shadow:       0.45em 0.45em 0.28cm;
        background-color: DarkGreen;
    #doc-title {
        text-align:   center;
        color:        Thistle;
        font-variant: small-caps;
        font:         bold 24pt Bodoni, Elephant, Times, serif;
    .intro {
        box-shadow: 0.66em 0.72em 0.88em;
        background-color: SteelBlue;
    .description {
        text-align:   justify;
        color:        Seashell;
        font:         normal 12pt Times New Roman, Garamond, Times, serif;
    #head, .intro { width: 400pt; }
    <div id="head">
      <p id="doc-title">Psychology</p>
    <div class="intro">
      <p class="description">Psychology is a social science field that focuses on 
      the mind as it relates to human thoughts and behaviors. On one hand, 
      psychology gets inputs from sociology, philosophy, medicine, and 
      ethnicity, etc. on the other hand, psychology has a great influence on 
      all sciences that deal with   personal views and actions.</p>
      <p class="description">Psychology does not exclusively targets the 
      individual but it also considers any aspect in the   person's environment. 
      As a matter of facts, there are various fields of studies that derive from 

    This would produce:

    The Shadow of a Box - Number

    If you want to paint the shaddow with a color of your choice, provide 4 values in the appropriate order. The first 3 values must be HTML-based numbers. The first 2 numbers will be the coordinates of the shadow. The 3rd value will be the degree of blur. The 4th and last value must be the color of the shadow. Here are examples:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    #head {
        background-color: DarkGreen;
        box-shadow:       0.45em 0.45em 0.28cm Crimson;
    #doc-title {
        text-align:   center;
        color:        Thistle;
        font-variant: small-caps;
        font:         bold 24pt Bodoni, Elephant, Times, serif;
    .intro {
        background-color: SteelBlue;
        box-shadow:       0.66em 0.72em 0.88em Sienna;
    .description {
        text-align:   justify;
        color:        Seashell;
        font:         normal 12pt Times New Roman, Garamond, Times, serif;
    #head, .intro { width: 400pt; }
    <div id="head">
      <p id="doc-title">Psychology</p>
    <div class="intro">
      <p class="description">Psychology is a social science field that focuses on 
      the mind as it relates to human thoughts and behaviors. On one hand, 
      psychology gets inputs from sociology, philosophy, medicine, and ethnicity, 
      etc. on the other hand, psychology has a great influence on all sciences 
      that deal with personal views and actions.</p>
      <p class="description">Psychology does not exclusively targets the 
      individual but it also considers any aspect in the   person's environment. 
      As a matter of facts, there are various fields of studies that derive from 

    This would produce:

    The Shadow of a Box - Number


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